+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fixedformat | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Abbreviation: �|\fixf�% Parameters: �|none�% �|Description:�% TEXT1 offers two multiple column formats that have different text handling capabilities. The normal (default) style is called "flexibleformat". This is described with \twocolumns and \threecolumns markup. There is an optional style you can use called "fixedformat." The flexible format can be changed to the fixed format by inserting the markup \fixedformat before the first two or three column markup appears. The Fixed format makes each column act as if it were a single page. Inserts and footnotes will appear in each column just as they would in the single column format. Only the running head and running foot will print across the full width of the page. �|Notes:�% Since each column is handled like a normal single column page, the columns may not be balanced. A short right hand column will remain short when formatting is completed. The Fixed format cannot be used to format combinations of single, double, and triple columns on the same page. The two column and three column markup can be used in conjunction with one another, but not on the same page. If both format markup appear on the same page, TEXT1 will fill the bottom of the current column on the current page with white space and change to the new format on the following page. Once the fixed format has been specified, it will remain in force for the remainder of the document. The Fixed format cannot be changed to the Flexible format again within the same document.