v0.5 (2008-04-21)
Incompatible changes:
* Don't write sensitive information to vc.tex, by default (see appendix A).
  - Bazaar:
  - Subversion:
      \SVNPath, \SVNName, \SVNUrl, \SVNNodeKind, \SVNRepositoryRoot

v0.42 (2008-04-17)
* Small documentation update.

v0.41 (2008-04-11)
* Small documentation update.

v0.4 (2008-04-10)
Incompatible changes:
* Search for local modifications only at request
  (relevant to macro \VCRevisionMod, see appendix B).

* Again improved locale handling.
* Improved compatibility for Subversion within Msys shell.
* Improved documentation:

v0.3 (2008-03-20)
* Added support for Bazaar.
* The vc bundle is now Public Domain.

* Fixed line endings in Unix scripts (solving several issues).
* Fixed handling of variable LANG in shell scripts.
* Improved documentation:
  - Added some more "Questions and answers".

v0.21 (2008-03-10)
* Incompatible change:
  - Removed macros \VCDate, \VCLongDate, \VCDateTeX.
  - Introduced macros \VCDateRAW, \VCDateISO, \VCDateTEX.
* Improved documentation:
  - Added section "Questions and answers".

v0.2 (2008-03-06)
* Added documentation.
* First upload to CTAN.

v0.1alpha (2008-03-04)
* First public announcement on comp.text.tex.