%% symbols.ist
%% This is a modification by Scott Pakin <scott+clsl@pakin.org> of
%% gind.ist that uses hyperref to add a PDF bookmark for each new letter
%% heading.  See the makeindex manual page for a description of the
%% commands used in this file.

actual '='
quote '!'
level '>'
item_x1   "\\efill \n \\subitem "
item_x2   "\\efill \n \\subsubitem "
delim_0   "\\pfill "
delim_1   "\\pfill "
delim_2   "\\pfill "
% The next lines will produce some warnings when
% running Makeindex as they try to cover two different
% versions of the program:
lethead_prefix    "\n\\indexheading{"
leathead_suffix   "}\n"
lethead_flag      1
heading_prefix    "\n\\indexheading{"
heading_suffix    "}\n"
headings_flag     1

%% End of file `symbols.ist'.