#line 10 "tohtml.nw"
# Copyright 1994 by Norman Ramsey.  All rights reserved.
# See file COPYRIGHT for more information.
#line 19 "tohtml.nw"
# Don't try to understand this file!  Look at icon/tohtml.nw in the noweb source!

global braw, eraw
procedure main(args)
  local delay, raw, where, localindex, noindex, shortxref
#line 218 "tohtml.nw"
useitemstab := table()
defns := table("")
defns_above := set()	# keep track of defining chunks we've seen
#line 25 "tohtml.nw"
  every braw | eraw := ""
  delay := !args == "-delay"
  noindex := !args == "-noindex"
  shortxref := if !args == "-longxref" then &null else 1
  localindex := (/noindex, !args == "-localindex") # produce local identifier xref?
  raw := !args == "-raw"
  if \raw then {braw := "\\begin{rawhtml}"; eraw := "\\end{rawhtml}"}
  if !args == "-no-gen-comment" then &null
    write(braw, "<!-- this file was generated automatically by noweave;",
          " better not edit it-->", eraw)
  while inputline := read() do inputline ? {
#line 90 "tohtml.nw"
if ="@text " then 	{ text +:= *(line := tab(0))
			  if \code then
#line 98 "tohtml.nw"
2(line ? {tab(many(' \t')); not pos(0)}, 
  linkto(\lastindexref, escapeSpecials(line)),
  lastindexref := &null)
#line 92 "tohtml.nw"
                               )          | escapeSpecials(line))
		          else if \quoting then
#line 123 "tohtml.nw"
2(line ? {tab(many(' \t')); not pos(0)}, 
  linklabelto(lastxreflabel, lastindexref, escapeSpecials(line), "bare"),
  lastxreflabel := lastindexref := &null)
#line 94 "tohtml.nw"
                                        ) | escapeSpecials(line))
#line 107 "tohtml.nw"
1(line ? skip_white_tags() || 
         linklabel(\lastxreflabel, skip_chars()) || tab(0),
  insert(defns_above, \lastxreflabel),
  lastxreflabel := &null)
#line 96 "tohtml.nw"
                                                   ) | line)                } else
#line 207 "tohtml.nw"
if ="@nl" & pos(0) then { 
#line 292 "tohtml.nw"
if \shortxref & (\pendinguses | \pendingprev | \pendingnext | \notused) then {
#line 297 "tohtml.nw"
if \pendinguses & *\useitems > 0 then {
  writes(" <b>(")
  every i := 1 to *\useitems do {
    usedir := if member(defns_above, useitems[i]) then "&lt;-U" else "U-&gt;"
    writes(if i > 1 then " " else "", linkto(useitems[i], usedir))
if \pendingprev | \pendingnext then {
  writes(" <b>[")
  writes(linkto(\pendingprev, "&lt;-"))
  writes(linkto(\pendingnext, "-&gt;"))
#line 294 "tohtml.nw"
  pendinguses := pendingprev := pendingnext := notused := &null
#line 208 "tohtml.nw"
			  write()                                                } else
#line 62 "tohtml.nw"
if ="@begin code " then	{ code := 1   ; thischunk := &null
#line 350 "tohtml.nw"
useitems := []
notused := &null
#line 64 "tohtml.nw"
                          writes(braw, "<pre>"); ecode := "</pre>"               } else
if ="@end code "   then { 
#line 313 "tohtml.nw"
if /shortxref then {
  useitems := useitemstab[\thischunk]
  if \pendingprev | \pendingnext | (\pendinguses, (*\useitems > 0 | \notused)) then {
#line 356 "tohtml.nw"
if ecode == "</pre>" then {
  ecode := "</blockquote>"
#line 317 "tohtml.nw"
#line 342 "tohtml.nw"
useprefix := "Used "
every i := 1 to *\useitems do {
  usedir := if member(defns_above, useitems[i]) then "above" else "below"
  usesuffix := if *\useitems > 1 then " (" || i || ")" else ""
  writes(useprefix, linkto(useitems[i], usedir || usesuffix))
  useprefix := ", "
#line 318 "tohtml.nw"
    if *\useitems > 0 & (\pendingprev | \pendingnext) then
      writes("; ")
    p := if *\useitems > 0 then "previous" else "Previous"
    n := if *\useitems > 0 then "next"     else "Next"
    if \pendingprev then
      if \pendingnext then
        writes(linkto(pendingprev, p), " and ",
               linkto(pendingnext, "next"), " definitions")
        writes(linkto(pendingprev, p), " definition")
      if \pendingnext then
        writes(linkto(pendingnext, n), " definition")
    if \pendingprev | \pendingnext | *\useitems > 0 then
    if \notused then
      writes("<br>\nThis code is written to a file (or else not used).")
    pendinguses := pendingprev := pendingnext := useitems := notused := &null
} else
#line 66 "tohtml.nw"
                          code := nil ; previscode := 1 
                          writes(ecode, eraw)                                    } else
#line 210 "tohtml.nw"
if ="@defn " then 	{ writechunk(lastxreflabel, lastxrefref, "dfn", 
                                     thischunk := tab(0), defns[thischunk] || "=")
			  insert(defns_above, \lastxreflabel)
			  useitems := \useitemstab[thischunk]
			  pendinguses := 1
#line 274 "tohtml.nw"
every lastxreflabel | lastxrefref := &null
#line 216 "tohtml.nw"
                          defns[thischunk] := "+"                                } else
#line 74 "tohtml.nw"
if ="@begin docs " then	{ if \previscode then writes(if /raw then "<p>" else "\\par")
                          previscode := &null
                          text := 0                                              } else
#line 82 "tohtml.nw"
if ="@end docs " then  	{ write(linklabel(\lastxreflabel, "*"))
                          lastxreflabel := &null                                 } else
#line 222 "tohtml.nw"
if ="@use " then 	{ writechunk(lastxreflabel, lastxrefref, "i", tab(0)) 
#line 274 "tohtml.nw"
every lastxreflabel | lastxrefref := &null
#line 223 "tohtml.nw"
                                                                                 } else
#line 251 "tohtml.nw"
if ="@xref " then {
  if fun := tab(upto(' ')) then {move(1); arg := tab(0)}
  else { fun := tab(0); arg := &null }
  case fun of { 
#line 265 "tohtml.nw"
"label"     : { 
#line 276 "tohtml.nw"
warn_unused_xref("label", \lastxreflabel)
#line 265 "tohtml.nw"
                                                        ; lastxreflabel := arg }
"ref"       : { 
#line 278 "tohtml.nw"
warn_unused_xref("ref", \lastxrefref)
#line 266 "tohtml.nw"
                                                  ;   lastxrefref   := arg }
"prevdef"   : pendingprev   := arg
"nextdef"   : pendingnext   := arg
"beginuses" : useitems := []
"useitem"   : put(useitems, arg)
"enduses"   : useitemstab[\thischunk] := useitems
"notused"   : notused := arg
#line 364 "tohtml.nw"
"begindefs" | "defitem" | "enddefs" : &null
#line 367 "tohtml.nw"
"beginchunks" : { write(braw, "<ul>") }
"chunkbegin"  : { writes("<li>"); comma := ": "; count := 0
                  arg ? { ref := tab(upto(' ')); =" "; name := tab(0) }
                  writechunk(&null, ref, "i", name) }
"chunkuse"    : { writes(comma, linkto(arg, "U" || (count +:= 1)));  comma := ", " }
"chunkdefn"   : { writes(comma, linkto(arg, "D" || (count +:= 1)));  comma := ", " }
"chunkend"    : write()
"endchunks"   : write("</ul>", eraw)
#line 255 "tohtml.nw"
    default : (\arg|"") ? warn_unknown("xref " || fun)
} else
#line 385 "tohtml.nw"
if ="@index " then {
  if /noindex then {
    if fun := tab(upto(' ')) then {move(1); arg := tab(0)}
    else { fun := tab(0); arg := &null }
    case fun of { 
#line 376 "tohtml.nw"
"beginindex"  : { write(braw, "<ul>") }
"entrybegin"  : { writes("<li>"); comma := ": "; count := 0
                  arg ? { ref := tab(upto(' ')); =" "; name := tab(0) }
                  writes(linklabelto("NWI-" || escapeSpecials(name), ref, name, "b")) }
"entryuse"    : { writes(comma, linkto(arg, "U" || (count +:= 1)));  comma := ", " }
"entrydefn"   : { writes(comma, linkto(arg, "D" || (count +:= 1)));  comma := ", " }
"entryend"    : write()
"endindex"   : write("</ul>", eraw)
#line 400 "tohtml.nw"
"use" 	    : { lastindexref := lastxrefref; lastxrefref := &null }
"defn"      : { 
#line 274 "tohtml.nw"
every lastxreflabel | lastxrefref := &null
#line 401 "tohtml.nw"
"localdefn" : { 
#line 274 "tohtml.nw"
every lastxreflabel | lastxrefref := &null
#line 402 "tohtml.nw"
"nl"        : &null # do nothing -- no hope of keeping line numbering
#line 408 "tohtml.nw"
"begindefs" : if \localindex then {
#line 313 "tohtml.nw"
if /shortxref then {
  useitems := useitemstab[\thischunk]
  if \pendingprev | \pendingnext | (\pendinguses, (*\useitems > 0 | \notused)) then {
#line 356 "tohtml.nw"
if ecode == "</pre>" then {
  ecode := "</blockquote>"
#line 317 "tohtml.nw"
#line 342 "tohtml.nw"
useprefix := "Used "
every i := 1 to *\useitems do {
  usedir := if member(defns_above, useitems[i]) then "above" else "below"
  usesuffix := if *\useitems > 1 then " (" || i || ")" else ""
  writes(useprefix, linkto(useitems[i], usedir || usesuffix))
  useprefix := ", "
#line 318 "tohtml.nw"
    if *\useitems > 0 & (\pendingprev | \pendingnext) then
      writes("; ")
    p := if *\useitems > 0 then "previous" else "Previous"
    n := if *\useitems > 0 then "next"     else "Next"
    if \pendingprev then
      if \pendingnext then
        writes(linkto(pendingprev, p), " and ",
               linkto(pendingnext, "next"), " definitions")
        writes(linkto(pendingprev, p), " definition")
      if \pendingnext then
        writes(linkto(pendingnext, n), " definition")
    if \pendingprev | \pendingnext | *\useitems > 0 then
    if \notused then
      writes("<br>\nThis code is written to a file (or else not used).")
    pendinguses := pendingprev := pendingnext := useitems := notused := &null
} else
#line 410 "tohtml.nw"
                if /uglyindex | /shortxref then {
#line 356 "tohtml.nw"
if ecode == "</pre>" then {
  ecode := "</blockquote>"
#line 412 "tohtml.nw"
                  writes("Defines ") 
                } else {
                comma := "" 
"isused"    : &null
"defitem"   : if \localindex then { 
                writes(comma, linkto("NWI-" || escapeSpecials(arg), 
                                sgmlwrap("code", escapeSpecials(arg))))
                comma := if /uglyindex | /shortxref then ", " else "<b>,</b> "
"enddefs"   : if \localindex then 
                write(if /uglyindex | /shortxref then " (links are to index).<p>" 
                      else "<b>]</b>")
"beginuses" | "isdefined" | "useitem" | "enduses" : &null  # use local links
#line 390 "tohtml.nw"
      default : (\arg|"") ? warn_unknown("index " || fun)
  # don't get any warnings if not doing indexing
} else
#line 237 "tohtml.nw"
if ="@quote"    & pos(0) then 	{ quoting := 1   ; writes(braw, "<code>")        } else
if ="@endquote" & pos(0) then 	{ quoting := nil ; writes("</code>", eraw)       } else
#line 240 "tohtml.nw"
if ="@file "                  then { filename := tab(0); 
#line 274 "tohtml.nw"
every lastxreflabel | lastxrefref := &null
#line 240 "tohtml.nw"
                                                                                 } else
if ="@literal "               then { writes(tab(0))                              } else
if ="@header html "           then { 
#line 246 "tohtml.nw"
writes("<html><head><title>", tab(0), "</title></head><body>")
#line 242 "tohtml.nw"
                                                          		         } else
if ="@trailer html" & pos(0)  then { 
#line 248 "tohtml.nw"
#line 243 "tohtml.nw"
                                                           		         } else
#line 51 "tohtml.nw"
if match("@fatal ") then {				# follows last else
} else if ="@" then 
  warn_unknown(1(tab(upto(' ')|0), pos(0) | move(1)))
  fatal("Botched line in noweb pipeline: ", tab(0))
#line 38 "tohtml.nw"
#line 131 "tohtml.nw"
procedure skip_white_tags()
  suspend thewhite() ||
             ((="<" || thewhite() || (="/" || thewhite() | "") ||
                  (tab(many(&letters)) | ="!--") || 
                   tab(upto(">")) || =">" || skip_white_tags() |
              "") \ 1)
#line 139 "tohtml.nw"
procedure skip_chars()
  if not any('<') & upto('<') then
    suspend tab(upto('<'))
  else if any('&') & upto(';') then
    suspend (tab(upto(';')) || =";")
  else if (any('<') & upto('>')) | any(' \t') then
    (write(&errout, "broken skip_chars, report to nr@eecs.harvard.edu: ", image(tab(0))),
  else if any('<') then
    (write(&errout, "warning: can't find end of HTML tag: ", image(tab(0)),
	   "\n\tquoted code embedded in comment?"), &fail)
  else if pos(0) then 
    suspend tab(0)
procedure optwhite()
  suspend tab(many(' \t')) | ""
procedure thewhite()
  return optwhite() \ 1
#line 162 "tohtml.nw"
procedure skip_tags_and_char(count)
  local tag
  /count := 0
  if any('&') & upto(';') then
    suspend(tab(upto(';')) || =";")
  else if any('<') then
    suspend ="<" || (tab(many(' \t')) | "") ||
            (="/" | (tag := tab(many(&letters)))) ||
            tab(upto(">")) || =">" || 
            (if map(tag) == "a" then 
               tab(upto("<")) || ="<" || optwhite() || ="/" || optwhite() || 
               (("A"|"a") == tab(many(&letters))) || optwhite || =">"
             else "") ||
    suspend (tab(many(' \t')) | "") || 
            ((move(1) | if count > 0 then "")\1)  # succeed at end if count > 0
#line 228 "tohtml.nw"
procedure writechunk(label, ref, tag, name, suffix)
  /suffix := ""
  writes(linklabelto(label, ref, 
                     sgmlwrap(tag, "&lt;" || convquotes(name) || "&gt;" || suffix),
#line 280 "tohtml.nw"
procedure warn_unused_xref(tag, label)
  static warned
  initial warned := set()
  if not member(warned, tag) then {
    insert(warned, tag)
    write(&errout, "Warning: internal inconsistency in noweb (not urgent)---")
    write(&errout, "\tnever used @xref ", tag, " ", label)
#line 436 "tohtml.nw"
procedure linklabelto(label, ref, contents, bare)
  local s
  s   := if \bare then "" else braw
  s ||:= if \label | \ref then "<a"   else ""
  s ||:= " name=" || image(\label)
  s ||:= " href=" || image("#" || \ref)
  s ||:= if \label | \ref then ">"    else ""
  s ||:= if \bare then "" else eraw
  s ||:= contents
  s ||:= if \bare then "" else braw
  s ||:= if \label | \ref then "</a>" else ""
  s ||:= if \bare then "" else eraw
  return s
#line 453 "tohtml.nw"
procedure linklabel(label, contents, bare)
  return linklabelto(label, &null, contents, bare)

procedure linkto(ref, contents)
  return linklabelto(&null, ref, contents, "bare")
#line 467 "tohtml.nw"
procedure sgmlwrap(tag, s)
  return "<" || tag || ">" || s || "</" || tag || ">"
#line 475 "tohtml.nw"
procedure escapeSpecials (l)
  static escapes, specials
  initial {escapes := table(); 
           escapes["&"] := "&amp;"
           escapes["<"] := "&lt;"
           escapes[">"] := "&gt;"
           escapes["\""] := "&quot;"
	   specials := ''
           every specials ++:= key(escapes)
  s := ""
  l ? { 
    while s ||:= tab(upto(specials)) do
      s ||:= escapes[move(1)]
    return s || tab(0)
#line 496 "tohtml.nw"
procedure convquotes(s)
  r := ""
  s ? {  # don't call escapeSpecials on s; it destroys internal markup
    while r ||:= tab(find("[[")) do {
      ="[[" | fatal("impossible missing [[")
      r ||:= "<code>" || tab(find("]]"))
      r ||:= tab(many(']')-2)
      ="]]" | fatal("impossible missing ]] in ", image(s))
      r ||:= "</code>"
    return r || tab(0)
#line 511 "tohtml.nw"
procedure warn_unknown(tag)
  static warned
  initial warned := set()
  if not member(warned, tag) then {
    write(&errout, "Warning: unrecognized escape @", tag, " ", tab(0))
    insert(warned, tag)
#line 522 "tohtml.nw"
procedure fatal(L[])
  write!([&errout, "noweb error in tohtml: "] ||| L)
#line 529 "tohtml.nw"
procedure rcsinfo () 
  return "$Id: tohtml.nw,v 1.19 2006/06/12 21:03:54 nr Exp nr $" ||
         "$Name: v2_11b $"