4.27 2009.11.16

* add a second argument to the example of the new command
* better explanation of the textcomp degree symbol commands
* Now that barack is in office we do not need all these 'you can's in the text
  anymore removed about 1k of them. 
* fix documentation on hyperref default settings by Gust Eilinger
* better english for the apppendix by Tobias Vidarss�nn Langhoff.
* use \textbackslash instead of $\backslash$.
* added notes on mongolian support by Dorjgotov Batumongke
* added big update to math from stefan m. moser
* added letter size to the build system

4.26 2008.09.25

* fix some spellig in the PGF section

4.25 2008.09.25

* added a section in TikZ&PGF graphics

* remove xy pics instead

* added an appendix on installing latex

* Added arraystretch and colsep to table section

* Removed references to Corel Draw

* Don't talk about 'macro package' when introducing latex
  no one knows what this is anyway.

* Fix for sample correlation formula on page 74 by Josue Guzman

4.24 2008.02.08

* A ton of fixes for the updated math chapter by Barbara Beeton herself.

Math Chapter reworked by Lan Thuy Pham:

* The amsmath package is now introduced in the beginning
  of the chapter, and it is assumed that the reader has loaded the package.

* Wrote a short intro to AMS-LaTeX.

* Added a bit about: partial, (wide)hat, bar, pieceswise functions, and from amsmath:
  dfrac, tfrac, tag, different matrix environments.

* Modified examples: equation, equation*, \text, Greek letters, exponents
  ans subscripts, \(c/l)dot(s), under/overline, under/overbrace, \vec,
  \frac, \binom, stackrel, delimiters, align/eqnarray, long equations,
  array, matrix, spacing, phantoms, (bold) math fonts, \displaystyle...

* Removed: \( \) and the "math" environment, displaymath, subarray,
  eqnarray, some of the array and phantom examples, textrm.

* Added Note about upper case Greek letters.

* Added a new table: Arrows as Accents.

* Rearranged the "Delimiters"-table a bit.

* Added \clearpage after the non-amsmath stuff (to stop LaTeX from complaining).

* Added a couple of labels.

*  Added a reference to Math Fonts (\ref{mathfonts}) at Math Alphabets.

* Rearranged some of the ams-tables to optimise the space.

4.22 2007.06.30
* fixed my email address

4.21 2007.06.26
* removed eurofont from the archive since the license does not allow us
  to redistribut them ... 
* added \mathring to list of math accents
* make a note that label must come after the caption.
* changed wording in the descriprion of the stretch command by tobi
* replace metafont and metapost with their logos by tobi
* improved wording for pagebreak, linebreak commands by Robin Fairbairns
* fix the last page counter by Morten H�gholm

4.20 2006.05.31
* fixed spurious noindent on page iv

4.19 2006.05.30
* added missing files to source archive

4.18 2006.05.30
* section headings should be leftaligned
* added notes on amsthm suggested by Daniel Flipo
* improved explanation ifpdf package 
* use  \textasciigrave for ` and \textquotesingle for ' by Tahir Hassan <tah16@leicester.ac.uk>
* Reworde the mentioning of the preamble where I introduce the comment command.
* updated eurofonts again based on Daniel Flipo's work for the french lshort
* we should use utf8x for inputenc
* mention unicode option for hyperref
* mention active language after calling usepackage bable with multiple languages.
* Added section on writing greek text by Nikolaos Pothitos <n.pothitos@di.uoa.gr>

4.17 2005.09.27
* removed eurosans package I did never get it to actually display a symbol with all the
  other euro packages loaded at the same time.
* made mentions of Latin and Cyrillic consistently capitalized
* added note on Latin modern outline fonts to replace EC in pdfs
* added proc and minimal class
* mention companion 2nd edition
* update for ifpdf section from Morten H�gholm
* print from 4.1 to chapter 5 for pure latex graphics

4.16 2005.05.08
* include properly rendered PDF version with the distribution

4.15 2005.05.08
* replaced pdfscreen with beamer for presentations. Used text from the french
  lshort by Daniel Flipo as a basis for this.
* eqref requires amslatex 
* use \centering to  put figure into the center as begin/end{center} adds
  extra vertical space as suggested in http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/l2tabu/english/l2tabuen.pdf
* fixed missing , after pdfauthor on page 77
* added note on texdoc 
* renames longtabular to longtable
* added notes on greek TeX -- Dimitrios 'sehh' Michelinakis <dimitrios@michelinakis.gr>
* added notes about pronunciation of ch in ach

4.14 2004.04.04
* improved explanation of raisebox parameters
* added pagelayout parameters to index
* added caption to includegraphics example
* better examples for math fonts -- Vadym Lepetyuk <lepetyuk@econ.umn.edu>
* note in pdf fonts section that fonts may work just fine in a modern tex installation
* have label inside caption 
* rephrase the back-tick grave stuff
* it's textcomp and not texcomp

* added comment on bad rendering of example in Quotes section
* added section on abstract
* added note on textcelsius and texdegree in texcomp
* added section on ignorespaces and ignorespacesafterend

* fixed order of hebrwe letters to be 'alphabetic'
* fixed colons in table 3.7 (Rightarrow was captured by marovsym)
* added cyrguide bibliogrphay entry back in ... 
* table head in eurotable translated to english
* remove kees.fig from Makefile
* some wording fixes to the cirillic section.
* added pdfstringdefDisableCommands to the preamble to fix some broken bookmarks -- Maksym Polyakov
* reworded the paragraph on the position argument of the newsavebox command.

* added graphic.tex file to source distro

* Integrated EuroSymbol table from the french translation by Daniel Flipo
* Created new chapter: graphics with description on the picture environment by Urs Oswald.
* Moved Xy pics to the graphics chapter
* compile with cm-super fonts for now
* updates to the hyperref syntax table -- Maksym Polyakov
* rewritten sectons on fontencoding, inputencoding -- Maksym Polyakov
* section on cyrillic support -- Maksym Polyakov
* turned CTAN references into URLs as suggested by Maksym Polyakov    
* minor updates to pdfscreen section as suggested by Maksym Polyakov
* other little spellers
* get rid of color in ps output ... we do not need it ... tobi
* added note on p{} to tabular section
* minor fixes to pdf section --- Matthias Dreier
* added note on changeing baselineskip instead of using linespread.
* added example for using the index command.

* many minor fixes and edits in pagebreaks
* added note on cm-super
* punctuation, wording, big patch from Baron Schwartz
* Translated and integreated the pdfTeX description from the 
  franch version of lshort.
* Added descrion of the .fd files
* \part is available in article too
* small backports from the french translation
* drop atop and choose. Replace by binom
* put notes on Float Placing Permissions where they belong
* added eqref
* mention landscape option of default document classes
* mathcal update
* changed section headings in first sample
* drop latex structure figure from the intro as it is way to complex for a beginner to understand.
* drop LaTeX2e story ... who care these days
* added note on swiss use of >>guillemets<<
* added note on eurosymb
* added note on dvipdf
* added article on Korean Support
* added Xy Pic intro
* more symbols aded -- alex mai

From Tobi
* Added some notes on problems when running latex to section 1.5
* added oddsidemargin to layout graphics 
* added note on the AE package
* added extension and font indexes
* mention optional label in bibitem
* rephrase hyphenation explanation
* added \aa to index
* rearranged PageLayout section
From Alexander Mai <mai@migdal.ikp.physik.tu-darmstadt.de>
* mini rewrites for math explanations
* improved makefile
* improved table environment spec

From Daniel Flipo <daniel.flipo@univ-lille1.fr>
* section on french language support

From Maksym Polyakov <polyama@myrealbox.com>
* parbox is not an evironment
* line 248 rephrasing

From Alexander Mai <st002279@hrzpub.tu-darmstadt.de>
* tabular presentation of input encodings
* description of a typical commandline latex session
* \X{\lvert}&\X{\rvert}&\X{\lVert}&\X{\rVert}
* bigskip smallskip description
* new ctan reference
* cdot for the math section

From Tobi
* added lshort.ist to insert letters between index sections
* added comment on plus and minus in setlength
* degree symbol
* moved fragile commands section to chapter 2
* no more bad boxes ... neither over nor underfull
* no more oscilating text

From Many
* spelling fixes

changed wording on \apendix \frontmatter \backmatter ... 
fixed pagebreaks in math chapter

compile fixed for environments where TEXINPUTS is set
replace the environemnt command with lscommand
  it seems command is too common .. (Alex Mai)

Added more info on the inputenc package.
Added Section on German Language support. Sections for other languages are welcome.
Better explanation of the \section[xxx]{yyy} syntax
Changed wording for Cross Ref
Changed wording on Quotation Marks
added note on fbox.
added \underline command
\cleardoublepage goes to a righthand page
added \cline
added section on package installation contributed by Joseph Hilferty

Fixed upload procedure
Some spelling fixes
Updated old URLs

Integrated a number of spelling and logic fixes by Bj�rn Hvittfeldt

Even better Makefile
Update TODO

Better Makefile
Added description of Today, TeX, LaTeX, LaTeXe
Added description of file extensions you will find when working with latex
Some CTAN references fixed
Better explanation for hyphenation command
Added paragraph on typesetting tildes ...
Added example with multicol and borders (|c|)
Added Hamster disadvantage ...
How todo a tilde

Replaced first section (TeX) as suggested by Michael John Downes in order to
be more in sync with the real events ...

better explanation for sloppy/fussy
\sin and frinds in index
pointer to whitespace after non argument commands information in custom.tex

removed some exess files from tar files 

* included a number of minor fixes from Alexander Mai ...

* Added sections on \phantom and \protect commands, based
  on a contribution from Alexander Mai
* Added section on lines in array environments ... thanks Alex
* rephrased newcommand section ... again thnaks to Alex

* re-release to for some even spelling :-) 

* released on CTAN ... 

* even smaller factual errors corrected ...

* minor spelling fixes

* lots of small patches from Prof Ripley ... 
* fixed compile problem on first run ...
* properly packaged the whole thing ....


* added better explanation of the difference between newline and linebreak 
* added about 1000 spell and detail fixed contributed by Hanspeter Schmid
* added new section: The Structure of Text and Language contributed by
  Hanspeter Schmid
* added more verbose explanation about babel and hyphenation

* Var spell and other fixes. Especially the ftp.shsu.edu reference 
  has been fixed.

* Restructuring of the Chapter 4 for didactical reasons ... 
* moved some bits to the new Chapter 5. 
* added 15 pages of new material ... 

* it's slides and not slide ... p8
* pointer to foiltex added ... p8

2.2 non beta 13/10/97
* made the thing compile with pdftex and hyperref

David Frey:
* Sensible copyright notice
* some mathematical error in math mode
* correct Murphy ...

Cyril Goutte:
* typos

Martin Maechler:
* an Inch is exactly 25.4 mm!

2.2 7/11/95
Christian Kern:
 * Spelling, and some suggestions for new stuff to inlcude

Young U. Ryu:
 * Spelling and some errors in latex

Cyril Goutte:
 * Some additions for math

Brian Ripley:
 * Spelling, LateX 95/12/1 compatibility
 * Some more real english .... :-)
 * AMS-LaTeX now prefers eucal to euscript, so he has altered both
   lssym.tex and lshort2e.sty.
 * He has corrected some examples in chapter 3 which would be regarded
   as bad practice in mathematical typesetting.
 * He has added a section on bold symbols, and conditionals for amsbsy.

2.1 17/6/1995
Rasmus Borup Hansen:
 * tonns of spelling mistakes and some suggestions for more logic ...

Josef Tkadlec:
 * some spellings 
 * all new hopefully even more usefull maths tables ...

2.0 5/6/1995
Mike Ressler:
 * Fixed Loads of spelling Mistakes.
1.9.9: 16/5/95
 * General Makeover

 * Added Preface.

 * Added example to math.tex

 * Introduced intro environment. I am going to add a short describtion about
   what the user can expect, to each chapter.

 * Page Layout. spec.tex now contains a copy of the Geometry page layout
   parameters page. Provided by the layout package from the tools bundle.

 * newcommand, newenvironament and newtheorem are described.

 * new dynamic document title

 * using fancy headings for header.

1.2:  8/2/95
Revoved all | |  in an attempt to make
the document latex2html compatible ... failed :-(

* Odd spelling mistakes

David Jones:
* "Whitespace Description" ...

* Many Spelling fixes Some requests for examples

* Fixed Irene Hyna addr

* "Character" spelling

* ref to indexing without backslash ...

1.1:  17/11/94
* Spelling.
* Removed numerical from section 1.3.3 (suggesting \3 as a valid command)
* \quad as MATH spacing
* No Pagenumber on first Page

* Fixed @{} Discussion (thanks)

* Letter case in \hyphenation ignored
* `|-|.'' 
* shelf\mbox{}ful because TeX can `forget' {} after hyphenation attempt
* pointer to dcolumn package
* standard calsses assume [tbp] !
* Pointer to amstex and  exscale package added to \big description
* Thanks for symbols.tex
* |*| and | | as forbidden delimiters with verb
* refrence to amsfonts removed
* LaTeX \vspace works within a paragraph ... (-> normally)
* Pointer to graphguide.tex

* `horizontal' and Page Style Indexentries
* Odd Spell Fix
* pagestyle index entries
* Commented out display style example, to keep total size down to 58 Pages
* Fixed eufrak problem thanks David and Martien