$Id: euro.txt,v 1.5 2005/03/07 14:22:19 m Exp $


This package converts arbitrary national currency amounts
using the Euro as base unit, and typesets monetary amounts
in almost any desired way. Write e.g. \ATS{17.6} to get
something like `17,60 \"oS  (1,28 Euro)' automatically.
Conversion rates for the so-called Euro-zone countries
are already built-in. Further rates can be added easily.

author          = "Melchior FRANZ"
version         = "1.1"
date            = "7 March 2005"
filename        = "euro.dtx"
address         = "Melchior FRANZ
                   Rieder Hauptstrasse 52
                   A-5212 SCHNEEGATTERN
telephone       = "++43 7746 3109"
URL             = "http://members.aon.at/mfranz/TeX/"
email           = "mfranz # aon : at"
codetable       = "ISO/ASCII"
keywords        = "euro"
supported       = "yes"

This package is free software that can be redistributed and/or modified
under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License as specified
in the file macros/latex/base/lppl.txt on any CTAN archive server.

Extracting the package & processing the documentation

on Unix/Linux just run "make" to get the style file and the documentation;
else generate the driver euro.ins (if you don't already have it):

    $ latex euro.dtx

Now generate the style file:

    $ tex euro.ins

And finally to produce the documentation run LaTeX three times:

    $ latex euro.dtx

This package needs the fp-package!

 fp      -- CTAN//macros/latex/contrib/other/fp/  --  (by Michael MEHLICH)