% cancel.sty  version  2.1  12-Mar-2000.
% Donald Arseneau         asnd@triumf.ca
% I contribute this software to the public domain.  No rights reserved.
% Commands:
% ~~~~~~~~~
% \cancel    draws a diagonal line (slash) through its argument. 
% \bcancel   uses the negative slope (a backslash). 
% \xcancel   draws an X (actually \cancel plus \bcancel).
% \cancelto{<value>}{<expression>} draws a diagonal arrow through the 
%            expression, pointing to the value.
% The first three work in math and text mode, but \cancelto is only
% for math mode.
% The slope of the line or arrow depends on what is being cancelled.  
% Options:
% ~~~~~~~~
% Bt default, none of these commands affects the horizontal spacing, 
% so they might over-print neighboring parts of the formula (or text).
% They do add their height to the expression, so there should never be 
% unintended vertical overlap.  There is a package option [makeroom] to 
% increase the horizontal spacing to make room for the cancellation value.  
% If you use the color package, then you can declare 
%   \renewcommand{\CancelColor}{<color_command>}
% and the cancellation marks will be printed in that color (e.g., \blue).
% However, if you are using color, I recommend lightly shaded blocks rather
% than diagonal arrows for cancelling.
% The option [thicklines] asks for heavier lines and arrows. This may be
% useful when the lines are colored a light shade.
% The size (math style) of the \cancelto value depends on package options 
% according to this table:
% Current style       [samesize]         [smaller]          [Smaller]
% -------------       ----------------   ----------------   ----------------
% \displaystyle       \displaystyle      \textstyle         \scriptstyle
% \textstyle          \textstyle         \scriptstyle       \scriptstyle
% \scriptstyle        \scriptstyle       \scriptscriptstyle \scriptscriptstyle 
% \scriptscriptstyle  \scriptscriptstyle \scriptscriptstyle \scriptscriptstyle
% ("smaller" is the default behavior.  It gives textstyle limits in 
% displaystyle, whereas "Smaller" gives scriptstyle limits.)
% This package is provided without guarantees or support.  Drawing slashes
% through math to indicate "cancellation" is poor design.  I don't recommend
% that you use this package at all.

\ProvidesPackage{cancel}[2000/03/12 v2.1 Cancel math terms]

\newcommand{\cancelto}{1}% default option = smaller




\advance\dimen@-\height % the difference in height
\unitlength\p@ \canc@thinlines
{\/\raise\dimen@\hbox{\ooalign{#1\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil \cr}}}%

\def\@can@slash#1{\canto@fil$\m@th \CancelColor\vcenter{\hbox{%
\dimen@\width \@min@pt\dimen@ 2\@min@pt\totalheight6%
\ifdim\totalheight<\dimen@ % wide
 \@min@pt\dimen@ 8%
 \@tempcnta\totalheight \multiply\@tempcnta 5 \divide\@tempcnta\dimen@
 \advance\dimen@ 2\p@ %  "+2"
 \edef\@tempa{(\ifcase\@tempcnta 6,#11\or 4,#11\or 2,#11\or 4,#13\else 1,#11\fi
\else % tall
 \advance\totalheight2\p@ % "+2"
 \@tempcnta\dimen@ \multiply\@tempcnta 5 \divide\@tempcnta\totalheight
 \dimen@ \ifcase\@tempcnta .16\or .25\or .5\or .75\else 1\fi \totalheight
 \edef\@tempa{(\ifcase\@tempcnta 1,#16\or 1,#14\or 1,#12\or 3,#14\else 1,#11\fi
\expandafter\line\@tempa}}$\canto@fil \cr}

 \def\cancelto#1#2{\mathchoice    %  Smaller option
 \def\cancelto#1#2{\mathchoice    %  smaller option (default)
 \def\cancelto#1#2{\mathchoice    %  samesize option

\dimen@\width % wide
\@min@pt\dimen@ 2\@min@pt\totalheight4
 \@tempcnta\totalheight \multiply\@tempcnta 5 \divide\@tempcnta\dimen@
 \@tempdimb 3\p@ % extra width for arrowhead ("+2")
 \advance\dimen@ \ifcase\@tempcnta 5\or 5\or 4\or 3\else 2\fi \p@
 \edef\@tempa{\ifcase\@tempcnta 5441\or 5441\or 5421\or 4443\else 3611\fi
 \def\@tempb{Cancel #4 to #2; case wide }%
\else % tall
 \advance\totalheight3\p@ % "+2"
 \@tempcnta\dimen@ \multiply\@tempcnta 5 \divide\@tempcnta\totalheight
 \advance\totalheight3\p@ % "+2"
 \dimen@ \ifcase\@tempcnta .25\or .25\or .5\or .75\else 1\fi \totalheight
 \@tempdimb \ifcase\@tempcnta .8\or .8\or 1.2\or 1.5\else 2\fi \p@
 \edef\@tempa{\ifcase\@tempcnta 0814\or 0814\or 1812\or 2734\else 3611\fi
\advance\dimen@-\height % the difference in height
\unitlength\p@ \canc@thinlines

% #1, #2 offset of label   #6 extra width to clear arrowhead
% #3, #4 vector direction  #7 superscript label style
% #5 vector width          #8 superscript label
  \ifx\canto@fil\hidewidth  \wd\z@\z@ \else \kern-#6\unitlength \fi
    \canto@fil$\m@th \CancelColor
    \vcenter{\hbox{\dimen@#6\unitlength \kern\dimen@
      \multiply\dimen@#4\divide\dimen@#3 \vrule\@depth\dimen@\@width\z@
    \canto@fil \cr
    \hfil \box\@tempboxa \kern\wd\z@ \hfil \cr}}

\def\@min@pt#1#2{\ifdim#1<#2\p@ #1#2\p@ \relax\fi}