$Id: MANIFEST,v 1.5 1995/08/29 17:34:33 schrod Exp $  -*- Indented-Text -*-

The following files are part of the cweb bundle:

	README		-- general intro, what's this package for
	CATALOG		-- catalog information about this bundle
	INSTALL		-- installation instructions

	cweb.cls	-- class macro file
	keyvald.sty	-- needed by cweb.cls
	cwebarray.sty	-- style option for ruled tables, needs array.sty
	cweb-user.dvi	-- typeset user manual
	cweb-conf.dvi	-- typeset description of internal interface

	History		-- revision history of this package
	MANIFEST	-- this file
	License		-- GPL
	Makefile	-- will help you for installation on Unix
	src/		-- subdirectory with my development area
			   Please read the file README in that directory.