eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q'
  if 0;
use strict;

# That was one of my first perl-scripts, so excuse the style...
#   Thomas Emmel <emmel@mechanik.tu-darmstadt.de> 7/2000

my $usage = <<"EOFUSE";
Syntax:  genbutton [options] <eps file>
  --proto=<file>:   prototype for the output file
  --output=<file>:  output file
  --scolor=xxx,xxx,xxx: Start with Color RGB 0-255
  --ecolor=xxx,xxx,xxx: End with Color RGB 0-255

# options

use Getopt::Long;
GetOptions (
) or die $usage;

my $proto = $::opt_proto;
my $output = $::opt_output;
my $scolor = $::opt_scolor;
my $ecolor = $::opt_ecolor;

my @srgblist = split(/,/,$scolor);
my @ergblist = split(/,/,$ecolor);

# count lines with field number 4 is "rg" in proto

print STDOUT "p=$proto, o=$output, s=@srgblist, e=@ergblist \n";

open(PROTO,$proto) || die "Cannot open $proto for reading!";
open(OUT,">$output") || die "Cannot open $output for writing!";

my $numoflevels = 0;

while (<PROTO>) {
    chomp;      # strip record separator
    my @Fld = split(' ', $_, 5);
    my $fldlength = @Fld;
    if ($Fld[3] eq 'rg' ){      # && $fldlength == 4) {
#        print $Fld[1] . ' ' . $Fld[1] . ' ' . $Fld[1] . '  rg';
#        print " $fldlength \n";

print "$numoflevels\n" ;

my @diffcolors = (0,0,0);
my $i;

for ($i=0;$i<=2;$i++)
  { $diffcolors[$i]= ($ergblist[$i]-$srgblist[$i])/($numoflevels-1)/255;
    $srgblist[$i]*=1/255; }

# and again...

while (<PROTO>) {
    chomp;      # strip record separator
    my @Fld = split(' ', $_, 5);
    my $fldlength = @Fld;
    if ($Fld[3] eq 'rg' ){   # && $fldlength == 4) {
        print OUT $srgblist[0] . ' ' . $srgblist[1] . ' ' . $srgblist[2] . ' rg';
        print OUT " \n";
    } else
      { print OUT "$_\n"; }

print "@diffcolors \n";

#cat $input | awk '{if ($4 == "rg") print $1" "$1" "$1"  rg"; else print $0 }'