Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006 Didier Verna
Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Didier Verna

This file is part of FiXme.

FiXme may be distributed and/or modified under the
conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.1
of this license or (at your option) any later version.
The latest version of this license is in
and version 1.1 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
version 1999/06/01 or later.

FiXme consists of the files listed in the file `README'.

* Version 4.1
** 8 new PDF-specific annotation layouts.
** New annotation layout: marginnote
suggested by S�bastien Mengin.
** Better mechanism for handling layout mutual exclusion.
** Fix bug in inner layout processing.

* Version 4.0
** Support for collaborative annotations
suggested by Michael Kubovy.
** Support for "targeted" notes and environments
(highlighting a portion of text), suggested by Mark Edgington.
** Support for "floating" notes
(not specific to any portion of text), suggested by Rasmus Villemoes.
** Support for alternate layout autoswitch in TeX's inner mode
suggested by Will Robertson.
** Support for automatic language tracking in multilingual documents.
** Support for themes.
** Extended support for user-provided layouts.
** Support for key=value argument syntax in the whole user interface.
** New command \fxsetup.
** Homogenize log and console messages.
** Heavy internals refactoring.

* Version 3.4
** \fixme, \fxerror, \fxwarning and \fxnote are now robust
thanks to Will Robertson.
** Fix incompatibility with KOMA-Script classes
when the lox file is inexistent, reported by Philipp Stephani.

* Version 3.3
** Document incompatibility between marginal layout and the ACM SIG classes
reported by Jochen Wuttke.
** Honor twoside option in marginal layout
suggested by Jens Remus.
** Support KOMA-Script classes version 2006/07/30 v2.95b
suggested by Jens Remus.
** Documentation improvements
suggested by Brian van den Broek.
** Fix incompatibility with AMS-Art
reported by Lars Madsen: \@starttoc takes 2 arguments.
** Fix bug in \fixme@footnotetrue
reported by Stefan Mann: a typo in the macro name.

* Version 3.2
** Added the marginclue layout option
which only signals a fixme in the margin, withtout the actual contents.
** Support for Croatian
thanks to Marcel Maretic <marcel@fsb.hr>.
** Fix incompatibility with AMS-Book
reported by Claude Lacoursi�re: \@starttoc takes 2 arguments.
** Fix incompatibility with Beamer
reported by Akim Demaille: protect contents of lox file in environments.

* Version 3.1
** Fix bug in environments
reported by Arnold Beckmann: they were visible in final mode.

* Version 3.0
** Added fixme environments
providing similar functionalities as already existing macros.
** Added an optional first argument to the note insertion commands
to change the layout locally.
** Fix bug in marginal notes
reported by Akim Demaille: they could mess up the document's layout by
flushing it right.

* Version 2.2
** New option "silent" to suppress notes logging.
** Support for Danish
thanks to Kim Rud Bille <krbi01@control.auc.dk>.

* Version 2.1
** Use \nobreakspace instead of the tilda character:
this avoids conflicts with Babel and Spanish environments.
** Fix bug in index handling
reported by Knut Lickert: index entries were
unconditionally built.

* Version 2.0
** New feature: note levels.
** New feature: note counters, FiXme usage summary.
** Suggestions from Kasper B. Graversen.
** Support for Spanish
thanks to August�n Mart�n <agusmba@terra.es>.

* Version 1.5
** New `inline' layout option:
puts notes directly in the text.

* Version 1.4
** Support for the koma-script classes.
** Fix bug in \listoffixmes
reported by Ulf Jaenicke-Roessler: the command didn't work when called before
the first fixme note.

* Version 1.3
** Support for Italian
thanks to Riccardo Murri <murri@phc.unipi.it>.

* Version 1.2
** Support for German
thanks to Harald Harders <h.harders@tu-bs.de>.


Local Variables:
mode: outline