%%%%                   pinlabel.sty     Version 1.1
%%%%                     Written by Colin Rourke 
%%%%              Based on geompsfi.sty by Silvio Levy
%%%%              Based on psfig.sty by Trevor Darrell
%%%%        Copyright 2006 Mathematical Sciences Publishers (MSP)
%%%%                              NOTICE
%%%%  This package may be distributed and/or modified under the 
%%%%  conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 
%%%%  1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%%%%  The latest version of this license is in
%%%%           http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%%%%  and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%%%%  version 2005/12/01 or later.
%%%%  This package has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained' and is
%%%%  currently maintained by MSP:  contact@mathscipub.org 
%%%%  It comprises the files: pinlabel.sty (this file) and the manual
%%%%  pinlabdoc.pdf where full documentation may be found, togther 
%%%%  with the source files for the documentation.
%%%%  pinlabel.sty  is designed for inserting perfectly formatted TeX
%%%%       labels in eps or pdf files for inclusion in documents.
%%%%       It uses the coordinates provided by ghostview (or gv) to
%%%%       position the label and reads the relevant bounding box
%%%%       information from the eps file (which must be provided: if
%%%%       your figure exists only as a pdf file, then run pdf2eps).
%%%%       Several features are provided which facilitate perfect 
%%%%       first-time label positioning, of which the most important
%%%%       is auto-spacing, which sets the label a predetermined gap
%%%%       away from the figure object which is being labelled.  The
%%%%       gap is \hair (a TeX dimension, preset to 3pt, but settable
%%%%       on the fly) and the direction of the spacing is chosen 
%%%%       automatically.  The result is consistent and eye-pleasing
%%%%       spacing.
%%%%       In use, read the position of the object that you wish to
%%%%       label and do not guess the position of the actual label.
%%%%       Then choose the orientation of the label (eg [tr] which
%%%%       means top-right) and the label will automatically be set
%%%%       so that top-right of the label bounding box is set one  
%%%%       \hair away from the object being labelled.
%%%%  pinlabel.sty  was written specifically for the use of editors and  
%%%%       authors of MSP papers and is the recommended package for
%%%%       use for labelling diagrams for MSP.
%%%%  pinlabel.sty  is a revised version of geomsfig.sty with improved 
%%%%       functionality and simpler syntax.  The old syntax remains
%%%%       available for backwards compatibility, see below.
%%%%  new syntax: \pinlabel {label} by x-pin y-pin at x-location y-location
%%%%       and   \pinlabel* {label} by x-pin y-pin at x-location y-location
%%%%       where "x-pin y-pin" is the point in intrinsic coords in label
%%%%       space where we are placing the pin and "x-location y-location" 
%%%%       is the point in diagram space (in PS points as read in gv) where
%%%%       the label is pinned.  \pinlabel uses \hair autospacing \pinlabel*
%%%%       does not.  See the manual for full details. 
%%%%       \mathsurround is set to 0pt for parsing the label
%%%%  options:  "by x-pin y-pin" may be omitted the default is 0 0
%%%%       orientation commands [r], [l] etc may replace "by x-pin y-pin"
%%%%                            [r] is right-centre (same as "by 0 1") etc
%%%%       a manual adjustment "<x-adj, y-adj>" may be added before "at"
%%%%       or directly after the label
%%%%  Examples  \pinlabel $a^b$ [l] <-2pt,1pt> at 231 47 
%%%%  Same as   \pinlabel $a^b$ by -1 0  <-2pt,1pt> at 231 47 
%%%%  Same as   \pinlabel $a^b$ <-2pt,1pt> [l] at 231 47 
%%%%  Same as   \pinlabel $a^b$ <-2pt,1pt> by -1 0  at 231 47 
%%%%           which pins "$a^b$" by centre-left at 231 47 with two 
%%%%           adjustments: \hair (autospacing) and then (-2pt,1pt) manual
%%%%           \pinlabel* {A nice figure} [Bl] <-5pt,0pt> at 231 47 
%%%%           which pins "A nice figure" by baseline-left at 231 47  
%%%%           with one adjustment: (-5pt,0pt)
%%%%  Full list of orientation commands:  r=right, l=left, t=top, b=bottom
%%%%       and B=baseline,  default is centre and any sensible combination 
%%%%       of two commands may be give (in either order) eg 
%%%%       [tl]=[lt]=top-left of label bounding box
%%%%  NB the commands are syntax sensitive and use spaces as separators so
%%%%       they DON'T work with \obeyspaces set.    Braces must be placed 
%%%%       around labels containing spaces but may be omitted if there are
%%%%       no spaces in the label code (see the examples above and below).
%%%%  Label instructions go either in the file inside \labellist 
%%%%       ... \endlabellist  or in a separate .lab file (ie if fig 
%%%%       is fig4-1.eps or .ps, then labels go in \figdir/fig4-1.lab 
%%%%       where \figdir/ is the directory containing fig4-1.eps).  
%%%%       The \labellist overrides a .lab file.
%%%%       \labellist ... \endlabellist can be given at any time before 
%%%%       the next figure, but typically will be included in the figure 
%%%%       code, as in the following example.
%%%%  Here is a complete example of a relabelled figure:
%%%%          \begin{figure}[ht!]
%%%%          \labellist\small\hair 2.5pt
%%%%          \pinlabel {$\partial _1 X$} by 1 0 at 156 426
%%%%          \pinlabel {$\partial _2 X$} by -1 1 at 334 429
%%%%          \pinlabel $X_1$ at 431 513 
%%%%          \pinlabel $X_2$ at 428 460 
%%%%          \pinlabel $H_X$ [lb] at 311 622
%%%%          \pinlabel* $H_X'$ [tr] <-1.5pt,-2pt> at 178 370
%%%%          \endlabellist
%%%%          \centerline{\psfig{file=\figdir/decomp,width=3in}}
%%%%          \caption{Labelling the boundary components of $X$}
%%%%          \label{Fig:decomp}
%%%%          \end{figure}
%%%%  The actual figure can be included by using either psfig or 
%%%%      graphicx.  psfig is used by the code, but graphicx 
%%%%      commands are translated automatically, so in the above
%%%%      example the alternative code:
%%%%          \centerline{\includegraphics[width=3in]{\figdir/decomp}}
%%%%      would produce identical results.  Automatic translation ONLY  
%%%%      takes place is a labellist is present, so if you use a .lab
%%%%      file then you MUST use the psfig syntax.
%%%%                            VERY IMPORTANT   
%%%%                            ==============
%%%%      The file extension MUST NOT be given.  The program will find
%%%%      the correct file (\figdir/decomp.eps or .ps or .pdf).
%%%%      READ THE BUGS below before using \includegraphics with pinlabel.
%%%%  old syntax: \setlabel is unchanged (but \mathsurround is set to 0pt) 
%%%%       \setlabel* is a new variant which sets \hair to 0pt (no 
%%%%       autospacing) and an optional manual adjustment may be added
%%%%       eg:
%%%%           \setlabel<-2pt,-1pt>{a^b}{321}{33}{1}{1}
%%%%           \setlabel*<-2pt,-1pt>{a^b}{321}{33}{1}{1}
%%%%           \setlabel{a^b}{321}{33}{1}{1}
%%%%           \setlabel*{a^b}{321}{33}{1}{1}
%%%%       the first uses autospacing and adds a (-2pt,-1pt) manual
%%%%       adjustment;  the second uses just the manual adjustment,
%%%%       the third just autospacing and the fourth nothing.
%%%%       old and new syntax may be mixed in a label list and given 
%%%%       either in a .lab file or inside \labellist ... \endlabellist
%%%%    ***Users of geomsfig note the change to \mathsurround.  If you 
%%%%       do not use it, there will be no change in label positioning.
%%%%       If you do, labels may move a small amount horizontally.***
%%%% !!!NBNB label is in horizontal mode in new syntax and math mode in old!!!
%%%%  BUGS:  NO spaces are permitted in the file argument of \psfig
%%%%      Autotranslation of \includegraphics[]{} means that no
%%%%      spaces are permitted in the file argument to \includegraphics
%%%%      Eg  \includegraphics[width=4in]{ foo } will produce errors,
%%%%      use \includegraphics[width=4in]{foo}.  Spaces are permitted
%%%%      with other arguments.
%%%%      Many of the options in graphicx are not supported.  The     
%%%%      supported ones are:  width, height, scale, bbllx, bblly
%%%%      bburx, bbury and clip.  The syntax for clip is "clip=".
%%%%      Replace "keepaspectratio=true" by "proportional=".
%%%%      The command \reallyincludegraphics will force the use of
%%%%      graphicx (ie cancel autotranslation).  Since code will use 
%%%%      graphicx automatically if there is no labellist present, 
%%%%      \reallyincludegraphics will only be needed if a labellist 
%%%%      has already been given for a later figure.
%%%%      \graphicspath{} is not supported.  Use \figdir instead.
%%%%     Automatic configuration for dvips and pdflatex is included 
%%%%     in this file.  No support is provided for other drivers.
%%%%     NB \psfig ouputs a vbox, which is not centred in latex' {center} 
%%%%     environment.  Either use \centerline{} or type \leavevmode
%%%%     before \psfig{..}.  The translator adds \leavevmode for 
%%%%     \includegraphics, which therefore centres correctly as usual
%%%%     in the {center} environment.
%%%%  PLAIN TeX compatibility:  uses miniltx.tex and works with dvips 
%%%%     but NOT with pdftex.  For pdf output from plain TeX use dvips 
%%%%     followed by ps2pdf.                        

\edef\atcatcode{\the\catcode`\@} \catcode`@=11

\newif\ifoldlabels \oldlabelsfalse
\expandafter\ifx\csname @ifundefined\endcsname\relax 

\def\@warning#1{\@message{Warning: #1.}}

%%% if not latex \input miniltx (for plain tex compatibility) 
\@ifundefined{RequirePackage}{\input miniltx}{\relax}

%%% make sure graphicx is loaded
\let\@includegraphics@\includegraphics %%% for auto translation of graphicx
\let\reallyincludegraphics\@includegraphics@  %%% to override translation



%%% in-line label list handling %%%
\let\thelabellist\relax %%%% initialise

\newif\if@topspecials %false for Rokicki's dvips: \special is at bottom of box
                      % true for dvitps, dvi2ps

\@ifundefined{pdfoutput}{}{\ifnum\pdfoutput>0 \dvifalse\fi}
%%% start of driver.chg
{\catcode`\p=12 \catcode`\t=12 \gdef\read@PT#1pt{#1}}
\def\sp@topt#1#2{\psfig@dimen=#2sp \if\psfig@dimen=0pt \psfig@dimen=1sp\fi
  \edef#1{\expandafter\read@PT \the\psfig@dimen}}
\def\sp@tobp#1#2{\psfig@dimen=#2sp \if\psfig@dimen=0pt \psfig@dimen=1sp\fi
  \expandafter\@tempdima\expandafter\read@PT \the\psfig@dimen bp
  \advance\psfig@dimen-.5 \@tempdima \multiply\psfig@dimen 2
  \edef#1{\expandafter\read@PT \the\psfig@dimen}}
\def\ps@begin{\sp@tobp\@tempa\@p@sbbllx \sp@tobp\@tempb\@p@sbblly
  \sp@tobp\@tempc\@p@sbburx \sp@tobp\@tempd\@p@sbbury
  \sp@tobp\@tempe{\@p@swidth0} \sp@tobp\@tempf{\@p@sheight0}
  \special{PSfile=\@p@sfile\space llx=\@tempa\space lly=\@tempb\space 
     urx=\@tempc\space ury=\@tempd\space rwi=\@tempe\space rhi=\@tempf}}
% rwi is the total width, in tenths of the units used for the
% other dimensions (this is dvips's brain damage)
\def\ps@clip{}                     %
\def\ps@include{}                  %
\def\ps@postlog{}                  %
\def\ps@end{}                      %
%%% end of driver.chg
\@message {!!! pinlabel.sty cannot be used for direct pdf output except with latex !!!}
\@message {For pdf output from plain tex use dvips and ps2pdf}
%%% start of gpdftex.chg
{\catcode`\p=12 \catcode`\t=12 \gdef\read@PT#1pt{#1}}
\def\sp@topt#1#2{\psfig@dimen=#2sp \if\psfig@dimen=0pt \psfig@dimen=1sp\fi
  \edef#1{\expandafter\read@PT \the\psfig@dimen}}
\def\sp@tobp#1#2{\psfig@dimen=#2sp \if\psfig@dimen=0pt \psfig@dimen=1sp\fi
  \expandafter\@tempdima\expandafter\read@PT \the\psfig@dimen bp
  \advance\psfig@dimen-.5 \@tempdima \multiply\psfig@dimen 2
  \edef#1{\expandafter\read@PT \the\psfig@dimen}}
\def\ps@begin{\sp@tobp\@tempa\@p@sbbllx \sp@tobp\@tempb\@p@sbblly
  \sp@tobp\@tempc\@p@sbburx \sp@tobp\@tempd\@p@sbbury
  \sp@tobp\@tempe\@p@swidth \sp@tobp\@tempf\@p@sheight%
\edef\foobar{[width=\@p@swidth sp,height=\@p@sheight sp]{\@p@dffile}}%
% rwi is the total width, in tenths of the units used for the
% other dimensions (this is dvips's brain damage)
\def\ps@clip{}                     %
\def\ps@include{}                  %
\def\ps@postlog{}                  %
\def\ps@end{}                      %
%%%% end of gpdftex.chg

%%%% graphicx translation
%%%% first set a flag to detect use of graphicx and initialise
%%%% the default is \relax (graphicx not used) any other value
%%%% means graphicx is used

%%%% redefine \includegraphics to mimic \psfig ONLY IF a labellist is present



% A dimension register for temporarily storing a dimension in
% \@pDimenToSpNumber.

% Identifying message is here.
% \typeout{psfig/tex 1.4.gcg / TeXPS}\fi
% @psdo control structure -- similar to Latex @for.
% I redefined these with different names so that psfig can
% be used with TeX as well as LaTeX, and so that it will not 
% be vunerable to future changes in LaTeX's internal
% control structure.
\def\@psdo#1:=#2\do#3{\edef\@psdotmp{#2}\ifx\@psdotmp\@empty \else
\def\@psdoloop#1,#2,#3\@@#4#5{\def#4{#1}\ifx #4\@nnil \else
       #5\def#4{#2}\ifx #4\@nnil \else#5\@ipsdoloop #3\@@#4{#5}\fi\fi}
\def\@ipsdoloop#1,#2\@@#3#4{\def#3{#1}\ifx #3\@nnil 
       \let\@nextwhile=\@psdonoop \else
\def\@tpsdo#1:=#2\do#3{\xdef\@psdotmp{#2}\ifx\@psdotmp\@empty \else
\def\@tpsdoloop#1#2\@@#3#4{\def#3{#1}\ifx #3\@nnil 
       \let\@nextwhile=\@psdonoop \else
  %\typeout{draft level now is \@psdraft \space.}
  %\typeout{draft level now is \@psdraft \space.}
% These are for the option list: 
%  a specification of the form a = b maps to calling \@p@@sa{b}.
  %\typeout{file is #1}
% \@pDimenToSpNumber
% ==================
% Convert a dimension into scaled points.
% #1: the name of macro which will expand to the dimension in
%     scaled points, without the unit 'sp' though, i.e. as a pure
%     integer.
% #2: the dimension (not a dimension register, use
%     \the if dimension is stored in a dimension register).
\def\@pDimenToSpNumber #1#2{% 
  \psfig@dimen = #2\relax
  %\typeout{bbllx is #1}
  %\typeout{bblly is #1}
  %\typeout{bburx is #1}
  %\typeout{bbury is #1}
  %\typeout{Height is \@p@sheight}
  %\typeout{Width is #1}
  %\typeout{Reserved height is #1}
  %\typeout{Reserved width is #1}
\def\@p@@sscale #1{% 

\def\@cs@name#1{\csname #1\endcsname}
  \@warning{bad syntax (missing = or extra comma) in argument of \string\psfig}%
% Initialize the defaults.
  \@bbllxfalse \@bbllyfalse
  \@bburxfalse \@bburyfalse
  \@heightfalse \@widthfalse
  \@rheightfalse \@rwidthfalse

%%%% space bug fixes 
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s scale \endcsname\@p@@sscale
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@sscale \endcsname\@p@@sscale
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s scale\endcsname\@p@@sscale

\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s file \endcsname\@p@@sfile
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@sfile \endcsname\@p@@sfile
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s file\endcsname\@p@@sfile

\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s width \endcsname\@p@@swidth
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@swidth \endcsname\@p@@swidth
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s width\endcsname\@p@@swidth

\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s rwidth \endcsname\@p@@srwidth
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@srwidth \endcsname\@p@@srwidth
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s rwidth\endcsname\@p@@srwidth

\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s height \endcsname\@p@@sheight
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@sheight \endcsname\@p@@sheight
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s height\endcsname\@p@@sheight

\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s rheight \endcsname\@p@@srheight
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@srheight \endcsname\@p@@srheight
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s rheight\endcsname\@p@@srheight

\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s bbllx \endcsname\@p@@sbbllx
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@sbbllx \endcsname\@p@@sbbllx
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s bbllx\endcsname\@p@@sbbllx

\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s bblly \endcsname\@p@@sbblly
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@sbblly \endcsname\@p@@sbblly
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s bblly\endcsname\@p@@sbblly

\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s bburx \endcsname\@p@@sbburx
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@sbburx \endcsname\@p@@sbburx
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s bburx\endcsname\@p@@sbburx

\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s clip \endcsname\@p@@sclip
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@sclip \endcsname\@p@@sclip
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s clip\endcsname\@p@@sclip

\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s proportional \endcsname\@p@@sproportional
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@sproportional \endcsname\@p@@sproportional
\expandafter\let\csname @p@@s proportional\endcsname\@p@@sproportional

% Go through the options setting things up.


% Scan header of file, looking for ``BoundingBox'' line
      \relax %needed here so the \@warning won't cause trouble
      \@warning{cannot open \@filestem.ps or .eps}
    \ifno@bb \@bbmatchfalse \else \@bbmatchtrue \fi
    \catcode`\:=12 % in case punctuation is active (e.g., under french.sty)
      \read\ps@stream to \line@in
      \ifeof\ps@stream \not@eoffalse \fi
      %\typeout{ looking at :: \the\psfigtoks@ }
      \if@bbmatch \else \@bbtest{\psfigtoks@} \fi
      \if@bbmatch \not@eoffalse \fi 
      \ifnum\@linecount=0 \not@eoffalse \fi
    \ifnot@eof \repeat

% '% ' becomes a regular character for a very short time.

\long\def\bb@@cull#1 #2 #3 #4 {%

% Compute \@bbw and \@bbh, the width and height of the
% bounding box.
  \if@bbllx \else \no@bbtrue \fi
  \if@bblly \else \no@bbtrue \fi
  \if@bburx \else \no@bbtrue \fi
  \if@bbury \else \no@bbtrue \fi
      \@warning{no bounding box found in \@p@sfile}
  % Now compute the size of the bounding box.
      \advance\psfc@c by -\@p@sbbllx
      \advance\psfc@b by -\@p@sbblly
      %\typeout{\string\compute@bb: bbh = \@bbh, bbw = \@bbw}

% \in@hundreds performs #1 * (#2 / #3) correct to the hundreds,
%    then leaves the result in \@result.
% note: #3 should be a big number, or a multiple of 10.
\def\in@hundreds #1#2#3{% 
  \divide\psfc@d 10
  \psfc@a=\psfc@g  % First two digits #2/#3.
  \divide\psfc@a by \psfc@d
  \multiply\psfc@f by \psfc@d
  \advance\psfc@g by -\psfc@f
  \multiply\psfc@g by 10
  \psfc@f=\psfc@g  % Third digit of #2/#3.
  \divide\psfc@f by \psfc@d
  \multiply\psfc@j by \psfc@d
  \advance\psfc@g by -\psfc@j
  \multiply\psfc@g by 10
  \psfc@j=\psfc@g  % Third digit.
  \divide\psfc@j by \psfc@d
  \multiply\psfc@e by \psfc@a
  \advance\psfc@i by \psfc@e
  \divide\psfc@e by 10
  \multiply\psfc@e by \psfc@f
  \advance\psfc@i by \psfc@e
  \divide\psfc@e by 100
  \multiply\psfc@e by \psfc@j
  \advance\psfc@i by \psfc@e
  \divide\psfc@i 10
% Scale a value #1 by the current scaling factor and reassign the new
% scaled value.
\def\@ScaleInHundreds #1{% 
% Compute width from height.
  % computing : width = height * (bbw / bbh)
  %\typeout{ \@p@sheight * \@bbw / \@bbh, = \@result }
  %\typeout{w from h: width is \@p@swidth}%
% Compute height from width.
  % computing : height = width * (bbh / bbw)
  %\typeout{ \@p@swidth * \@bbh / \@bbw = \@result }
  %\typeout{h from w : height is \@p@sheight}%
% Compute height and width when both are given and proportionality
% must be preserved.
% Compute height and width, i.e. \@p@sheight and \@p@swidth.
  % If height is given.
    % If width is given
      % Height, no width: compute width.
    % No height.
      % Width is given, no height though: compute it.
      % Neither width no height is give.
% Compute the amount of space to reserve. Unless defined
% using rheight and rwidth when \psfig is called, these values
% default to \@p@sheight and \@p@swidth.
  \if@rheight \else \edef\@p@srheight{\@p@sheight} \fi
  \if@rwidth \else \edef\@p@srwidth{\@p@swidth} \fi
% \psfig
% ======
% usage: \psfig{file=, height=, width=, bbllx=, bblly=, bburx=, bbury=,
%      rheight=, rwidth=, clip=, scale=, proportional=}
% "clip=" and "proportional=" are switches and take no value, 
% but the `=' must be present.
  \vbox {%
    % Compute any missing sizes.
                    not found (or no BBox)}}%
      \ifx\inc@graph@flag\relax\else  %% \graphicx syntax used so
          \psfig@dimen=100sp          %% multiply scale by 100
          \let\inc@graph@flag\relax   %% reset 
      %\if@verbose \typeout{psfig: scaling by \@p@scale}\fi
      %\if@verbose \typeout{psfig: scaling by \@p@scale}\fi
      % We now scale the width and height as reported to the PS printer.
      %\if@verbose \typeout{psfig: including \@p@sfile \space}\fi
      % Create a vbox to reserve the proper amount of space for the figure.
      \vbox to \@p@srheight sp{%
        \hbox to \@p@srwidth sp{}%
      \ifx\thelabellist\relax   %%% no labellist so look for .lab file
          \read\lab@stream to \line@in \ifx\line@in\partest\else\line@in\fi
          \ifeof\lab@stream \not@eoffalse \fi
        \ifnot@eof \repeat
        \hyperactivelabels\thelabellist      %%% use labellist and
        \global\let\thelabellist\relax       %%% reset for next figure
	  \@message{I have found both a labellist AND a .lab file for \@p@sfile.}
	  \@message{I am using the labellist.}
	  \@message{If this is not what you want, then edit out the labellist.}
      % Draft mode: reserve the space for the figure and print the path name.
      \vbox to \@p@srheight sp{%
        \hbox to \@p@srwidth sp{%

     %\if@verbose \typeout{(clip)} \fi 
    \ps@clip \fi
  \if@prologfile \ps@prolog \fi \ps@include \if@postlogfile \ps@postlog \fi

\newdimen\x@lab \newdimen\y@lab
\newdimen\x@aux \newdimen\y@aux

%%%%% version without math mode, with \mathsurround set to 0pt 
%%%%%             and final manual adjustment <#6,#7>
  \setbox\label@box\hbox{\mathsurround 0pt\ignorespaces#1}%
  \x@lab.5\wd\label@box \x@lab#4\x@lab
  \y@lab.5\ht\label@box\advance\y@lab.5\dp\label@box \y@lab#5\y@lab 
% rotate lab clockwise by 22.5 degrees to get aux
  \x@aux.92388\x@lab \advance\x@aux.38268\y@lab
  \y@aux-.38268\x@lab \advance\y@aux.92388\y@lab
% choose 
  \x@aux=#2bp \ifoldlabels \else \advance\x@aux by -\@p@sbbllx sp \fi
  \y@aux=#3bp \ifoldlabels \else \advance\y@aux by -\@p@sbblly sp \fi
  \vbox to 0pt{%
    \vss\hbox to\@p@srwidth sp{\hskip \@xpos sp \hskip-\x@lab \hskip #6
    \box\label@box\hss}\vskip \@ypos sp \vskip-\y@lab \vskip #7}}

%%%% old syntax: \setlabel and variant \setlabel* (\hair set 0pt) 
%%%%             both start in math mode for back-compatibility:

%%%% manual adjustment added?

{{\hair 0pt\@setlabel@{$#1$}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{0pt}{0pt}}}
{{\hair 0pt\@setlabel@{$#3$}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}{#1}{#2}}}


%%% \pinlabel macro starts here

%%% set up two flags for killing autospacing and using baseline
%%% and initialise: 
%%% \relax is default ie \hair used but baseline not used
%%% any other value means \hair not used but baseline used

%%% define four control sequences to carry the auxiliary information
%%% and set to default values

%%%% endgame
\def\finally@pinlabel #1 {\@ifnextchar a%
{\finally@pinlabel@ {#1} }{\@message{}%
\@message{There is something wrong with your syntax for label #1;}
\@message{you must finish with " at XXX YYY " : the "at" and spaces are important!}
\@message{I'm going to try to ignore this label: don't blame me if there are some}
\@message{funny numbers in your diagram and later labels are out-of-position.}

\def\finally@pinlabel@ #1 at #2 #3 {%
{\hair 0pt \@setlabel@{\ifx\baseline@flag\relax\the@label\else\smash{\the@label}\fi}%
%%%% don't forget to reset the flags etc to default values

%%%% start to parse the argument
%%%% is this a starred form or not?
\def\pin@nohair* #1 {\def\hair@flag{0}\@pinlabel@ {#1} }

%%%% store the label for safety then
%%%% is there any label position information?
\def\@pinlabel@ #1 {\def\the@label{#1}\@ifnextchar a%
{\finally@pinlabel {#1} }{\@pinlabel@@ {#1} }}  

%%%% are we using "by" or [ or going directly to <..,..>
\def\@pinlabel@@ #1 {\@ifnextchar [%
{\pin@by@letters {#1} }{\@@pinlabel@@ {#1} }}

\def\@@pinlabel@@ #1 {\@ifnextchar b
{\pin@by@numbers {#1} }{\@@pinlabel@@@ {#1} }}

\def\@@pinlabel@@@ #1 {\@ifnextchar <%
{\pin@with@adj {#1} }{\@message{}%
\@message{I don't understand your positioning information for label #1 and shall}
\@message{ignore it; or perhaps your label has a space and needs braces.}
\finally@pinlabel {#1} }}

%%%% pin@with@adj recycles from the top (to allow <Xpt,Ypt> to come first)
\def\pin@with@adj #1  <#2,#3> {%
\@pinlabel@ {#1} }

%%%% we are using letters, is there adjustment?
\def\pin@by@letters #1 [#2] {\@ifnextchar <%
{\pin@by@letters@with@adj {#1} [#2] }{\pin@by@letters@no@adj {#1} [#2] }}

%%%% we are using numbers, is there adjustment?
\def\pin@by@numbers #1 by #2 #3 {\@ifnextchar <%
{\pin@by@numbers@with@adj {#1} by #2 #3 }{\pin@by@numbers@no@adj {#1} by #2 #3 }}

\def\pin@by@numbers@with@adj #1 by #2 #3 <#4,#5> at #6 #7{%
\finally@pinlabel {#1} at #6 #7}

\def\pin@by@numbers@no@adj #1 by #2 #3 at #4 #5{%
\finally@pinlabel {#1} at #4 #5}

%%% read the letter pin positions to a control sequence
\def\pin@by@letters@no@adj #1 [#2] {%
\expandafter\ifx\csname position@#2\endcsname\relax
\@message{Unknown position code [#2]; I shall ignore it.}
\csname position@#2\endcsname\fi
\finally@pinlabel {#1} }

\def\pin@by@letters@with@adj #1 [#2] <#3,#4> {%
\expandafter\ifx\csname position@#2\endcsname\relax
\@message{Unknown position code [#2]; I shall ignore it.}
\csname position@#2\endcsname\fi
\finally@pinlabel {#1} }

%%%% final task: parse the letter pin positions

%%%% \square@left and \square@right are hacks to force diagonal
%%%% autospacing for the corner letter pin positions

\setbox\label@box\hbox{\mathsurround 0pt\ignorespaces\the@label}%
\def\the@label{\hbox to \y@lab{\old@label\hss}}}

\setbox\label@box\hbox{\mathsurround 0pt\ignorespaces\the@label}%
\def\the@label{\hbox to \y@lab{\hss \old@label}}}

%%%% end of \pinlabel macro



%%%%% History:  Version 1.1 released 25 March 2006
%%%%% 28/Mar/06: bugfixes and code to detect mathematica/illustrator deleted
%%%%%  5/Apr/06: bugfix and extra utility: <Xpt,Ypt> can come first
%%%%% 20/Apr/06: \includegraphics uses graphicx if no labellist (Naom)
%%%%%  1/May/06: bugfix to \includegraphics code 
%%%%% 23/Oct/06: LPPL license added (for CTAN)