+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | line | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Abbreviation: �|none�% Parameters: �|none�% �|Description:�% The \line markup is used most often in the \runningheadformat and \running- footformat running title markup. �|Example:�% If you wanted to left justify "Chapter 1" and right justify "page 2" (where "2" is actually the page number, \pagenumber), enter: \rhf{\bothpages{ \line{\lft{Chapter 1}\rt{page \pagenumber}}}} +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Chapter 1 page 1 | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ �|Notes:�% A construct such as, \rhf{\bothpages{ \line{\lft{page \pn}\ctr{\today} \rt{PNW Waterfalls}}}} will not print the date centered on the page: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | page 2 January 13, 1987 PNW Waterfalls | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ To accomplish this, you should print the left and right justified text with \line, then space backwards one line (\verticalspace{-\bl}), then center the date: \rhf{\bothpages{\line{\lft{page \pn} \rt{PNW Waterfalls}}} \vs{-\bl} \line{\ctr{\today}} +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | page 3 January 13, 1987 PNW Waterfalls | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.