+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | quad | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Abbreviation: �|none�% Parameters: �|none�% �|Description:�% A printer's quad of space used to be a blank square of type, 1 em high and 1 em wide, equivalent in size to a capital "M." A TEXT1 quad is a unit of horizontal space. It is one em space in the current type size. The \quad markup can be used in text, "as is," and math mode. �|Example:�% Consider the input for this table: \tat{Surface Land Temperature (degrees C)\lbr Changes after Nuclear Exchanges} \vs{6pt} \settabs\+\quad&number\quad&number\quad \+&number\quad&number\quad&number&\cr \+&1000&-22&8&7&13\cr \+&3000&9&6&8&10\cr +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Table 1 | | Surface Land Temperature (degrees C) | | Changes after Nuclear Exchanges | | | | 1000 -22 8 7 13 | | 3000 9 6 8 10 | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ �|Notes:�% \quad=\horizontalspace{1em}. In \twelvept, \quad approximately 12 points; in \tenpt, \quad approximately 10 points.