#!/usr/common/bin/perl do "getopts.pl" || die "$!"; do Getopts('imnd:l:'); do "TeXthings"; $sectionref='aaa'; $i=0; if($opt_l) { open(LOGFILE,">$opt_l") || die "$!"; } while(<>) { # s/\n$//; s/^@//; if(/@</) { ($pre,$mid,$end)=&convxrefs($_); @lines[$i]=$pre; $i++; $_=$mid; # need to expand the module name here } # expand wildcard references here, then process as normal if(/^(use|defn) (.*)\.{3}$/) { print LOGFILE "Wildcard `$2...', expands to " if $opt_l; @matches=grep(/^$2.*/i,split(/�/,$known)); if($#matches>0) { print LOGFILE "[",join('][',@matches),"] " if $opt_l; print STDERR "Ambiguous module name `$mod...', line $i\n"; print STDERR "Matches: [",join('][',@matches),"]\n"; print STDERR "Using `",@matches[0],"'\n"; #die "\nAmbiguous module name `$mod...', line $i"; } elsif($#matches==-1) { die "\nNo match for name `$mod...', line $i"; } $mn=@matches[0]; if($mn=~/\[\[/) { $mn=&convquotes($mn); } print LOGFILE $mn,"\n" if $opt_l; $_="$1 $mn"; } # process a <<defn>>= if(/^defn (.*)$/) { print LOGFILE "Defining chunk `$1' with macro $sectionref\n" if $opt_l; $md=$1; $mn=$1; if($opt_n) { $md=~tr/A-Z/a-z/; } $mt=$md; $mt=~s/([*+.?{}()])/\\\1/g; if($known!~/�$mt/) { $known=$known . "�$md"; } @names{$md}=1; $currentmod=$md; @defines{$md}=@defines{$md} . "\\\\{\\xp\\$sectionref}"; #if($mn=~/\[\[/) { $mn=&convquotes($mn); } @lines[$i]="defn $sectionref $mn\n"; $oldref=$sectionref; $sectionref++; push(@uses,$i); $indxing=0; } # process a <<use>> elsif(/^use (.*)$/) { print LOGFILE "Using chunk `$1' in chunk $oldref\n" if $opt_l; $md=$1; $mn=$1; if($opt_n) { $md=~tr/A-Z/a-z/; } $mt=$md; $mt=~s/([*+.?{}()])/\\\1/g; if($known!~/�$mt/) { $known=$known . "�$md"; } @reference{$md}=@reference{$md} . "\\\\{\\xp\\$oldref}"; #if($mn=~/\[\[/) { $mn=&convquotes($mn); } @lines[$i]="use $oldref $mn\n"; push(@uses,$i); $indxing=0; } # process identifier information elsif(/^index (nl|defn |use )(.*)/) { if($2 eq '|') { $indxing=1; } else { if($2) { print LOGFILE "Identifier `$2' indexed as " if $opt_l; if($1 eq "defn " && !$indxing) { print LOGFILE "defined [$oldref]\n" if $opt_l; $style=""; } else { print LOGFILE "used [$oldref]\n" if $opt_l; $style="\\it"; } @variables{$2}=@variables{$2} . ",\\thinspace{$style\\xp\\$oldref}"; } } $i--; # don't put this line in the file here } # stick the line in the array else { @lines[$i]=$_; } $i++; if($end) { @lines[$i]=$end; $i++; undef $end; } } if($opt_l) { print LOGFILE "\n\nList of modules currently defined\n"; print LOGFILE join("\n",sort keys(defines)); print LOGFILE "\n\nList of modules currently referenced\n"; print LOGFILE join("\n",sort keys(reference)); print LOGFILE "\n\n"; } foreach(keys(reference)) { @longlist{$_}=@reference{$_}; } foreach(keys(defines)) { @longlist{$_}=@longlist{$_} . ('%' . @defines{$_}); } foreach(@uses) { $ref=@lines[$_]; $ref=~/^(use|defn) (...) (.*)/; $mn=$3; $dr=$2; $ac=$1; $defns=@defines{$mn}; print LOGFILE "Module $mn " if $opt_l; if($ac eq 'defn') { $uses=@reference{$mn}; $uses="{$uses}|"; print LOGFILE "defined at line $_, $uses\n" if $opt_l; } else { $uses=''; print LOGFILE "referenced at line $_\n" if $opt_l; } print LOGFILE "Line $_ modified to `$ac $dr {$defns} $uses$mn'\n" if $opt_l; $mn=&convquotes($mn); @lines[$_]="$ac $dr|{$defns}|$uses $mn\n"; } print STDOUT "header tex \n",@lines; # now @longlist{MOD} contains a list of all the references to <MOD> # sort them to make them look pretty if($opt_m) { print LOGFILE "Making module index...\n" if $opt_l; print "index mods\n" if $opt_l; foreach(sort keys(longlist)) { $defns=@defines{$_}; $defns=~s/^,\\\\thinspace//; print LOGFILE "Module <$_ $defns> ",@reference{$_},"\n" if $opt_l; # first we print the module name and defining numbers print "entry {\\LA ",&convquotes($_),"\\ \\xwp{$defns}\\RA}\\quad"; # now we print the bit after that : assume foot=cmr8 print "{\\foot\\xtc{",@reference{$_},"}}\n"; } print "end index\n"; } if($opt_i) { print "index ids\n"; foreach(sort keys(variables)) { $vars=@variables{$_}; $vars=~s/^,\\thinspace//; print "entry {\\code ",&TeXliteral($_),"\\edoc} :\\quad",$vars,"\n"; } print "end index\n"; } print STDOUT "trailer tex\n"; sub convxrefs { local($l)=@_; local($found,$output); $found=index($l,'@<'); $lost=index($l,'@>',$found); $pre=substr($l,0,$found) . "\n"; # before the use $mid="use " . substr($l,$found+2,$lost-$found-2) . "\n"; $end="text " . substr($l,$lost+2); substr($l,$found,$lost+2-$found)=""; return $pre,$mid,$end; }