|                               titlepageformat                               |
Abbreviation:  �|\tpf�%
Parameters:    �|submarkup�%
Submarkup:     �|\titleleadskip, \titlefootline�%
By convention,  a title page is  a display page, differing  from body pages.
It usually has  sinkage (extra vertical space before  the title), a centered
title  (in bold  or  larger type),  and  a blind  folio (where  the  page is
numbered but the number  is not printed).  It  may also have special text in
the footing.  The \titlepageformat markup changes the heading and footing of
a titlepage.
�|titleleadskip�% is  the amount  of space to  be left  at the top  of title
pages, in addition  to the top margin.   By default, there is  a 1 inch lead
skip and a 1 inch top margin,  making for a 2 inch white space at the top of
each title page.
�|titlefootline�% is  the footing at  the bottom of  a title page.   Similar
in function to  the running foot, its difference is  that you do not specify
\bothpage, \evenpage, or \oddpage with \titlefootline.
If you  want to  add 3 inches  to the  top margin,  and print "Bays"  at the
bottom of the page with the page number, enter:
which prints a footing at the bottom of the page like:
|                                                                             |
| Bays                                                                     3  |
|                                                                             |