Letter A

amanda-devel - Libraries and documentation of the AMANDA tape backup system.

Website: http://www.amanda.org
License: BSD
Vendor: Scientific Linux
The amanda-devel package should be installed on any machine that will
be used to develop amanda applications.


amanda-devel-2.5.0p2-4.i386 [13 KiB] Changelog by Jay Fenlason (2006-09-26):
- Include my -dump_size patch to close
  bz#206129: Dump output size determined incorrectly
- Clean up the spec file, following some suggestions in
  bz#185659: amanda 2.5.0
- Use a tarball without the problematic contrib/sst directory.
- Include my new_gnutar (based on a patch by Orion Poplawski
  <orion@cora.nwra.com>) to work around changed incremental file format
  in newer (>1.15.1) versions of gnutar.
- include my -wildcards patch to turn on wildcards with new versions of tar.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.2-1.1.el5