This program is similar to [[makeindex]] in that it grovels through [[.aux]] files looking for index information, which it writes to a [[.nwi]] file. It's used when [[noweave -indexfrom]] is used on many files separately; it combines the separate indices into a single, correctly sorted index. That index file is read by [[\nowebindex*]]. <<*>>= procedure main(args) if *args ~= 1 then write(&errout, "Usage: noindex basename") else { in := get(args) if in[-4:0] == ".tex" then in[-4:0] := ".aux" else if not (in[-4:0] == ".aux") then in ||:= ".aux" gobble(in, idx := []) f := open(in[1:-4] || ".nwi", "w") | fatal("Cannot write ", in[1:-4] || ".nwi") last := "" every out := stripcount(!alphasort(idx)) do write(f, last ~== out) & last := out close(f) } return end <<*>>= procedure gobble(name, idx) static count initial count := 0 in := open(name) | <<can't open; return>> while line := read(in) do line ? if ="\\@input{" & name := tab(upto('}')) & move(1) & pos(0) then gobble(name, idx) else if ="\\nwixadds{" then put(idx, right(count +:= 1, 6, "0") || " " || tab(0)) return end <<*>>= procedure stripcount(s) s ? { tab(many(&digits)); tab(many(' ')); return "\\nwixaddsx{" || tab(0) } end <<can't open; return>>= { write(&errout, "No file ", name, "."); return } <<*>>= procedure alphasort(x) t := table() every s := !x do t[s] := sortkey(s) t := sort(t, 2) l := [] every put(l, (!t)[1]) return l end <<*>>= procedure sortkey(s) local count map(s) ? { count := tab(many(&digits)) tab(many(' ')) if ="c}" then return firstkey() || "\n" || count else if ="i}" then return firstkey() || "\n" || count else fatal("not chunk or index") } end <<*>>= procedure firstkey() ="{{" | fatal("bad index or chunk format") s := (remove_control_sequences() ? tab(bal('}', '{', '}') | 0)) return alphabet(s) || "\n" || s end <<*>>= procedure alphabet(s) static keep initial keep := &lcase ++ ' \t' r := "" s ? { while tab(upto(keep)) do if tab(many(' \t')) then r ||:= " " else r ||:= tab(many(&lcase)) | fatal("This can't happen") } r ? { tab(many(' ')) ; return tab(0) } # strip leading blanks end <<*>>= procedure remove_control_sequences() s := "" while s ||:= tab(upto('\\')) do { ="\\" tab(many(&letters)) | move(1) # skip tab(many(' \t')) } return s || tab(0) end @ <<*>>= procedure fatal(L[]) write!(["@fatal noindex "] ||| L) write!([&errout, "noweb error in noindex: "] ||| L) exit(1) end <<*>>= procedure rcsinfo () return "$Id: noindex.nw,v 1.15 2006/06/12 21:03:54 nr Exp nr $" || "$Name: v2_11b $" end @ \section{Index} \nowebindex