% pdcl1maa.dtx -- documentation & source for pdcl1maa.tex -*-tex-*-
%%%@TeX-document-file {
%%% title 	= "PDCL1MAA -- Formatting Macros",
%%% filename 	= "$texmf/doc/plain/pdcmac/pdcl1maa.dtx",
%%% version 	= "$Revision: 1.3 $",
%%% package 	= "pdcmac 1.0",
%%% date 	= "$Date: 1995/03/30 16:09:52 $",
%%% author	= "P. Damian Cugley",
%%% email	= "damian.cugley@comlab.ox.ac.uk",
%%% address	= "Oxford University Computing Laboratory,"
%%%                Parks Road, Oxford  OX1 3QD, UK",
%%% abstract	= "This document describes and is the source code for 
%%%                the TeX definitions file pdcl1maa.tex.
%%%                Running plain TeX on this file produces both the
%%%                definitions file and the printed documentation.",
%%% copyright	= "Copyright (c) 1995 P. Damian Cugley",
%%% copying	= "This program is free software; you can redistribute
%%%		   it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
%%%		   General Public License as published by the Free
%%%		   Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
%%%		   or (at your option) any later version.",
%%% notice	= "This program is distributed in the hope that it will
%%%		   be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
%%%		   implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
%%%		   PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
%%%		   License for more details.",
%%% notice	= "You should have received a copy of the GNU General
%%%		   Public License along with this program; if not, write
%%%		   to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave,
%%%		   Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.",
%%% codetable	= "USASCII",
%%% dependencies = "pdccode.tex"

%{{{ pdcl1maa
%{{{  preamble

\input pdccode

\rcs$Id: pdcl1maa.dtx,v 1.3 1995/03/30 16:09:52 pdc Exp $\endrcs
%}}}  preamble
%{{{  introduction
\author{P. Damian Cugley}
\title{PDCL1MAA---Macros for using Latin-1 characters with Malvern~A}
	This document describes |pdcl1maa.tex|, a collection of
	definitions designed to make Malvern~A characters available
	using the ISO~8859--1 input encoding (Latin-1).

\subsec{About this document}

	The definitions file and the printed documentation are both in
	|pdcl1maa.dtx|, a `documented \TeX\ macros' file\footnote*{The
	\LaTeX~2e distribution uses files with the `|dtx|' suffix for
	similar purposes.}  which, when processed by plain \TeX,
	generates a fresh copy of |pdcl1maa.tex| in the current directory
	in addition to the |dvi| file.  This ensures that the printed
	documentation and the code it describes are identical.  The
	|dtx| file uses the macros in |pdccode.tex|.

%}}}  introduction
%{{{  File identification
\section{File identification}
	Nowadays, macro files start with some comments identifying the

	\|\% pdcl1maa.tex \fileversion~\filedate~-- Latin-1 chars in Malvern-A
	|%%%@TeX-definition-file {
	|%%% filename       = "$texmf/tex/plain/pdcmac/pdcl1maa.tex",
	\|\%\%\% version~~~~~~~~= "\fileversion",
	\|\%\%\% date~~~~~~~~~~~= "\filedate",
	|%%% package        = "pdcmac 1.0",
	|%%% author         = "P. Damian Cugley",
	|%%% email          = "damian.cugley@comlab.ox.ac.uk",
	|%%% address        = "Oxford University Computing Laboratory,
	|%%%                   Parks Road, Oxford  OX1 3QD, UK",
	|%%% codetable      = "USASCII",
	|%%% keywords       = "TeX, plain TeX, macros",
	|%%% supported      = "Maybe",
	|%%% abstract       = "ISO 8859-1 characters using Malvern-A fonts.
	|%%%                   This file was generated by running
	\|\%\%\%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~plain TeX on \jobname.dtx",
	|%%% copyright      = "Copyright (c) 1995 P. Damian Cugley",
	|%%% copying        = "DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS FILE.
	\|\%\%\%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Distribute \jobname.dtx only as part of the
	|%%%                   package it came in.",
	|%%% dependencies   = "",
	|%%% }
	\|\\message\{\fileversion~<pdc \filedate>\}
%}}}  file id
%{{{  ISO 8859-1 support
\section{ISO 8859--1 input}


	Those characters whose code is the same as the code of the
	corresponding glyph are left alone (with catcode~12).  For
	example, |^^a3| (pounds sterling) is left alone.

	Those that have an equivalent |\chardef| (or |\mathchardef|)
	name are defined with |\let|.  Those with an equivalent standard
	ligature use that ligature.

	I don't use |\declareactivechar| on these because they would not
	work properly in verbatim text with catcode~12.  (Extending
	verbatim text to include Latin-1 will take a few definitions
	along the same lines as |\ttlq| etc.)
	|\catcode`^^a0\active \let^^a0=~
%	A1
% 	A2
%	A3	
%	A4
	|\catcode`^^a5\active \let^^a5=\yen
%	A6
	|\catcode`^^a7\active \let^^a7=\S
	|\catcode`^^a8\active \let^^a8=\"
	|\catcode`^^a9\active \let^^a9=\copyright
	|\catcode`^^aa\active \let^^aa=\orda
	|\catcode`^^ab\active \def^^ab{<<}
	|\catcode`^^ac\active \let^^ac=\lnot
	|\catcode`^^ad\active \let^^ad=\-
	|\catcode`^^ae\active \let^^ae=\registered
	|\catcode`^^af\active \let^^af=\=
	|\catcode`^^b0\active \let^^b0=\degrees
	|\catcode`^^b1\active \let^^b1=\pm
	|\catcode`^^b2\active \def^^b2{^2}
	|\catcode`^^b3\active \def^^b3{^3}
	|\catcode`^^b4\active \let^^b4=\'
	|\catcode`^^b5\active \let^^b5=\mu
	|\catcode`^^b6\active \let^^b6=\P
	|\catcode`^^b7\active \let^^b7=\gbdecimal
	|\catcode`^^b8\active \let^^b8=\c
	|\catcode`^^b9\active \def^^b9{^1}
	|\catcode`^^ba\active \let^^ba=\ordo
	|\catcode`^^bb\active \def^^bb{>>}
	|\catcode`^^bc\active \def^^bc{\frac14}
	|\catcode`^^bd\active \def^^bd{\frac12}
	|\catcode`^^be\active \def^^be{\frac34}
	|\catcode`^^bf\active \def^^bf{?`}
	|\catcode`^^d7\active \let^^d7=\times
	|\catcode`^^f7\active \let^^f7=\div

\subsec{Composite letters}

	The characters that represent marks for composite
	letters\footnote*{This phrase is used on the grounds that the
	word {\it accent} tends to provoke lectures on ways in which
	many composite letters do {\it not} represent accents in the
	languages in which they are used.} are |\let| to the
	corresponding composite-letter-making command---one may write
	`{\tt\char"7F u\char"18 c}' to get `\"u\c c'.
	|\catcode`^^c0\active \def^^c0{\`A}
	|\catcode`^^c1\active \def^^c1{\'A}
	|\catcode`^^c2\active \def^^c2{\^A}
	|\catcode`^^c3\active \def^^c3{\~A}
	|\catcode`^^c4\active \def^^c4{\"A}
	|\catcode`^^c5\active \let^^c5=\AA
	|\catcode`^^c6\active \let^^c6=\AE
	|\catcode`^^c7\active \def^^c7{\c C}
	|\catcode`^^c8\active \def^^c8{\`E}
	|\catcode`^^c9\active \def^^c9{\'E}
	|\catcode`^^ca\active \def^^ca{\^E}
	|\catcode`^^cb\active \def^^cb{\"E}
	|\catcode`^^cc\active \def^^cc{\`I}
	|\catcode`^^cd\active \def^^cd{\'I}
	|\catcode`^^ce\active \def^^ce{\^I}
	|\catcode`^^cf\active \def^^cf{\"I}
	|\catcode`^^d0\active \let^^d0=\DH
	|\catcode`^^d1\active \def^^d1{\~N}
	|\catcode`^^d2\active \def^^d2{\`O}
	|\catcode`^^d3\active \def^^d3{\'O}
	|\catcode`^^d4\active \def^^d4{\^O}
	|\catcode`^^d5\active \def^^d5{\~O}
	|\catcode`^^d6\active \def^^d6{\"O}
	|\catcode`^^d8\active \let^^d8=\O
	|\catcode`^^d9\active \def^^d9{\`U}
	|\catcode`^^da\active \def^^da{\'U}
	|\catcode`^^db\active \def^^db{\^U}
	|\catcode`^^dc\active \def^^dc{\"U}
	|\catcode`^^dd\active \def^^dd{\'Y}
	|\catcode`^^de\active \let^^de=\TH
	|\catcode`^^df\active \let^^df=\ss
        |\catcode`^^e0\active \def^^e0{\'a}
	|\catcode`^^e1\active \def^^e1{\`a}
	|\catcode`^^e2\active \def^^e2{\^a}
	|\catcode`^^e3\active \def^^e3{\~a}
	|\catcode`^^e4\active \def^^e4{\"a}
	|\catcode`^^e5\active \let^^e5=\aa
	|\catcode`^^e6\active \let^^e6=\ae
	|\catcode`^^e7\active \def^^e7{\c c}
	|\catcode`^^e8\active \def^^e8{\`e}
	|\catcode`^^e9\active \def^^e9{\'e}
	|\catcode`^^ea\active \def^^ea{\^e}
	|\catcode`^^eb\active \def^^eb{\"e}
	|\catcode`^^ec\active \def^^ec{\`i}
	|\catcode`^^ed\active \def^^ed{\'i}
	|\catcode`^^ee\active \def^^ee{\^i}
	|\catcode`^^ef\active \def^^ef{\"i}
	|\catcode`^^f0\active \let^^f0=\dh
	|\catcode`^^f1\active \def^^f1{\~n}
	|\catcode`^^f2\active \def^^f2{\`o}
	|\catcode`^^f3\active \def^^f3{\'o}
	|\catcode`^^f4\active \def^^f4{\^o}
	|\catcode`^^f5\active \def^^f5{\~o}
	|\catcode`^^f6\active \def^^f6{\"o}
	|\catcode`^^f8\active \let^^f8=\o
	|\catcode`^^f9\active \def^^f9{\`u}
	|\catcode`^^fa\active \def^^fa{\'u}
	|\catcode`^^fb\active \def^^fb{\^u}
	|\catcode`^^fc\active \def^^fc{\"u}
	|\catcode`^^fd\active \def^^fd{\'y}
	|\catcode`^^fe\active \let^^fe=\th
	|\catcode`^^ff\active \def^^ff{\"y}

%}}}  ISO 8859-1 support
%}}} pdcl1maa.dtx

%Local variables:
%fill-prefix: "\t"
%fold-folded-p: t