Noweb 2.7a bug report (, 29-May-95)

"strip problem in hpux8"

In noweb/src/Makefile the strip command in an HPUX8 machine causes the make to
fail. Commenting out the 'strip' fixes the problem

\n problem in -option output of 'noweave -h'

The 'Add \noweboptions{opt} to ...' should be 'Add noweboptions{opt} to ...'

Dates problem in source code distribution (as of 29-May-95)

I used ftp get with on the fly compression of the noweb dir to a .tar.gz file
thus I got the original dates (I didn't cause the dates problem)

The .nw files are not always older than the generated files and the same 
applies to the man page files (regarding the nroff processed man pages). The 
problem seems to be that the dates are identical instead of say 1 second older.
A simple fix is:

cd noweb/src
find . -name "*.nw" -exec touch -t 9502231200 "{}" \;
find xdoc -name "*.1" -exec touch -t 9502241200 "{}" \;

Style hook in 'src/tex/support.nw' page 21

The margin note style hook in page 21 is wrong handed (should have come on the 
right instead of on the left)

There is a problem with noweb 2.7a/LaTeX: some chunks might disappear from the
LaTeX output, i.e. they are in the output .tex file but in the .dvi file they
come out as white space (sometimes this is noticed because it seems strange
that a page has a big block of white space in the middle, but if it is in the
end of the page the disappearance might go unnoticed)

A similar problem was found with noweb 2.6c and 2.7 (I didn't report it
before). I was once able under Unix (HPUX8) to see the problem, but 
unfortunately I'm unable to reproduce it (sorry!). I can see it under Dos with 
e.g in 2.7a
	cd noweb/src/tex
	noweb support.nw
	latex support
	latex support
	latex support
	v support 
		(v is the Dos equivalent of xdvi)
The section 2.2 in page 7 and the chunks 9b and 28b come out as a white 
rectangle in the middle of the page. If you want I can send you the .dvi files 
(Dos generated) that show the disappearance. This is a subtle problem

The problem can always be solved by adding an empty newline (to make a
paragraph). In my noweb source file the problem causes a chunk of documentation
to disappear. A doc chunk comes after a code chunk and if I started with '@
...', i.e. a '@' followed by a blank followed by the text the chunk came out as
white space, but if I added a newline to the '@' (i.e. started the text in the
next line) everything was OK (the lost chunk could be seen in the .tex file, it
just didn't make to the .dvi file). This didn't happen everywhere or always
only in some doc or code chunks and only in some particular circunstances,
i.e. adding a couple of lines several pages before (which changed the page
layout in the problematic page) made the problem disappear

Using diff to compare the .tex outputs I noticed that the only difference is
that the \n makes its way to the .tex output thus the problem does not seem to
be with the noweb scripts but with the noweb LaTeX support code (nwmac.tex or

Or maybe it's a LaTeX bug (it is NOT only a bug in the emTeX Dos port because
the first time I saw this it was in an Unix machine running Latex 2.09)

Other symptoms:
	a) using the .dvi file (Dos generated) and seeing it under Linux
	   caused a crash (floating point exception) when viewing the affected
	   pages (7, 9, 28). No problem if those pages were skipped (i.e. never
	   displayed on the screen). When with a now lost .nw file
	   I saw chunks disappearing under HPUX8 I also got floating point
	   exceptions and core dumps (until I made a slight change in the page
	   layout which caused the core dumps to disappear, still the missing 
	   chunks hapenned still later on). Seeing the .dvi file under Dos does
	   not cause any crashes, only a white rectangle in the affected area
	b) using the .tex file (Dos generated) caused no problem under Linux

My tentative diagnostic:
	- it is not a LaTeX2e specific problem (I saw it under LaTeX)
	- it is not a Dos specific problem (I saw it under HPUX8)
	- it is not a noweb/noweave problem (if the .tex output is manipulated
		under another machine it works fine)
	- it is either in the LaTeX support file noweb.sty or in LaTeX, still
	  it is a machine dependent problem rare under Unix frequent under Dos

If I manage to pinpoint the problem, or reproduce it under Unix I'll let you