/* tables.c Produce figures illustrating fancynum Part of the fancynum package Copyright (c) J.J.Green 1999. j.j.green@sheffield.ac.uk $Id: tables.c,v 1.7 2000/03/15 18:53:47 ap1jjg Exp $ */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> /* static constants */ static const double sampledouble = 3.141592653589793238462643383; static const char table_line[] = "\\verb|\%%%s| & \\verb|%s| & $\\fnum{%s}$"; static char texformat[100]; /* static prototypes */ static void maketable(char*, char* (*)(char*,const char*), const char**, char*, char*); static void tabulate(FILE*, char* (*)(char*,const char*), const char**, char*, char*); static char* dblsample(char*,const char*); int main(void) { const char* dblformats[] = {"%f","%e","%g","%.9f","%.9e","%.9g",NULL}; maketable( "dbltable.tex", dblsample, dblformats, "Double conversions for $\\pi$", "dbltable"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static void maketable( char* filename, char* (*linefn)(char*,const char*), const char** samples, char* title, char* label) { FILE* texfile; texfile = fopen(filename,"w"); if (texfile == NULL) return; tabulate(texfile,linefn,samples,title,label); (void)fclose(texfile);; } static char* dblsample(char* buffer,const char* format) { double a = sampledouble; sprintf(texformat,table_line,format,format,format); sprintf(buffer,(const char*)texformat,a,a); return buffer; } static void tabulate( FILE* texfile, char* (*linefn)(char*,const char*), const char** samples, char* title, char* label) { char* line; char buffer[500]; fprintf(texfile,"%% automatically generated by tables.c\n"); fprintf(texfile,"\\begin{table}[tbh]\n"); fprintf(texfile,"\\begin{center}\n"); fprintf(texfile,"\\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|}\n"); fprintf(texfile,"\\hline\n"); fprintf(texfile,"Format & Output & Typeset \\\\ \\hline \n"); while (*samples != NULL) { line = linefn(buffer,*samples); fprintf(texfile,"%s \\\\\n",line); samples++; } fprintf(texfile,"\\hline\n"); fprintf(texfile,"\\end{tabular}\n"); fprintf(texfile,"\\end{center}\n"); fprintf(texfile,"\\caption{%s\\label{%s}}\n",title,label); fprintf(texfile,"\\end{table}\n"); }