|                                  asisbegin                                  |
Abbreviation:  �|\aib�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
The \asisbegin markup  forces the following text  into an unformatted block.
Each line is printed  as it was entered.   Line breaks and interword spacing
are  honored.    TEXT1  markup within  an  "as is"  sequence  is  limited to
\verticalspace, \verticalspacekeep, \autofootnote, and font changes.
\centerline{Elements of the Spheres}
Element Anthrosphere Lithosphere
Oxygen     62.10         60.60
Hydrogen   01.10         00.10
Sodium     00.001        00.400
|                                                                             |
|                           Elements of the Spheres                           |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
| Element Anthrosphere Lithosphere                                            |
| Oxygen     62.10         60.60                                              |
| Hydrogen   01.10         00.10                                              |
| Sodium     00.001        00.400                                             |
|                                                                             |
The columns will only line up if you are using \monospace or \typewriter.
If  you use  accents while  in \asisbegin,  you  must surround  the accented
letter with curly braces.
lowest common denominator.
\centerline{\bd Outline}
The Morality of Rock in the Fossil Record
  Elementary Concepts: Toasting the \c{C}rust
    Principles of Population Geology
|  lowest common denominator.                                                 |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|                                   Outline                                   |
|                                                                             |
| The Morality of Rock in the Fossil Record                                   |
|   Elementary Concepts: Toasting the Crust                                   |
|       Principles of Population Geology                                      |
|                                                                             |
With the  monospaced font  you can use  the "as  is" sequence to  have TEXT1
obey precisely  your text  placement, including space  between words.   With
proportionally  spaced fonts  only the  lead  blanks would  line up;  blanks
"inside"  the text  would be  different widths  (depending  on the  width of
previous characters).
    Font changes within an \asisbegin may change the horizontal spacing.
    Every \asisbegin must have a matching \asisend.
    You cannot use  \asisbegin within any of the  following markup:  \appen-
dix, \autofootnote, \bibliography, \centerline, \chapter, \drawbox, \figure,
\footnote,  \item,  \label,  \marginnote,  \paragraphbox,  \part,  \preface,
\rightline,  \runningheadformat,  \runningfootformat, \subheada,  \subheadb,
\subheadc, \subheadd, or \tabletitle.