# Probably this will not generate the exact , but quite accurate,
# I guess if this list is sorted from more general to more specific
# sed would translate first "nombre_enlace" than "nombre",
# and thus we'd have an almost exact translation

#anyway it's a good first step!

spanish_to_english = [("fichero", "file"),
		      ("index", "indice"),
		      ("contador_articulos", "articles_counter"),
		      ("indice :numero para crear cada uno de los ficheros", 
		       "index: number for creating each file"),
		      ("Este programa analiza un fichero Too.te y genera una serie", 
		       "This programm analizes the file Too.tex and generates several"),
		      ("de indices",
		       "of indices"),
		      ("Para la base de datos de articulos",
		       "For the articles data base"),
		      ("espacios", "spaces"),
		      ("indiceg", "index_keyword"),
		      ("lineas_temp", "temp_lines"),
		      ("indices_asociados", "associated_indexes"),
		      ("articulos_asociados_a_indices", "articles_related_to_indexes"),
		      ("respuestas", "answers"),
		      ("alguno", "at_least_one_article"),
		      ("analiza", "analize"),
		      ("es_un_indice", "is_an_index"),
		      ("procesa_indice", "process_index"),
		      ("asocia_con_respuesta", "associate_with_answer"),
		      ("asocia_indices", "associate_indices"),
		      ("tiene_indices", "it_has_indexes"),
		      ("quitamos verb, ponemos acentos y eso...",
		       "we remove verb, put accents and things like that..."),
		      ("cada una de las respuestas sobre un tema y la pregunta",
		       "each answer about a subject and the question"),
		      ("inicial son dividas en varias partes, esta funcion une",
		       "initial are divided into several parts, this function puts together"),
		      ("todo en respuestas", "everything in answers"),
		      ("dict_indices", "dict_indexes"),
		      ("asociado", "associated"),
		      ("indeses", "indexes"),
		      ("el", "the"),
		      ("adev", "for_return"),
		      ("Estos son los articulos disponibles",
		       "These are the available articles"),
		      ("Articulo ", "Article"),
		      ("Al indice principal", "To the main menu"),
		      ("genera_pie", "generate_foot"),
		      ("tema", "subject"),
		      ("genera_enlace", "generate_link"),
		      ("genera_cuerpo", "generate_body"),
		      ("contador", "counter"),
		      ("hazlo", "doit"),
		      ("nombre_enlace", "link_name"),
		      ("nombre", "name"),

exp = "'"
for i in spanish_to_english:
    exp = exp + " s/\<"+i[0]+"\>/"+i[1]+"/g;"

import os

exp= exp +"'"

a = "sed -e "+exp+" AnalizaToo.py"
print a