%% Copyright 1996 1997  Frank Mittelbach David Carlisle
%% Development of this package was commissioned by Y&Y Inc.
%% http://www.yandy.com

\input docstrip.tex


% If your LaTeX is older than 1996/12/01 then uncomment this
% line to write the file names as `mixed case' if you are
% using a case sensitive system such as UNIX.
% If you have the `basic' MathTime font set, and *not*
% the extended MathTime Plus (or MathTime Complete) set
% then you should uncomment this line so that LaTeX does
% not attempt to access bold math fonts, or the new MTSYN
% font.


\Msg{*** Generating .fd files using Mathtime fonts ***}




% mathtime plus script


% Adobe Math Pi Two for Fraktur and Script alphabets



% Adobe Math Pi Six for Blackboard Bold alphabet


% Lucida New Math Symbol for Calligraphy alphabet 


\Msg{*** Generating packages for Mathtime fonts ***}

\Msg{*** Generating Encoding file for Math Pi Two font ***}

% the encoding file to reencode the Pi Two font
