\section{Generating decision trees}

The crux of the problem is to transform a {\em case statement} into a
{\em decision tree}.  A case statement has a {\em value}, a sequence
of {\em arms}, and a {\em trailer}.
Each arm has a pattern, and code to be executed.
When the case statement is executed, it chooses the first arm whose
pattern matches the value, then executes the corresponding code, then
executes the trailer.
I generate a {\em decision tree} to do the job.
Each internal node of the decision tree tests a field of the value.
It then chooses an edge (child) based on that value, and continues
testing fields until it reaches a leaf, at which time it executes the
code associated with that leaf.

The goal of tree generation is not to generate just any tree, but the
tree with the fewest nodes.  This problem is NP-complete, so I apply
a few heuristics.  The results, at least for the machine descriptions
I use, seem to be as good as what I would come up with by hand.
The arms of the case statement have some extra information.
The file and line number help with error message and make it possible
to generate [[#line]] statements that identify the source of the code.
The original arm gives the arm from which the current arm is derived,
and is useful for many of the heuristics.
record caserec(arms,valcode,trailer)
		# case arms, code to compute value, trailing code
record arm(file, line, pattern, code, original)
		# pattern and code are the content
		# line, file, original(pattern) are used for error reporting
Each node of the decision tree is associated with a particular case
Internal nodes have children, and a [[field]] which says which field
we decided to test on.  The edges that point to the children record
the interval of values for the particular child.
Leaf nodes have a [[name]] that records the name of the pattern known
to match at that leaf node.
record node(cs, children, field, name)
	# case statement, list of edges to children, field chosen, pattern name
	#	(name field used to support name operator, assigned only to leaves)
record edge(node, lo, hi)
	# node pointed to and lo and hi interval of field for this edge
To create a decision tree, I begin with a node containing the full,
original case statement.  I then use a ``work queue'' approach to check
each node and see if it needs to be split.
If no pattern matches the node, or if the first pattern always matches
(with a unique name), no further splitting needs to be done, and I
assign a name to the leaf.\footnote{If the name isn't used, I assign
the name [["-unused-"]], because that will make it easier to combine
nodes in the dagging phase.}
Otherwise, I split the node.
procedure needs_splitting(n)
    if *n.cs.arms = 0 then fail
    p := n.cs.arms[1].pattern
    name := \p.disjuncts[1].name | p.name
    every d := !p.disjuncts do {
        n := \d.name | p.name
        if n ~=== name then return   # different names, needs splitting
        else if *d.constraints = 0 then fail	# always matches, needn't split
    return 			# pattern doesn't always match -> split

procedure tree(cs)
    static heuristics
    initial heuristics := [leafarms, childarms, nomatch, childdisjuncts, branchfactor]

    root := node(cs)
    work := [edge(root)]        # work queue of edges (nodes) to be expanded
    while n := get(work).node do
        if needs_splitting(n) then {
            <<split node [[n]] and add children to work queue>>
        } else {
	    if *n.cs.arms = 0 then 
                n.name := "-NOMATCH-"
            else if n.cs.arms[1].code ? find_id("name") then {
                p := n.cs.arms[1].pattern
                n.name := \p.disjuncts[1].name | \p.name | "-unnamed-"
            } else 
                n.name := &null
	    if \mapnames then n.name := map(\n.name)
    return root
Splitting a node involves choosing a field, finding out which intervals
of values of that field are interesting, and creating a child node for
each such interval of values.  The patterns in the case statement of the
child node reflect the knowledge of the value interval of the tested

I make the decision by splitting the node on {\em each} field
mentioned in the case statement.  I then compute some heuristic
functions of the children from each splitting and use the
best-scoring field.

Some debugging information may be written to [[hdebug]] or [[sdebug]].
<<split node [[n]] and add children to work queue>>=
fields := mentions(n.cs)
*fields > 0 | impossible("internal node mentions no fields")
candidates := table()
every f := !fields do
    candidates[f] := split(n, f)
<<if debugging, split all and report>>
*fields > 1 & write(\hdebug, "Choosing one of ", patimage(fields))
every h := !heuristics do {
    if *fields = 1 then break
    fields := findmaxima(h, candidates, fields)
write(\hdebug, image(h), " chose ", patimage(fields))
*fields > 0 | impossible("no fields")
*fields = 1 | write(\hdebug, "tie among fields", patimage(fields), " near ",
                      image(n.cs.arms[1].original.file), ", line ",
work |||:= n.children := candidates[n.field := ?fields]
<<if debugging, split all and report>>=
if \tryall & \hdebug & *fields > 1 then     {
  write(\hdebug, repl("=",10), " Splitting ", repl("=", 10))
  every findmaxima(!heuristics, candidates, fields) do write(\hdebug)
  write(\hdebug, repl("=", 30), "\n")
To split a node, I look at each interval of values that might be
interesting.  I apply that interval to the case statement, and if there
can be any match, I create and add a new child node.
procedure split(n, f)
    local vals,v,d,val,c,p,j,i,newd,cst,child,newp

    patterns := []
    children := []
    every put(patterns, (!n.cs.arms).pattern)
    r := intervals(patterns, f)
    <<if debugging, write about splitting this node>>

    every i := 1 to *r - 1 do
        put(children, edge(node(apply(n.cs, f, r[i], r[i+1]),[]), r[i], r[i+1]))

    write(\sdebug, "Done splitting.\n")
    return children
<<if debugging, write about splitting this node>>=
writes(\sdebug, "Splitting ")
outpattern(\sdebug, patterns[1])
every i := 2 to *patterns do { writes(\sdebug, " | "); outpattern(\sdebug, patterns[i])}
write(\sdebug, " on ", f.name)
So, what is the new case statement that results from applying 
$\tt lo \le f < hi$ to [[cs]]?
For each arm, I match the pattern against the interval.
If it succeeds, I create a new arm for the new case statement,
containing the reduced pattern.
procedure apply(cs, f, lo, hi)
    result := copy(cs)
    result.arms := []
    write(\sdebug, "    Applying ", stringininterval(f.name, lo, hi))
    every a := !cs.arms do
            arm(a.file, a.line, pmatch(a.pattern, f, lo, hi), a.code, a.original))
    if alwaysmatches(result.arms[1].pattern) then
        result.arms := [result.arms[1]]
    return result

# if lo <= f < hi and p matches, return the new p

procedure pmatch(p, f, lo, hi)
    result := pattern([], p.name)
    every d := !p.disjuncts do 
        if c := !d.constraints & c.field === f then 	# disjunct mentions f
	    if c.lo <= lo & hi <= c.hi then { 		# this constraint is matched
		newd := disjunct([], d.name)
		every c := !d.constraints & c.field ~=== f do 
		    put(newd.constraints, c)
		put(result.disjuncts, newd)
	    } else
		c.hi <= lo | c.lo >= hi | impossible("bad intervals")
        else						 # disjunct does not mention f
	    put(result.disjuncts, d)
    <<if debugging, write about results of [[pmatch]]>>
    if *result.disjuncts > 0 then return result

<<if debugging, write about results of [[pmatch]]>>=
if *result.disjuncts > 0 then writes(\sdebug, "        ===> ") & outpattern(\sdebug, p)
# else writes(\sdebug, "             ") & outpattern(\sdebug, p)

if *result.disjuncts > 0 then write(\sdebug, " matches") 
# else write(\sdebug, " does not match")
\subsection{Tree-minimization heuristics}
First, the boilerplate that takes a heuristic [[h]], candidate
splittings, and a set of fields, and returns the set of fields with
the largest score on [[h]].
procedure findmaxima(h, candidates, fields)
    local max
    S := []
    every f := !fields do {
	score := h(candidates[f], f)
        write(\hdebug,"Field ", f.name, " scores ", score, " on ", image(h))
	/max := score - 1
	if score > max then {
	    max := score
	    S := [f]
	} else if score = max then
	    put(S, f)
    return set(S)
Here's a big pile of heuristics.
I'm not sure I've ever needed more than the first two, but they're
amusing and easy enough to write.
# leafarms: prefer candidate with most arms that appear at leaf
#           nodes.  Each original arm counted only once.
#	    Not matching is also counted as an arm.

procedure leafarms(children, f) 
    arms := set()
    every n := (!children).node & *n.cs.arms > 0 do
       if not needs_splitting(n) then 
           insert(arms, n.cs.arms[1].original)
    return *arms + if *(!children).node.cs.arms = 0 then 1 else 0

# childarms: prefer the candidate with the fewest arms in children

procedure childarms(children, f)
    sum := 0
    every sum -:= *(!children).node.cs.arms
    return sum

# nomatch: if tied on leafarms and childarms, take candidate
#          with real leaf in preference to nomatch leaf

procedure nomatch(children, f)
    return if *(!children).node.cs.arms = 0 then -1 else 0

# childdisjuncts: prefer the candidate with the fewest disjuncts in children

procedure childdisjuncts(children, f)
    sum := 0
    every sum -:= *(!(!children).node.cs.arms).pattern.disjuncts
    return sum

# branchfactor:  prefer the candidate with the fewest children

procedure branchfactor(children, f)
    return - *children
\subsection{Utility functions}
# If f is to be used to split patterns, what intervals need to be considered?

procedure intervals(patterns, f)
    cuts := set([0, 2^(f.hi - f.lo)])
    every p := !patterns & d := !p.disjuncts & c := !d.constraints & c.field === f do
	every insert(cuts, c.lo | c.hi)
    return sort(cuts)

# what fields are mentioned in a case statement?

procedure mentions(cs) 
    result := set()
    every a := !cs.arms & d := !a.pattern.disjuncts & c := !d.constraints do
       insert(result, c.field)
    return result

# find_id: tab to and past identifier id, returning its position
# ignores quotes, comment brackets

procedure find_id(id)
    static notlnum
    initial notlnum := ~ (&letters ++ &digits ++ '_')
    tab(p := find(id)) & p = 1 | (move(-1) & any(notlnum) & move(1)) &
               =id & pos(0) | any(notlnum) & suspend p
\subsection{Tree checking}
Once the tree is generated, it's useful to check it for redundant arms
and for arms that never match.  These checks will help users catch
mistakes in their specifications.  Note that I must check the
``original'' arms; that's why they're there.
procedure checktree(n)
    originals := set()
    every insert(originals, (!n.cs.arms).original)
    deletematching(n, originals)
    every a := !originals do 
        warning("No word matches pattern at ", image(a.file), ", line ", a.line)
    if hasnomatch(n) then
        warning("Case statement at ", image(n.cs.arms[1].file), ", line ",
		n.cs.arms[1].line - 1, " doesn't cover all cases")
    return n

procedure deletematching(n, originals)
    if *originals = 0 then return
    else if *n.children > 0 then every deletematching((!n.children).node, originals)
    else every delete(originals, (!n.cs.arms).original)

procedure hasnomatch(n)
    if *n.children > 0 then return hasnomatch((!n.children).node)
    else if *n.cs.arms = 0 then return  # found it