Package: yelp Version: 2.14.3 Revision: 1 Type: bundle Depends: yelp-viewer-firefox (>= %v-1) | yelp-viewer-mozilla (>= %v-1) Description: Help browser for GNOME DescDetail: << Yelp is a help browser for GNOME. The name Yelp was suggested by Daniel Lundin. Yelp is pronounced the same as the swedish word for 'help'. Starting in 2.12.2-1, the "yelp" package is a place-holder to let user pick which rendering engine to use (it's hard-coded and linked at compile-time, not a swappable back-end). << DescPackaging: << Yelp needs mozilla|firefox|thunderbird. Fink only has mozilla and firefox and both are in crypto so this yelp must be in crypto also. << License: GPL/LGPL/GFDL Maintainer: The Gnome Core Team Homepage: