This file contains a quick bullet list of changes and improvements
to the gatech-thesis pacakge.  For more detail, see the 
CHANGES file, or for the super neurotic, the extremely detailed
ChangeLog file.

______________ version 1.6 ________________
* Now supports downloadable patchsets.  Rather than updating
  then entire distro every time there's a minor bugfix, you 
  can simply download a small patchfile and copy it into your
  localtexmf tree.

* Fix nits with TOC format, Table and Figure caption format,
  oneandahalfspaced linespacing, and Vita format.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ version 1.6 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
______________ version 1.5 ________________

* NEW FILE: gatech-thesis-losa.sty (supports making a list
  of symbols).
* NEW FILE: COMPLIANCE document is a blow-by-blow commentary
  on the OGS Style Manual and how it is implemented by the
  gatech-thesis class.
* gatech-thesis-gloss.sty: Now used to generate a Glossary,
  as distinguished from the List of Symbols.
* caption labels -- the 'Figure X:' part is now bold, san serif.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ version 1.5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
______________ version 1.4 ________________

* NEW FILE: gatech-thesis-index.sty (supports making an index). Read
  the comments at the top of the file for HOWTO info.
* NEW FILE: (used with above)
* NEW FILE: gatech-thesis-gloss.sty (supports making a glossary -- or
  "list of symbols and abbreviations" in OGS parlance.)  Read the 
  comments at the top of the file for HOWTO info.
* NEW FILE: gatech-thesis.bst (style for bibliographies). Based
  on ieeetr.bst, but sorted and smallcapifies author names.  Do
  \bibliographystyle{gatech-thesis} instead of {plain} to use.
* Multivolume Thesis support.

* Changed the style of the section, subsection, and subsubsection 
* Signature page now has two columns if more than 4 signatories 
  (per new OGS Guidelines).  Also, signature page should not be numbered.
* Obey new OGS pagenumbering guidelines that require bottom-center.
* Dedication page: text is automatically centered, per OGS requirements.
* Table of Contents, List of Figures, List of Tables: new OGS guidelines 
  say "single space entries, double space between entries."  We obey.
* Reorganized the examples

* Fixed a bug with \include'ing the final section of the document
* Technical bugfix with gtthesis pagestyle and sectionless chapters.
  Fortunately, nobody uses that pagestyle for official copies.
* gatech-thesis.cls now depends on the base package 'calc'
* Incorporates with permission code from David Carlisle (\@removefromreset)
* Minor fixups for two-sided printing

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ version 1.4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
______________ version 1.3 ________________