% \iffalse % meta-comment % subfig.dtx % Sub-float macros for use with the LaTeX figure/table environments. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Copyright � 2003, 2004, 2005 Steven Douglas Cochran. % % This work (the subfig package) may be distributed and/or modified % under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either % version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2003/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". % % This Current Maintainer of this work is Steven Douglas Cochran. % % This work consists of all files listed under "MANIFEST" in the % README file distributed with the subfig package. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% @LaTeX-style-file{ %% author = "Steven Douglas Cochran", %% version = "1.3", %% date = "2005/07/05", %% time = "04:19:08", %% filename = "subfig.sty", %% address = "Digital Mapping Laboratory, %% School of Computer Science %% Carnegie-Mellon University, %% 5000 Forbes Avenue %% Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 %% USA", %% telephone = "+1 412.268.5654", %% fax = "+1 412.268.5576", %% email = "cochran@ieee.org", %% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %% keywords = "LaTeX, float, sub-float, continued figure", %% supported = "yes", %% abstract = "LaTeX package for providing support for the %% inclusion of small, `sub', figures and tables. It %% simplifies the positioning, captioning and %% labeling of them within a single figure or table %% environment. In addition, this package allows %% such sub-captions to be written to the List of %% Figures or List of Tables if desired." %% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \fi % % \catcode`\^=14 ^ We will use a ^ for a comment. % % \def\filename{subfig.dtx} % \def\fileversion{version 1.3} % \def\filedate{2005/06/28} ^ Last code change % \def\docdate{2005/07/05} ^ Last documentation change % % \CheckSum{1183} % % \iffalse %<*driver> \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] \ProvidesFile{subfig.dtx} \documentclass[a4paper]{ltxdoc} \usepackage{hyperref} \makeatletter \@twosidetrue \def\cmd#1{\cs{\expandafter\cmd@to@cs\string#1}} \def\cmd@to@cs#1#2{#2} \DeclareRobustCommand\cs[1]{\textbackslash #1} % % Widen the standard ltxdoc pagesize, just a little. % \setlength\topmargin {0pt} \setlength\headheight {12pt} \setlength\headsep {24pt} \setlength\@tempdima {\paperheight} \addtolength\@tempdima {-2in} \addtolength\@tempdima {-\headheight} \addtolength\@tempdima {-\headsep} \divide\@tempdima \baselineskip \@tempcnta \@tempdima \setlength\textheight {\@tempcnta\baselineskip} % \setlength\textwidth {\paperwidth} \addtolength\textwidth {-3in} \addtolength\textwidth {-20pt} \setlength\oddsidemargin {1in} \addtolength\textwidth {20pt} \setlength\evensidemargin {\oddsidemargin} % \setlength\marginparsep {8pt} \setlength\marginparwidth {2in} \makeatother \RequirePackage[format=hang,justification=RaggedRight]{caption}[2005/06/26] \RequirePackage[format=default,justification=justified,% lofdepth=2,lotdepth=2,subrefformat=parens]{subfig}[2005/06/28] % Create map and submap floats for example \usepackage{float} \newfloat{map}{tbph}{lom} \restylefloat*{map} \floatstyle{plain} \floatname{map}{Map} \captionsetup[map]{position=top} \newsubfloat[position=top,listofformat=simple]{map} \newcommand{\listofmaps}{\listof{map}{List of Maps}} \setcounter{lomdepth}{2} % Other packages \usepackage{color} \definecolor{lightgray}{gray}{.8} \IfFileExists{booktabs.sty}{% \usepackage{booktabs}% }{% \PackageWarning{subfig}% {booktabs.sty is missing.\MessageBreak I'm emulating the needed commands, but you should\MessageBreak install it for better results.}% \let\toprule\hline \let\midrule\hline \let\bottomrule\hline } % Handy temp values. \newbox{\tempbox} \newdimen{\tempdima} \newdimen{\tempdimb} % Make a SubFloat environment. \makeatletter \newbox\sf@box \newenvironment{SubFloat}[2][]% {\def\sf@one{#1}% \def\sf@two{#2}% \setbox\sf@box\hbox \bgroup}% { \egroup \ifx\@empty\sf@two\@empty\relax \def\sf@two{\@empty} \fi \ifx\@empty\sf@one\@empty\relax \subfloat[\sf@two]{\box\sf@box}% \else \subfloat[\sf@one][\sf@two]{\box\sf@box}% \fi} \makeatother % Adjust internal stuff \makeatletter \IfFileExists{multirow.sty}{% \usepackage{multirow}% }{% \PackageWarning{subfig}% {multirow.sty is missing.\MessageBreak I'm emulating the needed command, but you should\MessageBreak install it for better results.}% \def\multirow##1##2##3{% \@tempcnta=##1% \@tempdima\@tempcnta\ht\@arstrutbox \advance\@tempdima\@tempcnta\dp\@arstrutbox \ifnum\@tempcnta<0% \@tempdima=-\@tempdima \fi \if*##2 \setbox0\vtop to \@tempdima{% \vfill \raggedright \hbox{\strut##3\strut}% \vfill}% \else \setbox0\vtop to \@tempdima{% \hsize##2 \@parboxrestore \vfill \raggedright \strut##3\strut\par \vfill}% \fi \ht0\z@ \dp0\z@ \ifnum\@tempcnta<0% \advance\@tempdima-\dp\@arstrutbox \else \@tempdima=\ht\@arstrutbox \fi \leavevmode \vtop{% \vskip-\@tempdima \box0% \vss}}} \makeatother % Penalty Settings \setlength\hfuzz{100pt} \setlength\vfuzz{100pt} \clubpenalty=10000 \widowpenalty=10000 \displaywidowpenalty=5000 \brokenpenalty=5000 \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} \DocInput{subfig.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % %<*ltxdoc> \AtBeginDocument{% % \OnlyDescription % comment out for implementation details \EnableCrossrefs \RecordChanges \CodelineIndex } \AtEndDocument{ \newpage \PrintChanges \newpage \PrintIndex } %</ltxdoc> % % \fi % \newcommand*{\Lopt}[1]{\textsf{#1}} ^ Package options % \newcommand*{\Lfile}[1]{\texttt{#1}} ^ File names % \newcommand*{\Lpack}[1]{\textsf{#1}} ^ Package names % \newcommand*{\Lenv}[1]{\texttt{#1}} ^ Environment names % \newcommand*{\Lcount}[1]{\textsl{\small#1}} ^ Counter names % \newcommand*{\Lif}[1]{\textsc{\bf#1}} ^ \if names % \newcommand*{\Lvar}[1]{``#1''} ^ variable names % \newcommand*{\Lkv}[1]{`#1'} ^ keyword/value names % % ^^ % ^^ NOTE: Hacks added to make the final format (if any) % ^^ are marked with the comment ``^finalhack''. % ^^ % % \changes{v1.0}{21 August 2003}{Created (based on the \Lpack{subfigure} % package.} % \changes{v1.2}{28 January 2004}{Changed the names \Lkv{topskip} to % \Lkv{farskip}, and \Lkv{bottomskip} to \Lkv{nearskip}. Added % a hyphen to ``sub-float'' and ``sub-caption'' where they occurs as % regular text to match the usage in The \LaTeX\ Companion. Also fixed % bug in the alternative code if the \Lpack{multirow} package is not found.} % \changes{v1.3}{26 March 2004}{Lots of documentation changes. I hope % that they are improvements!} % % \DoNotIndex{\@@@,\@auxout,\@bsphack,\@classoptionslist,\@currbox} % \DoNotIndex{\@currext,\@currname\@dblarg,\@dottedtocline,\@ehd,\@empty} % \DoNotIndex{\@esphack,\@expandtwoargs,\@firstofone,\@firstoftwo} % \DoNotIndex{\@floatpenalty,\@for,\@gobble,\@ifnextchar} % \DoNotIndex{\@ifpackageloaded,\@ifstar,\@ifundefined,\@largefloatcheck} % \DoNotIndex{\@latex@error,\@minipagefalse,\@namedef,\@nameuse,\@ne} % \DoNotIndex{\@onlypreamble,\@parboxrestore,\@ptionlist,\@removeelement} % \DoNotIndex{\@secondoftwo,\@setminipage,\@undefined} % \DoNotIndex{\@unprocessedoptions,\@unusedoptionlist,\@xaddvskip} % \DoNotIndex{\addcontentsline,\addtocounter,\advance,\alph,\arabic} % \DoNotIndex{\AtBeginDocument,\AtEndOfPackage,\begin,\begingroup} % \DoNotIndex{\bfseries,\bgroup,\box,\cmd,\csname,\CurrentOption,\def} % \DoNotIndex{\define@key,\do,\dp,\edef,\egroup,\else,\end,\endcsname} % \DoNotIndex{\endgroup,\endinput,\expandafter,\fi,\footnotesize,\gdef} % \DoNotIndex{\global,\hb@xt@,\hbox,\hrule,\hss,\ht,\if@minipage,\ifcase} % \DoNotIndex{\ifdim,\ifnum,\ifx,\ignorespaces,\InputIfFileExists} % \DoNotIndex{\itshape,\l@addto@macro,\label,\Large,\large,\lastskip} % \DoNotIndex{\leaders,\leavevmode,\let,\long,\m@ne,\mdseries} % \DoNotIndex{\NeedsTeXFormat,\newcounter,\newdimen,\newif,\newlabel} % \DoNotIndex{\newskip,\next,\noexpand,\normalsize,\numberline,\or,\p@} % \DoNotIndex{\PackageError,\PackageWarning,\pageref,\par,\parbox} % \DoNotIndex{\protect,\protected@edef,\protected@write,\ProvidesPackage} % \DoNotIndex{\ref,\refstepcounter,\relax,\RequirePackage,\rmfamily} % \DoNotIndex{\romannumeral,\scriptsize,\scshape,\setbox,\setcounter} % \DoNotIndex{\sffamily,\slshape,\small,\space,\string,\strip@period} % \DoNotIndex{\the,\thepage,\thr@@,\ttfamily,\tw@,\typeout,\upshape} % \DoNotIndex{\value,\vbox,\vrule,\vskip,\vtop,\wd,\xdef,\z@} % % ^ Allow a little more freedom in typesetting floats. % \setcounter{topnumber}{8} % \def\topfraction{.95} % \setcounter{bottomnumber}{8} % \def\bottomfraction{.95} % \setcounter{totalnumber}{8} % \def\textfraction{.05} % \def\floatpagefraction{.95} % \setcounter{dbltopnumber}{8} % \def\dbltopfraction{.95} % \def\dblfloatpagefraction{.9} % % ^ Useful hacks % \def\eg{{\em e.g.}} % \def\ie{{\em i.e.}} % \def\etc{{\em etc.}} % % ^ Add some space above any footnotes. % \skip\footins=1.5\baselineskip % % ^ Setup for illustrations. % \def\sc{Short caption.} % \def\lc{Non fuit causa cur postularet. Qui hoc intellegi % potest? Naevio neque ex societatis ratione neque % privatim quicquam debuit Quinctius.\par % Quis huic rei testis est? Idem qui acerrimus % adversarius; in hanc rem te, te inquam, testem, % Naevi, citabo.} % \def\lcX{Non fuit causa cur postularet. Qui hoc intellegi % potest? Naevio neque ex societatis ratione neque % privatim quicquam debuit Quinctius.\par % Quis huic rei testis est? Idem qui acerrimus % adversarius; in hanc rem te, te inquam, testem, % Naevi, citabo.\par % Annum et eo diutius post mortem C. Quincti fuit % in Gallia tecum simul Quinctius.} % \def\b{\fboxsep=-\fboxrule % \fbox{\hbox to 2.0in{\vbox to 2mm{\vfil\null}\hfil}}} % \def\B#1#2{% % \fcolorbox{black}{#1}{% % \hbox to 1.9in{\vbox to 4mm{\vss\hbox to 1.9in{% % \hfil[\texttt{#2}]\hfil}\vss}}}} % \def\g{\hspace{.5in}} % % ^ General drop for text. % \def\drop#1#2{\smash{\lower#1\hbox{#2}}} % % \makeatletter % ^ Remove some space above minipage footnotes. % \skip\@mpfootins=2.6\p@ % % ^ Define a raggedright for use in tabular's. % \def\rr{% % \@rightskip\@flushglue % \rightskip\@rightskip % \leftskip\z@ % \parindent\z@} % % ^ Turn off any list entries by ``eating'' any \addcontentsline stuff. % \def\eatthree#1#2#3{}^ % \def\turnofflistentry{\let\addcontentsline=\eatthree} % % ^ Special \footnotetext command for placing footnotes in strange places. % \def\tabFootnotetext#1{^ % \vbox{^ % \vskip\skip\@mpfootins % \footnotesize % \@parboxrestore % \edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark}^ % \@makefntext{\rule{\z@}{\footnotesep}\ignorespaces#1\strut}}} % % ^ Templates for showing options. % \newcommand{\figfont}[3]{% % \captionsetup[subfigure]{#2=#3}^ % \subfloat[{Option [\texttt{#2=#3}].}]^ % [\sc]{\label{#1}\B{white}{#2=#3}}} % \newcommand{\figfontlist}[3]{^ % \captionsetup[subfigure]{#2={#3}}^ % \subfloat[{Option [\texttt{#2=\{#3\}}].}]^ % [\sc]{\label{#1}\B{white}{#2=\{#3\}}}} % \newcommand{\figfontlistS}[3]{^ % \captionsetup[subfigure]{#2={#3}}^ % \subfloat[{Option [\texttt{#2=\{#3\}}].}]^ % [\sc]{\label{#1}\B{lightgray}{#2=\{#3\}}}} % \newcommand{\figshape}[3][\@empty]{^ % \begin{figure}^ % \centering % \captionsetup[subfigure]{#3}^ % \subfloat[][\sc]{\b}\g\subfloat[][\lc\label{#2b}]{\b}^ % \ifx\@empty#1\relax % \caption{Options [\texttt{#3}].}^ % \else % \caption[Options [\texttt{#1}{].}]{Options [\texttt{#3}].}^ % \fi % \label{#2}^ % \end{figure}} % % \makeatother % % \title{The \Lpack{Subfig} Package\footnote{This paper documents % the \Lpack{subfig} package \fileversion, last revised % \filedate.}\\[10pt]} % \author{Steven Douglas Cochran\\[15pt] % Digital Mapping Laboratory, School of Computer Science \\ % Carnegie-Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue \\ % Pittsburgh, PA 15213--3890 \\ % USA\\[15pt] % \texttt{cochran@ieee.org}\\ % \texttt{sdc@cs.cmu.edu}} % \date{\docdate} % % \addtolength\oddsidemargin{-.5in} % \maketitle\thispagestyle{empty} % % \begin{abstract} % \noindent % This article documents the \LaTeX\ package `\Lpack{subfig}', which % provides support for the inclusion of small, `sub', figures and % tables. It simplifies the positioning, captioning and labeling of % such objects within a single \Lenv{figure} or \Lenv{table} environment % and to continue a \Lenv{figure} or \Lenv{table} across multiple pages. % In addition, this package allows such sub-captions to be written to a % List-of-Floats page as desired. The `\Lpack{subfig}' package requires % the `\Lpack{caption}' package by H.A. Sommerfeldt and replaces the % older `\Lpack{subfigure}' package. % \end{abstract} % % \cleardoublepage % \addtolength\oddsidemargin{.5in} % \setcounter{page}{1} % \pagenumbering{roman} % \pagestyle{myheadings} % \markboth{The \Lpack{Subfig} Package}{\slshape\rightmark} % \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\quad#1}} % % \tableofcontents % \listoffigures % \listoftables % \listofmaps % % \cleardoublepage % \setcounter{page}{1} % \pagenumbering{arabic} % \section{Introduction} % % This package provides support for the manipulation and reference of % small or `sub' floats within a single floating (\eg, \Lenv{figure} or % \Lenv{table}) environment\footnote{Section~\ref{sec:customfloat} % describes how to add support for additional \Lenv{float} % environments.} It is convenient to use this package when your % sub-floats are to be separately captioned, referenced, or when such % sub-captions are to be included on a List-of-Floats page. % % This package is a replacement for the \Lpack{subfigure} package, from % which it was derived. However, the new \Lpack{subfig} package is not % completely backward compatible (see section~\ref{sec:back-compat}. % Therefore, a new name was called for. The newer package is smaller % and easier to use than the older package, however, it now uses the % following additional packages: % \begin{tabbing} % \qquad $\bullet\space$ \Lpack{ragged2e} \= (required) \kill % \qquad $\bullet\space$ \Lpack{caption} \> (required)\\ % \qquad $\bullet\space$ \Lpack{everysel} \> (optional)\\ % \qquad $\bullet\space$ \Lpack{keyval} \> (required)\\ % \qquad $\bullet\space$ \Lpack{ragged2e} \> (optional) % \end{tabbing} % It will work without the \Lpack{ragged2e} and \Lpack{everysel} % packages if you do not use the following justification options: % \Lkv{Center}, \Lkv{RaggedRight} and \Lkv{RaggedLeft}. The other % justification options \Lkv{center}, \Lkv{raggedright} and % \Lkv{raggedleft} will work without the above two packages. % % {\scshape\bf Note}: If the \Lpack{ragged2e} package is present, than % the \Lpack{caption} package will load it and it will, in turn, load % the \Lpack{everysel} package. This happens whether or not you will % be using the justification options that require it. If it cannot % find the \Lpack{ragged2e} package, than the \Lpack{caption} package % will print a message that \Lkv{RaggedRight}, \etc\ will not be % available. % % \subsection{Do You Need This Package?} % % Before using the \Lpack{subfig} package, consider the following to % see if you really need it. % \begin{enumerate} % \item If you simply want to center your figure on the page, then you % can use |\centerline|, |\centering| or the \Lenv{center} % environment to do so, see \cite[page 112]{Lamp94}. % \item If your figure has a short width or if you wrap your figure in % a |\parbox| or a \Lenv{minipage} of a short width, then you % can place multiple figures or tables side-by-side\footnote{You % might have to use the optional position arguments `[b]' or % `[t]' if the figures are of different heights, see % sections~\ref{sec:examples} and \ref{sec:faq:align} as well as % \cite[page 218]{Lamp94}.}. For example, the following will % put two images side-by-side in a single figure as shown in % figure~\ref{fig:1figs}: % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{figure}% % \centering % \parbox{1.2in}{...figure code...}% % \qquad % \begin{minipage}{1.2in}% % ...figure code... % \end{minipage}% % \caption{Here are two figures side-by-side.}% % \label{fig:1figs}% % \end{figure} % \end{verbatim} % \begin{figure}^ % \centering % \parbox{1.2in}{^ % \fboxsep=-\fboxrule % \fbox{\hbox to 1.2in{\vbox to 15mm{\null\vfil}\hfil}}}^ % \qquad % \begin{minipage}{1.2in}^ % \fboxsep=-\fboxrule % \fbox{\hbox to 1.2in{\vbox to 15mm{\null\vfil}\hfil}}^ % \end{minipage}^ % \caption{Here are two figures side-by-side.}^ % \label{fig:1figs}^ % \vspace{12pt} % \end{figure} % \item Finally, if you place the caption inside the |\parbox| or % \Lenv{minipage}, then the width of the caption will be limited % to the width of the parbox or minipage as shown in % figures~\ref{fig:2figsA} and \ref{fig:2figsB}: % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{figure}% % \centering % \parbox{1.2in}{% % ...figure code... % \caption{First.}% % \label{fig:2figsA}}% % \qquad % \begin{minipage}{1.2in}% % ...figure code... % \caption{Second.}% % \label{fig:2figsB}% % \end{minipage}% % \end{figure} % \end{verbatim} % \begin{figure}^ % \centering % \parbox{1.2in}{^ % \fboxsep=-\fboxrule % \fbox{\hbox to 1.2in{\vbox to 15mm{\vfil\null}\hfil}}^ % \caption{First.}^ % \label{fig:2figsA}}^ % \qquad % \begin{minipage}{1.2in}^ % \fboxsep=-\fboxrule % \fbox{\hbox to 1.2in{\vbox to 15mm{\vfil\null}\hfil}}^ % \caption{Second.}^ % \label{fig:2figsB}^ % \end{minipage}^ % \vspace{12pt} % \end{figure} % \end{enumerate} % % For more information on typesetting figures and tables, see % the book ``The \LaTeX\ Companion'' by Mittelbach and Goossens % \cite[\textsection~5 \& 6]{Mitt-etal04} and the document ``Using % Imported Graphics in \LaTeXe'' by Keith Reckdahl \cite{Reck97}. % % \section{Package Commands} % % In this section, we describe the commands defined by the % \Lpack{subfig} package and three commands from the \Lpack{caption} % package that are needed or very useful in setting and changing the % package options. % % \subsection{Preamble Commands} % % In the preamble of your \LaTeX\ file, you may load the \Lpack{subfig} % package, define new and extended options and create new sub-floats. % See the documentation for the \Lpack{caption} package for other % preamble commands that may be used to customize the caption portion of % a sub-float. % % \subsubsection{The \cmd{\usepackage} Command} % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage|\oarg{KV-list}\{subfig\} % \end{quote} % % \noindent % The optional argument list to the \Lpack{subfig} package is in the % form of a KV-list or ``Key-Value list'' (see \cite{Carl99} for more % detail). The KV-list is composed of a comma-separated list of % keywords with optional values. The keywords without a value indicate % that a default value is to be used. This list is bound to the % variable \Lvar{subfloat} and is re-evaluated each time a |\subfloat| is % encountered. These initial values may also be viewed, removed or % changed with the |\showcaptionsetup|[uniq]\{subfloat\}, % |\clearcaptionsetup|[subfloat] or % |\captionsetup|[subfloat]\marg{KV-list} commands. % % \subsubsection{The \cmd{\newsubfloat} Command} % \label{sec:newsubfloat} % \begin{quote}\DescribeMacro{\newsubfloat} % |\newsubfloat|\oarg{KV-list}\marg{float-name} % \end{quote} % % \noindent % This command creates all of the internal structures and commands % needed to support the new subfloat (the corresponding float structure % must already exist, see section~\ref{sec:customfloat}). For instance % when the \Lvar{subfigure} is created the set of internals instantiated % are shown in table~\ref{tab:newsubfloat}. % \begin{table} % \centering % \caption{Example of internals created by a \cmd{\newsubfloat} ``subfigure''.}^ % \label{tab:newsubfloat}^ % \begin{tabular}{llp{2.2in}} \toprule % {\bf Function/} & & \\ % {\bf \quad Keyword} & {\bf Default} & {\bf Description} \\ \midrule % |\c@subfigure| & 0 & Internal counter variable. \\ % |\c@subfigure@save| & 0 & Internal variable to save last counter value % in case of a continued figure. \\ % |\subfigurename| & & Name prepended to the subcaption % number (empty by default). \\ % |\p@subfigure| & |\thefigure| & Figure number prepended to the subcaption % number in references via |\ref|. \\ % |\thesubfigure| & |\alph{subfigure}| & Format of the subcaption number. \\ % |\ext@subfigure| & lof & List-of-Floats file extension. \\ % |\l@subfigure| & {\textbackslash@dottedxxxline\{figure\}} % & Format of List-of-Floats entry. \\ % & \multicolumn{2}{l}{{\qquad\{lof\}\{2\}\{\textbackslash sf@indent\}}} % \\ % & \multicolumn{2}{l}{{\qquad\qquad\{\textbackslash sf@numwidth\}\}}} % \\ % |\c@lofdepth| & 1 & List-of-Floats depth variable. \\ % \Lkv{lofdepth} & 2 & Sets |\c@lofdepth|. \\ \bottomrule % \end{tabular} % \end{table} % % The two internals \cmd{\subfigurename} and \cmd{\thesubfigure} are left % for easy adjustment by the user, the rest should not be directly % changed under normal circumstances. Note that you may change the % values of any counter variable |\c@cnt| with the counter functions % |\setcounter| or |\addtocounter| (see \cite[pg.~194]{Lamp94}). Also, % the internals |\sf@indent| and |\sf@numwidth| may be change with the % keywords \Lkv{listofindent} and \Lkv{listofnumwidth}, respectively. % % Once the new float is created, the KV-list is placed at the top ``level''. % For example the options for the above {\it subfigure\/} are added to the % name \Lvar{subfigure}. See section~\ref{sec:layers} below, for more detail % about option layers. % % \subsubsection{The \cmd{\DeclareCaptionListOfFormat} Command} % \begin{quote}\DescribeMacro{\DeclareCaptionListOfFormat} % |\DeclareCaptionListOfFormat|\marg{keyword value}\marg{code} % \end{quote} % % \noindent % The |\DeclareCaptionListOfFormat| command allows the specification of % how the sub-caption references are shown on the List-of-Floats pages. % See section~\ref{sec:lof} for more details on setting up and adjusting % the List-of-Floats entries. % % The \marg{code} section is passed two parameters that may be used or ignored. % These are the value of the associated \cmd{\p@<sub-float>} type and the % \cmd{\the<sub-float>} respectively. % % \subsubsection{The \cmd{\DeclareSubrefFormat} Command} % \label{sec:declaresubrefformat} % \begin{quote}\DescribeMacro{\DeclareSubrefFormat} % |\DeclareSubrefFormat|\marg{keyword value}\marg{code} % \end{quote} % % \noindent % The |\DeclareSubrefFormat| command allows the specification of how the % \cmd{\subref*} command generates its reference to a sub-caption label in % the text. % % The \marg{code} section is passed four parameters that may be used or % ignored. The frist two are the values of the associated % \cmd{\p@$<$sub-float$>$} type and the \cmd{\the$<$sub-float$>$} % (\eg, \cmd{\p@subfigure} and \cmd{\thesubfigure}), like the % \cmd{\DeclareCaptionListOfFormat} command. The second two are the % {\em raw} values of the $<$float$>$ and the $<$sub-float$>$ counters. % % \subsection{General Commands} % % These commands are available within the body of the paper and the % commands |\captionsetup|, |\showcaptionsetup| and |\clearcaptionsetup| % are available anytime after loading either the \Lpack{caption} or % \Lpack{subfig} packages. % % \subsubsection{The \cmd{\subfloat} Command} % \begin{quote}\DescribeMacro{\subfloat} % |\subfloat|\oarg{list\_entry}\oarg{sub-caption}\marg{body} % \end{quote} % % \noindent % This command creates the sub-float in the floating environment. % In a \Lenv{figure} environment it creates a subfigure. The % required argument contains the sub-float object or ``body''. This is % the code that imports or creates the figure portion of the sub-float. % % The two optional arguments control the caption. If only one % optional argument is present, than a caption label is generated % and if any text is included in the optional argument, than it % becomes the caption argument. % % Normally, if a caption is present, it is also included on the % List-of-Floats page. However, if a second optional argument is % present, than the first one controls what is on the List-of-Floats % page and the second is the caption text. If the List-of-Floats % argument is empty, than nothing is printed on the List-of-Floats % page. Otherwise, if there is text in the List-of-Floats argument, % than that text is used on the List-of-Floats page rather than the text % in the other optional argument. % % See table~\ref{tab:calling} for more detail on the |\subfloat| % command's arguments. % % \begin{table}^ % \centering % \caption{\cmd{\subfloat} calling arguments.}^ % \label{tab:calling}^ % \vskip-11pt^ % \hbox to \linewidth{\hss\begingroup\small % \begin{tabular}{llc} \\ \toprule % {\normalsize Sub-float Command} % & \hbox to 1in{\hss\normalsize List-of-Floats Caption} % & \multicolumn{1}{r}{\hbox to .25in{^ % \hss\normalsize % Sub-float Caption}} % \\ \midrule % \cmd{\subfloat}\{body\} % & & \\ % \cmd{\subfloat}[\space]\{body\} % & (b)\ \ . . . . . . . . . . % & (b) \\ % \cmd{\subfloat}[Sub-caption.]\{body\} % & (c) Sub-caption. . . . % & (c) Sub-caption. \\ % \cmd{\subfloat}[\space][Sub-caption.]\{body\} % & & (d) Sub-caption. \\ % \cmd{\subfloat}[\space][\space]\{body\} % & & (e) \\ % \cmd{\subfloat}[List\_entry.][Sub-caption.]\{body\} % & (f) List\_entry. . . . % & (f) Sub-caption. \\ % \cmd{\subfloat}[List\_entry.][\space]\{body\} % & (g) List\_entry. . . . % & (g) \\ \bottomrule % \end{tabular} % \endgroup\hss} % \vspace{-8pt} % \end{table} % % \subsubsection{The \cmd{\subref} Command} % \changes{v1.2}{23 January 2004}{Added documentation for the % \cmd{\subref*} command.} % \begin{quote}\DescribeMacro{\subref}\DescribeMacro{\subref*} % |\subref|\marg{label}\\ % |\subref*|\marg{label} % \end{quote} % % \noindent % The |\subref| command is provided to give an alternative reference to % a sub-float. The standard |\ref| command returns a label built by % concatenating the |\p@float| $+$ |\thesubfloat|, which is often of the % form ``1a''. The |\subref| command returns the label shown on the % List-of-Floats page, which may be in the format ``(a)'' (\ie, if % \Lkv{listofformat=subparens}, see section~\ref{sec:listsubcaptions}). % This may be combined with a reference to the main caption to give % something of the form ``1(a)'', or used within the main caption to % refer to a specific local sub-float. % % By default, the starred form of the command simply returns the % |\thesubfloat| value, which, for sub-floats is usually something % like ``a''. However, this may be changed by setting \Lkv{subrefformat}, % similar to the above \Lkv{listofformat}, to a predefined format % (see table~\ref{tab:keywords2} or to a unique format defined with the % \cmd{\DeclareSubrefFormat} command (section~\ref{sec:declaresubrefformat}). % % \subsubsection{The \cmd{\ContinuedFloat} Command} % \label{sec:cont} % \begin{quote}\DescribeMacro{\ContinuedFloat} % |\ContinuedFloat| % \end{quote} % % \begin{figure}^ % \centering % \subfloat[][]{^ % \fboxsep=-\fboxrule % \fbox{\hbox to 1.2in{\vbox to 15mm{\null\vfil}\hfil}}}^ % \qquad % \subfloat[][]{^ % \fboxsep=-\fboxrule % \fbox{\hbox to 1.2in{\vbox to 15mm{\null\vfil}\hfil}}} % \vskip-4pt % \caption{Here are the first two figures of a continued figure.}^ % \label{fig:cont}^ % \end{figure} % % \begin{figure}^ % \ContinuedFloat % \centering % \subfloat[][]{^ % \fboxsep=-\fboxrule % \fbox{\hbox to 1.2in{\vbox to 15mm{\null\vfil}\hfil}}}^ % \qquad % \subfloat[][]{^ % \fboxsep=-\fboxrule % \fbox{\hbox to 1.2in{\vbox to 15mm{\null\vfil}\hfil}}} % \vskip-4pt % \caption[]{Here are the last two figures of a continued figure.}^ % \label{fig:cont2}^ % \end{figure} % % \noindent % It sometimes occurs, especially when using sub-floats, that a single % figure needs to be continued across pages. The |\ContinuedFloat| % command is placed at the beginning of the floating environment or % after changing |\@captype| inside the floating environment to make the % next figure, table or other floating |\caption| a continuation of the % last float |\caption| of the same type. It does this by saving the % sub-float numbering internally and keeping the float numbering % from advancing. % % In order to keep subsequent float entries from appearing on the % List-of-Floats page, you can use the |\caption| command with the % optional argument present, but empty; as shown in % figure~\ref{fig:cont} (and on the list-of-figures % page).\footnote{Note: This only works if the \Lpack{caption} package % is active. If the \Lkv{caption=true} option is used to load the % \Lpack{caption} package or the \Lpack{subfig} package, than an empty % optional argument to the \cmd{\caption} command generates a % List-of-Floats entry with no caption text unless the document class % redefines the \cmd{\caption} command otherwise.} We also suppress % the sub-caption entry with the optional List-of-Floats page argument % empty since there is no accompanying text. % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{figure}% % \centering % \subfloat[][]{...figure code...}% % \qquad % \subfloat[][]{...figure code...} % \caption{Here are the first two figures of a continued figure.}% % \label{fig:cont}% % \end{figure} % % \begin{figure}% % \ContinuedFloat % \centering % \subfloat[][]{...figure code...}% % \qquad % \subfloat[][]{...figure code...} % \caption[]{Here are the last two figures of a continued figure.}% % \label{fig:cont}% % \end{figure} % \end{verbatim} % % \subsubsection{The \cmd{\listsubcaptions} Command} % \label{sec:listsubcaptions} % \begin{quote}\DescribeMacro{\listsubcaptions} % |\listsubcaptions| % \end{quote} % % \noindent % The last command provided by the \Lpack{subfig} package is the % |\listsubcaptions|. This is automatically called in most cases by the % |\caption| command and at the end of the \Lenv{float} environment. % However, the following example shows a rare situation in which the % user will every have to use the |\listsubcaptions| command as shown in % the definition of the |\zaptype| command. % % \begin{quote} % | \documentclass{article}|\\ % | \usepackage[lofdepth,lotdepth]{subfig}|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % | \makeatletter|\\ % | \def\zaptype#1{%|\\ % | \listsubcaptions % Finish the last set of sub-floats before|\\ % | \def\@captype{#1}}% switching to another float type.|\\ % | \makeatother|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % | \begin{document}|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % | \listoffigures|\\ % | \listoftables|\\ % | \clearpage|\\ % | \begin{table}%|\\ % | \begin{center}%|\\ % | \caption{Table caption.}%|\\ % | \subfloat[Tab one]{X}\quad|\\ % | \subfloat[Tab two]{X}\\|\\ % | %|\\ % | \zaptype{figure}%|\\ % | %|\\ % | \subfloat[Fig one]{Y}\quad|\\ % | \subfloat[Fig two]{Y}|\\ % | \caption{Figure caption.}%|\\ % | \end{center}%|\\ % | \end{table}|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % | \end{document}| % \end{quote} % % \noindent % {\scshape\bf Hint}: Don't change the List-of-Floats page properties % of any sub-floats until just before you use a |\subfloat| command, % or just after you have executed a |\listsubcaptions| command. % Otherwise, the wrong \Lkv{listofformat} or spacing might use the new % values for sub-floats that have not been fully processed yet. % % \subsubsection{The \cmd{\captionsetup} Command} % \label{sec:layers} % \begin{quote}\DescribeMacro{\captionsetup} % |\captionsetup|\oarg{variable}\marg{KV-list} % \end{quote} % % \noindent % The |\captionsetup| command is actually part of the \Lpack{caption} % package, but is very important is you want to adjust some option in % the \Lpack{subfig} package. If the optional \Lvar{variable} is left % out, than the settings are made at the global level; otherwise, the % settings are bound to the variable and executed just before being % used. % % \begin{figure}\centering % \begin{picture}(270,180)(0,5) % \put(5,155){\makebox(0,0){\large 1.}} % \put(158,155){\oval(260,30)} % \put(158,155){\makebox(0,0){(global)}} % \put(072,140){\vector(0,-1){10}} % \put(158,140){\vector(0,-1){10}} % \put(244,140){\vector(0,-1){15}} % \put(5,115){\makebox(0,0){\large 2.}} % \put(072,115){\oval(62,30)} % \put(072,115){\makebox(0,0){\Lvar{figure}}} % \put(158,115){\oval(62,30)} % \put(158,115){\makebox(0,0){\Lvar{table}}} % \put(244,115){\makebox(0,0){{\bf\dots}other floats{\bf\dots}}} % \put(072,100){\vector(0,-1){10}} % \put(158,100){\vector(0,-1){10}} % \put(244,105){\vector(0,-1){15}} % \put(5,075){\makebox(0,0){\large 3.}} % \put(158,075){\oval(260,30)} % \put(158,075){\makebox(0,0){\Lvar{subfloat}}} % \put(072,060){\vector(0,-1){10}} % \put(158,060){\vector(0,-1){10}} % \put(244,060){\vector(0,-1){15}} % \put(5,035){\makebox(0,0){\large 4.}} % \put(072,035){\oval(62,30)} % \put(072,035){\makebox(0,0){\Lvar{subfigure}}} % \put(158,035){\oval(62,30)} % \put(158,035){\makebox(0,0){\Lvar{subtable}}} % \put(244,035){\makebox(0,0){{\bf\dots}other sub-floats{\bf\dots}}} % \end{picture}^ % \caption{Levels at which keyword/values pairs may be set to apply to, % or override earlier keyword/values pairs, for floats and % sub-floats.}^ % \label{fig:levels}^ % \end{figure} % % There are four ``levels'' at which you can define options to apply % to a sub-float (figure~\ref{fig:levels}. The first level is the % default or global values of the various options, which are set either % by the package, by a configuration file or by the optional Key-Value % list in the |\usepackage| command when loading the \Lpack{caption} package. % % The second ``level'' consists of those options bound to the various % floats. These are set by the |\captionsetup| with the optional argument % set to the float name. For example, the command: % \begin{quote} % |\captionsetup|[table]\{position=top\} % \end{quote} % would indicate that the \Lvar{table} caption will come before its % subfigures rather than after, as is the default. % The third ``level'' consists of those options bound to the special variable % \Lvar{subfloat}. These are value that hold across all sub-floats, but which % are different than the global or float values. One such item is the % ``font'' size, which is usually either null or {\bf normalsized}, but which % is set to be {\bf footnotesized} for the sub-float captions. % % The fourth ``level'' holds those options bound to a specific sub-float, % say \Lvar{subfigure}. An example is the caption \Lkv{position} relative % to the subfigure itself. % % \section{Options: Keywords and Values} % \changes{v1.2}{22 January 2004}{Changed \Lkv{indent} to \Lkv{indention}.} % \changes{v1.3}{10 October 2004}{Added \Lkv{caption}.} % % Table~\ref{tab:keywords} shows all of the formal keywords and values % from both the \Lpack{caption} and the \Lpack{subfig} packages. These % may be used on the |\usepackage| options line, or with the |\captionsetup| % command. % % \begin{table}^ % \centering % \caption[Keywords with defaults and values.]^ % {Keywords with defaults and values. (Note: Entries enclosed % in `[\ ]' indicate initial values rather than defaults.)}^ % \label{tab:keywords}^ % \begin{tabular}{llll} \toprule % \multicolumn{1}{c}{\drop{1ex}{\bf PACKAGE}} % & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\drop{1ex}{\bf KEYWORD}} % & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\bf DEFAULT} % & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\drop{1ex}{\bf VALUE(S)}} % \\ % & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\bf / [INIT]} % & \\ \midrule % Caption & caption\footnotemark % & true & $<$Boolean$>$ \\[5pt] % \drop{-6pt}{Package} % & config & ``caption.cfg'' & $<$filename$>$ \\[5pt] % & font (size) & [default] & \multirow{8}{*}{^ % \begin{tabular}{@{}llll} % default & & & \\[3pt] % scriptsize & rm & md & up \\ % footnotesize & sf & bf & it \\ % small & tt & & sl \\ % normalsize & & & sc \\ % large & & & \\ % Large & & & \\ % \end{tabular}} \\ % & labelfont & [default] \\ % & textfont & [default] \\ % & & \\ % & & \\ % & & \\ % & & \\ % & & \\[5pt] % & style & [default] & default \\ % & & & ruled \\[5pt] % & singlelinecheck & true & $<$Boolean$>$ \\[5pt] % & format & [default] & default \\ % & & & hang \\[5pt] % & indention & [0pt] & $<$length$>$ \\[5pt] % & hangindent & [0pt] & $<$length$>$ \\[5pt] % & width & [\cmd{\hsize}] & $<$length$>$ \\ % & margin & [0pt] & $<$length$>$ \\[5pt] % & parskip & [5pt] & $<$length$>$ \\[5pt] % & justification & [default] & justified (default)\\ % & & & centering \\ % & & & centerfirst \\ % & & & centerlast \\ % & & & raggedleft \\ % & & & raggedright \\ % & & & Centering \\ % & & & RaggedLeft \\ % & & & RaggedRight \\[5pt] % & labelformat & [default] & empty \\ % & & & simple (default) \\ % & & & parens \\[5pt] % & aboveskip & [10pt] & $<$length$>$ \\[5pt] % & belowskip & [0pt] & $<$length$>$ \\ \bottomrule % \end{tabular} % \end{table} % \changes{v1.1}{12 January 2004}{Updated the values and the default % for the keyword \Lkv{listofformat} in table~\ref{tab:keywords2}.} % \changes{v1.2}{21 January 2004}{Fine-tuned the defaults for \Lkv{farskip}, % \Lkv{topadjust}, \Lkv{captionskip}, and \Lkv{nearskip}.} % \changes{v1.2}{22 January 2004}{Removed \Lkv{widespace}.} % \changes{v1.3}{01 March 2004}{Added \Lkv{lofdepth} and \Lkv{lotdepth}. } % \changes{v1.3}{10 October 2004}{Added \Lkv{caption}.} % \begin{table}^ % \ContinuedFloat % \centering % \caption[]{Keywords with Defaults and Values (cont).}^ % \label{tab:keywords2}^ % \begin{tabular}{llll} \toprule % \multicolumn{1}{c}{\drop{1ex}{\bf PACKAGE}} % & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\drop{1ex}{\bf KEYWORD}} % & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\bf DEFAULT} % & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\drop{1ex}{\bf VALUE(S)}} % \\ % & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\bf / [INIT]} % & \\ \midrule % Caption & labelseparator & [default] & none \\ % Package & \quad(labelsep) & & colon (default) \\ % (cont.) & & & period \\ % & & & space \\ % & & & quad \\ % & & & newline \\[5pt] % & position\footnotemark % & & top (above) \\ % & & & bottom (below) \\ \midrule % Subfig & caption\addtocounter{footnote}{-2}\footnotemark % & true & $<$Boolean$>$ \\[5pt] % \drop{-6pt}{Package} % & config & ``subfig.cfg'' & $<$filename$>$ \\[5pt] % & lofdepth\addtocounter{footnote}{1}\footnotemark % & 1 & $<$number$>$ \\[5pt] % & lotdepth\addtocounter{footnote}{-1}\footnotemark % & 1 & $<$number$>$ \\[5pt] % & listofformat & [subparens] & empty \\ % & & & simple \\ % & & & parens \\ % & & & subsimple \\ % & & & subparens \\[5pt] % & subrefformat & [subsimple] & empty \\ % & & & simple \\ % & & & parens \\ % & & & subsimple \\ % & & & subparens \\[5pt] % & listofindent & 3.8em & $<$length$>$ \\[5pt] % & listofnumwidth & 2.5em & $<$length$>$ \\[5pt] % & farskip &10pt & $<$length$>$ \\[5pt] % & captionskip & 4pt & $<$length$>$ \\[5pt] % & topadjust & 0pt & $<$length$>$ \\[5pt] % & nearskip & 0pt & $<$length$>$ \\ \bottomrule % \end{tabular} % \end{table} % % If these are not desired, than they may be removed at the beginning of % a configuration file with the command: % \begin{quote}^ % | \clearcaptionsetup{subfloat}| % \end{quote} % The options are not added to the \Lvar{subfloat} list until after % the configuration file(s) are loaded. % % \subsection{Options from the \Lpack{Caption} Package} % \changes{v1.2}{16 January 2004}{Added missing space.} % % The \Lpack{subfig} package uses the \Lpack{caption} package commands % to typeset the captions under each sub-float. The settings used in the % captions come from three sources. The first is the global settings % provided by the caption package. The second is the keys and key/value % pairs stored on the \Lvar{subfloat} variable. The third is the keys % and key/value pairs stored on (for figure sub-floats) the % \Lvar{subfigure} variable. In these three sources, if a key appears % most recent value is used. % % \addtocounter{footnote}{-2} % \footnotetext{The \Lkv{caption} option is only allowed on the % \Lpack{caption} or \Lpack{subfigure} package option list. In % addition, the \Lkv{caption} option can only be used in the % \Lpack{subfigure} package option list {\em if} the \Lpack{caption} % package has {\em not} been loaded.} % \addtocounter{footnote}{1} % \footnotetext{Only the \Lkv{top}/\Lkv{above} and \Lkv{bottom}/\Lkv{below} % values are allowed for the \Lkv{position} option with the % \Lpack{subfig} package. If no value is set, than % \Lkv{bottom} is assumed.}% % \addtocounter{footnote}{1} % \footnotetext{Similar keywords are created automatically by the % \cmd{\newsubfloat} command, see section~\ref{sec:newsubfloat}.} % % Therefore, you can keep all of your common settings associated with % the \Lvar{subfloat} variable and, if needed, special settings for % individual sub-float types (figure, table, etc.) on the associated % variable (\eg, \Lvar{subfigure}, \Lvar{subtable}, etc.). % % The package options supplied with the \cmd{\usepackage} command are % bound to the \Lvar{subfloat} variable, and so, affect all of the % sub-floats. The one exception to this is the \Lkv{config} or % \Lkv{config=filename} option that is executed immediately. This is % handy for two reasons, the first is that you only want to load a % configuration file once (not every time you use a sub-float; and, % second the \Lkv{config} keyword, without a value, will only load the % ``subfig.cfg'' file when used on the options line, therefore you can % set common options in both the float and sub-float captions with the % command: % % \begin{quote} % |\usepackage|[config, labelfont=\{sf,bf\}, textfont=sf]\{caption,subfig\} % \end{quote} % which will load the ``caption.cfg'' file and set the label and text % fonts and also load the \Lfile{subfig.cfg} file and set the sublabel and % subtext fonts. Here we don't use the \Lkv{font} key, since this is % initialized with the default font sizes to be used and defaults to % \Lkv{normalsized} for the float captions and to \Lkv{footnotesized} for the % sub-float captions, as shown in figure~\ref{fig:init}. % % \begin{figure}^ % \vskip-5pt % \centering % \subfloat[Sub-float caption.]{\B{white}{Sub-float Body}}^ % \vskip-5pt % \caption{Float caption.}^ % \label{fig:init}^ % \end{figure} % % Next we will review the options provided by the \Lpack{caption} % package. First the font settings, then the shape options, the % justification and the other caption options that affect the sub-floats. % Next, we review the options provided by the \Lpack{subfig} package. % % \subsubsection{The \Lpack{Caption} Font Settings} % % There are three font variables that can be set to control the float or % sub-float captions. They are \Lkv{font}, \Lkv{labelfont} and \Lkv{textfont}. % The \Lvar{font} variable is applied to both the caption label and text; % and is usually\footnote{But not always, careful use of these three % variables can produce useful effects. Their application is as: % \begin{quote}^ % \vspace{-2pt} % \{\cmd{\font} \{\cmd{\labelfont} $<$label$><$separator$>$\}\{\cmd{\textfont} $<$text$>$\} % \vspace{-5pt} % \end{quote}} % used to specify the size of the caption and the other two variables % are used to specify the other aspects of the font, the family, series % and shape. The ``labelfont'' variable is used to specify the font % used for the caption label and separator, while the ``textfont'' % specifies that for the caption text. % % Each of these variables can have one value from each of the four % columns in the ``VALUE'' section of table~\ref{tab:keywords} % associated with the font keywords. If nothing is specified for one of % the four sections, than that aspect of the current font is used. % % Figures~\subref*{fig:fontsize-01}--\subref{fig:fontsize-06} % show the effect of the font size options on the ``font'' variable. % % \begin{figure}^ % \vskip4pt % \centering % \figfont{fig:fontsize-01}{font}{Large}\g % \figfont{fig:fontsize-02}{font}{large}\\ % \figfont{fig:fontsize-03}{font}{normalsize}\g % \figfont{fig:fontsize-04}{font}{small}\\ % \figfont{fig:fontsize-05}{font}{footnotesize}\g % \figfont{fig:fontsize-06}{font}{scriptsize}\\[-2pt] % \caption{Font size options.} % \label{fig:fontsize} % \vskip-16pt % \end{figure} % \changes{v1.2}{26 January 2004}{Fixed references.} % \begin{figure}^ % \centering % \figfontlist{fig:textfont-01}{font}{rm,md,up}\g % \figfontlist{fig:textfont-02}{font}{rm,md,it}\\ % \figfontlist{fig:textfont-03}{font}{rm,md,sl}\g % \figfontlist{fig:textfont-04}{font}{rm,md,sc}\\ % \figfontlist{fig:textfont-05}{font}{rm,bf,up}\g % \figfontlist{fig:textfont-06}{font}{rm,bf,it}\\ % \figfontlist{fig:textfont-07}{font}{rm,bf,sl}\g % \figfontlistS{fig:textfont-08}{font}{rm,bf,sc}\\ % \figfontlist{fig:textfont-09}{font}{sf,md,up}\g % \figfontlistS{fig:textfont-10}{font}{sf,md,it}\\ % \figfontlist{fig:textfont-11}{font}{sf,md,sl}\g % \figfontlistS{fig:textfont-12}{font}{sf,md,sc}\\ % \figfontlist{fig:textfont-13}{font}{sf,bf,up}\g % \figfontlistS{fig:textfont-14}{font}{sf,bf,it}\\ % \figfontlistS{fig:textfont-15}{font}{sf,bf,sl}\g % \figfontlistS{fig:textfont-16}{font}{sf,bf,sc}\\ % \figfontlist{fig:textfont-17}{font}{tt,md,up}\g % \figfontlist{fig:textfont-18}{font}{tt,md,it}\\ % \figfontlist{fig:textfont-19}{font}{tt,md,sl}\g % \figfontlist{fig:textfont-20}{font}{tt,md,sc}\\ % \figfontlistS{fig:textfont-21}{font}{tt,bf,up}\g % \figfontlistS{fig:textfont-22}{font}{tt,bf,it}\\ % \figfontlistS{fig:textfont-23}{font}{tt,bf,sl}\g % \figfontlistS{fig:textfont-24}{font}{tt,bf,sc}\\ % \caption[Other Font Options.]% % {Other Font Options (shaded boxes indicate % font combinations that were not available, % see table~\ref{tab:substitutions}).}^ % \label{fig:textfont}^ % \end{figure} % % \changes{v1.2}{26 January 2004}{Added footnote to reference NFSS.} % Figures~\subref*{fig:textfont-01}--\subref{fig:textfont-24} % show the effect of all combinations of the other font settings on the % ``textfont'' variable. Note that not all combinations are necessarily % available.\footnote{To modify the fonts used in your document and make % specific combinations of family, shape and style available, see the % NFSS documentation in The Latex Companion~\cite{Mitt-etal04}.} % Where the specified font attributes are not available \LaTeX\ % will substitute an alternate font. For instance, when compiling this file % on one system, \LaTeX\ substituted alternate fonts for the requested % ones in ten of the twenty-four cases (see table~\ref{tab:substitutions}). % Recompiling this documentation on your system and looking at the \LaTeX\ % warnings will show you any combinations that are not available for you. % % \subsubsection{The \Lpack{Caption} Shape Settings} % \changes{v1.2}{16 January 2004}{Removed two extra commas in the % figure options lists.} % \label{sec:shape} % % There are seven options for setting the sub-caption shape or ``format''. % The default setting is produced by % \begin{tabbing} % \qquad % $\backslash$captionsetup[subfigure]\{\= style=default, margin=0pt, parskip=0pt,\\ % \> hangindent=0pt, indention=0pt, singlelinecheck=true\} % \end{tabbing} % which is shown in figure~\ref{fig:shape-01}. % Figure~\ref{fig:shape-00} shows the same thing, but without setting % the \Lkv{singlelinecheck} to true. You can see that the % \Lkv{singlelinecheck} option only affects the short caption. % % \begin{table}^ % \def\fig#1{\subref*{fig:textfont-#1}} % \def\uch#1{\underline{\smash{\hbox{#1}}}} % \caption[Example font attribute substitutions.]^ % {Example font attribute substitutions.\footnotemark} % \label{tab:substitutions} % \centering % \begin{tabular}{lclc} \toprule % \multicolumn{1}{l}{{\bf Figure}} % & \multicolumn{1}{l}{{\bf Desired Options}} % & \multicolumn{1}{l}{{\bf Substitution Reason}} % & \multicolumn{1}{l}{{\bf Actual Options}} % \\ \midrule % \fig{08} & \{{\sf rm,bf,sc}\} & undefined & \{{\sf rm,bf,\uch{up}}\} \\ % \fig{10} & \{{\sf sf,md,it}\} & unavailable in size 10 & \{{\sf sf,md,\uch{sl}}\} \\ % \fig{12} & \{{\sf sf,md,sc}\} & unavailable in size 10 & \{{\sf \uch{rm},md,sc}\} \\ % \fig{14} & \{{\sf sf,bf,it}\} & undefined & \{{\sf sf,bf,\uch{up}}\} \\ % \fig{15} & \{{\sf sf,bf,sl}\} & undefined & \{{\sf sf,bf,\uch{up}}\} \\ % \fig{16} & \{{\sf sf,bf,sc}\} & undefined & \{{\sf sf,bf,\uch{up}}\} \\ % \fig{21} & \{{\sf tt,bf,up}\} & unavailable in size 10 & \{{\sf tt,\uch{md},up}\} \\ % \fig{22} & \{{\sf tt,bf,it}\} & unavailable in size 10 & \{{\sf tt,\uch{md},it}\} \\ % \fig{23} & \{{\sf tt,bf,sl}\} & unavailable in size 10 & \{{\sf tt,\uch{md},\uch{up}}\} \\ % \fig{24} & \{{\sf tt,bf,sc}\} & unavailable in size 10 & \{{\sf tt,\uch{md},\uch{up}}\} \\ \bottomrule % \end{tabular} % \end{table} % % \footnotetext{This table may differ with different distributions of \LaTeX\ % and the choice of the base font families. Examine the \LaTeX\ log for % font warnings for your specific system.} % % Any or all of the other shape option may be used at one time, since % they define orthogonal aspects of the caption shape. The other % options are: % \begin{itemize}\parskip-2pt % \item \Lkv{singlelinecheck}, (Boolean) which causes a caption that % will fit on one line to be centered below the figure (actually, % to use the singlelinecheck format); % \item \Lkv{indention}, (length) which indents the caption text of each % line of each paragraph (except the first line of the first paragraph); % \item \Lkv{hangindent}, (length) which indents the caption text of % all but the first line of each paragraph; % \item \Lkv{parskip}, (length) which adds some extra space between % separate paragraphs in a caption; % \item \Lkv{hang}, which causes the label to hang out to % the left of the caption text, \Lkv{normal} turns it off; and, % \item \Lkv{margin}, (length) which sets extra space to either side of % the caption, the option \Lkv{width} may also be used. This sets % the margins to provide the requested width of the caption.^ % \footnote{Internally, the initial width of the sub-float is set % equal to the width of the sub-float body (see figure~\ref{fig:layout}). % This value is modified by either the \Lkv{margin} {\bf or} the % \Lkv{width}, if defined (if both are defined than whichever is % specified last is used). Note that the \Lkv{width} may be larger % than the width of the sub-float body, or equivalently, the \Lkv{width} % may be negative to provide more room for a caption if the sub-float % body is small. The box holding the caption is centered relative to % the sub-float body.} % \end{itemize} % % Figures~\ref{fig:shape-00} thru \ref{fig:shape-63} show all of the % different combinations of these formats. % % \def\exin{10pt} ^ indention value % \def\exhi{10pt} ^ hangindent value % \def\exps{5pt} ^ parskip value % \def\exma{10pt} ^ margin value % \figshape{fig:shape-00}{singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-01}{ } % \figshape{fig:shape-02}{indention=\exin,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-03}{indention=\exin} % \clearpage % \figshape{fig:shape-04}{hangindent=\exhi,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-05}{hangindent=\exhi} % \figshape[hangindent=\exhi,indention=\exin, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-06}{hangindent=\exhi,indention=\exin,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-07}{hangindent=\exhi,indention=\exin} % \figshape{fig:shape-08}{parskip=\exps,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-09}{parskip=\exps} % \figshape{fig:shape-10}{parskip=\exps,indention=\exin,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-11}{parskip=\exps,indention=\exin} % \figshape[parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-12}{parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-13}{parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi} % \figshape[parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi,indention=\exin, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-14}{parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi,indention=\exin, singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-15}{parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi,indention=\exin} % \figshape{fig:shape-16}{format=hang,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-17}{format=hang} % \figshape{fig:shape-18}{format=hang,indention=\exin,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-19}{format=hang,indention=\exin} % \figshape[format=hang,hangindent=\exhi, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-20}{format=hang,hangindent=\exhi,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-21}{format=hang,hangindent=\exhi} % \clearpage % \figshape[format=hang,hangindent=\exhi,indention=\exin, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-22}{format=hang,hangindent=\exhi,indention=\exin, singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-23}{format=hang,hangindent=\exhi,indention=\exin} % \figshape{fig:shape-24}{format=hang,parskip=\exps,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-25}{format=hang,parskip=\exps} % \figshape[format=hang,parskip=\exps,indention=\exin, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-26}{format=hang,parskip=\exps,indention=\exin, singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-27}{format=hang,parskip=\exps,indention=\exin} % \figshape[format=hang,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-28}{format=hang,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi, singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-29}{format=hang,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi} % \figshape[format=hang,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ indention=\exin,singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-30}{format=hang,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi, indention=\exin,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape[format=hang,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ indention=\exin]% % {fig:shape-31}{format=hang,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi, indention=\exin} % \figshape{fig:shape-32}{margin=\exma,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-33}{margin=\exma} % \figshape{fig:shape-34}{margin=\exma,indention=\exin,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-35}{margin=\exma,indention=\exin} % \figshape[margin=\exma,hangindent=\exhi, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-36}{margin=\exma,hangindent=\exhi,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-37}{margin=\exma,hangindent=\exhi} % \clearpage % \figshape[margin=\exma,hangindent=\exhi,indention=\exin, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-38}{margin=\exma,hangindent=\exhi,indention=\exin, singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-39}{margin=\exma,hangindent=\exhi,indention=\exin} % \figshape{fig:shape-40}{margin=\exma,parskip=\exps,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-41}{margin=\exma,parskip=\exps} % \figshape[margin=\exma,parskip=\exps,indention=\exin, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-42}{margin=\exma,parskip=\exps,indention=\exin, singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-43}{margin=\exma,parskip=\exps,indention=\exin} % \figshape[margin=\exma,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-44}{margin=\exma,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi, singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-45}{margin=\exma,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi} % \figshape[margin=\exma,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ indention=\exin,singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-46}{margin=\exma,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi, indention=\exin,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape[margin=\exma,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ indention=\exin]% % {fig:shape-47}{margin=\exma,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi, indention=\exin} % \figshape{fig:shape-48}{margin=\exma,format=hang,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-49}{margin=\exma,format=hang} % \figshape[margin=\exma,format=hang,indention=\exin, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-50}{margin=\exma,format=hang,indention=\exin, singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-51}{margin=\exma,format=hang,indention=\exin} % \figshape[margin=\exma,format=hang,hangindent=\exhi, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-52}{margin=\exma,format=hang,hangindent=\exhi, singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-53}{margin=\exma,format=hang,hangindent=\exhi} % \clearpage % \figshape[margin=\exma,format=hang,hangindent=\exhi, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ indention=\exin,singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-54}{margin=\exma,format=hang,hangindent=\exhi, indention=\exin,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape[margin=\exma,format=hang,hangindent=\exhi, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ indention=\exin]% % {fig:shape-55}{margin=\exma,format=hang,hangindent=\exhi,indention=\exin} % \figshape[margin=\exma,format=hang,parskip=\exps, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-56}{margin=\exma,format=hang,parskip=\exps, singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:shape-57}{margin=\exma,format=hang,parskip=\exps} % \figshape[margin=\exma,format=hang,parskip=\exps, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ indention=\exin,singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-58}{margin=\exma,format=hang,parskip=\exps,indention=\exin, singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape[margin=\exma,format=hang,parskip=\exps, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ indention=\exin]% % {fig:shape-59}{margin=\exma,format=hang,parskip=\exps, indention=\exin} % \figshape[margin=\exma,format=hang,parskip=\exps, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ hangindent=\exhi,singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-60}{margin=\exma,format=hang,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi, singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape[margin=\exma,format=hang,parskip=\exps, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ hangindent=\exhi]% % {fig:shape-61}{margin=\exma,format=hang,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi} % \clearpage % \figshape[margin=\exma,format=hang,parskip=\exps, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ hangindent=\exhi,indention=\exin,singlelinecheck=false]% % {fig:shape-62}{margin=\exma,format=hang,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi, indention=\exin,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape[margin=\exma,format=hang,parskip=\exps, % \hfil\null\string\linebreak\ hangindent=\exhi,indention=\exin]% % {fig:shape-63}{margin=\exma,format=hang,parskip=\exps,hangindent=\exhi, indention=\exin} % % \subsubsection{The \Lpack{Caption} Justification Options} % % There are nine options for setting the sub-caption format. The first % is \Lkv{justified} which produces the format shows in % figure~\ref{fig:justification-00}. Only one of these options is % allowed at a time. If multiple options appear, then only the last is % used. The figures~\ref{fig:justification-01} thru % \ref{fig:justification-08} show the rest of these formats. The shape % options selected along with each format option is the default (see % figure~\ref{fig:shape-01}), this shows the effect of the justification % option on a single line caption. % % \figshape{fig:justification-00}{justification=justified,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:justification-01}{justification=centerfirst,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:justification-02}{justification=centerlast,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:justification-03}{justification=centering,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:justification-04}{justification=Centering,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:justification-05}{justification=raggedleft,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:justification-06}{justification=RaggedLeft,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:justification-07}{justification=raggedright,singlelinecheck=false} % \figshape{fig:justification-08}{justification=RaggedRight,singlelinecheck=false} % % \subsubsection{The \Lpack{Caption} Label Options} % % There are three options for setting the sub-caption \Lkv{labelformat} % as shown in figures~\ref{fig:lof-01}--\ref{fig:lof-03}. % This is the label number and not any following punctuation or separator % space (see below for setting these). The three cases are: % \begin{itemize}\parskip-2pt % \item \Lkv{empty}: Without any label. % \item \Lkv{simple}: Just the label number. % \item \Lkv{parens}: The label number surrounded by '()'. % \end{itemize} % The latter option, \Lkv{parens}, is the default for sub-floats. % \figshape{fig:lof-01}{labelformat=empty} % \figshape{fig:lof-02}{labelformat=simple} % \figshape{fig:lof-03}{labelformat=parens} % % Figures~\ref{fig:ls-00}--\ref{fig:ls-05} show the options for setting % the punctuation and separator space following the figure number. These % options are set with the \Lkv{labelseparator} keyword. % % The label separator options are: % \begin{itemize}\parskip-2pt % \item \Lkv{none} Nothing is added after the label. % \item \Lkv{colon} A colon followed by a |\space| is added following the % label. % \item \Lkv{period} A period followed by a |\space| is added following the % label. % \item \Lkv{space} Just a |\space| is added following the label. % \item \Lkv{quad} A |\quad| space is added following the label. % \item \Lkv{newline} A new line is inserted after the label. % \end{itemize} % % \figshape{fig:ls-00}{labelsep=none} % \figshape{fig:ls-01}{labelsep=colon} % \figshape{fig:ls-02}{labelsep=period} % \figshape{fig:ls-03}{labelsep=space} % \figshape{fig:ls-04}{labelsep=quad} % \figshape{fig:ls-05}{labelsep=newline} % % \subsubsection{The \Lpack{Caption} Position Option} % % The \Lpack{caption} package \Lkv{position} option specifies whether the % caption appears before or after the figure or table. This can adjust % the relative spacing used to separate the float from the surrounding % text. However, for the \Lpack{subfig} package, it serves a more important % function. That is it determines if the sub-floats belong to or are associated % with the last |\caption| command to be given, or the next one to be executed % sometime in the future. If you find that you sub-references do not agree with % the top-level labels, than you may need to specifically set the \Lkv{position}. % This is best done when loading the \Lpack{caption} package, but may be done % at anytime with the |\captionsetup| command. % % \subsection{Options from the \Lpack{Subfig} Package} % % In addition to the options provided by the \Lpack{caption} package, the % \Lpack{subfig} package provides the options shown in table~\ref{tab:options}. % % \begin{table}^ % \centering % \caption{\Lpack{Subfig} specific options.}^ % \label{tab:options}^ % \vspace{-10pt}^ % \hbox to \linewidth{\hss\begingroup\small % \begin{tabular}{llp{218bp}} \\ \toprule % {\bf KeyWord} & {\bf Value} & {\bf Notes} \\ \midrule % \Lkv{config} & $<$filename$>$ & The default value is ``subfig.cfg'' \\ \midrule % \Lkv{$<$ext$>$depth}\footnotemark % & $<$number$>$ & The default value is 2. \\ % \Lkv{listofformat} & \Lkv{empty} & Label format: (none) \\ % & \Lkv{simple} & Label format: \#\# \\ % & \Lkv{parens} & Label format: \#(\#) \\ % & \Lkv{subsimple} & Label format: \# \\ % & \Lkv{subparens} & Label format: (\#) \\ % \Lkv{listofindent} & $<$length$>$ & Entry indention on List-of-Floats % page. \\ % \Lkv{listofnumwidth} & $<$length$>$ & Space allocated for entry label. \\ \midrule % \Lkv{farskip} & $<$glue$>$ & Glue placed opposite the sub-float % caption. \\ % \Lkv{captionskip} & $<$glue$>$ & Glue placed between the sub-float and % the caption. \\ % \Lkv{topadjust} & $<$glue$>$ & Extra glue added to \Lkv{captionskip} % when above the sub-float. \\ % \Lkv{nearskip} & $<$glue$>$ & Glue placed opposite the caption from % the sub-float. \\ \bottomrule % \end{tabular} % \endgroup\hss} % \end{table} % % \subsubsection{The \Lpack{Subfig} Configuration Specification} % \label{sec:config} % \changes{v1.2}{21 January 2004}{Rewrote description of the layout.} % \changes{v1.3}{18 March 2004}{Moved configuration subsection.} % % The default settings and layout of the \Lpack{subfig} package can be % modified by loading one or more configuration files. The \Lpack{subfig} % \Lkv{config} option loads the configuration file(s) after the package is % setup, but before the \Lvar{subfigure} or \Lvar{subtable} sub-floats % have been created (with the |\newsubfloat| command) and before the % package options have been processed. See section~\ref{sec:back-compat} % for an example of using the \Lfile{subfigold.cfg} file to emulate the % \Lpack{subfigure} package. % % Without a value, the \Lkv{config} keyword loads the file % \Lfile{subfig.cfg}. Use the value to load another file, for instance, % \Lkv{config=altsf.cfg}. If more than one configuration file is % specified in the package options, than they are loaded in the order in % which they appear in the option list. When used outside the package % option list, the \Lkv{config} keyword is processed by the \Lpack{caption} % package and loads \Lfile{caption.cfg} by default. % % {\scshape\bf Note}: The package pre-defines the following values by % adding them to the \Lvar{subfloat} variable list with the |\captionsetup| % command before loading the configuration file(s): % % \begin{quote}^ % | \captionsetup[subfloat]{%|\\ % | font=footnotesize,|\\ % | labelformat=parens,labelsep=space,|\\ % | listofformat=subparens}| % \end{quote} % % \subsubsection{The \Lpack{Subfig} List-of-Floats Specification} % \label{sec:lof} % \changes{v1.1}{12 January 2004}{Added explanation for multiple `\#' signs % in table~\ref{tab:options}.} % % \noindent % The next two options, \Lkv{lofdepth} and \Lkv{lotdepth}, are created along % with the internal subfigure and subtable sub-floats. If other sub-floats are % created, than the associated depth counter and keyword is created for them if % it does not already exist. In order for the sub-captions to be shown in the % List-of-Floats page, the related depth counter must be set to 2 or greater. % These keywords allow the counters to be easily set in the option list or with %^ % \footnotetext{Where \Lkv{$<$ext$>$depth} is initially only \Lkv{lofdepth} % and \Lkv{lotdepth}. More such keywords may be added by the \cmd{\newsubfloat} % command (see section~\ref{sec:newsubfloat}.} %^ % the |\captionsetup| command\@.\footnote{The sub-caption depth counters must be % set at the ``global'' level (see section~\ref{sec:layers}) and before the % corresponding \cmd{\listof\dots} command is used.} The default value is 1, % which turns off the printing of the sub-captions. % % The next three options, \Lkv{listofformat}, \Lkv{listofindent}, and % \Lkv{listofnumwidth}, control and adjust the way that the sub-float number % is displayed on the respective List-of-Floats page. The \Lkv{listofformat} % shows how or if the sub-float number is shown. Where there are two `\#' % signs in the List-of-Page label formats, the first one stands for the % {\bf\cmd{\p@}\textless{\em sub-float\_type}\textgreater} value and the second % for the {\bf\cmd{\the}\textless{\em sub-float\_type}\textgreater} value. % Where there is only one `\#' it stands for the latter. % % The \Lkv{listofindent} keyword sets the total indentation from the left % margin, while the \Lkv{listofnumwidth} keyword controls the width of box % for the label number. This is also the amount of extra indentation added % to second and later lines of a multiple line entry. % % \subsubsection{The \Lpack{Subfig} Layout} % % The layout of the sub-float contains several internal values which may % be changed to customize appearance of the object. The following % illustration shows the relationship of these values. % Figure~\subref*{fig:layout-A} shows the standard layout % with the caption following the figure. The figure is vertically centered % with some vertical space added above. If this is a float at the top % of the page, than the space is suppressed. If the caption of the % float follows the subfigures, than \Lkv{farskip} indicates the amount % of space to skip. Otherwise, if the float caption precedes the subfigures, % than \Lkv{nearskip} indicates the value to use. The best way to think % of these two skips is that the \Lkv{nearskip} is closer to the main float % caption than the \Lkv{farskip}. After the subfigure, more vertical space, % \Lkv{captionskip}, is added between the subfigure and the sub-caption. % Finally, \Lkv{nearskip} (or \Lkv{farskip}) of vertical space added below. % The baseline is located at the bottom of the figure. It is along this % baseline that adjacent subfigure boxes are aligned. % % \begin{figure} % \captionsetup[subfloat]{singlelinecheck=true,margin=1cm,^ % farskip=0pt,nearskip=10pt} % \centering % \fboxsep=-\fboxrule % \setbox\tempbox\hbox{\Lkv{margin}} % \tempdimb \wd\tempbox % \tempdima \tempdimb % \advance\tempdimb 1mm % \setbox\tempbox\hbox to \tempdimb{^ \tempbox holds margin spacer % \hfil % \vbox to 20pt{^ % \vskip4.3pt % \hbox to \tempdima{\leftarrowfill$\mkern-2.5mu\mathord\rightarrow$} % \hbox to \tempdima{\Lkv{margin}} % \vfil}^ % \hfil} % \multiply\tempdimb -2 % \advance\tempdimb 4.5in ^ \tempdimb is width of sub-caption box % \setbox\tempbox\hbox to 4.5in{^ \tempbox holds margin/sub-caption/margin % \copy\tempbox % \fbox{^ % \vbox to 20pt{ % \vskip1pt % \vbox to 0pt{ % \hbox to\tempdimb{^ % \vbox to 0pt{ % \hbox to \tempdimb{^ % \hskip1pt^ % \leftarrowfill\Lkv{width}\rightarrowfill^ % \hskip1pt} % \vss}} % \vss} % \vfil % \hbox to\tempdimb{^ % \hfil % {\scshape sub-caption}^ % \hfil} % \vskip1.5pt}}^ % \copy\tempbox % \hfil} % ^ % \subfloat[Standard layout (Sub-float: position=bottom).]{^ % \label{fig:layout-A}^ % \fbox{^ % \parbox{4.5in}{^ % \vskip1pt % \hbox to 4.5in{^ % \hskip1.5in^ % $\left\updownarrow\vrule width0pt height11pt depth1pt\right.$^ % (\Lkv{farskip} or \Lkv{nearskip})^ % \hfil} % \fbox{^ % \vbox to 45pt{ % \vfil\vfil % \hbox to 4.5in{^ % \hfil % {\scshape sub-float body}^ % \hfil} % \vfil % \vbox to 0pt{ % \vss % \hbox to 4.5in{^ % \hskip12pt^ % \hbox{\small Baseline}^ % \hfil} % \vskip1pt}}} % \hbox to 4.5in{^ % \hskip1.5in^ % $\left\updownarrow\vrule width0pt height11pt depth1pt\right.$^ % \Lkv{captionskip}^ % \hfil} % \copy\tempbox % \vskip1pt % \hbox to 4.5in{^ % \hskip1.5in^ % $\left\updownarrow\vrule width0pt height11pt depth1pt\right.$^ % \Lkv{nearskip} or \Lkv{farskip}^ % \hfil} % \vskip1pt}}}\\ % ^ % \subfloat[Standard layout without a caption (Sub-float: position=bottom)]{^ % \label{fig:layout-B}^ % \fbox{^ % \parbox{4.5in}{ % \vskip1pt % \hbox to 4.5in{^ % \hskip1.5in^ % $\left\updownarrow\vrule width0pt height11pt depth1pt\right.$^ % (\Lkv{farskip} or \Lkv{nearskip})^ % \hfil} % \fbox{^ % \vbox to 45pt{ % \vfil\vfil % \hbox to 4.5in{^ % \hfil % {\scshape sub-float body}^ % \hfil} % \vfil % \vbox to 0pt{^ % \vss % \hbox to 4.5in{^ % \hskip12pt^ % {\small Baseline}^ % \hfil} % \vskip1pt}}} % \hbox to 4.5in{^ % \hskip1.5in^ % $\left\updownarrow\vrule width0pt height11pt depth1pt\right.$^ % \Lkv{nearskip} or \Lkv{farskip}^ % \hfil} % \vskip1pt}}}\\ % ^ % \subfloat[Reversed layout (Sub-float: position=top).]{^ % \label{fig:layout-C}^ % \fbox{^ % \parbox{4.5in}{ % \vskip1pt % \hbox to 4.5in{^ % \hskip1.5in^ % $\left\updownarrow\vrule width0pt height11pt depth1pt\right.$^ % (\Lkv{farskip} or \Lkv{nearskip})^ % \hfil} % \box\tempbox % \hbox to 4.5in{^ % \hbox to 0pt{^ % \hskip12pt % \smash{\raisebox{-6.5pt}{\small Baseline}}^ % \hss}^ % \hskip1.5in^ % $\left\updownarrow\vrule width0pt height11pt depth1pt\right.$^ % \Lkv{captionskip}$+$\Lkv{topadjust}^ % \hfil} % \fbox{^ % \vbox to 45pt{ % \vfil % \hbox to 4.5in{^ % \hfil % {\scshape sub-float body}^ % \hfil} % \vfil}} % \vskip1pt % \hbox to 4.5in{^ % \hskip1.5in^ % $\left\updownarrow\vrule width0pt height11pt depth1pt\right.$^ % \Lkv{nearskip} or \Lkv{farskip}^ % \hfil} % \vskip1pt}}}\\ % ^ % \subfloat[Standard layout without a caption (Sub-float: position=top)]{^ % \label{fig:layout-D}^ % \fbox{^ % \parbox{4.5in}{ % \vskip1pt % \hbox to 4.5in{^ % \hbox to 0pt{^ % \hskip12pt^ % \smash{\raisebox{-6.5pt}{\small Baseline}}^ % \hss}^ % \hskip1.5in^ % $\left\updownarrow\vrule width0pt height11pt depth1pt\right.$^ % (\Lkv{farskip} or \Lkv{nearskip})^ % \hfil} % \fbox{^ % \vbox to 45pt{ % \vfil % \hbox to 4.5in{^ % \hfil % {\scshape sub-float body}^ % \hfil} % \vfil}} % \hbox to 4.5in{^ % \hskip1.5in^ % $\left\updownarrow\vrule width0pt height11pt depth1pt\right.$^ % \Lkv{nearskip} or \Lkv{farskip}^ % \hfil} % \vskip1pt}}}^ % ^ % \clearcaptionsetup{subfloat}^ % \vspace{-10pt}^ % \caption[Sub-float Layout.]{Sub-float Layout. If the respective float % caption position is \Lkv{bottom}, than the \Lkv{farskip} is used at % the top and the \Lkv{nearskip} is used at the bottom. If the respective % float caption position is \Lkv{top}, than these skips are reversed. % Also, the top skip is suppressed at the top of a page.} % \label{fig:layout} % \end{figure} % % Figure~\subref*{fig:layout-C} shows the reversed case where % the sub-caption precedes the figure (\ie, \Lkv{position=top}). In % this case the \Lkv{farskip} and \Lkv{nearskip} are placed according to % the position of the float caption as above and the \Lkv{captionskip} is % increased by \Lkv{topadjust}. The other two cases, % figures~\subref*{fig:layout-B} and \subref{fig:layout-D}), % show the cases where there is no caption. Note that the \Lkv{captionskip} % (and \Lkv{topadjust} is left out when there is no caption. Again, note % also, for all of these cases, that the space at the top of the subfigure % is automatically removed for items that are the first box in a vertical % list or other than the first box in a horizontal list. This allows % tighter packing of the sub-floats and the full use of the page or % \Lenv{minipage}. % % Each of these values, \Lkv{farskip}, \Lkv{captionskip}, \Lkv{topadjust}, % and \Lkv{nearskip}\footnote{Also the \Lkv{margin} and \Lkv{width} keywords % affect the \Lpack{subfig} layout, see section~\ref{sec:shape}}, may be % changed from their defaults (see table~\ref{tab:keywords}) to adjust the % subfigure for the current layout style. In addition, they may all assume % negative values, which in some cases may solve problems with the layout, % but is not recommended, in general. % % \subsubsection{The \Lpack{Subfig} Package Startup} % \changes{v1.2}{21 January 2004}{Added ``The \Lpack{Subfig} Package % Startup'' section.} % % The startup sequence for the \Lpack{subfig} package is to first load % the \Lpack{caption} package (with no options) if it has not already % been loaded. Next it sets the following default values on the % \Lvar{subfloat} variable: % \begin{quote} % | \captionsetup[subfloat]{font=footnotesize,|\\ % | labelformat=parens,labelsep=space,|\\ % | listofformat=subparens}| % \end{quote} % % This overrides the \Lpack{caption} package default in which the font is % undefined and uses that of the surrounding document\footnote{If, in fact, % \Lkv{font} is defined in the \Lpack{caption} options list before loading % the \Lpack{subfig} package; than the above redefinition on the % \Lvar{subfloat} variable will hide that setting from all of the sub-floats. % If you want them to have the same overall font setting (let's say % ``{bf,sl}''), than you will need to add one of the following sets of % commands: % \begin{quote}^ % \cmd{\captionsetup}[subfloat]\{font=\{footnotesize,bf,sl\}\} % \end{quote} % or % \begin{quote}^ % \cmd{\captionsetup}\{labelfont=\{bf,sl\},textfont=\{bf,sl\}\} % \end{quote}}; the label is \Lkv{simple} and followed by a \Lkv{colon} % and space. It also defines the \Lkv{listofformat} at this level in % the case that it is added to the \Lpack{caption} package. % Note that if the default settings to the \Lvar{subfloat} list are not % desired, they may be removed with a |\clearcaptionsetup| command (see % section~\ref{sec:config}). Also the current settings may be checked % using the following (here for a subfigure): % \begin{quote}^ % | \showcaptionsetup{figure}|\\ % | \showcaptionsetup{subfloat}|\\ % | \showcaptionsetup{subfigure}| % \end{quote} % placed just before the |\subfloat| will show in the log what overrides % are being applied at that point. % % Second, any configuration files are loaded. If there are more than one % listed in the |\usepackage| options list, than they are loaded in the % order specified in the list. % % Next, the other (non-\Lkv{config}) options in the |\usepackage| options % list are added to the \Lvar{subfloat} list. % % Finally, the \Lpack{subfig} package finishes defining its functions and % if the configuration file(s) have not already defined the sub-floats: % \Lvar{subfigure} and \Lvar{subtable}, than they are defined. % % \section{Compatibility With Other Packages.} % % This section discusses specific aspects of compatibility % with other packages with which the subfig package is often % used. % % \subsection{\Lpack{Caption} Package} % \changes{v1.2}{16 January 2004}{Removed mention of undocumented % and/or unreleased \cmd{\topcaption} and \cmd{\bottomcaption} commands.} % % The \Lpack{subfig} package requires the \Lpack{caption} package in % order to format the sub-float captions. However, the \Lkv{position} % keyword option may only take two values when used with the \Lpack{subfig} % package; those are, \Lkv{top} and \Lkv{bottom}. Any other value will be % treated as if \Lkv{position=bottom} was specified. % % {\scshape\bf Warning}: By default (without the \Lfile{subfig.cfg} loaded), % the \Lkv{position} values are expected to be defined prior to loading % the \Lpack{subfig} package or defined afterward. However they are % defined, it is up to the user to insure that the captions are used % correctly with the sub-captions, because using a caption, that is % expected to precede the sub-captions, after the sub-captions % (or {\em vise-versa\/}) will cause the List-of-Floats page and float label % references to be incorrect. % % For compatibility with other packages which modify the caption and % where the standard \Lpack{caption} package whould interfere with the % desired layout, the \Lpack{caption} package has a special option, % \Lkv{caption=false}, which loads the internals (\ie, the ``kernel'' % \Lpack{caption3} package) without modifying the \cmd{\caption} command. % % \subsection{\Lpack{Float} Package} % \label{sec:customfloat} % \changes{v1.1}{12 January 2004}{Updated \Lkv{listofformat} value from % \Lkv{simple} to \Lkv{subsimple}.} % \changes{v1.2}{16 January 2004}{Removed duplicate line.} % \changes{v1.2}{22 January 2004}{Removed separate setting of the mapname % since the \Lpack{caption} package now fixes the float command % \cmd{\restylefloat*}. Also, the same fix in the prolog of this document.} % % To create a new sub-float, you first need a new floating environment. % If you have that, great, otherwise, load the \Lpack{float} package and % create one with a series of commands similar to the following. Here % we create a new \Lenv{map} environment so that the \Lpack{subfig} % package will work with it. For this example we have indicated that we % expect to place the main float caption before the sub-floats. % \begin{verbatim} % \usepackage{float} % \newfloat{map}{tbph}{lom} % \restylefloat*{map} % \floatstyle{plain} % \floatname{map}{Map} % \captionsetup[map]{position=top} % \newcommand{\listofmaps}{\listof{map}{List of Maps}} % \end{verbatim} % % Then you can then create the new sub-float with: % \begin{verbatim} % \newsubfloat[position=top,listofformat=subsimple]{map} % \end{verbatim} % \noindent % Here we also indicate that we want the sub-caption to be placed % above the submaps and that the reference label on the list-of-maps % page will be in simple plain format without parentheses. % % Now the |\subfloat| command will work in the \Lenv{map} environment. % % For example, the following code generates map~\ref{map:example}: % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{map}% % \centering % \caption{This example shows two small maps.}% % \label{map:example}% % \subfloat[First map.]{...figure code...}% % \qquad % \subfloat[Second map.]{...figure code...}% % \end{map} % \end{verbatim} % \begin{map}^ % \centering % \caption{This example shows two small maps.}^ % \label{map:example}^ % \subfloat[First map.]{^ % \begin{picture}(86,42)(0,0) % \thicklines % \put(0,0){\framebox(86,42){}} % \thinlines % \qbezier(20,42)(20,38)(10,30) % \qbezier(10,30)(0,25)(0,0) % \qbezier(25,42)(25,38)(15,30) % \qbezier(15,30)(5,25)(5,0) % \put(28,38){\circle*{3}} % \put(18,8){\circle{15}} % \put(35,0){\line(0,1){30.0}} % \put(40,0){\line(0,1){30.0}} % \put(35,30){\line(1,2){6.0}} % \put(40,30){\line(1,2){6.0}} % \put(60,20){\circle{10}} % \put(57,35){\circle*{3}} % \put(70,10){\circle*{3}} % \put(65,42){\line(1,-1){21.0}} % \put(70,42){\line(1,-1){16.0}} % \end{picture}} % \qquad % \subfloat[Second map.]{^ % \begin{picture}(86,42)(0,0) % \thicklines % \put(0,0){\framebox(86,42){}} % \thinlines % \put(10,35){\circle*{3}} % \put(17,10){\circle*{2}} % \qbezier(0,42)(43,42)(43,21) % \qbezier(43,21)(43,0)(86,0) % \qbezier(0,37)(38,37)(38,16) % \qbezier(38,16)(38,5)(55,0) % \put(45,38){\circle{5}} % \put(70,30){\circle*{8}} % \end{picture}} % \end{map} % % \subsection{\Lpack{FloatRow} Package} % \changes{v1.3}{6 May 2005}{Added compatibility with the \Lpack{floatrow} % package.} % % This package is compatible with the the \Lpack{floatrow} package and % contains hooks to allow it to work correctly with subfloats. In % particular, the existance of the \cmd{\FBsc@max} command in the package % turns on the hooks. See the code for the macros \cmd{\sf@@@subfloat} and % \cmd{\sf@subcaption} for details. % % The following code and table~\ref{tab:floatrow} show an example of % using the \Lpack{floatrow} package to align captions. Without it, the % first caption, \subref{tab:floatrow:one}, would be located just above % the first table rather than even with the first line of the second % caption, \subref{tab:floatrow:two}. % % \begin{quote}\small %\null\qquad\vdots\\ %|\usepackage{booktabs}|\\ %|\usepackage{subfig}|\\ %|\captionsetup[table]{position=top}|\\ %|\captionsetup[subtable]{position=top}|\\ %\null\qquad\vdots\\ %|\usepackage[heightadjust=all,valign=t]{floatrow,fr-subfig}|\\ %|\floatsetup{style=Plaintop}|\\ %\null\qquad\vdots\\ %|\begin{table}%|\\ %|\floatbox{table}[\FBwidth]%|\\ %| {\caption{Results in Two Tables.}%|\\ %| \label{tab:floatrow}}{%|\\ %| \begin{subfloatrow}|\\ %| \subfloat[First Table of Results.]{\label{tab:floatrow:one}%|\\ %| \begin{tabular}{lcc} \toprule|\\ %| \multicolumn{1}{c}{\raisebox{-1.5ex}{\bf Result Type}}|\\ %| & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bf Result Data} \\ |\\ %| & {\bf Set One} & {\bf Set Two} \\ \midrule|\\ %| First type & 0.24 & 4.12 \\|\\ %| Second type & 1.34 & 2.01 \\|\\ %| Third type & 2.99 & 4.13 \\|\\ %| Fourth type & 2.67 & 0.08 \\ \bottomrule|\\ %| \end{tabular}}|\\ %| \subfloat[Second Table of Results.][Second Table of Results.|\\ %| However, this one has a very long caption that causes|\\ %| problems with alignment.]{\label{tab:floatrow:two}%|\\ %| \begin{tabular}{lccc} \toprule|\\ %| \multicolumn{1}{c}{\raisebox{-1.5ex}{\bf Result Type}}|\\ %| & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bf Result Data} \\|\\ %| & {\bf Set 1} & {\bf Set 2} & {\bf Set 3} \\ \midrule|\\ %| First type & 4.20 & blue & 2.14 \\|\\ %| Second type & 4.31 & red & 1.02 \\|\\ %| Third type & 4.31 & green & 8.01 \\ \bottomrule|\\ %| \end{tabular}}|\\ %| \end{subfloatrow}}%| %|\end{table}| % \end{quote} % \begin{table}^ When/if the floatrow package becomes generally distributed, % \centering ^ we can substitute the above example code % \caption{Results in Two Tables.}^ for this hacked code, which has to figure % \label{tab:floatrow}^ out the magic numbers: 179bp and 188bp. % \captionsetup[subtable]{position=below,captionskip=0pt,farskip=3pt} % \subfloat[First Table of Results.]{^ % \label{tab:floatrow:one}^ % \vrule height 0pt width 179bp}^ % \hfill % \subfloat[Second Table of Results.][Second Table of Results. % However, this one has a very long caption that causes % problems with alignment.]{^ % \label{tab:floatrow:two}^ % \vrule height 0pt width 188bp}\\ % \captionsetup[subtable]{position=above}^ % \subfloat{^ % \begin{tabular}{lcc} \toprule % \multicolumn{1}{c}{\raisebox{-1.5ex}{\bf Result Type}} % & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bf Result Data} \\ % & {\bf Set One} & {\bf Set Two} \\ \midrule % First type & 0.24 & 4.12 \\ % Second type & 1.34 & 2.01 \\ % Third type & 2.99 & 4.13 \\ % Fourth type & 2.67 & 0.08 \\ \bottomrule % \end{tabular}}^ % \hfill % \subfloat{^ % \begin{tabular}{lccc} \toprule % \multicolumn{1}{c}{\raisebox{-1.5ex}{\bf Result Type}} % & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bf Result Data} \\ % & {\bf Set 1} & {\bf Set 2} & {\bf Set 3} \\ \midrule % First type & 4.20 & blue & 2.14 \\ % Second type & 4.31 & red & 1.02 \\ % Third type & 4.31 & green & 8.01 \\ \bottomrule % \end{tabular}}^ % \end{table} % % \subsection{\Lpack{verbatim} and \Lpack{fancyvrb} packages} % \label{sec:verbatim} % \changes{v1.3}{4 July 2005}{Added documentation about including % verbatim text in a subfloat.} % % You cannot place a \Lenv{verbatim} environment inside of the % \cmd{\subfloat} command because the \Lenv{verbatim} environment needs % to change the character classes before the text in the environment is % read by \TeX. Therefore, if you really want to include verbatim text % inside a sub-float, you will need to place the verbatim text into a % box and then feed the box to the \cmd{\subfloat} command. % % One way to do this is by defining and using a \Lenv{SubFloat} % environment, as shown in figure\ref{fig:label}. Such as placing the % following in the preamble of your paper: % % \begin{quote} % |\makeatletter|\\ % |\newbox\sf@box|\\ % |\newenvironment{SubFloat}[2][]%|\\ % | {\def\sf@one{#1}%|\\ % | \def\sf@two{#2}%|\\ % | \setbox\sf@box\hbox|\\ % | \bgroup}%|\\ % | { \egroup|\\ % | \ifx\@empty\sf@two\@empty\relax|\\ % | \def\sf@two{\@empty}|\\ % | \fi|\\ % | \ifx\@empty\sf@one\@empty\relax|\\ % | \subfloat[\sf@two]{\box\sf@box}%|\\ % | \else|\\ % | \subfloat[\sf@one][\sf@two]{\box\sf@box}%|\\ % | \fi}|\\ % |\makeatother|\\ % \end{quote} % \noindent % and then using it in your code as shown below. While this does not % exactly produce the options shown in table~\ref{tab:calling}, it is % close enough for regular use and may be adjusted if necessary. % % \begin{quote} % |\begin{figure}|\\ % | \centering|\\ % | \begin{SubFloat}[Black box]{\label{fig:label1}Caption 1.}%|\\ % | \rule{4cm}{3cm}%...blackbox subfigure...|\\ % | \end{SubFloat}%|\\ % | \hspace{1.5cm}%|\\ % | \begin{SubFloat}{\label{fig:label2}Caption 2.}%...verbatim subfigure with |\\ % | \begin{minipage}[b]{0.3\linewidth}% a minipage to control the width...|\\ % | \begin{verbatim}|\\ % |abc def ghi jkl|\\ % | xx x xxx|\\ % |abc def ghi jkl|\\ % | \end{verbatim}%|\\ % | \end{minipage}%|\\ % | \end{SubFloat}|\\ % | \caption{Main Caption.}|\\ % | \label{fig:label}|\\ % |\end{figure}| % \end{quote} % \begin{figure} % \centering % \begin{SubFloat}[Black box]{\label{fig:label1}Caption 1.}^ % \rule{4cm}{3cm}^...blackbox subfigure... % \end{SubFloat}^ % \hspace{1.5cm}^ % \begin{SubFloat}{\label{fig:label2}Caption 2.}^...verbatim subfigure with % \begin{minipage}[b]{0.3\linewidth}^ a minipage to control the width... % \begin{verbatim} % abc def ghi jkl % xx x xxx % abc def ghi jkl % \end{verbatim}^ % \end{minipage}^ % \end{SubFloat} % \caption{Main Caption.} % \label{fig:label} % \end{figure} % % \subsection{\Lpack{IEEEtrans} Class} % % The \Lpack{IEEEtrans} Class defines its own caption layout. % Therefore to use the \Lpack{subfig} package, you need to % ``turn off'' the \Lpack{caption} package. The following % two setups are the same: % \begin{quote}^ % | \usepackage[caption=false]{caption}|\\ % | \usepackage[...]{subfig}| % \end{quote} % or % \begin{quote}^ % | \usepackage[caption=false, ...]{subfig}| % \end{quote} % % \subsection{Other Packages} % % The \Lpack{subfig} package has been tested with the following % packages and is known to work correctly.\footnote{If you find % any problem with these or any other package, please create a % small example demonstrating the problem and send it to the % author.} % % \begin{itemize}\parskip-5pt % \item \Lpack{fixltx2e} % \item \Lpack{captcont} % \item \Lpack{hyperref} % \item \Lpack{hypcap} % \end{itemize} % % Further, the following packages are known not to work with, or % that have some problems when used with the \Lpack{subfig} package: % % \begin{itemize}\parskip-5pt % \item \Lpack{ccaption} % \item \Lpack{hvfloat} % \item \Lpack{nonfloat} % \end{itemize} % % \subsection{Backward Compatibility with the \Lpack{Subfigure} Package} % \label{sec:back-compat} % % The following code sets up a configuration file to make the \Lpack{subfig} % package be nearly compatible with the older \Lpack{subfigure} package. % The first major difference is that the spacing is not quite the same % due to internal changes in the sub-float setup and that some of the % old tweaks that involved changing internal variables often will no % longer work. % % The other major change si that the old \Lkv{topskip} and \Lkv{bottomskip} % no longer exist and their replacements \Lkv{farskip} and \Lkv{nearskip} % act differently. The new skips also surround the sub-caption and % sub-float body, but where the \Lkv{bottomskip} was always next to the % sub-caption, the new \Lkv{nearskip} is always nearer the man (float) % caption. The other two vary in the same way. Normally, this difference % is minor and can be ignored, but in some cases you will need to adjust % them to get your desired {\em look and feel}. % % \begin{macro}{\subfigure} % \begin{macro}{\subtable} % \changes{v1.2}{16 January 2004}{Removed code that forces the figure or % table to be in some place. The default will be \Lkv{bottom} if nothing % else is set.} % \changes{v1.2}{28 January 2004}{Added default setting of \Lkv{loose}.} % % The first section creates the |\subfigure| and the |\subtable| commands. % % \iffalse %<*newconf> % \fi % % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{c@subfigure}{\newsubfloat{figure}}{} \def\subfigure{\subfloat} % \end{macrocode} % % % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{c@subtable}{\newsubfloat{table}}{} \def\subtable{\subfloat} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \changes{v1.3}{18 March 2004}{Generalized boolean values.} % % Next we restore the caption value-keywords for the option list. % Currently these are available within the main document with the % |\captionsetup| command. However, this may change in a later % release of the \Lpack{subfig} package. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOption{normal}[]{\caption@setformat{default}} \DeclareCaptionOption{isu}[]{\caption@setformat{format=hang}} \DeclareCaptionOption{format=hang}[]{\caption@setformat{format=hang}} \DeclareCaptionOption{center}[]{\caption@setjustification{centering}} \DeclareCaptionOption{anne}[]{\caption@setjustification{centerlast}} \DeclareCaptionOption{centerlast}[]{\caption@setjustification{centerlast}} \DeclareCaptionOption{nooneline}[]{\sf@setbool{slc}{0}} \DeclareCaptionOption{scriptsize}[]{\def\captionfont{\scriptsize}} \DeclareCaptionOption{footnotesize}[]{\def\captionfont{\footnotesize}} \DeclareCaptionOption{small}[]{\def\captionfont{\small}} \DeclareCaptionOption{normalsize}[]{\def\captionfont{\normalsize}} \DeclareCaptionOption{large}[]{\def\captionfont{\large}} \DeclareCaptionOption{Large}[]{\def\captionfont{\Large}} \DeclareCaptionOption{up}[]{\l@addto@macro\captionlabelfont\upshape} \DeclareCaptionOption{it}[]{\l@addto@macro\captionlabelfont\itshape} \DeclareCaptionOption{sl}[]{\l@addto@macro\captionlabelfont\slshape} \DeclareCaptionOption{sc}[]{\l@addto@macro\captionlabelfont\scshape} \DeclareCaptionOption{md}[]{\l@addto@macro\captionlabelfont\mdseries} \DeclareCaptionOption{bf}[]{\l@addto@macro\captionlabelfont\bfseries} \DeclareCaptionOption{rm}[]{\l@addto@macro\captionlabelfont\rmfamily} \DeclareCaptionOption{sf}[]{\l@addto@macro\captionlabelfont\sffamily} \DeclareCaptionOption{tt}[]{\l@addto@macro\captionlabelfont\ttfamily} \DeclareCaptionOption{ruled}[1]{\sf@setbool{ruled}{#1}} \DeclareCaptionOption{singlelinecheck}[true]{\sf@setbool{slc}{#1}} \DeclareCaptionOption{oneline}[1]{\sf@setbool{slc}{#1}} \DeclareCaptionOption{justified}[]{\caption@setjustification{justified}} \DeclareCaptionOption{centering}[]{\caption@setjustification{centering}} \DeclareCaptionOption{centerfirst}[]{\caption@setjustification{centerfirst}} \DeclareCaptionOption{flushright}[]{\caption@setjustification{raggedleft}} \DeclareCaptionOption{raggedleft}[]{\caption@setjustification{raggedleft}} \DeclareCaptionOption{raggedright}[]{\caption@setjustification{raggedright}} \DeclareCaptionOption{RaggedRight}[]{\caption@setjustification{RaggedRight}} \DeclareCaptionOption{RaggedLeft}[]{\caption@setjustification{RaggedLeft}} \DeclareCaptionOption{Centering}[]{\caption@setjustification{Centering}} % \end{macrocode} % % The second list of value-keywords allows the uppercase font options to % set the font for the caption text. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOption{UP}[]{\l@addto@macro\captiontextfont\upshape} \DeclareCaptionOption{IT}[]{\l@addto@macro\captiontextfont\itshape} \DeclareCaptionOption{SL}[]{\l@addto@macro\captiontextfont\slshape} \DeclareCaptionOption{SC}[]{\l@addto@macro\captiontextfont\scshape} \DeclareCaptionOption{MD}[]{\l@addto@macro\captiontextfont\mdseries} \DeclareCaptionOption{BF}[]{\l@addto@macro\captiontextfont\bfseries} \DeclareCaptionOption{RM}[]{\l@addto@macro\captiontextfont\rmfamily} \DeclareCaptionOption{SF}[]{\l@addto@macro\captiontextfont\sffamily} \DeclareCaptionOption{TT}[]{\l@addto@macro\captiontextfont\ttfamily} % \end{macrocode} % % Next, the \Lpack{subfigure} ``\dots topcap'' and ``\dots bottomcap'' options % are emulated using the new ``position'' option. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOption{figbotcap}[]{\captionsetup[figure]{position=bottom}} \DeclareCaptionOption{tabbotcap}[]{\captionsetup[table]{position=bottom}} \DeclareCaptionOption{FIGBOTCAP}[]{\captionsetup[figure]{position=bottom}% \captionsetup[subfigure]{position=bottom}} \DeclareCaptionOption{TABBOTCAP}[]{\captionsetup[table]{position=bottom}% \captionsetup[subtable]{position=bottom}} \DeclareCaptionOption{figtopcap}[]{\captionsetup[figure]{position=top}} \DeclareCaptionOption{tabtopcap}[]{\captionsetup[table]{position=top}} \DeclareCaptionOption{FIGTOPCAP}[]{\captionsetup[figure]{position=top}% \captionsetup[subfigure]{position=top}} \DeclareCaptionOption{TABTOPCAP}[]{\captionsetup[table]{position=top}% \captionsetup[subtable]{position=top}} % \end{macrocode} % % \changes{v1.3}{26 October 2004}{Fixed problem with the ``loose'' and % ``tight'' options.} % Then, the ``loose'' and ``tight'' options are approximately % emulated. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOption{loose}[]{% \captionsetup{farskip=10pt,topadjust=0pt,captionskip=10pt,% nearskip=10pt,margin=10pt}} \DeclareCaptionOption{tight}[]{% \captionsetup{farskip=5pt,topadjust=0pt,captionskip=3pt,% nearskip=5pt,margin=0pt}} % \end{macrocode} % % We can now set the sub-float defaults beyond what is set in the % \Lpack{subfig} package. We only need to set the default to the % \Lkv{loose} settings. % % \begin{macrocode} \captionsetup[subfloat]{loose} % \end{macrocode} % % Finally, we redefine the starred form of \cmd{\subref} to % \cmd{\Subref}. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\Subref{\subref*} % \end{macrocode} % % \iffalse %</newconf> % \fi % % \section{Some Examples} % \changes{v1.2}{16 January 2004}{Fixed typo: ``Someg eneral'' to % ``Some general''.} % \label{sec:examples} % % The easiest way to show the use of this package is to give a few % examples. The two most important things to remember when working with % the \Lpack{subfig} package are that (1) the sub-floats are aligned % along their baselines (see figure~\ref{fig:layout} and (2) that % whitespace in the floating environments are significant and affect the % layout. % % The baseline of the sub-float is usually at the bottom of the sub-float % body or (when the sub-caption appears at the top) at the bottom of the % sub-caption {\em and\/} the \Lkv{captionskip} space---which is usually % the same as the top of the sub-float. However sometimes, especially % when using the \Lenv{tabular}, \Lenv{array}, or \Lenv{minipage} % environments to build the figure, the baseline appears elsewhere. The % above three environments are all aligned at their center by default % but that may be changed with the optional `{\bf [t]}' or `{\bf [b]}' % arguments. As a last resort you can wrap all of your figures in a % |\vtop| box with a |\vbox to 0pt{\null}| at the top followed by the % sub-float body. % % If your sub-float is not quite centered or where you want it to be, the % problem is often a space character being placed to one side or the % other of the sub-float body. Some general rules of thumb % are:\footnote{See chapters 7 and 8 of ``The \TeX book'' \cite{Knut86} % for details.} % \begin{itemize}\parskip-2pt % \item Two end-of-lines following each other (ignoring any % whitespace) are turned into a |\par| or paragraph break. % \item Multiple whitespace (including the end-of-line) are % compressed into a single space. % \item The spaces after a macro command name (\eg, |\foo|) % are ignored. % \item A `\%' character at the end of the line suppresses the % end-of-line and all of the spaces (if any) at the % beginning of the next line. % \end{itemize} % % To suppress significant extra whitespace, you can add some `\%' % characters at the end of each line that doesn't end with a command name. % This is more than is required, but extra `\%' usually don't cause a % problem. % % \subsection{A Simple Example} % % \begin{figure}^ % \centering % \fboxsep=-\fboxrule % \fbox{^ % \begin{minipage}{4.0in}^ % \vspace{10pt}^ % \centering % \begin{minipage}{3.5in}^ % \centering % \subfloat[First.]{^ % \fbox{\hbox to 20mm{\vbox to 15mm{\vfil\null}\hfil}}}\qquad % \subfloat[Second figure.]{^ % \fbox{\hbox to 20mm{\vbox to 10mm{\vfil\null}\hfil}}}\\[6pt] % \subfloat[Third.]{\label{3figs-c}^ % \fbox{\hbox to 20mm{\vbox to 10mm{\vfil\null}\hfil}}}\\ % \caption{Three sub-floats.}^ % \label{3figs}^ % \rr % \vspace{15pt}^ % Figure~\ref{3figs} contains two top `sub-floats' and % sub-float~\ref{3figs-c}.$\!$\footnotemark % \end{minipage}^ % \vspace{4pt}^ % \end{minipage}} % \vspace{-5pt}^ % \end{figure} % \footnotetext{In this and later boxed figures, the boxes are intended to % represent a portion of the page in which the figure occurs. This is % usually to show the figure along with some text or to show the effect % of some option on multiple pages.} % % \noindent % The first example, shown in figure~\ref{3figs}, specifies |\centering| % to horizontally center the set of sub-floats, and uses |\\| and some % horizontal space (using |\qquad|) to control the placement of the % sub-floats. Note that the alignment of the top two sub-floats is along % the bottom of the body portion of each. % % \begin{quote} % | \begin{figure}%|\\ % | \centering|\\ % | \subfloat[First.]{...}\qquad|\\ % | \subfloat[Second figure.]{...}\\|\\ % | \subfloat[Third.]{\label{3figs-c}...}%|\\ % | \caption{Three sub-floats.}|\\ % | \label{3figs}|\\ % | \end{figure}|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % | Figure~\ref{3figs} contains two top `sub-floats' and|\\ % | sub-float~\ref{3figs-c}.| % \end{quote} % % \subsection{A More Advanced Example} % \changes{v1.1}{12 January 2004}{Updated \Lkv{listofformat} value from % \Lkv{simple} to \Lkv{subsimple}.} % \changes{v1.2}{16 January 2004}{Fixed old reference to \cmd{\subfigure} % to \cmd{\subfloat}.} % % A second example, shown in figure~\ref{fig:ex2}, demonstrates how to % change the sub-float labels and have the sub-captions printed on the % List-of-Figures. % % The first |\renewcommand| changes the reference to |\thesubfigure| to % return both the figure number and the subfigure number separated with % a period. The next two |\renewcommand|'s turn off the |\p@subfigure| % (since it is now included in |\thesubfigure| and adds the colon and % space to the subfigure label. Also, the \Lcount{lofdepth} is set to % ``2'' so as to allow the subfigure captions to show when the % |\listoffigures| loads the \Lfile{lof} file. Finally, the \Lenv{figure} % is defined and a little following text is given that refers to it. % \begin{quote} % | \renewcommand{\thesubfigure}{\thefigure.\arabic{subfigure}}|\\ % | \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=simple,labelsep=colon,|\\ % | listofformat=subsimple}|\\ % | \captionsetup{lofdepth=2}|\\ % | \makeatletter|\\ % | \renewcommand{\p@subfigure}{}|\\ % | \makeatother|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % | \listoffigures|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % | \begin{figure}%|\\ % | \centering|\\ % | \subfloat[First.]{%|\\ % | \label{fig:first}%|\\ % | ...figure code...}%|\\ % | \qquad|\\ % | \subfloat[Second.]{%|\\ % | \label{fig:second}%|\\ % | ...figure code...}%|\\ % | \caption{Two sub-floats.}|\\ % | \end{figure}|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % | See figures~\ref{fig:first} and \ref{fig:second}.| % \end{quote}% % \begin{figure}^ % \centering % \fboxsep=-\fboxrule % \renewcommand{\thesubfigure}{\thefigure.\arabic{subfigure}}^ % \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=simple,labelsep=colon, % listofformat=subsimple} % \captionsetup{lofdepth=2}^ % \makeatletter % \renewcommand{\p@subfigure}{}^ % \makeatother % \fbox{^ % \begin{minipage}{4.0in}^ % \centering % \begin{minipage}{3.5in}^ % \vspace{.1in}^ % \section*{ List of Figures}^ % \vspace{-15pt}^ % \hspace{40pt}\vdots % \vspace{3pt}^ % \contentsline{figure}{\numberline{\ref{fig:ex2}}^ % {\ignorespaces Two sub-floats.}}{\pageref{fig:ex2}}^ % {figure.93}^ % \contentsline{subfigure}{\numberline{\ref{fig:first}}^ % {\ignorespaces First.}}{\pageref{fig:first}}^ % {subfigure.93.1}^ % \contentsline{subfigure}{\numberline{\ref{fig:second}}^ % {\ignorespaces Second.}}{\pageref{fig:second}}^ % {subfigure.93.2}^ % \hspace{40pt}\vdots % \vspace{8pt}^ % \end{minipage}^ % \end{minipage}}\\ % \fbox{^ % \begin{minipage}{4.0in}^ % \centering % \begin{minipage}{3.5in}^ % \vspace{10pt}^ % \centering % \subfloat[First.]{^ % \label{fig:first}^ % \fbox{\hbox to 22mm{\vbox to 15mm{\vfil\null}\hfil}}}^ % \hspace{14pt}^ % \subfloat[Second.]{^ % \label{fig:second}^ % \fbox{\hbox to 22mm{\vbox to 15mm{\vfil\null}\hfil}}}\\ % \caption{Two sub-floats.}^ % \label{fig:ex2}^ % \rr % See figures~\ref{fig:first} and \ref{fig:second}. % \vspace{4pt}^ % \end{minipage}^ % \end{minipage}}^ % \end{figure} % % \subsection{An Example Without Sub-caption Text} % \label{sec:ex3} % % The next example, shown in figure~\ref{fig:ex3}, demonstrates a % commonly required format where the subfigure are just labeled and the % description occurs in the main caption. This is easy to do by using % the ``empty'' optional caption arguments ``[\space ][\space ]''. This % creates a label for the subfigure in the text, but it does not show on % the list-of-figures page. However, by default the caption may not be % perfectly centered, so |\subfiglabelskip| is reduced to zero points to % ensure that there is not any extra space hidden in the sub-caption. To % refer to the subfigure label within the text or the main caption, you % can use the |\subref| command, which is similar to the |\ref| command, % but does not carry the figure number. % % \begin{quote} % | \listoffigures|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % | \begin{figure}%|\\ % | \centering|\\ % | \subfloat[][]{%|\\ % | \label{fig:ex3-a}%|\\ % | ...figure code...}%|\\ % | \hspace{8pt}%|\\ % | \subfloat[][]{%|\\ % | \label{fig:ex3-b}%|\\ % | ...figure code...}\\|\\ % | \subfloat[][]{%|\\ % | \label{fig:ex3-c}%|\\ % | ...figure code...}%|\\ % | \hspace{8pt}%|\\ % | \subfloat[][]{%|\\ % | \label{fig:ex3-d}%|\\ % | ...figure code...}%|\\ % | \caption[A set of four sub-floats.]{A set of four sub-floats:|\\ % | \subref{fig:ex3-a} describes the first sub-float;|\\ % | \subref{fig:ex3-b} describes the second sub-float;|\\ % | \subref{fig:ex3-c} describes the third sub-float; and,|\\ % | \subref{fig:ex3-d} describes the last sub-float.}%|\\ % | \label{fig:ex3}%|\\ % | \end{figure}|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % | The text references the main figure as figure~\ref{fig:ex3}|\\ % | or part of it as|\\ % | figures~\subref*{fig:ex3-a}--\subref{fig:ex3-c}.| % \end{quote}% % \begin{figure}^ % \centering % \fboxsep=-\fboxrule % \fbox{^ % \begin{minipage}{4.0in}^ % \centering % \begin{minipage}{3.5in}^ % \setcounter{lofdepth}{2}^ % \vspace{.1in}^ % \section*{List of Figures}^ % \vspace{-15pt}^ % \hspace{40pt}\vdots % \vspace{3pt}^ % \contentsline{figure}{\numberline{\ref{fig:ex3}}^ % {\ignorespaces A set of four sub-floats.}}^ % {\pageref{fig:ex3}}^ % {figure.94}^ % \hspace{40pt}\vdots % \vspace{8pt}^ % \end{minipage}^ % \end{minipage}}\\ % \fbox{^ % \begin{minipage}{4.0in}^ % \centering % \begin{minipage}{3.5in}^ % \vspace{7pt}^ % \centering % \makeatletter % \subfloat[][]{^ % \label{fig:ex3-a}^ % \fbox{\hbox to 1.2in{\vbox to 15mm{\null\vfil}\hfil}}}^ % \hspace{8pt}^ % \subfloat[][]{^ % \label{fig:ex3-b}^ % \fbox{\hbox to 1.2in{\vbox to 15mm{\null\vfil}\hfil}}}\\ % \subfloat[][]{^ % \label{fig:ex3-c}^ % \fbox{\hbox to 1.2in{\vbox to 15mm{\null\vfil}\hfil}}}^ % \hspace{8pt}^ % \subfloat[][]{^ % \label{fig:ex3-d}^ % \fbox{\hbox to 1.2in{\vbox to 15mm{\null\vfil}\hfil}}}^ % \caption[A set of four sub-floats.]{A set of four sub-floats: % \subref{fig:ex3-a} describes the first sub-float; % \subref{fig:ex3-b} describes the second sub-float; % \subref{fig:ex3-c} describes the third sub-float; and, % \subref{fig:ex3-d} describes the last sub-float.}^ % \label{fig:ex3}^ % \rr % The text references the main figure as figure~\ref{fig:ex3} % or part of it as % figures~\subref*{fig:ex3-a}--\subref{fig:ex3-c}. % \vspace{4pt}^ % \end{minipage}^ % \end{minipage}}^ % \end{figure} % % \subsection{Another Example} % \changes{v1.3}{24 March 2004}{Added another example based on a received % question.} % \label{sec:ex4} % % I was asked if it was possible to center a smaller subfigure next to % a larger one while keeping the sub-captions lined up. The answer is % yes. The older way, shown here, is to vertically center the smaller % subfigure in a |\vbox| the same height as the larger subfigure. To % make it more interesting, we will also assume that we are not sure % what the height of the larger subfigure will be. % % First we place the larger subfigure in a ``savebox'' and then use % the height of the ``savebox'' to build the |\vbox| to contain the % smaller subfigure. The result is shown in figure~\ref{fig:vertcenter}. % % \newcommand{\figbox}[3]{{^ % \fboxsep = -\fboxrule % \hbox to #2{^ % \fbox{^ % \vbox to #1{^ % \vfil % \hbox to #2{^ % \hfil % #3 % \hfil}^ % \vfil}}}}} % \begin{figure}^ % \centering % \sbox{\tempbox}{\figbox{2in}{2in}{Big box}}^ % \subfloat[Big figure]{\usebox{\tempbox}}^ % \qquad % \subfloat[Small figure]{^ % \vbox to \ht\tempbox{^ % \vfil % \figbox{1in}{1in}{Small box}^ % \vfil}}^ % \caption{Two more sub-floats.} % \label{fig:vertcenter} % \end{figure} % \begin{quote} % |\newsavebox{\tempbox}|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % |\begin{figure}%|\\ % | \centering|\\ % | \sbox{\tempbox}{|\dots|figure code|\dots|}%|\\ % | \subfloat[Big figure]{\usebox{\tempbox}}%|\\ % | \qquad|\\ % | \subfloat[Small figure]{%|\\ % | \vbox to \ht\tempbox{%|\\ % | \vfil|\\ % | |\dots|figure code|\dots\\ % | \vfil}}%|\\ % | \caption{Two more sub-floats.}|\\ % | \label{fig:vertcenter}|\\ % |\end{figure}| % \end{quote}% % % The \Lpack{floatrow} package will automatically check the heights and % widths of your figures and captions and can align your subfigures % pretty much any way that you want. For more information, see the % \Lpack{subfig} package documentation \cite{Lapk05}. % % \section{Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)} % \label{sec:faq} % % The ten most frequently asked questions about the \Lpack{subfig} % package are: % % \subsection{``My sub-floats are not aligned along their bottoms. Why?''} % \label{sec:faq:align} % % Remember! The \Lpack{subfig} package aligns sub-floats along % their baselines with the sub-caption (if any) sticking out above or % below. The above problem is usually due to using a \Lenv{minipage}, % \Lenv{tabular} or \Lenv{array} environment that, by default, % places the baseline at the center of the box that it generates. If % the two sub-floats are different sizes, or if one sub-float is generated % in some other way with its baseline not at the expected place (perhaps % an |\includegraphics|), then the sub-float will be misaligned. One % solution is to use the environment options `[t]' or `[b]' to move the % baseline to the top or bottom rather than the center. % % \subsection{``How can I get my floats/sub-floats to line up the way I % want?''} % \label{sec:faq:blanks} % % A similar question, but this one is caused by extra whitespace in the % source text generating spaces next to the floats, and |\par|'s % generated by blank lines. The main thing is {\it be aware\/} that % extra whitespace can move floats and sub-floats around, sometimes a lot % and sometimes just a little so that they look ``wrong''. Placing too % many `\%'s at the end of the lines is better than too few in the % various float environments. (See the discussion of ``white space'' in % section~\ref{sec:examples}.) % % \subsection{``I have too many sub-floats for one page, How can I spread % them over two or more pages and continue the numbering?''} % \label{sec:faq:cont} % % The |\ContinuedFloat| command makes creating continued floating % environments easy. See the discussion in section~\ref{sec:cont}. % % \subsection{``Why do I get a garbled caption or an error when I use % square brackets?''} % \label{sec:faq:brackets} % % \begin{verbatim} % \subfloat[SHIFT: ``register[3] $<<=$ 3;'']{... float text ...} % \end{verbatim} % % Since the |\subfloat| command has an optional argument, delimited % with square brackets, before their required argument, you cannot % use the `]' character at the top level of either the % \meta{sub-caption} or \meta{list\_entry} argument. To overcome this % problem, you must wrap all or the portion of the text containing % the `]' character, in a pair of curly brackets (see % \cite[\textsection~C.1.1]{Lamp94} for more detail). For example: % % \begin{verbatim} % \subfloat[SHIFT: ``register{[3]} $<<=$ 3;'']{... float text ...} % \end{verbatim} % \vspace{-15pt} % \noindent % or % \vspace{-2pt} % \begin{verbatim} % \subfloat[{SHIFT: ``register[3] $<<=$ 3;''}]{... float text ...}. % \end{verbatim} % % \subsection{``How do I make my subcaptions print on the List-of-Floats % pages?''} % \label{sec:faq:depth} % \changes{v1.3}{27 February 2004}{Added FAQ for setting the individual % List-of-Floats depth variables in order to show the subcaptions.} % % You need to set the depth counter for each type of List-of-Floats page % to ``2'' or greater. You can do this in two ways. The first is by % using the standard |\setcounter| command; for instance, if you want % to show your subtable captions you will need to set the \Lkv{lotdepth} % counter before the |\listoftables| command: % \begin{quote}^ % | \setcounter{lotdepth}{2}| % \end{quote} % % The other way of setting this is to use the package option list or % the |\captionsetup| command and {\bf globally} % (see section~\ref{sec:layers}) set the assoicated counter (again % before using the |\listoftables| command), \eg: % \begin{quote}^ % | \captionsetup{lotdepth=2}| % \end{quote} % % \subsection{``I set an option and it had no effect. What is happening?''} % \label{sec:faq:options_overview} % % Most likely, the option that you set is being overridden. Reread the % option scoping in section \ref{sec:layers} and use the following % commands to find out if your option is being set and if it is being % overridden (here for a subtable): % \begin{quote}^ % | \showcaptionsetup{table}|\\ % | \showcaptionsetup{subfloat}|\\ % | \showcaptionsetup{subtable}| % \end{quote} % For instance, if you change the \Lkv{textfont} at the \Lvar{table} level % and the \Lvar{subfloat} has another setting for \Lkv{textfont}, than the % change will work for table floats, but not for subtables, since the % \Lvar{subfloat} definition will override it. You can either add the % \Lkv{textfont} change to the \Lvar{subfloat} (which will affect all % sub-floats) or to the \Lvar{subtable} (which will affect all subtables) % to override the overridden change. % % \subsection{``How do I make a change in the settings for just a single % float?''} % \label{sec:faq:options_specific} % % If you change the values using the \cmd{\captionsetup} command within a % float environment, than the old values will be restored after you exit % that float environment. % % \subsection{``How do I put text labels on an imported sub-float?''} % \label{sec:faq:picture} % % The easiest way is to use the picture commands with the origin % set at the bottom right corner of the imported image (actually % at the right side of the image's baseline, which is usually along % the bottom of the image). For example, if the imported image is % $5\times 5$ inches, than the following code will place the text % ``Label'' in red at its center ({\scshape\bf Note}: 5 inches is 360 % big points). % % \begin{quote}^ % | \usepackage{graphics}|\\ % | \usepackage{color}|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % | \begin{figure}%|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % | \subfloat[Labeled picture]{%|\\ % | \label{fig:labeled-image}%|\\ % | \includegraphics{|\dots|path to image file|\dots|}%|\\ % | \unitlength=1bp%|\\ % | \put(-180,180){\textcolor{red}{\textbf{Label}}}}%|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % | \end{figure}|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots % \end{quote} % % \subsection{``I want my sub-floats to be ordered by column rather % than by row, how do I do that?''} % \label{sec:faq:column} % % The following example shows a schematic for laying out six sub-floats % in column order. The only problem with this approach is that, if the % floats and their respective captions are not the same height, than the % sub-floats will not line up across the page. % % \begin{quote}^ % | \begin{figure}|\\ % | \begin{minipage}{\columnwidth}|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % | \dots sub-floats (a)--(c) go here.|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % | \end{minipage}|\\ % | \begin{minipage}{\columnwidth}|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % | \dots sub-floats (e)--(f) go here.|\\ % \null\qquad\vdots\\ % | \end{minipage}|\\ % | \caption{...}|\\ % | \end{figure}|\\ % \end{quote} % % \subsection{``How do I put a verbatim environment in a sub-float?''} % \changes{v1.3}{4 July 2005}{Added FAQ for putting a verbatim % environmemnt in a sub-float.} % % See section~\ref{sec:verbatim}. % % \StopEventually{^ % % \section{Acknowledgments} % % This package was adapted from the \Lpack{subfigure} package, which % was originally written to automatically line up some figure boxes % and place labels under them for my Ph.D.\ dissertation, years ago. % I thought it useful and uploaded it to the Internet community and % later to CTAN. Many people have asked questions or given comments % which collectively have changed and improved the usefulness of that % package. In 2002, {\bf Michel Goossens} requested an updated version % of the \Lpack{subfigure} package to feature in the second edition of % The \LaTeX\ Companion. In collaboration with {\bf Axel Sommerfeldt} % and with many valuable suggestions from {\bf Frank Mittelbach}, this % package was developed. It uses the new version of the \Lpack{caption} % package (with which the \Lpack{subfigure} had a large overlap in % function), re-written by {\bf Axel Sommerfeldt} for the same % book. This version both simplifies the original package code and, % unfortunately, forces it to be backward {\em in}-compatible with the % \Lpack{subfigure} package, therefore the change in the package name % from \Lpack{subfigure} to \Lpack{subfig}. Recently, {\bf Olga Lepko} % further extended the this package by tightly integrating her extended % \Lpack{floatrow} package. % % Beyond those mentioned above a few other people have made important % contributions to the development of the prior \Lpack{subfigure} % package and to the present \Lpack{subfig} package. I want to thank % them publicly and they are, alphabetically: {\bf Frederic Darboux}, % {\bf Andrew B. Collier}, {\bf Harald Harders}, {\bf David Kastrup}, % {\bf William `bil' L. Kleb}, {\bf Heiko Oberdiek}, {\bf Axel Reichert}, % and {\bf Peter Wilson}. % % \begin{thebibliography}{6} % \itemsep=0.8pt % \bibitem{Somm05}^ % Axel Sommerfeldt, % \emph{The \Lpack{caption} Package}, % Version 3.0g, 2005/06/28. % (Available from CTAN as file % \texttt{/tex-archive/macros/latex/caption.zip}.) % \bibitem{Lapk05}^ % Olga Lapko, % \emph{The \Lpack{floatrow} Package}, % Version 0.1f, 2005/07/02. % (Available from CTAN as file % \texttt{/tex-archive/macros/latex/floatrow.zip}.) % \bibitem{Mitt-etal04}^ % Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goossens, with Johannes Braams, David Carlisle and Chris Rowley, % \emph{The \LaTeX\ Companion, 2\raise.7ex\hbox{\small nd} ed.}, % Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, % 2004. % \bibitem{Carl99}^ % David Carlisle, % \emph{The \Lpack{keyval} Package}, % Version 1.13, 1999/03/16. % (Available from CTAN as file % \texttt{/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/graphics.zip}.) % \bibitem{Reck97}^ % Keith Reckdahl, % \emph{Using Imported Graphics in \LaTeXe}, % 1997/12/15. % (Available from CTAN as file \texttt{/tex-archive/info/epslatex.pdf}.) % \bibitem{Lamp94}^ % Leslie Lamport, % \emph{LaTeX User's Guide and Reference Manual}, 2nd edition, % Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, % 1994. % \bibitem{Knut86}^ % Donald Ervin Knuth, % \emph{The \TeX book}, % Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, % 1986. % \end{thebibliography}} % % \iffalse %<*package> % \fi % % \cleardoublepage % \section{The Code} % % \subsection{Identification} % % Check \LaTeX\ release and announce the \Lpack{subfig} package. % % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1995/06/01] % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesPackage{subfig}[2005/06/28 ver: 1.3 subfig package] % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Check for Nasty Classes} % \changes{v1.3}{4 May 2005}{At the request of David Kastrup, added % code to check for classes that use \cmd{\let} on \cmd{\end@figure} % and similar; and to print a warning and fix the problem if detected.} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@floatfix} % % Some ``broken'' document classes use \cmd{\let} on \cmd{\end@figure} % and similar, which are used as hooks in the end-processing of, in % this case, figures. The following code, courtesy of David Kastrup % (dak\@gnu.org) fixes the problem and prints a warning. % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@floatfix#1#2{% \ifx#1#2% \ifx#1\@undefined\else \PackageWarningNoLine{subfig}{% Your document class has a bad definition^^J of \string#1, most likely^^J \string\let\string#1=\string#2^^J which has now been changed to^^J \string\def\string#1{\string#2}^^J because otherwise subsequent changes to \string#2^^J (like done by several packages changing float behaviour)^^J can't take effect on \string#1.^^J Please complain to your document class author}% \def#1{#2}% \fi \fi} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup \def\next#1#2{% \endgroup \sf@floatfix\endfigure\end@float \sf@floatfix\endtable\end@float \sf@floatfix#1\end@dblfloat \sf@floatfix#2\end@dblfloat} \expandafter\next\csname endfigure*\expandafter\endcsname \csname endtable*\endcsname % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Load The \Lpack{Caption} Package} % % This version of the \Lpack{subfig} package is dependent on the new % \Lpack{caption} package by Axel Sommerfeldt \cite{Somm05}. The % \Lpack{caption} and the \Lpack{subfig} (formerly \Lpack{subfigure}) % packages were rewritten in order to both improve the processing and % to reduce the amount of redundant code. % % \subsubsection{Load The \Lpack{Keyval} Package and Scan Options} % \label{sec:scanops} % \changes{v1.3}{9 September 2004}{Added check for `caption[=val]'.} % % The user may want to load the \Lpack{caption} package without % affecting the caption setup from the class or other packages. In this % case, the user can either separately load the \Lpack{caption} package % with the \Lkv{caption=false} option or the user may directly invoke % the \Lpack{subfig} package with this option. Here we check for the % latter possibility by scanning the options passed to this package and % determine the final setting (if any) of this particular option. % % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{keyval}[1999/03/16] % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@ifinlist} % \changes{v1.3}{18 March 2004}{Added to generalized boolean values.} % % Since the \Lpack{caption} package is not yet available to us, we need % to check for alternate Boolean values ourselves. The \cmd{\sf@ifinlist} % macro checks a value against a list of synonyms. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@ifinlist#1#2{% \let\next\@secondoftwo \edef\caption@tempa{#1}% \@for\caption@tempb:={#2}\do{% \ifx\caption@tempa\caption@tempb \let\next\@firstoftwo \fi}% \next} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@setbool} % \changes{v1.3}{18 March 2004}{Added to generalized boolean values.} % % The \cmd{\sf@setbool} uses \cmd{\sf@ifinlist} to check if its second % argument is {\em true} or {\em false} and set the associated {\em if} % (argument one) accordingly. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@setbool#1#2{% \sf@ifinlist{#2}{1,true,yes,on}{% \@nameuse{#1true}% }{\sf@ifinlist{#2}{0,false,no,off}{% \@nameuse{#1false}% }{% \PackageError{subfig}{Undefined boolean value `#2'}{\@ehc}% }}} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@split} % % Next, we define a simple version of \cmd{\sf@split} here in order to % check for the \Lkv{caption} option. Later, we will redefine it % to process the rest of the options. The two new {\em if's} are used % to keep track of the state of the \Lkv{caption} option and also if % it occurs in the \Lpack{subfig} options list. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@split#1=#2=#3\relax{% \KV@@sp@def\@tempa{#1}% \ifx\@tempa\@empty \else\ifx\@tempa\KV@caption \sf@usecaptionfoundtrue \ifx\@empty#3\@empty \sf@usecaptiontrue \else \KV@@sp@def\@tempb{#2}% \sf@setbool{sf@usecaption}{\@tempb}% \fi \fi\fi} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\KV@caption{caption} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifsf@usecaptionfound \sf@usecaptionfoundfalse % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifsf@usecaption \sf@usecaptiontrue % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % Now we get and scan the optionlist for this package and remember % if the \Lkv{caption} option is set. % % \begin{macrocode} \edef\sf@temp{\@ptionlist{\@currname.\@currext}} \let\caption@tempa\@empty \@for\CurrentOption:=\sf@temp\do{% \expandafter\sf@split\CurrentOption==\relax} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{Load and Extend the \Lpack{Caption} Package} % % First we load the \Lpack{caption} package if it has not already been % loaded using the \Lkv{caption=false} option if specified. Note that % this can cause problems if the \Lpack{caption} was already loaded % with different options, so we issue warnings if the user as loaded % the \Lpack{caption} package and used the \Lkv{caption} option with % the \Lpack{subfig} packare. % % \begin{macrocode} \ifsf@usecaption \@ifpackageloaded{caption}{% \ifsf@usecaptionfound \PackageWarning{subfig}{% You cannot set the `caption' option here if the\MessageBreak caption package is already loaded (the option\MessageBreak `caption=true' is ignored)}% \fi }{% \RequirePackage{caption}[2005/06/26] }% \else \RequirePackage{caption3}[2005/06/11] \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@ifpositiontop} % \noindent % Then we make certain that the |\caption@position| is recognizable to % the \Lpack{subfig} package code. We assume that if it is not the % same as |\@firstoftwo| (\eg, \Lkv{top}), than it must be |\@secondoftwo|, % or \Lkv{bottom} (\ie, anything that isn't designated as % \Lkv{[position=top]} is forced to be \Lkv{[position=bottom]}). % % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@ifpositiontop{% \ifx\caption@position\@firstoftwo \let\next\@firstoftwo \else \let\next\@secondoftwo \fi \next} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\DeclareCaptionListOfFormat} % \begin{macro}{\caption@setlistofformat} % \changes{v1.1}{12 January 2004}{Changed \cmd{\captionlistofformat} to % \cmd{\caption@lstfmt}.} % % Next, we define the \cmd{\DeclareCaptionListOfFormat} command which % controls how the sub-float captions appear on the List-of-Floats pages. % Note that this command can only be used to define new formats in the % preamble of your paper. The format may be changed at anytime using the % \cmd{\captionsetup} command. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\DeclareCaptionListOfFormat#1{% \@namedef{caption@lstfmt@#1}##1##2} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \@onlypreamble\DeclareCaptionListOfFormat % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\caption@setlistofformat#1{% \@ifundefined{caption@lstfmt@#1}{% \PackageError {subfig}% {Undefined caption list-of format `#1'}% {\caption@eh}% }{% \expandafter\let\expandafter\caption@lstfmt \csname caption@lstfmt@#1\endcsname}} % \end{macrocode} % % \noindent % Using the \cmd{\DeclareCaptionListOfFormat} command, we define some common % formats and the new keyword, \Lkv{listofformat}, which may be used % in the key/value option list of the \cmd{\usepackage} command or % with the \cmd{\captionsetup} command to change the listing format of % the sub-float caption label. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionListOfFormat{empty}{} \DeclareCaptionListOfFormat{simple}{#1#2} \DeclareCaptionListOfFormat{parens}{#1(#2)} \DeclareCaptionListOfFormat{subsimple}{#2} \DeclareCaptionListOfFormat{subparens}{(#2)} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOption{listofformat}{\caption@setlistofformat{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@indent} % \begin{macro}{\sf@numwidth} % % We also add two new keywords, \Lkv{listofindent} and % \Lkv{listofnumwidth}, which set the lengths used to show where % and how wide the caption label will be when typeset. These are % used as the fourth and fifth arguments of the \cmd{\dottedxxxline} % command, see section~\ref{sec:dottedxxxline} for more detail. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@indent{3.8em} \define@key{caption}{listofindent}[3.8em]{\def\sf@indent{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@numwidth{2.5em} \define@key{caption}{listofnumwidth}[2.5em]{\def\sf@numwidth{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\DeclareSubrefFormat} % \begin{macro}{\caption@setsubrefformat} % \changes{v1.3}{27 May 2005}{Added the ability to format the % \cmd{\subref*} output.} % % We define the \cmd{\DeclareSubreffFormat} command just like the % above \cmd{\DeclareCaptionListOfFormat} command above. This format, % however, controls how the \cmd{\subref*} command formats the sub-float % label. Again, this command can only be used to define new formats in % the preamble of your paper and the format may be changed at anytime % using the \cmd{\captionsetup} command. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\DeclareSubrefFormat#1{% \@namedef{caption@subreffmt@#1}##1##2##3##4} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \@onlypreamble\DeclareSubrefFormat % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\caption@setsubrefformat#1{% \@ifundefined{caption@subreffmt@#1}{% \PackageError {subfig}% {Undefined subref format `#1'}% {\caption@eh}% }{% \expandafter\let\expandafter\caption@subreffmt \csname caption@subreffmt@#1\endcsname}} % \end{macrocode} % % \noindent % Using the \cmd{\DeclareSubrefFormat} command, we define some common % formats and the new keyword, \Lkv{subrefformat}, which may be used % in the key/value option list of the \cmd{\usepackage} command or % with the \cmd{\captionsetup} command to change the format of % the \cmd{\subref*} references. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareSubrefFormat{empty}{} \DeclareSubrefFormat{simple}{#1#2} \DeclareSubrefFormat{parens}{#1(#2)} \DeclareSubrefFormat{subsimple}{#2} \DeclareSubrefFormat{subparens}{(#2)} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCaptionOption{subrefformat}{\caption@setsubrefformat{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Options Processing} % % \begin{macro}{\KV@config} % \begin{macro}{\sf@split} % \changes{v1.3}{9 September 2004}{Added check for \Lkv{caption} keyword.} % \begin{macro}{\ProcessPackageOptions} % % In order to work within the \Lpack{caption} package, the % \Lpack{subfig} package saves most of the options provided via % \cmd{\usepackage} and (re-)applies them each time a sub-float is % started. The two exceptions are the \Lkv{caption} keyword, which is % ignored (see section~\ref{sec:scanops} above), and the \Lkv{config} % keyword, which is executed immediately. To accomplish this, we use a % modified version of the \Lpack{keyval} package processing. % \Lkv{Config} entries are detected and executed, while other keywords % are passed back to add to the \Lvar{subfloat} list. ({\scshape\bf % Note}: Currently the \Lkv{config} files are unable to use % |\captionsetup| without its optional argument. If you need to set a % global value in a configuration file, than do it directly.) % % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{KVtest} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\KV@config{config} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@split#1=#2=#3\relax{% \setcounter{KVtest}{1}% \KV@@sp@def\@tempa{#1}% \ifx\@tempa\@empty \else\ifx\@tempa\KV@caption \setcounter{KVtest}{2}% \else\ifx\@tempa\KV@config \setcounter{KVtest}{2}% \expandafter\let\expandafter\@tempc \csname\KV@prefix\@tempa\endcsname \ifx\@tempc\relax \KV@errx {\@tempa\space undefined}% \else\ifx\@empty#3\@empty \KV@default \else \KV@@sp@def\@tempb{#2}% \expandafter\@tempc\expandafter{\@tempb}\relax \fi\fi \fi\fi\fi} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\ProcessPackageOptions{% \def\KV@prefix{KV@\@currname @}% \let\@tempc\relax \let\caption@tempa\@empty \@for\CurrentOption:=\@classoptionslist\do{% \@ifundefined{KV@caption@\CurrentOption}{}{% \edef\caption@tempa{\caption@tempa,\CurrentOption,}% \@expandtwoargs\@removeelement\CurrentOption \@unusedoptionlist\@unusedoptionlist}}% \edef\caption@tempb{\@ptionlist{\@currname.\@currext}}% \@for\CurrentOption:=\caption@tempb\do{% \expandafter\sf@split\CurrentOption==\relax \ifnum\c@KVtest<2\relax \edef\caption@tempa{\caption@tempa,\CurrentOption,}% \fi}% \edef\caption@tempa{% \noexpand\captionsetup[subfloat]{\caption@tempa}}% \caption@tempa} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Generalized List-of-Floats} % \changes{v1.2}{22 January 2004}{Changed the first parameter to send float name % rather than sub-float name.} % \label{sec:dottedxxxline} % % \begin{macro}{\dottedxxxline} % % This is a generalized wrapper for the |\@dottedtocline| command for sub-float % entries. It checks for the level based on the output file extension (second % argument) and not using only the |\@tocdepth|, as the |\@dottedtocline| % command does. % % \noindent % The arguments of the |\@dottedxxxline| command are: % \begin{quote} % \begin{enumerate} % \itemsep -\parsep % \item \underline{\smash{\textsf{Main Float Type Relative to the Sub-float}}}. % \item \underline{\smash{\textsf{File Extension}}}. The usual % values are: \Lfile{lof} or \Lfile{lot}. The internal % values |\ext@subfigure| and |\ext@subtable| hold these % extensions. % \item \underline{\textsf{Level}}. By default this is `2' % for sub-floats. If the level is greater than % \Lcount{\meta{Ext}depth} (where % \underline{\smash{\meta{Ext}}} is the second % argument, above), then no line is produced. % \item \underline{\textsf{Indent}}. Total indentation % from the left margin. % \item \underline{\textsf{Numwidth}}. Width of box for the % label number if the \underline{\textsf{Title}} has a % |\numberline| command. This is also the amount of extra % indentation added to second and later lines of a multiple % line entry. % \item \underline{\textsf{Title}}. Contents of entry (\eg, the % \meta{list\_entry} or \meta{sub-caption}). % \item \underline{\smash{\textsf{Page}}}. The page number of the % figure or table. % \end{enumerate} % \end{quote} % % \noindent % The final two arguments, \underline{\textsf{title}} and % \underline{\smash{\textsf{page}}}, are automatically appended to the % value of |\l@subfigure| (and symmetrically for other sub-float types). % % \changes{v1.2}{22 January 2004}{Added commands to set the float % caption keyword/values.} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\@dottedxxxline#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% \begingroup \@ifundefined{caption@setfloattype}% \caption@settype \caption@setfloattype {#1} \caption@settype{subfloat}% \caption@settype{sub#1}% \ifnum #3>\@nameuse{c@#2depth}\else \@dottedtocline{\z@}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}% \fi \endgroup} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Create New Sub-floats} % % \begin{macro}{\newsubfloat} % \begin{macro}{\@newsubfloat} % This command is used to create new types of sub-floats. It is used % during the \Lpack{subfig} configuration to create the two standard % float types: \Lvar{subfigure} and \Lvar{subtable} and may be used % anywhere in the preamble to create other types of sub-floats (see % section~\ref{sec:customfloat} and table~\ref{tab:newsubfloat}). % % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifmaincaptiontop % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\newsubfloat{% \@ifnextchar[ %] bracket matching {\@newsubfloat} {\@newsubfloat[]}} % \end{macrocode} % % \changes{v1.2}{16 January 2004}{Removed code setting a default % \Lkv{position} in the new sub-float based on its corresponding float.} % \changes{v1.2}{22 January 2004}{Changed first parameter of the % \cmd{\dotttedxxxline} to use the float rather than the sub-float name.} % \changes{v1.3}{27 February 2004}{Added creating the key-value % options for setting the associated List-of-Floats page depth with a % default of 2.} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\@newsubfloat[#1]#2{% \@ifundefined{c@sub#2}{% \newcounter{sub#2}[#2] \newcounter{sub#2@save}% \@namedef{sub#2name}{}% \@namedef{p@sub#2}{\@nameuse{the#2}}% \@namedef{thesub#2}{\alph{sub#2}}% \@namedef{ext@sub#2}{\@nameuse{ext@#2}}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \@namedef{l@sub#2}{% \@dottedxxxline{#2}% {\@nameuse{ext@sub#2}}{2}{\sf@indent}{\sf@numwidth}}% \@ifundefined{c@\@nameuse{ext@#2}depth}{% \expandafter\newcounter\expandafter{\@nameuse{ext@#2}depth}% \expandafter\addtocounter\expandafter{\@nameuse{ext@#2}depth}\@ne}{}% \@namedef{KV@caption@\@nameuse{ext@#2}depth@default\expandafter}% \expandafter{\csname KV@caption@\@nameuse{ext@#2}depth\endcsname{2}}% \@namedef{KV@caption@\@nameuse{ext@#2}depth}##1{% \setcounter{\@nameuse{ext@#2}depth}{##1}}% \edef\sf@counterlist{% \@ifundefined{sf@counterlist}{}% {\sf@counterlist,}sub#2}% \captionsetup[sub#2]{#1}% }{% \PackageWarning{subfig}{% The sub#2\space type is already defined.}% }} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \@onlypreamble\@newsubfloat \@onlypreamble\newsubfloat % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Layout Parameters} % \label{sec:layoutparams} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@farskip} % \begin{macro}{\sf@captopadj} % \begin{macro}{\sf@capskip} % \begin{macro}{\sf@nearskip} % \changes{v1.2}{21 January 2004}{Fine-tuned defaults for \Lkv{farskip}, % \Lkv{topadjust}, \Lkv{captionskip}, and \Lkv{nearskip}.} % % We now create the sub-float layout parameters. We do it now so that the % values will be available during the configuration and options processing, % below. The \Lkv{margin} and \Lkv{width} are already defined in the % \Lpack{caption} package. % % \begin{macrocode} \newskip\sf@farskip \sf@farskip 10\p@ \define@key{caption}{farskip}[10\p@]{\sf@farskip=#1} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newdimen\sf@captopadj \sf@captopadj \z@ \define@key{caption}{topadjust}[\z@]{\sf@captopadj=#1} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newskip\sf@capskip \sf@capskip 4\p@ \define@key{caption}{captionskip}[4\p@]{\sf@capskip=#1} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newskip\sf@nearskip \sf@nearskip \z@ \define@key{caption}{nearskip}[5\p@]{\sf@nearskip=#1} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@old@caption} % \begin{macro}{\@caption} % % Save the current definition of the \cmd{\@caption} command so that % we can wrap it with code that first checks if a caption for the % current float type comes before (\Lkv{[position=top]}) or after % (\Lkv{[position=bottom]}) the related sub-floats. Then the decision % can be made of whether or not to flush the list of sub-float captions % to the proper List-of-Floats file. See the \cmd{\caption@} definition % in section~\ref{sec:listofprocessing}. % % \begin{macrocode} \let\sf@old@caption\@caption % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\@caption{\caption@} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Process the Package Options} % \changes{v1.1}{12 January 2004}{Removed \Lkv{position} settings from % initial setup to allow the class or other external settings to % control the initial settings of the default (\Lkv{bottom}) and table % (\Lkv{top}) positions.} % \changes{v1.1}{12 January 2004}{Updated \Lkv{listofformat} value from % \Lkv{simple} to \Lkv{subsimple}.} % % \begin{enumerate} % \item Set the default (override) values in \Lvar{subfloat}. % (It would be nice not to set anything, however, most users will % want something like this set so we do so. If desired, these may % be wiped out in a configuration file with \cmd{\clearcaptionsetup} % command.) % % \changes{v1.2}{21 January 2004}{Removed \cmd{\captionsetup} of defaults % for \Lkv{farskip}, \Lkv{topadjust}, \Lkv{captionskip}, and % \Lkv{nearskip}; because these are defaulted above. Any change can be % added to the \Lvar{subfloat} variable.} % \changes{v1.3}{27 May 2005}{Added \Lkv{subrefformat} default.} % % \begin{macrocode} \captionsetup[subfloat]{% font=footnotesize, labelformat=parens,labelsep=space, listofformat=subparens,subrefformat=subsimple} % \end{macrocode} % % \item Load the configuration file(s) if `config' keyword is given. % (Use |\captionsetup| to change options (remember, due to a known % bug, you cannot set global-level values because you have to supply % the optional argument in a \Lpack{subfig} package configuration file.) % % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{subfig}{config}[subfig]{% \InputIfFileExists{#1.cfg}{% \typeout{***********************************************^^J% * Subfig configuration file #1.cfg used ^^J% ***********************************************}% }{% \PackageWarning{subfig}{Configuration file #1.cfg not found}}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \item Process the options list using the KV macros. (Note, the % `config' option is processed before any other option in the % package list to load the files in the last step, above.) The % remaining options are added to the end of \Lvar{subfloat} after % the configuration process. % % \begin{macrocode} \ProcessPackageOptions % \end{macrocode} % % \item If the \Lkv{subfigure} and the \Lkv{subtable} sub-floats % have not been defined during the configuration process, than % we define define them now (along with all of the items in % table~\ref{tab:newsubfloat}). % % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{c@subfigure}{\newsubfloat{figure}}{} \@ifundefined{c@subtable}{\newsubfloat{table}}{} % \end{macrocode} % % \item Finally, we designate those commands that we will not need % after this package is finished. Also, we reset \cmd{\CaptionOption} % to keep this package from influencing other packages using the % variable. % % \changes{v1.2}{21 January 2004}{Added the reset of the % \cmd{\CaptionOption} to keep this package from influencing other % packages using the variable.} % \changes{v1.3}{10 October 2004}{Added new elements due to the addition % of the \Lkv{caption} option processing.} % % \begin{macrocode} \AtEndOfPackage{% \global\let\ifsf@usecaption\relax \global\let\sf@usecaptiontrue\relax \global\let\sf@usecaptionfalse\relax \global\let\ifsf@usecaptionfound\relax \global\let\sf@usecaptionfoundtrue\relax \global\let\sf@usecaptionfoundfalse\relax \global\let\KV@caption\relax \global\let\KV@subfig@caption\relax \global\let\KV@subfig@caption@default\relax \global\let\KV@config\relax \global\let\KV@subfig@config\relax \global\let\KV@subfig@config@default\relax \global\let\ProcessPackageOptions\relax \global\let\@unprocessedoptions\relax \let\CurrentOption\@empty } % \end{macrocode} % % \item (And, of course, we process calls to |\captionsetup| throughout % the paper.) % \end{enumerate} % % \subsection{Define the Sub-float Layout} % % The main command is |\subfloat|. This command takes the figure code and % the optional caption and builds a vertical box that contains them along % with some additional padding as defined by the layout parameters defined % in section~\ref{sec:layoutparams} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@top} % \begin{macro}{\sf@bottom} % % We define two skip variables which are set to the \Lkv{farskip} and the % \Lkv{nearskip} values, depending on the \Lkv{position} of the % corresponding float caption. These are used, when the time comes, to % build the sub-float box as illustrated in figure~\ref{fig:layout}. % % \begin{macrocode} \newskip\sf@top \newskip\sf@bottom % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\subfloat} % % This is the ``main'' command. All it really does is to check that we % are inside a float environment (or at the very least that someone has % tricked us by defining \cmd{\@captype}). If all seems salubrious, than % we pass all of the arguments to the internal comamnd \cmd{\sf@subfloat}. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\subfloat{% \ifx\@captype\@undefined \@latex@error{\noexpand\subfloat outside float}\@ehd \expandafter\@gobble \else \expandafter\@firstofone \fi {\sf@subfloat}} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@subfloat} % \changes{v1.2}{22 January 2004}{Changed method of setting the float % caption settings to first check for \cmd{\caption@setfloattype} and % to use that if present.} % % \noindent % This routine does more setup and at the end begins to parse the % optional argument. First the float options are applied and a flag % \texttt{\char`\\ ifmaincaptiontop} is set for later use; the % \Lkv{subfloat} and sub-\cmd{\@captype} options are set and the % \cmd{\label} command is temporarily wrapped with \cmd{\subfloat@label}. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@subfloat{% \begingroup \@ifundefined{caption@setfloattype}% \caption@settype \caption@setfloattype \@captype \sf@ifpositiontop{% \maincaptiontoptrue }{% \maincaptiontopfalse }% \caption@settype{subfloat}% \caption@settype{sub\@captype}% \let\sf@oldlabel=\label \let\label=\subfloat@label % \end{macrocode} % % Next, a decision (based on the \texttt{\char`\\ ifmaincaptiontop} % flag) is made of how to advance the float counter; then the % sub-float counter is advanced and saved and a check is made if an % optional argument is present (if not, one is supplied). % % \begin{macrocode} \ifmaincaptiontop\else \advance\@nameuse{c@\@captype}\@ne \fi \refstepcounter{sub\@captype}% \setcounter{sub\@captype @save}{\value{sub\@captype}}% \@ifnextchar [% %] match left bracket {\sf@@subfloat}% {\sf@@subfloat[\@empty]}} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@@subfloat} % % A check is made for a second optional argument, if one is not found, % than one is supplied. We are now ready to call the real (internal) % ``\cmd{\subfloat}'' command, \cmd{\sf@@@subfloat}. % % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\sf@@subfloat[#1]{% \@ifnextchar [% %] match left bracket {\sf@@@subfloat{sub\@captype}[{#1}]}% {\sf@@@subfloat{sub\@captype}[\@empty{#1}][{#1}]}} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@@@subfloat} % % This is the main function in the whole package. It is the one that builds % the sub-float box and stuffs it with the various parts from it's arguments % and the currently set options. % % \changes{v1.2}{21 January 2004}{Changed the top and bottom skips % to be placed opposite the main caption rather than the sub-caption; % I decided that that looked better.} % \changes{v1.2}{21 January 2004}{Inserted another \cmd{\hrule} of zero % size to kill extra vertical space from being added.} % \changes{v1.3}{6 May 2005}{At the request of Olga Lapko, added a hook % into the \cmd{\sf@@@subfloat} macro to record the maximum size of % subfloats on the current row and to set the height/depth of the % current subfloat.} % % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\sf@@@subfloat#1[#2][#3]#4{% % \end{macrocode} % % The next two lines are the first section of a hook for the % \Lpack{floatrow} package to obtain and save the height of the % highest subfloat on the current row. % % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{FBsc@max}{}% {\FB@readaux{\let\FBsuboheight\relax}}% % \end{macrocode} % % The next section sets a counter, \cmd{\@tempcnta}, depending on the % current interpreter mode. Zero indicates the start of a minipage; % One is the normal; and, Two indicates that there was a non-zero skip % preceeding the sub-float. We save this information for a little later. % % \begin{macrocode} \@tempcnta=\@ne \if@minipage \@tempcnta=\z@ \else\ifdim \lastskip=\z@ \else \@tempcnta=\tw@ \fi\fi % \end{macrocode} % % Then, set our \cmd{\sf@top} and \cmd{\sf@bottom} variables with right % amounts, based on the \texttt{\char`\\ ifmaincaptiontop} flag that we % set earlier. Then we insure that we are in horizontal mode and % process the sub-float body into a box so that we can measure it. % \cmd{\@tempdima} is set to the with of the sub-float body. % % NOTE: We need to either add negative margins or widths here or allow them % to stick out! % % \begin{macrocode} \ifmaincaptiontop \sf@top=\sf@nearskip \sf@bottom=\sf@farskip \else \sf@top=\sf@farskip \sf@bottom=\sf@nearskip \fi \leavevmode \setbox\@tempboxa \hbox{#4}% \@tempdima=\wd\@tempboxa % \end{macrocode} % % The next seven lines are the second section of the \Lpack{floatrow} % package hook which counts the maximal height of subfloat row. % % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{FBsc@max}{}% {\global\advance\Xhsize-\wd\@tempboxa \dimen@=\ht\@tempboxa \advance\dimen@\dp\@tempboxa \ifdim\dimen@>\FBso@max \global\FBso@max\dimen@ \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % % Now, we begin building our sub-float box. It will be a vertical box % containing two vertical boxes. The baseline of the upper box is used % as the baseline of the final sub-float. So this section decides what % order to fill-in the box. Figure~\ref{fig:layout} shows the different % ways that we can do this. % % The first thing is to decide what skip to add to the top. Depending on % the initial mode (stored in \cmd{\@tempcnta}) we may put nothing (and % declare \cmd{\@minipagefalse}); the full \cmd{\sf@top} skip; or, the % larger of the last skip and \cmd{\sf@top}. % % ({\scshape\bf Note}: If the \Lkv{debug} option is used in stripping % this code to a package file, than a vertical rule instead of a skip % is inserted into the box.) % % \begin{macrocode} \vtop\bgroup \vbox\bgroup \ifcase\@tempcnta \@minipagefalse \or %<+debug> \leaders\vrule\vskip\sf@top %<-debug> \vskip\sf@top \or \ifdim \lastskip=\z@ \else \@tempskipb\sf@top\relax\@xaddvskip \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Into the top box, after the initial skip (if any), we place either % the sub-float body or the sub-caption. We decide which one based % on the current \Lkv{position} setting. % Finally, reset the float counter if we changed it above. % % ({\scshape\bf Note}: Here also, vertical rules are inserted into the % box instead of a skip, if the \Lkv{debug} option is used in stripping % this code to a package file.) % % \begin{macrocode} \sf@ifpositiontop{% \ifx \@empty#3\relax \else \sf@subcaption{#1}{#2}{#3}% %<+debug> \leaders\vrule width.8pt\vskip\sf@capskip %<-debug> \vskip\sf@capskip %<+debug> \leaders\vrule width1.2pt\vskip\sf@captopadj %<-debug> \vskip\sf@captopadj \fi\egroup \hrule width0pt height0pt depth0pt \box\@tempboxa }{% % \end{macrocode} % % The next seven lines contain the third section of the \Lpack{floatrow}% % hook which applies a given height to the subfloat figure section. % % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{FBsc@max}% {\box\@tempboxa}% {\ifx\FBsuboheight\relax \box\@tempboxa \else \vbox to \FBsuboheight{\FBafil\box\@tempboxa\FBbfil}% \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \egroup \ifx \@empty#3\relax \else %<+debug> \leaders\vrule width.8pt\vskip\sf@capskip %<-debug> \vskip\sf@capskip \hrule width0pt height0pt depth0pt \sf@subcaption{#1}{#2}{#3}% \fi }% %<+debug> \leaders\vrule\vskip\sf@bottom %<-debug> \vskip\sf@bottom \egroup % \end{macrocode} % % The next five lines contain the fourth section of the \Lpack{floatrow}% % and the last in this macro. These add, if necessary, a separator for % the subfloats. % % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{FBsc@max}{}% {\addtocounter{FRobj}{-1}% \ifnum\c@FRobj=0\else \subfloatrowsep \fi}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \ifmaincaptiontop\else \global\advance\@nameuse{c@\@captype}\m@ne \fi \endgroup\ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Use the \Lpack{Caption} Package to Build the Sub-float Captions} % \changes{v1.1}{12 January 2004}{Changed \cmd{\captionlistofformat} to % \cmd{\caption@lstfmt}.} % \changes{v1.3}{6 May 2005}{At the request of Olga Lapko, added a hook % into the \cmd{\@subcaption} macro to record the maximum size of % subcaption on the current row and to set the height/depth of the % current subcaption.} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@updatecaptionlist} % \changes{v1.3}{20 May 2005}{Added to support the \cmd{\sf@subcaption}.} % % This macro is used to setup the \Lpack{hyperref} name, in case it is % needed. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@updatecaptionlist#1#2#3#4{% \xdef\sf@captionlist{% \sf@captionlist,% {\protect\numberline{\@subcaplabel}\noexpand{\ignorespaces #2}}% {#1.#3.#4}}} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % % % \begin{macro}{\sf@subcaption} % \changes{v1.3}{20 May 2005}{Added \cmd{\sf@updatecaptionlist} to % get unique names for hyper-references.} % % This command is called from within \cmd{\sf@@@subfloat} and does two % things. First it adds the sub-caption to the list of sub-captions for % printing later, after the main caption is printed, which is either before % the next caption or at the end of the current \Lenv{float} environment. % % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\sf@subcaption#1#2#3{% \ifx \relax#2\relax \else \bgroup \let\label=\@gobble \let\protect=\string \def\@subcaplabel{% \caption@lstfmt{\@nameuse{p@#1}}{\@nameuse{the#1}}}% \sf@updatecaptionlist{#1}{#2}{\the\value{\@captype}}{\the\value{#1}}% \egroup \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Next, it makes a box to hold and center the sub-caption and calls the % \Lpack{caption} package \cmd{\caption@make} command to format it. (NOTE: % This last section of \cmd{\sf@subcaption} is closely combined with the % \Lpack{floatrow} package hooks.) % % \begin{macrocode} \bgroup \ifx \relax#3\relax \let\captionlabelsep=\relax \fi % \end{macrocode} % % This next group of code finishes the \Lpack{floatrow} package % hooks into \Lpack{subfig}. This gets and saves the maximum % height/depth of the caption portion of the subfloats on this % row and, optionally, sets the height/depth of the current subcaption. % % The first section builds the box and if the marker \cmd{\FBsc@max} is % not present, than it sets the box. Otherwise the \Lpack{floatrow} % code is activated. % % \begin{macrocode} \setbox0\vbox{% \hb@xt@\the\@tempdima{% \hss \parbox[t]{\the\@tempdima}{% \caption@make {\@nameuse{sub\@captype name}}% {\@nameuse{thesub\@captype}}% {#3}}% \hss}}% \@ifundefined{FBsc@max}% {\box0}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} {\dimen@\ht0% \advance\dimen@\dp0% \ifdim\dimen@>\FBsc@max \global\FBsc@max\dimen@ \fi \FB@readaux{\let\FBsubcheight\relax}% \ifx\FBsubcheight\relax \def\next{\parbox[t]{\the\@tempdima}}% \else \def\next{\parbox[t][\FBsubcheight][t]{\the\@tempdima}}% \fi \vbox{% \hb@xt@\the\@tempdima{% \hss \next{% \caption@make {\@nameuse{sub\@captype name}}% {\@nameuse{thesub\@captype}}% {#3}}% \hss}}}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \egroup} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Subfig Caption Processing for the List-of-Floats Files} % \label{sec:listofprocessing} % % \begin{macro}{\listsubcaptions} % \begin{macro}{\listsubcaptions*} % % The \cmd{\listsubcaptions} command writes the list of sub-captions to the % List-of-Floats file. This is done so that they will follow the associated % caption in the file. The \cmd{\listsubcaptions} command is (optionally) % called by the \cmd{\caption} command and at the end of the float % environment by the internal \cmd{\end@float} command. In rare instances % the user may need to call it also, see section~\ref{sec:listsubcaptions} % for an example. % % The starred form of the comamnd, \cmd{\listsubcaptions*}, is not documented % as it is not clear that it is of any real use. It may go away in the % future, so it should not be used. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\listsubcaptions{% \@ifstar {\gdef\sf@captionlist{}}% {\@listsubcaptions{\@captype}}} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@captionlist} % % \cmd{\sf@captionlist} is the internal list of pending sub-captions. % We initialize it here as an empty list. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@captionlist{} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@listsubcaptions} % \changes{v1.3}{20 May 2005}{Modified the \cmd{\sf@captionlist} to % have a unique name for hyper references to the subfigures.} % % This is the code that actually writes the sub-captions to the appropriate % List-of-Floats file. First, we check that \cmd{\@captype} is defined % and that the current type of sub-float expects to be written to a % List-of-Floats file (by virtue of the file extension contained in % \cmd{\ext@sub}-$<$whatever$>$). % % Next we step through the internal list of pending sub-captions and % write the contents line to the List-of-Floats file for each. Finally, % the internal list, \cmd{\sf@captionlist}, is re-initialized. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\@listsubcaptions#1{% \@ifundefined{@captype}{}{% \@ifundefined{ext@sub#1}{}{% \@for \sf@temp:=\sf@captionlist \do {% \ifx \@empty\sf@temp\relax \else \begingroup \def\@currentHref{\expandafter\@secondoftwo\sf@temp}% \sf@addcontentsline {\@nameuse{ext@sub#1}}% {sub#1}% {\expandafter\@firstoftwo\sf@temp}% \endgroup \fi}}}% \gdef\sf@captionlist{}} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@} % \changes{v1.2}{16 January 2004}{Simplified \cmd{\caption@} at the suggestion % of Axel Sommerfeldt.} % \changes{v1.2}{22 January 2004}{Changed method of setting the float % caption settings to first check for \cmd{\caption@setfloattype} and % to use that if present.} % % This last is a wrapper for the standard \cmd{\@caption} command. It % is called by the main float \cmd{\caption} command and makes sure that % the \cmd{\@listsubcaptions} is called at the proper time to either add % the pending sub-captions for the last caption (if the float caption % appears {\em before\/} the corresponding sub-captions); or, to first % write the float caption and then the pending sub-captions (if the float % caption appears {\em after\/} the corresponding sub-captions). % % It processes the options for the float and then checks the \Lkv{position} % setting in order to determine how this float caption is supposed to be % used. % % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\caption@#1[#2]#3{% \@ifundefined{caption@setfloattype}% \caption@settype \caption@setfloattype \@captype \sf@ifpositiontop{% \@listsubcaptions{#1}% \sf@old@caption{#1}[{#2}]{#3}% }{% \sf@old@caption{#1}[{#2}]{#3}% \@listsubcaptions{#1}% }} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@addcontentsline} % % Some packages may modify \cmd{\addcontentsline} which is used by % \cmd{\@listsubcaptions} to write the sub-captions to the List-of-Float % files, therefore we wait until the document begins and grab the % then-current definition for use by the \cmd{\@listsubcaptions} % command. % % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \let\sf@addcontentsline=\addcontentsline} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Sub-float Label Handling} % \label{sec:subfloatlabel} % % The label handling has three aspects. The first is that the label for % a sub-float is defined as the % {\bf\cmd{\p@}\textless{\em sub-float\_type}\textgreater} value % prepended to the % {\bf\cmd{\the}\textless{\em sub-float\_type}\textgreater} value. % Secondly, the |\subref| command is similar, except that it shows label % as formatted on the List-of-Floats page. Finally, we need to check for the % \Lpack{hyperref} package and provide the extended reference format if % it is present (see also, section~\ref{sec:hyperref}). % % \begin{macro}{\subfloat@label} % % In the \cmd{\sf@subfloat} command, the standard label command, % \cmd{\label} is stored in \cmd{\sf@oldlabel} while the sub-float % is being processed and this command, \cmd{\subfloat@label} is % substituted for it. % % This first part checks for the optional argument, which has % parentheses rather than square brackets, following the form % of the similar command in the \Lpack{hyperref} package. If % there is no optional argument, than we supply one. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\subfloat@label{% \@ifnextchar(% %) match left parenthesis {\sf@sub@label} {\sf@sub@label(Sub\@captype\space \@ifundefined{thechapter}{}{\@nameuse{thechapter}\space}% \@nameuse{p@sub\@captype}% \@nameuse{thesub\@captype}.)}} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@sub@label} % % The next portion of this process is to define the % \cmd{\@currentlabelname} if the \Lpack{hyperref} package % is loaded and save it for later; then call \cmd{\sf@@sub@label} % to finish the job. We know that the \Lpack{hyperref} package % is loaded using the \texttt{\char`\\ ifhyperrefloaded} flag % which is defined here and will be set later in section~\ref{sec:hyperref}. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifhyperrefloaded % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@sub@label(#1)#2{% \ifhyperrefloaded \protected@edef\@currentlabelname{% \expandafter\strip@period #1\relax.\relax\@@@}% \fi \sf@@sub@label{#2}} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@@sub@label} % \changes{v1.1}{12 January 2004}{Fixed bug wherein the subreference % could ignore any prefix numbering when set on the List-of-Floats page. % Also changed \cmd{\captionlistofformat} to \cmd{\caption@lstfmt}.} % \changes{v1.2}{23 January 2004}{Changed \cmd{\thepage} to % \cmd{\@nameuse}\{thesub-\cmd{\@captype}\} so that a starred-form % of the \cmd{\subref} command will work to extract the simple % form of the subfigure number using the \cmd{\pageref} mechanism.} % \changes{v1.3}{27 May 2005}{Added formatting for the \cmd{\subref*} % command.} % % Finally, we get the the value-added portion. First, we call the % standard \cmd{\label} command (via \cmd{\sf@oldlabel}). Then % we write the additional information to support the \cmd{\subref[*]} % command. This will take two forms, depending on the presence of % the \Lpack{hyperref} package However, in either case, we store % the formatted label and the raw sub-float label in the auxillary % file. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@@sub@label#1{% \@bsphack \sf@oldlabel{#1}% \ifhyperrefloaded \begingroup \edef\@currentlabstr{% \expandafter\strip@prefix\meaning\@currentlabelname}% \protected@write\@auxout{}{% \string\newlabel{sub@#1}{% {\caption@lstfmt {\@nameuse{p@sub\@captype}}% {\@nameuse{thesub\@captype}}}% {\caption@subreffmt {\@nameuse{p@sub\@captype}}% {\@nameuse{thesub\@captype}}% {\the\value{\@captype}}% {\the\value{sub\@captype}}}% {\expandafter\strip@period\@currentlabelname\relax.\relax\@@@}% {\@currentHref}% {}}}% \endgroup \else \protected@write\@auxout{}{% \string\newlabel{sub@#1}{% {\caption@lstfmt {\@nameuse{p@sub\@captype}}% {\@nameuse{thesub\@captype}}}% {\caption@subreffmt {\@nameuse{p@sub\@captype}}% {\@nameuse{thesub\@captype}}% {\the\value{\@captype}}% {\the\value{sub\@captype}}}}}% \fi \@esphack} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\subref} % \begin{macro}{\subref*} % \begin{macro}{\sf@subref} % \begin{macro}{\sf@@subref} % \changes{v1.2}{23 January 2004}{Added a starred-form of the % \cmd{\subref} command.} % % Now, we can define the \cmd{\subref[*]} commands. They are % just like the \cmd{\ref} and \cmd{\pageref} commands. % The only difference is that they use the alternate % information placed in the auxillary file above. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\subref{% \@ifstar \sf@@subref \sf@subref} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@subref#1{\ref{sub@#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@@subref#1{\pageref{sub@#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Support for Continued Figures} % % Now we add the ability to have continued floating environments % and have them work with the sub-floats without having to load the % \Lpack{captcont} package (but we stay compatible with it if it % {\em is\/} loaded). % % The \Lpack{caption} package now contains a simple version of % the \cmd{\ContinuedFloat} command, which works fine for regular % floats. We redefine it here to also handle the sub-floats. % % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@ccflag \@ccflagfalse % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\ContinuedFloat} % \changes{v1.3}{06 June 2005}{Fixed bug that required new float % types to have their corresponding sub-floats defined in order % to use the \cmd{\ContinuedFloat} command.} % % We postpone this definition to the end of the preamble, so that we % we can check to see if the \Lpack{captcont} package was loaded. If % it was, then we change its internal \cmd{\refsteponlycounter} command % to work with the new and simpler approach to continuing the floats. % % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \let\sf@refstepcounter=\refstepcounter % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \@ifpackageloaded{captcont}{}{% \def\refsteponlycounter#1{% \if@ccflag \global\expandafter\advance\csname c@#1\endcsname\@ne \let\sf@temp\protect \def\protect{\noexpand\protect\noexpand}% \edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}% \let\protect\sf@temp \else \sf@refstepcounter{#1}% \fi \@ccflagfalse}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \changes{v1.3}{26 June 2005}{Added support for the \Lpack{caption} % package version of the \cmd{\ContinuedFloat} command.} % % Next, we re-define the \cmd{\ContinuedFloat} command to, in addition to % backing up the float counter, check if a sub-float type is defined for % this float type. If there is, than it restores the current sub-float % counter and to sets the \texttt{\char`\\ if@ccflag} true in order to % enable the alternate code in the above \cmd{\refsteponlycounter}. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\ContinuedFloat{% \ifx\@captype\@undefined \@latex@error{\noexpand\ContinuedFloat outside float}\@ehd \else \addtocounter{\@captype}{\m@ne}% \caption@ContinuedFloat\@captype \@ifundefined{c@sub\@captype}{}{% \setcounter{sub\@captype}{\value{sub\@captype @save}}% \@ccflagtrue}% \fi}} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\caption@ContinuedFloat} % \changes{v1.3}{26 June 2005}{Added \cmd{\caption@ContinuedFloat} % command to provide support for older versions of the \Lpack{caption} % package.} % % In addition, we provide the \cmd{\caption@ContinuedFloat} so that % earlier versions of the \Lpack{caption} package will not generate % an error. % % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\caption@ContinuedFloat[1]{} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@caption} % % Finally, we define a wrapper for the \cmd{\caption} command now and wait % until the end of the preamble to exchange it for the \cmd{\caption} command. % Just in case some other package modifies it. It is possible that another % package will also wait until the end of the preamble to change the % \cmd{\caption} command. In that case, it may be necessary to load this % package and the other in a specific order. However, this works for now. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\sf@caption{% \let\refstepcounter=\refsteponlycounter \sf@savecaption} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \let\sf@savecaption=\caption \let\caption=\sf@caption } % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Automate the Sub-float Listings} % % \begin{macro}{\sf@end@float} % \begin{macro}{\sf@end@dblfloat} % % We use the end@float and end@dblfloat hooks to process the List-of-Floats % sub-captions at the end of a float environment so that the page numbers % will be correct. The alternative would be for the user to add a % \cmd{\listsubcaptions} command at the end of the float environment if % there is not \cmd{\caption} command between the last sub-float and the % end of the float envrionment. % % \begin{macrocode} \let\sf@end@float=\end@float % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \let\sf@end@dblfloat=\end@dblfloat % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\end@float} % \begin{macro}{\end@dblfloat} % % These two wrappers are pretty much the same, they first zero out % the sub-float counters (for all sub-float types, but not the saved % counter values). Next they dump all of the pending sub-captions % the currnet List-of-Float page. Finally, they call the \cmd{\end@float} % or \cmd{\end@dblfloat} command. % % There is one problem, the \Lpack{fixltx2e} and (old) \Lpack{fix2col} % packages redefine \cmd{\end@dblfloat} and assume that the first % token in \cmd{\end@float} is \cmd{\@endfloatbox}. Therefore we % redefine \cmd{\@endfloatbox} below in section ~\ref{sec:endfloat} % if these packages are loaded. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\end@float{% \@ifundefined{sf@counterlist}{}{% \@for\sf@temp:=\sf@counterlist\do{% \setcounter{\sf@temp}{\z@}}% \@listsubcaptions{\@captype}}% \sf@end@float}% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\end@dblfloat{% \@ifundefined{sf@counterlist}{}{% \@for\sf@temp:=\sf@counterlist\do{% \setcounter{\sf@temp}{\z@}}% \@listsubcaptions{\@captype}}% \sf@end@dblfloat} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Provide Compatibility with Other Packages} % % We postpone the following to the end of the preamble in order % to detect any other packages that are loaded after this one. % % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The \Lpack{Hyperref} Package} % \label{sec:hyperref} % \changes{v1.3}{28 June 2005}{Added an update to the % \cmd{\H@refstepcounter} so that when it is called within the context % of a \cmd{\caption} when the \cmd{\@ccflag} is true, the respective % sub-counter will be restored. This change allows the correct functioning % of the \cmd{\ContinuedFloat} command.} % % We define a \texttt{\char`\\ ifhyperrefloaded} flag which is used with % the sub-caption labels (see section~\ref{sec:subfloatlabel}). If the % \Lpack{hyperref} package is loaded, we set this flag to true and, for % each sub-float type, we create a \cmd{\theH$<$sub-float$>$} command that % it needs. % % \begin{macrocode} \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}{% \hyperrefloadedtrue % \def\sf@setref#1sub#2\relax{% \@namedef{theHsub#2\expandafter}{\@nameuse{the#2}.\arabic{sub#2}}% \@namedef{toclevel@sub#2}{1}% } % \@for\sf@temp:=\sf@counterlist\do{% \expandafter\sf@setref\sf@temp\relax}% % \global\let\sf@setref\relax % \let\sf@Hrefstepcounter\H@refstepcounter \def\H@refstepcounter#1{% \sf@Hrefstepcounter{#1}% \@ifundefined{c@sub#1}{}{% \if@ccflag \setcounter{sub#1}{\value{sub#1@save}}% \fi \@ccflagfalse}}% % }{}% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The \Lpack{Float} Package} % % If the \Lpack{float} package is loaded, we need to modify its wrapper % for \cmd{\@endfloatbox} so that \cmd{\listsubcaptions} is called before % finishing the float environment in order to get the page numbers right. % % \begin{macrocode} \@ifpackageloaded{float}{% \let\sf@endfloatbox=\@endfloatbox \def\@endfloatbox{% \listsubcaptions \sf@endfloatbox}% }{}% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{The \Lpack{Fixltx2e} Package} % \label{sec:endfloat} % % We also provide compatibility with the older \Lpack{fix2col} package % that the \Lpack{fixltx2e} package supersedes. They assume that % \cmd{\end@float} command begins with \cmd{\@endfloatbox} which may % be removed with a \cmd{\@gobble}; however, we redefine the % \cmd{\@endfloatbox} making this untrue. Therefore, we have to fix % this assumption if one or both of these packages are loaded. % % \begin{macrocode} \@ifpackageloaded{fixltx2e}{% \def\end@dblfloat{% \if@twocolumn \@ifundefined{sf@counterlist}{}{% \@for\sf@temp:=\sf@counterlist\do{% \setcounter{\sf@temp}{\z@}}% \@listsubcaptions{\@captype}}% \@endfloatbox \ifnum\@floatpenalty <\z@ \@largefloatcheck \global\dp\@currbox1sp % \expandafter\@gobble\sf@end@float \fi \else \end@float \fi}% }{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \@ifpackageloaded{fix2col}{% \def\end@dblfloat{% \if@twocolumn \@ifundefined{sf@counterlist}{}{% \@for\sf@temp:=\sf@counterlist\do{% \setcounter{\sf@temp}{\z@}}% \@listsubcaptions{\@captype}}% \@endfloatbox \ifnum\@floatpenalty <\z@ \@largefloatcheck \global\dp\@currbox1sp % \expandafter\@gobble\sf@end@float \fi \else \end@float \fi}}{}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \endinput % \end{macrocode} % % \iffalse %</package> % \fi %% \CharacterTable %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| %% Right brace \} Tilde \~} % \Finale