/* unix-to-macintosh.c 24.2.1996 * Macintosh THINK-C file system and user interface * library for use by dvi2tty, disdvi, and rtf2LaTeX. * * Written and copyright (c) 1996 by Alex Viskovatoff * (av@mixcom.com). Permission is granted to distribute * and modify this file. */ #include <MacHeaders> #include <string.h> #include "macintosh.h" static char home_pathname_buf[PATHNAME_LENGTH]; static char *make_pathname(char *q,long dir_id, int vol_num) { CInfoPBRec directory; Str31 dir_name; int n; directory.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = dir_id; directory.dirInfo.ioVRefNum = vol_num; directory.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = -1; directory.dirInfo.ioNamePtr = dir_name; for (;;directory.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = directory.dirInfo.ioDrParID) { *q-- = ':'; PBGetCatInfoSync(&directory); for (n=*dir_name; n; n--) *q-- = (char) dir_name[n]; if (directory.dirInfo.ioDrDirID == 2) break; } return q+1; } char *get_home_dir() { FCBPBRec home_dir; Str31 dir_name; Str31 apName; int pathRefNum; Handle apParam; char *p = home_pathname_buf+PATHNAME_LENGTH-1; GetAppParms(&apName,&pathRefNum,&apParam); home_dir.ioRefNum = pathRefNum; home_dir.ioFCBIndx = 0; home_dir.ioNamePtr = dir_name; PBGetFCBInfoSync(&home_dir); *p-- = 0; return make_pathname(p,home_dir.ioFCBParID,home_dir.ioFCBVRefNum); } pascal unsigned char not_rtf_file_p(void *parms) { StringPtr name = ((IOParam*)parms)->ioNamePtr; char *p, *q; static char extension[] = ".rtf"; int i; if (name[0] < 5) return TRUE; for (i=4, p = (char*) name + name[0] - 3, q=extension; i; i--) if (*p++ != *q++) return TRUE; return FALSE; } void set_creator(const unsigned char *outfilename) { FInfo finfo; Str255 filename; StringHandle h; strcpy((char*)filename,(char*)outfilename); CtoPstr(filename); if (!GetFInfo(filename,0,&finfo)) { finfo.fdCreator = *((OSType*)*(h=GetString(128))); ReleaseResource(h); SetFInfo(filename,0,&finfo); } } /* The rest of file is a modification of the file ccomand.c (part of * Think C 5.0), with the function ccommand renamed to "docommand", * and changed to take three more arguments: a filter procedure to use * when displaying files in the open input file dialog, the length of * a list of signatures of file types that should be displayed in that * dialog, and a pointer to this list. Furthermore, the file creator * signature for the output file, which is of type 'TEXT', is now set * by a call to the new function set_creator. The signature is stored * as a string resource, and so can be modified by means of ResEdit. * (In the distribution, the signature used is '*TEX', that of Textures.) */ /* * ccommand.c * * Copyright (c) 1991 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This routine should be called from "main" as follows: * * main(int argc, char **argv) * { * argc = ccommand(&argv); * ... * * A dialog is presented allowing entry of command line arguments * and redirection of stdin/stdout. * */ #include <MacHeaders> #include "stdlib.h" #include "errno.h" #include "console.h" #include "ansi_private.h" #define NARGS 25 static char *argv[NARGS+1]; static char argbuf[256]; static void create_dialog(void); static Handle ditem(int); static void radio(int, int, int); static pascal void drawRing(DialogPtr, short); static Point getWhere = { 90, 82 }; static Point putWhere = { 106, 104 }; static void setfile(char *, SFReply *); static void init_command_line(char *, char *); static int parse(char *, char *); enum { cmdLine = 3, inCon, inFile, outCon, outFile, outEcho, outPrint, okRing, labelIn, labelOut, labelLine }; static struct { short count; struct { Handle h; Rect box; char kind; } item[13]; } itemList = { 12, /* OK */ 0, { 176, 115, 196, 175 }, ctrlItem+btnCtrl, /* Cancel */ 0, { 176, 225, 196, 285 }, ctrlItem+btnCtrl, /* command line */ 0, { 141, 34, 157, 376 }, editText+itemDisable, /* (stdin) console */ 0, { 34, 30, 50, 180 }, ctrlItem+radCtrl, /* (stdin) file */ 0, { 54, 30, 70, 180 }, ctrlItem+radCtrl, /* (stdout) console */ 0, { 34, 230, 50, 380 }, ctrlItem+radCtrl, /* (stdout) file */ 0, { 54, 230, 70, 380 }, ctrlItem+radCtrl, /* (stdout) console+file */ 0, { 74, 230, 90, 380 }, ctrlItem+radCtrl, /* (stdout) console+printer */ 0, { 94, 230, 110, 380 }, ctrlItem+radCtrl, /* ring around OK button */ (Handle) drawRing, { 172, 111, 200, 179 }, userItem+itemDisable, /* "Standard Input:" */ 0, { 10, 20, 26, 170 }, statText+itemDisable, /* "Standard Output:" */ 0, { 10, 220, 26, 370 }, statText+itemDisable, /* "Command Line:" */ 0, { 114, 20, 130, 170 }, statText+itemDisable, }; static DialogPtr dp; static Rect bounds = { 60, 51, 270, 461 }; static int inChoice = inCon, outChoice = outCon; /* * ccommand - process "command line" * */ int docommand(char ***av, ProcPtr file_filter, int num_types, SFTypeList type_list) { short i, argc; SFReply input, output, scratch; char buf[256]; /* present dialog */ cshow(stdin); create_dialog(); init_command_line(buf, argbuf); SetCtlValue(ditem(inCon), 1); SetCtlValue(ditem(outCon), 1); ShowWindow(dp); /* engage in dialog */ do { ModalDialog(0, &i); switch (i) { case cancel: abort(); case inFile: SFGetFile(getWhere, "", file_filter, num_types, type_list, NULL, &scratch); if (!scratch.good) break; input = scratch; /* ... */ case inCon: radio(inChoice = i, inCon, 2); break; case outFile: case outEcho: SFPutFile(putWhere, "", "", NULL, &scratch); if (!scratch.good) break; output = scratch; /* ... */ case outCon: case outPrint: radio(outChoice = i, outCon, 4); break; } } while (i != ok); /* parse command line */ GetIText(ditem(cmdLine), argbuf); sprintf(buf, "%#s", argbuf); argc = parse(buf, argbuf); *av = argv; DisposDialog(dp); /* redirect stdout */ if (outChoice == outPrint) cecho2printer(stdout); else if (outChoice != outCon) { setfile((char *) scratch.fName, &output); if (outChoice == outFile) freopen((char *) scratch.fName, "w", stdout); else cecho2file((char *) scratch.fName, 0, stdout); set_creator(scratch.fName); /*** Added by av ***/ } /* redirect stdin */ if (inChoice == inFile) { setfile((char *) scratch.fName, &input); freopen((char *) scratch.fName, "r", stdin); } /* done */ errno = 0; return(argc); } /* ---------- dialog utilities ---------- */ /* * create_dialog - build dialog in memory * */ static void create_dialog(void) { Handle items; asm { lea itemList,a0 move.l #sizeof itemList,d0 _PtrToHand move.l a0,items } dp = NewDialog(0, &bounds, "", 0, 1, (Ptr) -1, 0, 0, items); SetCTitle(ditem(ok), "\pOK"); SetCTitle(ditem(cancel), "\pCancel"); SetCTitle(ditem(inCon), "\pconsole"); SetCTitle(ditem(inFile), "\pfile"); SetCTitle(ditem(outCon), "\pconsole"); SetCTitle(ditem(outFile), "\pfile"); SetCTitle(ditem(outEcho), "\pconsole+file"); SetCTitle(ditem(outPrint), "\pconsole+printer"); SetIText(ditem(labelIn), "\pStandard Input:"); SetIText(ditem(labelOut), "\pStandard Output:"); SetIText(ditem(labelLine), "\pCommand Line:"); } /* * ditem - return item handle * */ static Handle ditem(int i) { short kind; Handle item; Rect box; GetDItem(dp, i, &kind, &item, &box); return(item); } /* * radio - adjust a cluster of radio buttons * */ static void radio(int i, int j, int n) { for (; n--; j++) SetCtlValue(ditem(j), i == j); } /* * drawRing - (user-item proc) draw ring around OK button * */ static pascal void drawRing(DialogPtr dp, short i) { PenNormal(); PenSize(3, 3); FrameRoundRect(&itemList.item[okRing-1].box, 16, 16); PenNormal(); } /* ---------- file utilities ---------- */ /* * setfile - prepare to open file * */ static void setfile(char *buf, SFReply *reply) { IOParam pb; pb.ioNamePtr = 0; pb.ioVRefNum = reply->vRefNum; PBSetVolSync(&pb); sprintf(buf, "%#s", reply->fName); } /* ---------- string utilities ---------- */ /* * init_command_line - prepare initial command line * * The command line is preset to show the name of the program. * The program name is quoted as necessary. * */ static void init_command_line(char *buf1, char *buf2) { register char *s, *t = buf2; int c, space = 0, dquote = 0, squote = 0, quote = 0; sprintf(s = buf1, "%#s", CurApName); while (c = *s++) { if (c == ' ') space = 1; else if (c == '"') dquote = 1; else if (c == '\'') squote = 1; } if (space || dquote || squote) *t++ = quote = dquote && !squote ? '\'' : '"'; for (s = buf1; c = *s++; *t++ = c) { if (c == quote || c == '\\') *t++ = '\\'; } if (quote) *t++ = quote; *t++ = ' '; *t++ = 0; SetIText(ditem(cmdLine), __c2p(buf2, buf1)); SelIText(dp, cmdLine, 9999, 9999); } /* * parse - divide command line into "words" * * Words are delimited by one or more spaces. Any characters within * matching single (') or double (") quotes are taken literally. Any * character preceded by a backslash (\) is taken literally. * */ static int parse(char *s, char *t) { int c, quote = 0, argc = 0; while (c = *s++) { if (c == ' ') continue; if (argc < NARGS) argv[argc++] = t; do { if (c == '\\' && *s) c = *s++; else if (c == '"' || c == '\'') { if (!quote) { quote = c; continue; } if (c == quote) { quote = 0; continue; } } *t++ = c; } while (*s && ((c = *s++) != ' ' || quote)); *t++ = 0; } return(argc); }