Then aeb_tilebg Package This newest package is a simple application of established packages graphicx, multido and AeB Web. The package takes a rectangular graphic and uses it to tile the background of the pages. Download your favorite tiled background swatch from the Internet, convert it to an .eps or a .pdf format (depending if you use distiller---should work for users of Ghostscript as well---or pdftex), place that image in the same folder as your source document. Now, anywhere in your document, use the command \setTileBgGraphic to create your tiled background. Other features Turn tiling on or off. Draft mode (an package option) used during the content development stage. Change the way the tiles are laid out, change from top-to-bottom to bottom-to-top. Installation Instructions: Unzip the distribution where your latex installation looks for package files. Unzipping will create a create a folder named aeb_tilebg, and the files will be deposited in this folder. Don't forget to refresh you filename database, if you system requires it. Read the documentation in the doc folder, and view the examples in the examples folder. More frequent updates to this package will be posted at Enjoy! Now, I must get back to my retirement. dps 06/06/07