%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%          gtpart.cls       %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%  Format file for articles written in LaTeX for publication in 
%   Geometry & Topology Publications.  This version inputs hyperref  
%   and uses Times fonts where possible.  It is for use from 2006
%   onwards.  It is common to GT, AGT and GTM, uses MSP metadata
%   format and duplicates as far as practicable MSP style.    
%                                      Colin Rourke, December 2006 
%  For full instructions see gtpartdoc.pdf (available from the same
%   directory as this file).
%      (gtart.cls v1.6 -- hyperref + times + MSP metadata) 
%%  Check for fairly recent version of latex2e :
  \DeclareMathSizes{10}   {10}   {7}{6}% from msp.cls
  \DeclareMathSizes{10.95}{10.95}{8}{6}% from msp.cls
%  Times fonts and Times math symbols 
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\DeclareMathSymbol +{\mathbin}{emcmr}{`+}
\DeclareMathSymbol ={\mathrel}{emcmr}{`=}  
%    some accents and useful symbols (from L'Ensiegnment class file)
\def\`#1{{\accent"12 #1}}            % grave accent
\def\H#1{{\accent"CD #1}}            % double acute accent
\def\j{{\sf\J}}                      % j without dot 
\chardef\AA="C8                      % Angstrom
\chardef\gbp="A3                     % pound sign           
\chardef\TIL="81                     % tilde on line
\chardef\pourmille="BD               % %sign
\chardef\aoben="E3                   % ^a
\chardef\ooben="EB                   % ^o
\def\D#1{{\accent"C7 #1}}            % overdot
\DeclareMathAccent{\dot}{\mathalpha}{operators}{"C7} % ditto math mode
% double diamond brackets, usage:  \og TEXTE \fg   or   {\og}TEXTE{\fg}
% Polish cedilla:
\def\cedpol#1{\setbox0=\hbox{#1}\ifdim\ht0=1ex \accent"CE #1%
%  endgame (MUST COME BEFORE hyperref)
\AtEndDocument{{\small\parskip 0pt\vskip11pt minus 5pt\relax
{\sl \def\\{\futurelet\next\nocommawithnl}\def\nocommawithnl
{\rightskip0pt plus .4\hsize
  \vskip5pt minus 3pt\theemail\par\fi
  \vskip5pt minus 3pt\theurl\par\fi}
  \vskip11pt minus 5pt
  \def\tempab{}\ifx\receiveddate\tempab\else Received:\qua\receiveddate\fi
  \ifx\reviseddate\tempab\else\qquad Revised:\qua \reviseddate\fi\par}}}
%  hyperref stuff
%   \arxiv and \MR are for use in the biblio eg:
%   \arxiv{math.GT/0102334}  \MR{2002j:32027}
{\tt arXiv:\penalty -100\unskip#1}}    
\def\xox#1{\csname xx#1\endcsname} %%% used by 
\let\xxarXiv\arxiv\let\xxMR\MR     %%% gtart.bst
%  \autoref is very crude.  It uses counters to distinguish environments
%  so that if say {lemma} uses the {theorem} counter, then autrorefs
%  which should come out Lemma X.Y in fact come out Theorem X.Y.  To
%  correct this give each its own counter eg:
%                 \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section]
%                 \newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma}[section]
%  and then equate the counters by commands like:
%                 \makeatletter
%                   \let\c@lemma\c@theorem
%                  \makeatother
%  To work correctly the environment name must have a corrresponding 
%  \XXXautorefname defined.  The following command does the job:
%  Some standard autorefnames.  If the environment name for an autoref 
%  you need is not listed below, add a similar line to your TeX file:
\makeautorefname{maintheorem}{Main theorem}%
\makeautorefname{mainthm}{Main theorem}%
%                  *** End of hyperref stuff ***
%  Basic layout :
%  get print centerpage:
\headsep 23pt
\footskip 35pt
\hoffset -4truemm
\voffset 12.5truemm
\newskip\stdskip                      % standard vertical space
\stdskip=6.6pt plus3.3pt minus3.3pt    
\newcommand{\stdspace}{\hskip 0.75em plus 0.15em \ignorespaces}
\let\qua\stdspace  %  useful abbreviation 
\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.05}  %   open up a tad to match msp
%  Some style commands (\ppar is for principal paragraph breaks, \sh is
%  for subheadings and \rk for remarks etc -- see also theorem style 
%  below ) :
\newcommand{\sh}[1]{\penalty-800\ppar{\bf #1}\par\medskip\nobreak}
\newcommand{\rk}[1]{\ppar{\bf #1}\stdspace}    
%   Theorem style.  There are two recommended styles :
%   plain : for theorems, corollaries etc with heading bold
%   and left justified, optional note bracketed in roman type
%   and statement in slanted type.
%   definition : (alias remark)  for definitions, remarks etc with
%   heading bold and left justified, optional note unbracketed in 
%   slanted type and statement in roman type.
%  Redefine the amsthm styles plain, definition and remark to GTP style:
\newtheoremstyle{plain}{13.2pt plus6.6pt minus6.6pt}{6.6pt plus3.3pt minus3.3pt}%
{\sl}{}{\bf}{}{0.75em}{\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\thmnote{\rm\stdspace(#3)}}
\newtheoremstyle{definition}{13.2pt plus6.6pt minus6.6pt}{6.6pt plus3.3pt minus3.3pt}%
{\rm}{}{\bf}{}{0.75em}{\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\thmnote{\rm\stdspace(#3)}}
\newtheoremstyle{remark}{13.2pt plus6.6pt minus6.6pt}{6.6pt plus3.3pt minus3.3pt}%
{\rm}{}{\bf}{}{0.75em}{\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\thmnote{\rm\stdspace(#3)}}
%  Default theorem style :
%  adapt the amsthm proof environment to GTP style 
  \normalfont \topsep\stdskip
%                 Knuth's \square macro :
\def\sqr#1#2{{\vcenter{\vbox{\hrule  height.#2pt
	\hbox{\vrule width.#2pt height#1pt \kern#1pt \vrule width.#2pt}
	\hrule height.#2pt}}}}
\def\sq{\sqr55}           %    A small square for end-of-proofs. 
\def\qedsymbol{$\sqr55$}  %   (Define other size squares by varing the
%                         %   the two numbers.)
%  some useful abbreviations :
\newcommand{\co}{\mskip0.5mu\colon\thinspace}   % Colon for maps.
\newcommand{\np}{\newpage}            %  Forced page break (new page).
\newcommand{\nl}{\hfil\break}         %  New line.
\newcommand{\cl}{\centerline}         %  Centerline
%  metadata items:
%  title
%  author(s)
          \def\theshortauthors{\rootauthors\ and #1}\fi
 \else\edef\rootauthors{\previousrootauthors, \lastauthor}
      \def\lastauthor{#1}\def\theshortauthors{\rootauthors\ and #1}\fi}
%  address
 \def\theaddress{\previousaddresses\par\vskip 3pt minus 2pt\par#1}\fi}
%  email
            \gdef\theemail{\previousemails, \href{mailto:#1}{#1}}\fi\fi}
%  url    %%% needs linking
            \def\theurl{\previousurls, \href{#1}{#1}}\fi\fi}
%  main abstract
%  other abstracts (used just for publication)
%  subject class (from msp.cls--simplified)
  \ifx\@tempa\@tempb            %%%% primary class
        \edef\old@primclass{\@primclass}\def\@primclass{\old@primclass, #3}%
  \else\ifx\@secclass\relax%       everything not marked primary is taken
         \def\@secclass{#3}%       to be secondary
         \edef\old@secclass{\@secclass}\def\@secclass{\old@secclass, #3}%
\def\subjclass#1{\@message{ }
     \@message{\string\subjclass\space is not supported; use
      \string\subject}\@message{You can use an
      arbitrary number of commands of the form}
      \@message{\string\subject{secondary}{MSC2000}{77X66}... etc.}
       \@message{ }} 
%  keywords (only used for publication)
\def\keywords#1{\@message{ }\@message{\string\keywords\space not supported; use
      \string\keyword}\@message{You can use an
      arbitrary number of commands of the form}
      \@message{\string\keyword{key phrase}... etc.}\@message{ }} 
%  dedicatory and thanks
\def\dedicatory#1{\def\thededicatory{#1}\@message{ }
\@message{Dedications are only permitted in exceptional cases.}
\@message{Please consult the managing editors before adding a dedication.}
\@message{Thanks etc should be given as acknowledgements at the end} 
\@message{of your introduction or at the end of the paper.}
\@message{ }\relax}
\def\thanks#1{\@message{ }
\@message{Thanks should not appear on the title page.}
\@message{Please give thanks as acknowledgements at the end of your 
introduction}\@message{or at the end of the paper.}
\@message{ }\relax}
%  set metadata items to \relax to initialise macros :
%   metadata items used just for publication
%   metadata items used in running heads etc 
%  defaults for mockup
\def\publisheddate{XX Xxxember 20XX}
% start of definition of \maketitle
\vglue 10pt plus 3pt minus 3pt %% top space
% title :
{\parskip=0pt\leftskip 0pt plus 1fil{\def\\{\par\smallskip}\Large
\bf\thetitle}\par\vskip 3pt}  

% authors :
{\parskip=0pt\leftskip 0pt plus 1fil{\sc\theauthors}
\vglue 20pt plus 3pt minus 3pt
% abstract :
{\small\leftskip 25pt\rightskip 25pt\parskip 4pt plus 2pt
%  msc classes :
\vglue 7pt plus 2pt
\href{http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/search/mscdoc.html?code=\ifx\@primclass\relax\@secclass\else\@primclass\ifx\@secclass\relax\else,(\@secclass)\fi\fi}{{\ifx\@primclass\relax\@secclass\else\@primclass\ifx\@secclass\relax\else; \@secclass\fi\fi}}
%  dedicatory
  \vglue 7ptplus 2pt\it\thededicatory\fi\par\medskip}}
%  end of definition of \maketitle
%  journal titles in GTP style
\def\gt{{\mathsurround=0pt\it $\cal G\mskip-2mu$eometry \&\ 
$\cal T\!\!$opology}}                %  The journal title in recommended style
\def\gtm{{\mathsurround=0pt\it $\cal G\mskip-2mu$eometry \&\ 
$\cal T\!\!$opology $\cal M\mskip-1mu$onographs}}  %  for monographs
\def\agt{{\mathsurround=0pt\it$\cal A\mskip-.7mu$lgebraic \&\ 
$\cal G\mskip-2mu$eometric $\cal T\!\!$opology}}  % AGT
\def\jtitle{\gt} %default
\def\stitle{gt} %default
\def\agtart{\def\jtitle{\agt}  %%% sets AGT as the journal title
\def\gtmonart{\def\jtitle{\gtm} %%% sets GTM as the journal title
%  headline and footline
\ifmockup\jtitle\ \thevolumenumber\ (\thepublicationyear)
\hfill {\bf\number\count0}\fi\else\ifodd\count0
\def\\{\unskip\space}\ifx\theshorttitle\relax \thetitle \else\theshorttitle\fi\hfill
{\it Published: \publisheddate}\hfil
                       \rm\href{http://dx.doi.org/\thedoi}{DOI: \thedoi}
\else \jtitle\ \thevolumenumber\ (\thepublicationyear)\hfill\fi\fi}}
%   hacks to get various items of style correct :
%   set footnotes in 10pt type:
\def\footnote#1{\@footnote@{\small #1}}
\let\fnote\footnote    % useful abbreviation for \footnote
%  set captions in 10pt type  (hack of excerpt from hyperref.sty) :
  \par\addcontentsline{\csname ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}{%
    \protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}%
    \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{%
%  command to suppress the colon in captions (hack from article.cls) :
  \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize
    \global \@minipagefalse
%  automate colon suppression
%  set displayskips to correct values :
%  get the biblio style correct (10pt with small gaps):
\def\thebibliography#1 {\@thebibliography@{999}\small\parskip0pt 
%  Get item spacing reasonable :
\def\itemize{\@itemize@\parskip 0pt\relax}
\def\@listi{\leftmargin28.5pt\parsep 0pt\topsep 0pt 
 \itemsep4pt plus3pt minus2pt}
%  get enumeration labels to use \rm
\renewcommand{\labelenumi}{{\rm (\theenumi)}}
\renewcommand{\labelenumii}{{\rm (\theenumii)}}
\renewcommand{\labelenumiii}{{\rm (\theenumiii)}}

%  and spacing to match \itemize 
\def\enumerate{\@enumerate@\parskip 0pt\relax}
%  misc definitions for comptibility with amsthm, msp.cls etc
\def\bysame{\leavevmode\hbox to3em{\hrulefill}\thinspace}
\def\makeop#1{\expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname{\mathop{\mathrm{#1}}\nolimits}}
% History of gtart.cls:
% Version 1.1:  14 December 97   
% Version 1.2:  (update for AGT) 18 October 00
% Version 1.3:  \gtart, \makegtmontitle and \gtmonart added 5.01.01
% Version 1.4:  hyperef version (new file name: gtart_h.cls 15.02.04)
% Version 1.5:  hyperef+times+MSP m-data (new file name: gtpart.cls 20.12.06) 
% Version 1.6:  bug-fix for hyperref 6.75 (26.11.07)