
Installation of LaTeX for Malayalam

This release of LaTeX for Malayalam has only been tested on
Linux systems. However, it should work on any OS
with a working TeX distribution. Precompiled binaries
of the preprocessor are provided for Linux only. On other
systems, you will have to compile the sources yourself.

Note: This package will not work with teTeX versions before 3.
Please update teTeX before installing this package.
Using the TeXLive distribution is highly recommended, since
development of teTeX is now frozen, and T.E. himself recommends
using TeXLive.

To Install on a Linux System:

Note: This package needs 'ifpdf.sty'. This should normally be
available with your TeX distribution. If not, get it from CTAN.

1. Unpack the tarball.

2. Change to the distribution directory and type "./install.sh"
   at the command prompt (without the quotes). This should
   install all the necessary files at their proper locations.
   You will have to choose the directories for installation.
   The defaults should be ok for most systems.

3. Everything should be working fine now. You can test the
   installation by compiling the example sources in
   `examples' subdirectory.

Non-Linux Systems:

You will have to manually copy all the files to their
proper positions. (Ask the local TeXpert).

Documentation can be found in `{TEXMF}/doc/indic/malayalam'.

Alex A.J. <malayalamtex@gmail.com>