% $Id: TODO,v 1.10 1995/11/30 15:44:51 schrod Exp $ %---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- functionality [problem] In plain CWEB chunks are not split over pages, LaTeX CWEB does so. Add an option that re-establishs the behaviour of plain CWEB. Problem reported by Denis B. R\"ogel <denis.roegel@loria.fr> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- functionality [problem] User index would use with standard LaTeX markup (\index) would use *.idx as raw index file. This file is used by CWEAVE as tagged index file. Shall I redefine \makeindex? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- functionality [proposal] Add support to create the illusion of more than one refinement in a chunk. \cwebNoChunkIntro; see cwebx.sty. Proposed by Christopher Higgins <C.Higgins@cit.gu.edu.au>. Ack him for that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- functionality [proposal] Add support for CWEB code examples. For that code from cwebparts.doc must be moved to cwebbase.doc; see cwebx.sty. That code has also several improvements over cwebparts.doc! cwebparts.doc is needed later for typesetting sections, etc. Well, if that can really be realized in a document/project independent way. Don't know if I really need it. (Except as a user front end. But I can also use cwebbase for that.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- functionality [proposal] Add support for HyperTeX. Proposed by Christopher Higgins <C.Higgins@cit.gu.edu.au>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- list headers [error] Use \chaptermark & \sectionmark, in \CwebListSection. Maybe discard \@mkboth from \CwebIdIndex, \CwebRefList, etc. It's supposed to be changed by a pagestyle, but this doesn't happen with fancyheadings anyhow -- and face it, fancyheadings is the method of choice for head-/footline creation. The actual code was caused by stupid copying from LaTeX standard classes; with the change it's possible to have other list heading layout (add to toc, other marks, etc.) But check if I can use that in \CwebIdIndex: There \CwebListSection is used in an \twocolumn optional arg, that will eventually trigger the output routine and will be set as a float. Does marks correctly migrate out of floats? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- layout [error] In chunks without documentation, a refinement is too near to the chunk marker. In addition, the distance is not independent of \CwebIndentUnit, making it impossible to change the latter. NOTE: Might be a problem of \cwebNoChunk that should start a paragraph. *When* will CWEAVE add `\4' after `\B'? Have to make tests for that. How can I detect an empty documentation section? \B kind of repaired in cwebx.sty. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- layout [error] Chunk numbers are not exactly aligned in all circumstances, see fixme remark in cwebbase.doc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- interface [idea] Name all \cwbb@... macros used in other modules \Cwbb... (or even \cwbb...). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- markup [proposal] Support delimiting section titles by braces. Maybe one needs an option to turn that on. Supported by Peter Wainwright <prw-b@ugrad.cs.york.ac.uk>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- documentation [ack] Who sent the mail concerning \hb@xt@? Add to acks. Change log message for it, too (cweb.doc: 3.4; cwebbase.doc: 1.4). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- documentation [problem] cweb-conf.tex: Cseq name of chunk marker (paragraph symbol). Ack Christopher Higgins \path|<c.higgins@cit.gu.edu.au>|. \CwebRankNoEject. (Implies explication of rank numbers. Should be explicated in cwebbase.doc as well, btw.) Ack Nicholas Urbanik \path|<nicku@iohk.com>| Support for another language must be stored in cwbl-*.sty. Check cwbl-german.sty for the cseqs that must be redefined, list their original English text for clarification. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- distribution [problem] cweb.cls & cwebbase.tex is > 100KB now. Export it in uncommented form. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- distribution [problem] It's better to collect stuff from contrib, and have each file that shall be installed in top dir. This means a Makefile in contrib/; and changes in README, INSTALL, and maybe even MANIFEST. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- distribution [proposal] Add hint to TODO in README. Maybe point out that src/ sometimes holds prereleases of future styles. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- distribution [proposal] Install TODO in doc dir. The end user should see open problems and plans, too. ----------------------------------------------------------------------