% program.sty, Version 3.3.11
% Version History:
% 3.3.1: Fix name clash with new AmsTeX (\@prime)
% 3.3.2: Minor spacing tweaks. Added \sfvariables for a different style.
% 3.3.3: Added \| to the definition of \dospecials, so that | will
%        still work in a verbatim environment.
% 3.3.4: Added \ifVBarOutsideProgram switch -- The command \normalbaroutside
%        makes | to act normally outside the program environment
% 3.3.5: Bugfix (\lt was defined as > in maths mode!)
% 3.3.6: Minor bugfix: added \do\@ to \dospecials (for AmsTeX)
% 3.3.7: Restore catcode of _ (due to clash with \includegraphics)
% 3.3.8: Save/restore \@currentlabel when \ifNumberPrograms is true
% 3.3.9: Added \bigcaps command (submitted by Matteo Corti <corti@inf.ethz.ch>)
% 3.3.10: Changed \www command to use normal text rather than typewriter
%         Changed \FOREACH \ATEACH to use \@typename
%         Added \boldsubm (uses \boldsymbol instead of text \bf)
% 3.3.11: Changed the default style to \sfvariables, old style is \bfvariables
% 3.3.12: Fixed the interaction with \index and \makeindex (which uses |)
% A LaTeX2e style file for typesetting algorithms.
% Copyright 1991, 2007 Martin Ward
% Martin.Ward@durham.ac.uk, martin@gkc.org.uk
% http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/~mward/
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
% This is the "program" style option which sets up the
% program and programbox environments,
% keywords for programs and a few goodies.
% NOTE: Within the program environment:
% (1) Newlines are significant.
% (2) Each line is in math mode, so for example spaces in the input
%     file are not significant.
% (3) \\ within a line causes a linebreak in the output.
% We also define a "programbox" environment which typesets a program in a box.
% Useful for keeping a pice of code on one page or for typesetting small 
% programs in running text.
% We also redefine \( and \) as \begin{programbox} and \end{programbox}.
% The \tab and \untab commands are defined to have no effect while outside 
% a program environment, hence a single-line program can be typeset in 
% maths mode without the overhead associated with programbox.

%%% Section (1). The Keywords.

% Set up ";" to add a thick maths space after it when active in math mode:
\mathcode`\;="8000 % Makes ; active in math mode
{\catcode`\;=\active \gdef;{\ifmmode\semicolon\;\else\@semicolon\fi}}

% Set up ` so that ``...'' typesets the string in tt (in math mode):
\mathcode`\`="8000 % Makes ` active in math mode only.
\newif\ifMathsModeStrings \MathsModeStringsfalse
			 \mbox{``{\tt #1}''}\fi}

% Set up a larger array of tabs since programs set lots of tabs.
% This section can be extended if more tabs are needed:

% NB: can't use \pushtabns and \poptabs to reduce the need for tabs
% since \@curtab, \@curtabmar and \@nxttabmar are global variables
% which would also need to be saved and restored.

% The program environment.
% This is based on the tabbing environment with each line put in math mode,
% \obeylines in force and ";" as an active character.

% Line numbers on programs:
% Default is no line numbers:

% Program text size hook:

% Set switch to false if you want | to act normally 
% outside the program environment:
\newif\ifVBarOutsideProgram \VBarOutsideProgramtrue
\def\normalbaroutside{\catcode`\|=12 \VBarOutsideProgramfalse}

  \ifVBarOutsideProgram\else\catcode`\|=\active\fi %% added line
  \obeycr %% added line
  % activate tabbing commands:
  \@tabcommandson %% added line
  \global\let\DO=\@oldDO %% added line
  \lineskip \z@\let\>\@rtab\let\<\@ltab\let\=\@settab
  \let\\=\@programcr %% changed from \let\\=\tabcr
  \global\@tabpush0 \global\@rjfieldfalse
  \trivlist \item[]%\if@minipage\else\vskip\parskip\fi
  $\@gobblecr %% added line

\def\endprogram{$\@stopline\ifnum\@tabpush > 0 \@badpoptabs \fi\endtrivlist%
  \restorecr \@tabcommandsoff %% added line
  \ifVBarOutsideProgram\else\catcode`\|=12\fi %% added line



% - version which puts the whole program in a box.
\newif\if@programbox \@programboxfalse


% A new version of @stopline which ignores blank lines (lines with 
% width 0pt). To print a blank line, put "\ " on it!
    \@tempdima\@totalleftmargin \advance\@tempdima\linewidth
    \hbox to\@tempdima{\@itemfudge\@printlineno\hskip\dimen\@curtabmar



   \ifNumberPrograms\grefstepcounter{programline}\fi      % Added by M.Ward
   \global\@curtab\@curtabmar\global\setbox\@curline\hbox % missing \global
    {}\@startfield\strut}                                 % added 17 Jun 86

  \global\edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%

% A switch to allow \BAR...\BAR without untabbing twice:
\newif\ifBarDone \BarDonefalse

% a switch to allow \IF or \ELSIF with no \THEN (Grrr...):

% For saving and restoring tab numbers (if a structure may contain
% "unbalanced" \tab ... \untab pairs:

% These are the commands used to set the tabs.
% They have different definitione inside and outside tebbing environments:

\def\@tabcommandson{% activate tabbing commands:
  % \tab sets a tab stop and adds one to the margin tab:
  % \qtab sets a tab stop at one quad of indentation:
  % \untab removes one tab stop and moves left if at the beginning of a line:
  % Must finish current field before testing if at margin:
  % \@marginspace adds an extra space unless there is no text on the line:
  \def\@marginspace{$\@finishfield$\@ifatmargin\relax\else\ \fi}%
  % \rcomment{...} provides a comment flush to the right margin:
  % \llapm{...} is like \llap{...} but also leaves and re-enters math
  % mode so that "\llapm{stuff}(" does not put any space between the stuff
  % and the "(". This means it will line up with "\llapm{stuff}X"
  % Note this is only used when \@tabcommandson is in force so we are in
  % normal math mode, not display math mode.
  % The 1sp space is so that a line with just an \llapm item on it is not 
  % considered to be empty!
		  \llap{$##1$}$\hskip 1sp$%
		\else ##1 \fi}%
  % Use this to typeset "..." at a higher tab position:
  % For typesetting a relation:
		  \llap{$\ ##1\ $}${}$%
		\else\ ##1\ \fi}%

\def\@tabcommandsoff{% deactivate tabbing commands:
  \let\@marginspace=\ % never at margin thus always a space

%% Now for the keywords:

\def\IF{\keyword{if}\global\THENfalse\ \tab}
\def\THEN{\@marginspace\keyword{then}\global\THENtrue\ \tab}
% else has the same width as then and lines up with it on right:
\def\ELSE{\@marginspace\llapm{\keyword{else}\ }}%
% elsf lines up with the if:
	  \global\THENfalse\keyword{elsf}\ \tab}
	   \global\THENfalse\keyword{elsif}\ \tab}
% \AR is the arrow for Dijkstra if and do:
% \AR* starts a newline with one quad indentation:
	{\ \tab\global\BarDonefalse}}%
% bar lines up on right with if or do keyword:
	 \llapm{\barsymbol\ }}%
\def\AWAIT{\keyword{await}\ }% \THEN provides the \tab
\def\DO{\keyword{do}\ \tab}
% \WHILE, \FOR, \FOREACH and \ATEACH temporarily change \DO to not set a tab:
\def\WHILE{\keyword{while}\ \tab
	   \gdef\DO{\@marginspace\keyword{do}\ \global\let\DO=\@oldDO}}
\def\FOR{\keyword{for}\ \tab
	 \gdef\DO{\@marginspace\keyword{do}\ \global\let\DO=\@oldDO}}
	     \gdef\DO{\keyword{do}\ \global\let\DO=\@oldDO}%
	     \ \@typename}
	    \gdef\DO{\keyword{do}\ \global\let\DO=\@oldDO}%
	    \ \@typename}
\def\STEP{\@marginspace\keyword{step}\ }
\def\TO{\@marginspace\keyword{to}\ }
% make sure next statement starts on a new line
% with one quad of indentation:
\def\BEGIN{\qtab\hbox{\keyword{begin}}\ }%
\def\REP{\qtab\hbox{\keyword{rep}}\ }%
\def\ACTIONEQ{\ \equiv\\\quad\tab}%
\def\WHERE{\@marginspace\untab\qtab\hbox{\keyword{where}}\ }%
\def\IFMATCH{\qtab\keyword{ifmatch}\ \@typename}
\def\FILL{\keyword{fill}\ \tab\savetab\@typename}
\def\EDIT{\keyword{edit}\ \tab}
\def\EDITPARENT{\qtab\keyword{editparent}\ }
% Generalised expression brackets:
\def\VAR{\qtab\keyword{var}\ }
\def\var{\ \keyword{var}\ }
\def\WHERE{\@marginspace\untab\tab\keyword{where}\ }
\def\WITHIN{\@marginspace\untab\keyword{within}\ }
\def\JOIN{\keyword{join}\ \tab}
\def\ONEOF{\keyword{oneof}\ \tab}

\def\ACTIONS{\tab\keyword{actions}\ \global\let\EQ=\@oldEQ}
\def\CALL{\keyword{call}\ }
\def\COMMENT#1{\keyword{comment}\mbox{: #1}}
\def\C#1{\keyword{C}:\ \mbox{#1}}
\def\ARRAY{\keyword{array}\ }
\def\LIKE{\@marginspace\keyword{array}\ }
\def\TYPEDEF{\@marginspace\keyword{typedef}\ }

\def\@typename#1{\mbox{#1}\ }

% The symbols used in programs:
\def\QE{\fullstop} % end of == definition.

% Expression brackets:
\def\openexp{\mathopen {\mbox{\rule[-0.5ex]{0.04em}{2.3ex}%

% \fullstop ends an action, proc or funct definition:
\def\fullstop{\untab{\mbox{\bf .}}}

% \join and \choice symbols:
\def\join{\@marginspace\llapm{\sqcup\ }}%
\def\choice{\@marginspace\llapm{\sqcap\ }}%
% \EQ puts more space around symbol in program environment:
% (this gets redefined by \PROC and \FUNCT):

% default is tab commands deactivated:

% define \normalshape if not present:

% Underline through descenders:

% The Boolean values:

% The simple programs:

% An abbreviation:

%% Draw a box round something in a program:
  % Set #1 in a box, with no tab settings, and restore horizontal position:
  % Then set it again as normal:
  #1\ }

%% For a larger box, covering several lines, put \tl at the top left
%% corner, and \br at the bottom right. THIS REQUIRES pstricks AND pst-node
	      \ncangles[linewidth=0.4pt, linearc=0pt, nodesep=0pt, angle=90,%
			armA=1.5ex, armB=1.5ex]{-}{tl}{br}%
	      \ncangles[linewidth=0.4pt, linearc=0pt, nodesep=0pt, angle=-90,%
			armA=1.4ex, armB=1.4ex]{-}{br}{tl}}

%%% Section (2). |Variable_Names|

%%% We use an idea from Rainer Schopf's verbatim style
%%% This allows !@#$%^&*() in variable names as well as _
%%% This version should cope better with missing | delimiters:

% First we define the default \variablefont, \variablefontend and \keyword:

	    \if@corr\/\else\fi\endgroup\egroup} % put back the \egroup

% The old default keyword style is bold underlined:
% The old default variable font is slanted, so \variablefontend adds italic correction:
  \def\variablefontend##1{\begingroup\futurelet\temp\@corr}% gobble the \egroup
  \def\keyword##1{\mbox{\underbar{\normalshape\bf ##1}}}
  \def\boldvar##1{{\mbox{\normalshape\bf ##1}}}

% For sans-serif variables and keywords (no underbar):
  \def\keyword##1{\mbox{\normalshape\bf\sf ##1}}%
  \def\boldvar##1{\mbox{\normalshape\bf\sf ##1}}%

% For sans-serif variables and keywords in CAPITALS
% (As required for Oberon and Modula)
% This command was submitted by Matteo Corti <corti@inf.ethz.ch>:
  \def\boldvar##1{\mbox{\normalshape\bf\sf ##1}}%

% The new default is \sfvariables:


% Use \scriptvar|foo| for sub/super-script variables:

% This section is modified from verbatim.sty:
\newif\ifwasinmmode \wasinmmodefalse
    \gdef\variable{% first save mmode status:
	    \@latexerr{Variable name ended by end of line.}\@ehc}%
  \lowercase{\def~{\endgroup% if we were not in mmode, do italic corr:
		   \ifwasinmmode\let\next=\/% was \relax


% Make @ active and equal to \char 64:

\def\@dovar{\variable} % #1 = \fi from defn of |

%% Set up _ as \_ outside math mode and \sb in math mode:
%% (in case you use _ outside math mode)
\catcode`\_=\active \def_{\ifmmode\sb\else\p@sb\fi}
% Restore catcode of _ (due to clash with \includegraphics):

%% Make sure | still works in \verb and verbatim (it is now a "special"):
\def\dospecials{\do\ \do\\\do\{\do\}\do\$\do\&%

%%% Section (3). Program Schemas.

% Definitions for bold subscripted symbols, eg:
%  \B1  or \B{}  or  \B{12} ... etc.
% We check for ' so \B', \S''' etc will work as expected.

% some bold letters:

\newif\ifMmode \Mmodefalse

  \relax% to fool array and other alignments
 \mbox{\normalshape\bf #1}%

  \relax% to fool array and other alignments

   % Use \mathchoice (typesets all 4) if this is needed for
   % subscripts or superscripts (costs ~0.5 seconds per symbol!):
   % NB use of \text should fix this with AMSLaTeX.
   %\mathchoice{\mbox{\series{bx}\shape{n}\selectfont #1}}%
   %           {\mbox{\series{bx}\shape{n}\selectfont #1}}%
   %           {\mbox{\normalshape\bf\scriptsize #1}}%
   %           {\mbox{\normalshape\bf\tiny #1}}%

\def\@nothing{} \def\prog@prime{'}
   \def\@boldsubthing{#1}% subscript
   \ifx\@boldsubthing\@nothing% empty


%%% Section (4). Maths notation used in programs

% Notation for sets of the form {...|...} :
% Eg: \set{x \in N | x>0}  becomes:
% \left\{\left.\,  x \in N \:\right\origbar\: x>0 \,\right\}
% set brackets and | grow to fit the size if their contents.
% Also: \bigset{...|...} becomes: 
%                        \bigl\{\, ... \mathrel{\bigm\origbar} ... \, \bigr\}
% \bigset is in an aligned environment, so it can include \\
% (AMSLaTeX only)
\def\set#1{\@@set#1\@end} % strip of the {} and pass to \@@set
\def\@@set#1|#2\@end{\left\{\left.\, #1 \:\right\origbar\:
		     #2 \,\right\} }
\def\bigset#1{\@bigset#1\@end} % strip of the {} and pass to \@bigset
{% Not AMSLaTeX:
  \def\@bigset#1|#2\@end{\bigl\{\, #1 {\:\bigm\origbar\:}
			 #2 \,\bigr\} }
}{% With AMSLaTeX:
  \def\@bigset#1|#2\@end{\begin{aligned}[t]\bigl\{\, #1 {\:\bigm\origbar\:}&
			 #2 \,\bigr\} \end{aligned} }

% Notation for substitution in programs:
% Use \modbar{x} for |x|:
\def\modbar#1{\left\origbar #1\right\origbar}

% Notation for a sequence in angle brackets:
% \bigseq uses big size of brackets:
% \def\seq#1{\left< #1 \right>}
\def\seq#1{\langle #1 \rangle}
\def\bigseq#1{\bigl< #1 \bigr>}

% Notation for subsequences analogous to set notation:
\def\subseq#1{\@@subseq#1\@end} % strip of the {} and pass to \@@subseq
\def\@@subseq#1|#2\@end{\left<\left.\, #1 \:\right\origbar\:
			#2 \,\right>}
\def\bigsubseq#1{\@bigsubseq#1\@end} % strip of the {} and pass to \@bigsubseq
{% Not AMSLaTeX:
  \def\@bigsubseq#1|#2\@end{\bigl<\, #1 {\:\bigm\origbar\:}
			    #2 \,\bigr> }
}{% With AMSLaTeX:
  \def\@bigsubseq#1|#2\@end{\begin{aligned}[t]\bigl<\, #1 {\:\bigm\origbar\:}&
			    #2 \,\bigr> \end{aligned} }

% range dots, like \ldots but with two dots only (for 1..n etc.):

% Atomic Specification statement: for eg <x>/<y>.Q use: \atspec x/y. Q
% This uses "/" and "." as argument delimiters:
% \def\atspec #1/#2.{\seq{#1}\!/\!\seq{#2}\!.}
\def\atspec #1/#2.{\seq{#1}/\seq{#2}.}

% \Forall vars.formula and \Exists vars.formula:
\def\Forall#1.{\forall #1.\,}
\def\Exists#1.{\exists #1.\,}

\let\EQspace=\  % default space around \EQ \EQT and \LE
\def\EQT{\mathrel{\EQspace\approx\EQspace}}      % program equivalence.
\def\LE{\mathrel{\EQspace\le\EQspace}}           % program refinement.
\def\SLE{\mathrel{\EQspace\preccurlyeq\EQspace}} % semi-refinement.
% \AND and \OR relations have an extra thin space around them:
% (use \iff and \implies for the "long" arrows)

% map and reduce operators:
\def\bstar{\mathrel{\boldsymbol{*}}} % for *
\def\bdiv{\boldsymbol{/}} % for /

% Various arrows (taken from oz.sty):
\let \rel       \leftrightarrow
\let \tfun      \rightarrow
\let \tinj      \rightarrowtail
\def \tsur      {\mathrel{\ooalign{$\tfun$\hfil\cr$\mkern4mu\tfun$}}}
\def \pfun      {\p\tfun}
\def \pinj      {\p\tinj}
\def \psur      {\p\tsur}
\def \ffun      {\f\tfun}
\def \finj      {\f\tinj}
\def \bij       {\mathrel{\ooalign{$\tinj$\hfil\cr$\mkern5mu\tfun$}}}
\def\p#1{\mathrel{\ooalign{\hfil$\mapstochar\mkern 5mu$\hfil\cr$#1$}}}
	$\mapstochar\mkern 3mu\mapstochar\mkern 5mu$\hfil\cr$#1$}}}

%% Logical exclusive or:

%% Sequence concatenation:


%% Stack operations:
\def\push{\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\rmtiny push}}{\longleftarrow}}}
\def\pop {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\rmtiny  pop}}{\longleftarrow}}}
\def\pick{\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\rmtiny pick}}{\longleftarrow}}}
\def\last{\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\rmtiny last}}{\longleftarrow}}}

%% bitwise operators
\def\bitand {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny bit}}{\wedge}}}
\def\bitor  {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny bit}}{\vee}}} 
\def\bitexor{\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny bit}}{\vphantom\vee\smash\oplus}}}
\def\bitnot{{\overset{\mbox{\tiny bit}}{\vphantom\vee\neg}}}

%% Logical, decimal and floating point operators:
\def\lplus {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny log}}{+}}}
\def\lminus{\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny log}}{-}}}
\def\lmult {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny log}}{\times}}}
\def\ldiv  {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny log}}{\div}}}
\def\lequ  {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny log}}{=}}}
\def\lneq  {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny log}}{\neq}}}
\def\lless {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny log}}{<}}}
\def\lgreat{\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny log}}{>}}}
\def\lleq  {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny log}}{\leq}}}
\def\lgreq {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny log}}{\geq}}}
\def\dplus {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny dec}}{+}}}
\def\dminus{\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny dec}}{-}}}
\def\dmult {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny dec}}{\times}}}
\def\ddiv  {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny dec}}{\div}}}
\def\deq   {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny dec}}{=}}}
\def\dneq  {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny dec}}{\neq}}}
\def\dless {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny dec}}{<}}}
\def\dgreat{\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny dec}}{>}}}
\def\dleq  {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny dec}}{\leq}}}
\def\dgreq {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny dec}}{\geq}}}
\def\fplus {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny fpt}}{+}}}
\def\fminus{\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny fpt}}{-}}}
\def\fmult {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny fpt}}{\times}}}
\def\fdiv  {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny fpt}}{\div}}}
\def\feq   {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny fpt}}{=}}}
\def\fneq  {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny fpt}}{\neq}}}
\def\fless {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny fpt}}{<}}}
\def\fgreat{\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny fpt}}{>}}}
\def\fleq  {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny fpt}}{\leq}}}
\def\fgreq {\mathrel{\overset{\mbox{\tiny fpt}}{\geq}}}

%% mod and div:

%% add the definition of overset if not present:
      \medmuskip\m@ne mu\thickmuskip\@ne mu$#1\m@th$}%
     \setbox@ne\hbox{\thinmuskip0mu\medmuskip\m@ne mu\thickmuskip
      \@ne mu${}#1{}\m@th$}%

%% =df symbol (with thick space around it):
\def\edf{\mathrel{\;=_{{}_{\mbox{\rmtiny DF}}}\;}}

%% empty set symbol: (use \varnothing if available)

%% Powerset symbol:
%% check if \teurm defined - if not then use \oldwp (Large and raised):
  {\def\powerset{\raisebox{0.5ex}{\Large$\oldwp$}}}% no \eurm
  {\def\powerset{\raisebox{0.5ex}{\Large\teurm\char"7D}}}% Use Euler roman p
% old defn -- with amslatex this makes the whole maths item \Large!

%% The stmaryrd style and fonts include \bigsqcap, but if you don't have
%% it, here is an alternative using rules (only works at standard size):

%%% Section (5). Miscellaneous bits and pieces

%% Substitute for some AMSLaTeX things if they are missing:
\@ifundefined{boldsymbol}{\def\boldsymbol#1{\mbox{\bf #1}}}{}

% \snugbox is by Victor Eijhout, eijkhout@cs.utk.edu, TUGboat 13, 1, 1992.
% It sets a box containing paragraphs as wide ``as it really is''
%            ^^^^^ changed from \hbox by M.Ward
  {\skip\z@=\lastskip \unskip
   \advance\skip\z@\lastskip \unskip
   \ifvoid\z@ \nointerlineskip
     \else {\sn@gify} \fi
% To vertically centre the box:

%% Cases environment:
%% based on description environment with numbering:
  \ifnum \@enumdepth >3 \@toodeep\else
    \advance\@enumdepth \@ne
     {\list{\kern-1em\hbox{\normalshape\bf Case \arabic{\@enumctr}:}}%
     {\list{\kern-1em\hbox{\normalshape\bf Case \arabic{\@enumctr}:}}% 
	   {\mathindent 0pt \usecounter{\@enumctr}%


%% \CASES is redundant with amstex.sty

%% Environment romanenumerate for lists numbered by roman numerals:

%% A fix to get lower case Roman numerals for use as labels:
\def\@myroman#1{\expandafter{\romannumeral #1}}

%% \proof macro for theorems and lemmas:
			\noindent{\bf Proof: }}\ignorespaces}

%% require the {...} for \wp and \WP
\let\oldwp=\wp % save old \wp (curly p character)
%\def\@wp#1{\mbox{\normalshape wp}(#1)}
%\def\@WP#1{\mbox{\normalshape WP}(#1)}
%% Don't require {...}, ie use normal parentheses where required:
\def\wp{\mbox{\normalshape wp}}
\def\WP{\mbox{\normalshape WP}}

%% Two line displayed equation, eg:
%% \[  \twoline{ a_very_long_left_hand_side \\
%%                   {} = a_fairly_long_right_hand_side } \]
%% Use in displayed maths mode.
%% NB this is superseded by AMSLaTeX's multline environment.
\def\twoline#1{\def\\{\hfill\cr\hfill}% \def only lasts to end of display
	       \displaylines{\quad #1 \quad\cr}}

%% Add a definition of \Bbb if not present:
% We use poor man's bold to give an ``extra bold'' letter:
   \def\pBbb#1{\setbox0=\hbox{\bf #1}
	       \kern-.025em\raise.0433em\box0 }}

%% Add a definition of cases environment if not present:

%% draw a line across the page:

%% A \qed command for the end of a proof:
  {\def\qedsymbol{\vrule width.6em height.5em depth.1em\relax}}
%  \postdisplaypenalty\@M\relax#1
%  \]\par{\lineskip\z@\baselineskip\z@\vbox to\z@{\vss\noindent\textqed}}} 
%% simpler version from ROGERS@se.physto.vana using the primitive \eqno:
    \vbox to\z@{\vss\noindent\textqed}}%

%% A crude method of allowing URLs to break across lines: sprinkle ~'s
%% inside your \www{...} command, eg:
%% \www{http://~ws-mj3.~dur.~ac.~uk/~martin/~papers/~ref-ws-5.ps.gz}

\def\www{\bgroup\def~{\hskip 1pt plus 3pt minus 1pt\relax}\www@}

%% Fix the use of | in \index:

    {Writing index file \jobname.idx}%