
The latest distribution version of TeXsis is in a file with a name
like TeXsis-2.xx....  where 2.xx is the latest version number.  
More specifically:

    Unix:      texsis-2.18.tar.gz
    Mac OS 9:  TeXsis-2.18.sea.hqx

We hope to have packages for Mac OS X and Red Hat Linux someday 
and a network CVS server.  Stay tuned...

The latest experimental version of TeXsis is in the beta subdirectory
on the FTP server, but it is not
mirrored by CTAN.


25 Oct 2003:
   The TeXsis ftp site has moved again, to it's own domain:

   [This is currently hosted by]

13 May 2000:
   The TeXsis ftp site has been moved to
   There is now a TeXsis home page, which is at

18 December 1997:

   Here is what is new in TeXsis 2.17:

      * Support for using BibTeX to extract references from bibliographic
	databases.  (Easier to use than in LaTeX!)

      * The ability to change the colors in PostScript output, which is
	useful for making overhead transparancies.  (The style file
	color.txs is a functional superset of colordvi.sty, but also lets
	you push/pop the PostScript color stack.)

      * Improvements in the organization of the manual, and slightly updated
	installation instructions.  Updated Makefile.

      * Change in the format of the .aux file.  You shouldn't notice
	this, but it will allow the use of tools and packages that use
	this file (such as BibTeX) that were formerly only available in

      * Form letter macros moved to a style file, Formletr.txs.

   Here is what is NOT in TeXsis, but expected in a later release:

     * Babel support for other languages.  We had this working with Babel
       3.4, but then the author of Babel made a big revision (probably to
       update to LaTeX/2e) and now it doesn't quite work.  You can try to
       find the older version of Babel if you really want this.

     * Hypertext: I had hyperTeX html links working, but have not
       documented it.  It seems that work on hyperTeX has either frozen
       or changed direction with the anticipated arrival of tex2pdf.
       Once I get a chance to read through the proper documentation and
       figure out where things are going I will update TeXsis to put in
       the proper pdf marks.

     * Alternate citation styles: numbered footnotes (rather than
       endnotes) or citation by the label ("citation key").  It's almost
       ready, but not quite.

$Id: NEWS,v 1.1 2000/05/17 01:06:42 myers Exp $