Last updated October 13, 2009

To download REVTeX 4 (version 4.1), download the files listed below, or, more 
conveniently, download which contains all of the files.

All files in this release are contained within a second zip file within the
main zip file called This contains all of the REVTeX 4.1
files in the TeX Directory Structure (TDS) layout used with most current TeX
distributions. Install REVTeX 4.1 by unzipping the files in the appropriate
place (usually the texmf-local directory of your local TeX installation) and
run texhash or the equivalent command to index the files. Please consult your
TeX distribution's guide for installing new packages.

NOTE: The only files necessary for running REVTeX 4.1 are those under         
tex/latex/revtex and bibtex/bst/revtex, but it is a good idea to install
the entire distribution, especially the documentation.

TeX inputs:          tex/latex/revtex/
revtex4-1.cls     - The REVTeX 4.1 class file
aps4-1.rtx        - APS-specific customizations for REVTeX 4.1
aip4-1.rtx        - AIP-specific customizations for REVTeX 4.1
apsrmp4-1.rtx     - APS-specific customizations for REVTeX 4.1,
                    specifically for Rev. Mod. Phys.
aps10pt4-1.rtx    - 10-point size class option file for REVTeX.
aps11pt4-1.rtx    - 11-point size class option file for REVTeX.
aps12pt4-1.rtx    - 12-point size class option file for REVTeX.
revsymb4-1.sty    - A collection of common symbols for use outside of REVTeX.

ltxdocext.sty     - Part of ltxgrid package used for page layout in REVTeX.
ltxfront.sty      - Part of ltxgrid package used for page layout in REVTeX.
ltxgrid.sty       - Part of ltxgrid package used for page layout in REVTeX.
ltxutil.sty       - Part of ltxgrid package used for page layout in REVTeX.
BibTeX inputs:       bibtex/bst/revtex/
apsrev4-1.bst     - BibTeX styles for use for Phys. Rev. journals
apsrev4-1long.bst - Same as above, but shows titles for cited journal articles 
apsrmp4-1.bst     - BibTeX styles for use for Rev. Mod. Phys.
apsrmp4-1long.bst - Same as above, but shows titles for cited journal articles 
aipauth4-1.bst    - BibTeX styles for AIP journals with author/year style citations
aipauth4-1long.bst- Same as above, but shows titles for cited journal articles 
aipnum4-1.bst     - BibTeX styles for AIP journals with numerical style citations
aipnum4-1long.bst - Same as above, but shows titles for cited journal articles 

Documentation:       doc/latex/revtex/
README       - How to get started
DOWNLOAD     - How to download REVTeX4.1

Author guide:           doc/latex/revtex/auguide/
auguide4-1.tex (pdf)  - REVTeX 4.1 Author's Guide
whatsnew4-1.tex (pdf) - What's New in REVTeX 4.1
summary.tex (pdf)     - REVTeX 4.1 Command and Options Summary
docs.sty              - Package used by REVTeX documentation

APS guide:              doc/latex/revtex/aps
apsguide4-1.tex (pdf) - APS Author Guide for REVTeX 4.1

AIP guide:              doc/latex/revtex/aip
aipguide4-1.tex (pdf) - Author's Guide to AIP Substyles for REVTeX 4.1

APS Sample document:        doc/latex/revtex/sample/aps
apssamp.tex (pdf)  - A sample file showing most common features of an APS
                     REVTeX 4.1 document
fig_1.eps          - sample figure for apssamp.tex
fig_2.eps          - sample wide figure for apssamp.tex
vid_1a.eps         - sample video frame for apssamp.tex
vid_1b.eps         - sample video frame for apssamp.tex
apssamp.bib        - sample BibTeX source file for apssamp.tex
apstemplate.tex    - A template for APS authors to follow

AIP Sample document:        doc/latex/revtex/sample/aip
aipsamp.tex (pdf)  - A sample file showing most common features of an AIP
                     REVTeX 4.1 document
fig_1.eps          - sample figure for apssamp.tex
fig_2.eps          - sample wide figure for apssamp.tex
aipsamp.bib        - sample BibTeX source file for apssamp.tex
aiptemplate.tex    - A template for APS authors to follow

Programmer's docs:      doc/latex/revtex/source/
ltxdocext.pdf - Programmer's documentation for the ltxdocext package
ltxfront.pdf  - Programmer's documentation for the ltxfront  package
ltxgrid.pdf   - Programmer's documentation for the ltxgrid   package
ltxutil.pdf   - Programmer's documentation for the ltxutil   package
revtex4-1.pdf - Programmer's documentation for the revtex4-1 document class
aip.pdf       - Programmer's documentation for the AIP journal styles

Source files:        source/latex/revtex
ltxdocext.dtx - The source file for the ltxdocext package
ltxfront.dtx  - The source file for the ltxfront package
ltxgrid.dtx   - The source file for the ltxgrid package
ltxutil.dtx   - The source file for the ltxutil package
revtex4-1.dtx - The source file for revtex4.cls and revsymb.sty.
aip.dtx       - The source file for AIP journal styles

Not Included   
The following packages are required by REVTeX but are not
included in this distribution. Please obtain from CTAN
(Comprehensive TeX Archive Network), e.g. <>. Direct
links to the necessary files can be found at <>.

natbib.dtx   - Version 8.3 or later; found in latex/contrib/natbib on CTAN
natbib.ins   - LaTeX this to create natbib.sty and natbib
               documentation from natbib.dtx
bm.dtx       - Bold math style - part of (current!) standard LaTeX2e tools
bm.sty       - generated from bm.dtx by running tools.ins
textcase.dtx - Found in latex/contrib/textcase on CTAN
textcase.ins - LaTeX this to generate textcase.sty from textcase.dtx
url.sty      - Found in latex/contrib/misc on CTAN

An up-to-date installation of AMS-LaTeX is also required for certain
documentclass options. Version 2.0 or higher is needed. It is
available from <>.