This is a collection of files to enable you to use Spidery Web with LaTeX as the formatter rather than plain TeX. It is copyright D.Love, SERC Daresbury Laboratory 1991 under the same conditions as the Spider distribution. -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <disclaimer.h> Snail mail: | JANET: Dr. David Love, | modern BIT/INTERNET: SERC Daresbury Laboratory, | old UUCP: ...!ukc!daresbury! Warrington WA4 4AD, | alternative BITNET: UK | alternative ARPA: 'Phone: (+44/0)925 603573, Telex: ...925 629609, FAX: ...925 603173 Here is a contents list. You will need to copy the files to the correct sub-directories of the spider source (once you are sure you want to) and invoke, for instance, `make weave' in the C directory to make a LaTeX version of weave. See web.doc for definitive information on the TeX aspect of things. * README This file; * latexweb.tex A short LaTeX document describing this stuff, intended for submission to TUGboat; * weave.ltx A change file for $MASTER/weave.web which inserts #defines to allow it to be compiled for LaTeX-compatible output; * tangle.ltx Trivial change file for $MASTER/tangle.web to allow woven output from it to be printed with either LaTeX or plain; * spider.ltx Change file for $MASTER/spider.web to allow it to produce output for a plain or LaTeX weave; * WebMakefile Changed version of $MASTER/WebMakefile to cope with the change files above and the different possible versions (also with my filenames wired in); * web.doc Self-documenting LaTeX sub-style for use instead of webkernel.tex. Probably needs Mittelbach's newdoc.sty, v1.6d or later to produce documentation -- instructions at the front of it; * web.sty web.doc with comments stripped; * web.tex Driver file to print web.doc; * docstrip.cmd Used by the .doc->.sty process; * cmake Changed version of $SPIDER/c/make to produce LaTeX ceeweave; * awkmake Changed version of $SPIDER/awk/make to produce LaTeX awkweave; * cspider.dif Trivial diff from $SPIDER/c/c.spider to allow it to work with LaTeX or plain; * tie.web Translation of the TIE processor to spidery C-web. This allows you to merge change files with the original or with other change files, which may be useful for combining the LaTeX changes with any you already have;