MKS Toolkit 4.2 Dos Bugs

Environment: 486DX2-80 VLbus, 32 MB RAM, 2 EIDE HDs, ATI Mach64 GPT 2048K VLbus
Sblaster 16 ASP, Logitech serial Mouseman, Ms-Dos6.22, WfW3.11 (32 bits disk 
access/32 bits file access), QEMM7.5, Stacker4.0 for OS/2 & Dos, 
OS/2 boot manager (Dos/Win, Warp, Linux)

1- bin32/diff.exe doesn't do correctly wild card expansion under
   (i.e. doesn't use glob.exe correctly). It works fine under the Korn shell.
   No problems with bin/diff.exe
   (as it can be much faster than the 16 bits diff, e.g. 5s against 18s, I
   just renamed it to diff32.exe)
   BUT: it seems that in some cases with QEMM 7.5 diff32 works sometimes with
   wildcards expansion, and it is diff.exe that crashes when wild card expansion
   is used and at the same time there are differences (QEMM says invalid ...).
   Notice that it seems that if the 2 files are identical no problem! Under
   a clean boot no crash, but again no one can check if invalid statements
   are used. See the 2 files MOD_FBUS.LST and LIXO for an example of a crash!

2- bin/find.exe with the option -exec doesn't always work correctly under (Ms-Dos 6.2 or Ms-Dos 6.22). The 1st exec works, the 2nd gives a
   memory allocation error (under Ms-Dos 6.2) or an unspecified error (under
   Ms-Dos 6.22).
        find . -type f -exec ls -l {} ;
   always works, but in
        find . -name "*.zip" -exec ls -l {} ;
   only the first exec works, the 2nd gives the error message
        find: cannot execute "ls": not a directory or path not found
   and find aborts.
   The same behaviour occurs with executing non MKS commands.
   No problems if executing under the Korn shell.
   The find.exe from version 2.3 of the MKS toolkit works fine under, thus this is a new bug.

3- the Korn shell crashes if one presses ctrl-BREAK (even ctrl-alt-del doesn't
   work). Under windows it "violates system integrity" and windows terminates
   it and asks one to reboot the machine because it should be unstable. Under
   Qemm, Qemm also complains in the same way. The setting of 'break' in
   config.sys/autoexec.bat (i.e. ON/OFF) is not relevant here

4- there are several bugs in bin/pax.exe
   a) -i never works (i.e. whether one writes a name, presses '.' or
      presses return it always is unable to create that file)
   b) -s only works partially, most of the time (using s/.../.../p to see
      what happens) it does erroneous substitutions. It seems to work if
      all ocurrences of '.' or '/' on the original name are matched by
      using a '.' (e.g. never use a regular expression that matches both the
      basename and the extension)
   c) using '-f path' if path has a backslash anywhere then it crashes
      (e.g. using 'pax -f g:\users\foo.tar' from the DOS prompt). The
      crash looks like an infinite loop. If running in a Dos window then it
      is possible to kill that window without crashing the system
   d) this is not really a bug but a thing that would come handy. It would be
      good if pax discarded the sufix ',v' from the filenames, this because
      Unix RCS adds that kind of sufix and when extracting it creates an
      invalid filename. In the current version 'RCS/filename.txt,v' extracts
      correctly (because it already has a 3 char extension thus the ',v' is
      discarded) but RCS/filename.c,v doesn't extract at all (and as there
      are bugs in the option -s it is hard to extract those filenames)
      (a good thing with tar/pax is that when creating a tar file if one
      specifies a longer filename or a filename with a mixture of upper/lower
      case the file will be stored in the tar file with that name, this
      simplifies going back and forward between Ms-Dos/Unix if after truncation
      and case convertion no filenames are equal. Thus it would be also good
      if it did accept ',v' when creating a tar file under Ms-Dos)
# How to extract RCS files from a tar file if they have ',v' on their name
# Warning: pax has bugs, -i doesn't work, -s only works if all ocurrences of
#      either '.' or '/' in the expression to match are matched by using '.'
# Assuming filenames of the type 'cpnauto/RCS/*.*,v', extracts to 'rcs/*.*'
# BUG: a filename without an extension (e.g. cpnauto/RCS/makefile,v') loses
#      the last char (i.e. becomes 'rcs/makefil')
# Don't try to automate (e.g. to use args, the bugs in the handling of -s
# will probably defeat any attempts)
pax -f /cpnauto.tar >cpnauto.lst
pax -krvf /cpnauto.tar -s '/cpnauto\(.\)RCS.\([a-z0-9_]*\).\([a-z]*\),v/rcs\1\2.\3/p' `grep RCS cpnauto.lst`

5- bin/tar.exe crashes (infinite loop?) when given wildcards, e.g.
   'tar tvf *.tar' from the Dos prompt ( and there is a single
   file with extension .tar in that dir, no problem if using the full
   filename [check if it is the same as 4-c)]. It also crashes if a backslash
   is given in a pathname (infinite loop)

6- there is no online man page for dircmp(1) although 'man tkerrat' says there
   is. Anyhow dircmp(1) works

   Usage: dircmp [-ds] dir1 dir2

     -d -> works only for text files, shows differences in diff format
     -s -> silent mode (non verbose, only the differences)

7- 'make -f makefile' doesn't work, it always tries to use makefile.mak as
    the makefile. Probably because 'whence -v makefile' says that makefile
    is a function. Not checked any further

8- man who(1) says that login(1) only uses the file $ROOTDIR/etc/utmp if
   it already exists, this is not true, it is created if it does not exist.
   Anyhow one can still install MKS in a READONLY drive because if etc/utmp is
   set to READONLY it is not changed and there is no error message (it is not
   enough to only have the drive but not the file write protected, in that case
   one gets an error message: Write protect error writing drive ?)

9- bin/cmp.exe gives an exit code of 3 if one of the files to be compared cannot
   be open or doesn't exist, this is in contrast with the MKS man page (and with
   Unix) which says that an error code of 2 is to be given. If only 1 filename
   or more than 2 filenames are given, an exit code of 2 occurs, if one of the
   files does not exist (the 1st or the 2nd) an exit code code of 3 occurs

10- the date of the '.' and '..' entries given by 'ls -al' is wrong, it's
    always 31-Dec-79 (i.e. 0, because the PC time starts at 1-Jan-80). In other
    words if current dir is 'foo/bar' then to get the creation date of dir
    'bar' one has to do 'ls -ld ../bar' instead of just 'ls -ld .'

11- 'vi -x pathname' where pathname is not from the current dir
     or has dir names (e.g. ./filename.txt)
     Under do not use '/' but '\' otherwise one gets
     0 lines 0 chars (even if the file exists). Under the Korn shell
     do not use '\\' but use '/' otherwise 0 lines 0 chars.
     This has something to do with the implicit call to crypt (caused by 
     the -x).
     This bug is not very serious because usually one uses '\' under and '/' under  the korn shell, still all the MKS toolkit 
     commands are supposed to accept both (and I usually use '/' even