% Copyright 2007 by Till Tantau
% This file may be distributed and/or modified
% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
% 2. under the GNU Public License.
% See the file doc/licenses/LICENSE for more details.

\ProvidesPackageRCS $Header: /cvsroot/latex-beamer/latex-beamer/base/beamerbasetheorems.sty,v 1.10 2007/01/28 20:48:21 tantau Exp $







% For old versions of amsthm

% Redfine certain amsthm internals:
  \thm@headpunct{.}% add period after heading
  #1% style overrides
    \expandafter\def\expandafter\inserttheoremnumber\expandafter{ \csname the#2\endcsname}



  \normalfont % body font

  \usebeamertemplate{theorem begin}#2}
\def\@endtheorem{\usebeamertemplate{theorem end}}

  \usebeamertemplate{proof begin}#2}
{\popQED\usebeamertemplate{proof end}}


\def\qedsymbol{\leavevmode\hbox{\usebeamertemplate*{qed symbol}}}



    % Make new theorem overlay-specification-aware




  \newcommand{\ExampleInline}[1]{\translate{Example}: \ignorespaces#1}

  % Compatiblity:
  \newcommand{\BeispielInline}[1]{Beispiel: \ignorespaces#1}



    % Compatibility

% End in common mode

%%% Local Variables: 
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "~/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/examples/beamerexample1.tex"
%%% End: