% -*- mode: Noweb; noweb-code-mode: icon-mode -*-

\section{Convert documentation chunks to comments}

Options indicate what language and comment style is preferred, 
plus whether to attach one or all nearby doc chunks to code.
One is the default.
global format, subst, firstline, lastline, allchunks, chunks, width
record wrap(l, r)		# put fore and aft of line
record breakup(strings)		# split up these strings with spaces
record tr(old, new)		# translate old chars to new
global left_quote, right_quote

procedure main(args)
  format := wrap("/* ", " */")
  subst := breakup(["/*","*/"])
  width := 80
  left_quote := "[["
  right_quote := "]]"
  while a := get(args) do
    case a of {
      "-ml" | "-m3" : (format := wrap("(* ", " *)"), subst := breakup(["(*", "*)"]))
      "-awk" | "-icn" | "-icon" :    format := wrap("# ")
      "-lisp" | "-scm" : format := wrap(";;; ")
      "-c++" :    format := wrap("// ")
      "-c" :      { format := wrap(" * "); firstline := "/*"; lastline := " */"
		    subst := breakup(["/*", "*/"])
      "-ocamlweb" :  { format := wrap("  "); firstline := "(*"; lastline := "  *)"
  		    subst := breakup(["(*", "*)"])
		       left_quote := "["; right_quote := "]"
      "-pascal" : { format := wrap("{ ", " }"); subst := tr("{}", "--") }
      "-f77" :  format := wrap("C ")
      "-f90" :  format := wrap("! ")
      "-tex" :  format := wrap("%% ")
      "-lua" :  format := wrap("-- ")

      "-all" :  allchunks := 1
      "-one" :  allchunks := &null
      default :
	a ?
	  if (="-w", width <- integer(tab(many(&digits))), pos(0)) then
          else if ="-L" then
	    &null # deliberately ignore requests for #line
          else {
	    write("@fatal unknown argument '", a, "' to docs2comments")
  <<transform [[&input]]>>
procedure insert_blanks(s, bad)
  s ? {
    r := ""
    while r ||:= tab(find(bad)) do {
      r ||:= bad[1]
      every i := 2 to *bad do r ||:= " " || bad[i]
    return r || tab(0)
procedure comment(s)
  case type(subst) of {
    "breakup" : every s := insert_blanks(s, !subst.strings)
    "tr" : s := map(s, subst.old, subst.new)
    "null" : &null
    default : stop("unknown substitution of type ", type(subst))
  if /format.r then
    return format.l || s
  else {
    if *s < width then s ||:= repl(" ", width - *s)
    return format.l || s || format.r
[[grab]] concatenates a string [[s]] onto the last line being held in
list [[holding]].
procedure grab(s, holding)
  return (\holding)[-1] := holding[-1] || s

record docs(lines)
record code(preceding, defn, lines)

<<transform [[&input]]>>=
chunks := []
while line := read() do
  line ?
    if ="@end docs" | ="@end code" then {
      if (\holding)[-1] == "" then pull (holding)
      put(chunks, code(preceding_defn, \defn_pending, holding) | docs(holding))
## if type(chunks[-1]) == "code" then
## every write("##### " || (
## "preceding defn is " || image(preceding_defn) |
## "defn pending is " || image(defn_pending) |
##                                   "Holding chunk with these lines:" | image(!holding)))
      defn_pending := &null
      holding := &null
      chunks := drain(chunks)
    } else if ="@begin docs" then {
      indocs := 1
      holding := [""]
    } else if ="@begin code" then {
      indocs := &null
      holding := [""]
    } else if \indocs then {
      if ="@text " then {
        grab(tab(0), holding)
      } else if ="@quote" & pos(0) then {
        grab(left_quote, holding)
      } else if ="@endquote" & pos(0) then {
        grab(right_quote, holding)
      } else if ="@nl" & pos(0) then {
        put(\holding, "")
    } else if ="@defn " then {
        defn_pending := tab(0)
        if holding[-1] == "" then pull (holding)
        preceding_defn := holding
        holding := []
    } else {
        if match("@xref ") & (\holding)[-1] == "" then pull(holding)
        put(\holding, line)
drain(put(chunks, docs([])))
procedure emit_as_comments(c)
  type(c) == "docs" | runerr(1, "Unexpected code chunk")
  every write("@text ", comment(trailing_nonblank(\c.lines)), "\n@nl")

procedure trailing_nonblank(l)
  local suspended
  every s := !l do
    if \suspended | *s > 0 then {
      suspended := 1
      suspend s

procedure drain(chunks)
  static n
  initial n := -1
  if type(c := chunks[-2]) == "code" then {
    write("@begin code ", n +:= 1)
    every write(!c.preceding | ("@defn " || c.defn) | "@nl")
    write("@text ", \firstline, "\n@nl")
    every i := (if \allchunks then 1 else *chunks -2) to *chunks - 2 do
    write("@text ", comment("<" || c.defn || ">="), "\n@nl")
    write("@text ", \lastline, "\n@nl")
    bad := &null
    (bad := get(\c.lines)) == "@nl" | 
      { write(&errout, "expected newline after definition; got ", image(bad));
        runerr(1, bad) }
    every write(!c.lines)
    c := chunks[-1]
    if type(c) == "docs" & upto(\c.lines[1], ~' \n\t') then {
      write("@text ", \firstline, "\n@nl")
      write("@text ", \lastline, "\n@nl")
      chunks := []
    } else 
      chunks := [c]
    write("@end code ", n)
  return chunks

procedure copyxreflines(l)
  while match("@xref ", l[1]) do { 
    #write(&errout, "COPYING ", image(l[1]))
    get(l) #write(get(l))