% Copyright 2003 by Rolf Niepraschk (Rolf.Niepraschk@ptb.de).
% This software is released under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public 
% License  (ftp://dante.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/base/lppl.txt).
% (Essentially: Free to use, copy, distribute (sell) and change, but, if
% changed, the name must be changed.)

\ProvidesPackage{ps4pdf}[2005/02/11 v0.6i PS code for pdfTeX (RN/HO)]
\newcommand*\PfP@mode{0} \newcommand*\PfP@draft@global{false}
\newcommand*\PfP@ury{0.50001bp}% Prevents rounding errors.
\newcommand*\PfP@tempa{} \newcommand*\PfP@tempb{}

\newif\ifPfP@draft \newif\ifPfPinside \PfPinsidefalse
\newif\ifPfP@notightpage \PfP@notightpagefalse





      \Gread@parse@vp#1 \\%
        \def\noexpand\PfP@llx{\Gin@vllx bp}%
        \def\noexpand\PfP@lly{\Gin@vlly bp}%
        \def\noexpand\PfP@urx{\Gin@vurx bp}%
        \def\noexpand\PfP@ury{\Gin@vury bp}}\x%
%     Like "\xdef\PfP@llx{\Gin@vllx bp}..." but only for one group level.     
  \define@key{PfP}{draft}[true]{\csname PfP@draft#1\endcsname}  
%   #1=width of the main box, #2=height of the main box, 
%   #3=raw material
%   #1=width, #2=height, #3=info text   

\ifcase\PfP@mode%      == dvi (extraction mode) == 
%% "AtBeginDocument" is necessary because `preview' called `\nofiles'.
%% After this call `\makeindex' is `\relax' and can't be redefined with
%% `\renewcommand'.
  \define@key{PfP}{draft}[true]{}% Not used in this mode.
%% To prevent tabularx from execute each \cmd{\PSforPDF} more than once.  
    % Outside of `\PSforPDF' `\includegraphics' must do nothing
    % because we can't handle pdfTeX graphics (.pdf, .jpg,...)
    % in this mode. `~' is a non-zero size dummy.
      % Prevents not writing a dvi file if the document contains    
      % no \PSforPDF commands (e.g. suppressed by \includeonly)      
\or%                   == pdfTeX == 

  \newcommand\PSforPDF[2][]{}% Do nothing before `\begin{document}' 
  % The definition for the "page" key can only be executed 
  % at `\begin{document}' if `keyval' is present!
        \setkeys{PfP}{trim=\PfP@llx{} \PfP@lly{} \PfP@urx{} \PfP@ury}%
             \centering Can't show picture~\#\thePSforPDF\ because it
             does not exist in \texttt{\PfP@container}. Recreate 
          % recalculate the original size.
        Graphic container `\PfP@container' not found}%
          \centering Can't show picture~\#\thePSforPDF\ because 
           \texttt{\PfP@container} not found. Create it from 
           \texttt{\jobname.dvi} using \texttt{dvips} and \texttt{ps2pdf}!}}
      \PackageWarningNoLine{ps4pdf}{`\PfP@container' is no more valid}%    
\else%                == inactive (latex/dvips, VTeX) == 

%   #1=width of the main box, #2=height of the main box,  
%   #3=trim left, #4=trim right, #5=trim top, #6=trim bottom
%   #7=raw material
        \makebox[\width-#3][r]{% extends at left
          \makebox[\width+#4][l]{% extends at right
            \raisebox{\dp\@tempboxa-#6}% extends at top and bottom

    \PackageInfo{ps4pdf}{Local config file ps4pdf.cfg used}


\changes{v0.3g (RN)}{2003/02/12}{First public version.}
\changes{v0.3h (RN)}{2003/02/11}{Optional parameter for Trimming.}
\changes{v0.4a (RN)}{2003/02/13}{key-value syntax.}
\changes{v0.5  (RN)}{2003/05/17}{trim parameter: Scaling was wrong, corrected.
  New options draft/final. Code cleanup. Improved test file.} 
\changes{v0.5a (RN)}{2003/05/19}{Option "inactive" works now.}
\changes{v0.5b (RN)}{2003/05/21}{Mode detection changed. Code cleanup.}
\changes{v0.5c (RN)}{2003/05/26}{New Parameters "hpos" and "vpos".}
\changes{v0.6  (RN)}{2003/05/30}{trim parameter and draft option can be used 
  with the "inactive" option}
\changes{v0.6a (RN)}{2003/06/03}{Size and alignment after trimming changed.
  Parameter "hpos" and "vpos" removed.} 
\changes{v0.6b (RN)}{2003/06/09}{Simplified definition for trim key.}
\changes{v0.6c (RN)}{2003/06/19}{The name of the graphics container can now be
  changed with \cmd{\containerName}. A document without any \cmd{\PSforPDF} 
  commands creates now an empty container file.}
\changes{v0.6d (RN)}{2003/08/17}{Inputting a config file added.}
\changes{v0.6e (RN)}{2003/09/03}{Works now with `tabularx'. Thanks to 
  Herbert Voss.}
\changes{v0.6f (RN)}{2003/09/05}{bug in extraction mode corrected (`graphicx'
  is required). Thanks to Jose Carlos Santos.}
\changes{v0.6g (RN)}{2003/11/22}{New package options `graphics/nographics'
  similar to package `crop' (suppresses the graphics output; 
  suggested by Markus Kohm).}
\changes{v0.6h (RN)}{2004/07/15}{In dvi extraction mode the `preview' package
  should be loaded ``AtBeginDocument'' to prevent problems with `natbib'; bug
  reported from ???.}
\changes{v0.6i (RN)}{2005/02/11}{Option "notightpage" added.}