|                                    item                                     |
Abbreviation:  �|none�%
Parameters:    �|identifier�%
The \item  markup creates unique  indented items.   The  parameters for this
markup is  an identifier, such  as an Arabic  number or  letter, supplied by
you.  This offers more flexibility.
militarily for thousands of years.
Reasons for this continued behavior include:
\item{*} the rapaciousness of society
(as shown by the accumulation of wealth and the
indifference to the poor and nonaggressive)
\item{**} the acceptance of war
\item{***} the economic advantages of large-scale
operations (as shown in industrial applications)
The cultures of industrial nations are based on
unethical . . .
|                                                                             |
| militarily for  thousands of years.   Reasons for  this continued behavior  |
| include:                                                                    |
|   * the  rapaciousness of society (as  shown by the accumulation of  wealth |
|     and the indifference to the poor and nonaggressive)                     |
|  ** the acceptance of war                                                   |
| *** the  economic  advantages   of  large-scale  operations  (as  shown  in |
|     industrial applications)                                                |
| The cultures of industrial nations are based on unethical . . .             |
|                                                                             |
The indentation for \item is  determined by the current setting of paragraph
indent.  Each  \item forms a hanging paragraph after  the identifier.  There
is no extra space between items.
    Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.