% package file for gcard package: typeset four ``panels'' on a single
% sheet so that sheet can be folded twice to produce a greeting card.
% Uses \rotatebox command from the graphicx package to invert two 
% of the panels, and the textpos package to place all four panels on 
% the page.  

\ProvidesPackage{gcard}[2007/08/21 simple greeting card package]

% main code begins here; each panel will be typeset and stored in 
% the box register \paneltext

% Define lengths 

% Set default values for margins.  These are the apparent margins after
% the card has been folded.  The user should set these four to taste.
% All four panels use the same margins.
% Here, edge and gutter are set the same, as are top and bottom; that's
% not required, and it's okay to use 4 different values.
\setlength{\gcguttermargin}{0.2 in} % inside of panel  
\setlength{\gcedgemargin}{\gcguttermargin}  % outside
\setlength{\gctopmargin}{0.2 in}        % top
\setlength{\gcbottommargin}{\gctopmargin}  % bottom

% Define environments for four panels.  The two outside ones (frontcover and
% backcover) need to be rotated.
% These environments place the user's material vertically centered in a minipage
% of width \panelwidth and height \panelheight.




% turn off page numbering
% User should have chosen margins by now; compute panel sizes
% and ``step sizes'' for placing panels
\setlength{\TPHorizModule}{\panelwidth + 2\gcguttermargin}
\setlength{\TPVertModule}{\panelheight + 2\gctopmargin}
% Set position of upper left corner of upper left panel (front cover)
% with command from textpos package.
