%%% ====================================================================
%%%  @LaTeX-class-file{
%%%	filename	= "unswthesis.cls",
%%%	version		= "1.6a",
%%%	date		= "23 October 1995",
%%%	writtenby	= "John Zaitseff",
%%%	email		= "J.Zaitseff@unsw.edu.au",
%%%	keywords	= "LaTeX, thesis, unsw, unswthesis",
%%%	docstring	= "This file provides a thesis class for the
%%%			   University of New South Wales, Australia."
%%% }
%%% ====================================================================

% This file provides a thesis class for the School of Computer Science
% and Engineering, University of New South Wales.  It is meant to be
% used with LaTeX-2e, and exists because of the archaic standards
% required by universities all over the world with regards to thesis
% styles.
% As with all class files, this class is meant to be used as the exclusive
% LaTeX-2e class for the entire document.  It may be introduced in the
% document via:
%       \documentclass{unswthesis}
% As always, options may be placed before the {unswthesis}.  In this case,
% the following options are supported:
%       singlespacing   - Single-space the document (ie, do not apply the
%                         thesis requirements).
%       doublespacing   - Double-space the document (actually, space it
%                         1.21 times the baseline).
%       draft           - Prints the word "DRAFT" across the front page,
%                         as well as on each page (in the footer).
%       final           - Opposite of draft: do not print "DRAFT".
% All of the options for the Book class are also supported, namely,
%       10pt, 11pt, 12pt             (11pt is used by default)
%       letterpaper, legalpaper,
%       executivepaper, a4paper,
%       a5paper, b5paper             (a4paper used by default)
%       landscape                    (not used by default)
%       oneside, twoside             (oneside used by default)
%       openright, openany           (openany used by default)
%       onecolumn, twocolumn         (onecolumn used by default)
%       openbib                      (not used by default)
%       leqn, fleqn                  (not used by default)

    [1995/10/23 v1.6a University of NSW Thesis Class]

%   Changeable Parameters   %

% Change these for customisation.  To change them in a LaTeX document,
% simply use \thesisuni{xxx} and \thesisschool{xxx}.

\gdef\@thesisuni{The University of New South Wales}
\gdef\@thesisschool{School of Electrical Engineering and\\%
                    Computer Science and Engineering}

% Customise for foreign languages.


%   Class options   %



%   Draft / final options   %


%   Double and single spacing   %


% Define conditional:


% Conditional Double-spacing environment

    \par \vskip \parskip \vskip \baselineskip%
    \vskip -\parskip%
    \vskip -\baselineskip}

% Always single-space

    \par \vskip \parskip \vskip \baselineskip%
    \vskip -\parskip%
    \vskip -\baselineskip}

% Execute the following ONLY if double-spacing was selected.

    % The following are from "book.cls":

    % The following are from "latex.ltx". BUG: This is NOT single-spaced.

	\ssp%                  % Should be single-spaced, but...
	\splitmaxdepth \dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty \@MM
	\hsize\columnwidth \@parboxrestore
	    \csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark

%   Miscellaneous Commands   %

\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{cmr}{bx}{sl}{<-> cmbxsl10}{}


\newcommand{\@thesistitle}{\@latex@error{No \noexpand\thesistitle given}\@ehc}
\newcommand{\@thesisauthor}{\@latex@error{No \noexpand\thesisauthor given}\@ehc}
\newcommand{\@thesisdegree}{\@latex@error{No \noexpand\thesisdegree given}\@ehc}
\newcommand{\@thesisdate}{\@latex@error{No \noexpand\thesisdate given}\@ehc}
\newcommand{\@thesissupervisor}{\@latex@error{No \noexpand\thesissupervisor given}\@ehc}
\newcommand{\@thesisassessor}{\@latex@error{No \noexpand\thesisassessor given}\@ehc}

\renewcommand{\title}[1]{\@latex@warning{\noexpand\title is not used with this class}}
\renewcommand{\author}[1]{\@latex@warning{\noexpand\author is not used with this class}}
\renewcommand{\date}[1]{\@latex@warning{\noexpand\date is not used with this class}}

%   Thesis front matter   %

% Title page

	    {\huge \scshape \@thesisuni \par}%
	    \vskip 2em%
	    {\Large \scshape \@thesisschool \par}%
	    \vskip 7em%
	    {\HUGE \@thesistitle \par}%
	    \vskip 6em%
	    {\Large \bfseries \@thesisauthor \par}%
	    \vskip .7em%
	    {\large \@thesisdegree \par}%
	    \vskip .7em%
	    {\large \@thesisdate \par}%
	    \vskip 8em%
	    {\large \textsl{\supervisorname}\ \@thesissupervisor \par}%
	    {\large \textsl{\assessorname}\ \@thesisassessor \par}%
	\vskip 30\p@

% Abstract environment (not defined by "book.cls")

	{\Large \bfseries \abstractname}

%   General Page Parameters   %

% The university requirements specify a 25mm border all around, except for
% the bottom (20mm). We actually increase this to make it more
% typographically correct. The page dimensions used were taken from "The
% LaTeX Companion", p. 85, with appropriate modifications.

\setlength\textwidth{\paperwidth %
    \advance\textwidth -144\p@ %
    \advance\textwidth -\oddsidemargin %
    \advance\textwidth -\marginparwidth %
    \advance\textwidth -\marginparsep}
\setlength\textheight{\paperheight %
    \advance\textheight -140\p@ %
    \advance\textheight -\topmargin %
    \advance\textheight -\headheight %
    \advance\textheight -\headsep %
    \advance\textheight -\footskip}

% Page headings and footers.

\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\thechapter. #1}{\thechapter. #1}}
