package Template; 



=head1 NAME

HTML5 Template for use in Perl scripts to create web sites easily.


  my $object = Template->new(
      foo  => 'bar',
      flag => 1,


Create complete mobile ready web pages/apps easily 
with this HTML5 compatible/enabled interface/module in less than 20 lines!

=head1 METHODS


use 5.10.0;
use strict;
#use warnings; 
# backwards compatibility to 5.6 
# use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK); 
use parent qw(Exporter); 
require Exporter; 
our @ISA = ("Exporter"); 

our $VERSION = '0.05'; 		# see git branch for latest version.

# - Why _OK instead of just EXPORT
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(header 
head_title head_meta head_js_css end_head 
begin_body body_js_css body_topnavbar body_accordion end_body 


=head2 new

  my $object = Template->new(
      foo => 'bar',

The C<new> constructor lets you create a new B<Template> object.

Returns a new B<Template> or dies on error.


sub new {
	my $class = shift;
	my $self  = bless { @_ }, $class;
	return $self;


=head2 math1

math1(num1, num2);


sub math1 
	my $self = shift; 
	my ($num1, $num2) = @_;
	if ($num1 eq '') { $num1 = '2'; }
	if ($num2 eq '') { $num2 = '4'; }
	my $out;
	#$out .= "Repeat this line 4 times\n"  x 4 . "\n";
	my $m = $num1 * $num2;		# To avoid error: #Argument "Addition 8 + 4 = 8" isn't numeric in addition <+> at Template.PM line 70# do the math in a new var
	my $a  = $num1 + $num2;
	my $s  = $num1 - $num2;
	my $s1 = $num2 - $num1;
	my $d = $num1 / $num2;
	my $d1 = $num2 / $num1;
	$out .= qq{<div class="math">
	<table class="table table-responsive table-bordered table-condensed table-hover">
		<thead><tr><td colspan="6">Multiplication</td></tr></thead>
		<thead><tr><td colspan="6">Addition</td></tr></thead> 
		<tr> <td></td> <td>$num1 </td> <td>\+</td> <td> $num2</td> <td> \=</td> <td> $a</td> </tr>
		<thead><tr><td colspan="6">Subtraction</td></tr></thead>
		<tr> <td></td> <td>$num1</td> <td> \-</td> <td> $num2</td> <td> \=</td> <td> $s</td> </tr>
		<tr> <td></td> <td>$num2</td> <td> \-</td> <td> $num1</td> <td> \=</td> <td> $s1</td> </tr>
		<thead><tr><td colspan="6">Division</td></tr></thead>
		<tr> <td></td> <td>$num1</td> <td> \/</td> <td> $num2</td> <td> \=</td> <td> $d </td></tr>
		<tr> <td></td> <td>$num2</td> <td> \/</td> <td> $num1</td> <td> \=</td> <td> $d1</td> </tr>

	return qq~\n$out\n~;

# begin timestable 
sub timestable 
	my $self = shift;
	my ($num1) = @_;
	if ( $num1 eq '' ) { $num1 = '2'; }
	my $out;
	$out .= qq{<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed table-striped table-hover table-responsive">};
	for ('1'..'20') 
		$out .= qq~<tr> <td>$num1</td> <td>x</td> <td>$_</td> <td>=</td> <td>~ . $num1 * $_ . qq~</td></tr>~ if ($_);
	$out .= qq{</table>};
	return $out;
# end timestable 

# begin header 
sub header 
	my $self = shift; 
	# my %in = (
		# -type => "Content-Type: text/html",  
		# -char => "charset=utf-8\n\n", 
		# @_,
	# ); 
	my @keys; 
	if (@_) { @keys = @_; } 
	my $args = scalar(@keys); 
	my ($key, $key1) = @_;
	my %out;
	if ($ARGV and $ARGV > 0 and scalar(@keys) > 0) 
		if ($key eq 'utf8')
			$out{"$key"} = qq~Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\n\n~; 
		elsif (!defined $key or $key eq '') 
			$out{"$key"} = qq~Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\n\n~;
			$out{"$key"} = qq~Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\n\n~;
		return qq~Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\n\n~; 
# end header 

# begin start html 01
sub start_html  
	my $self = shift;
	my @keys; 
	if (@_) { @keys = @_; } 
	my $args = scalar @keys; 
	my ($key, $key1) = @_; 
	my %out; 
	if ($args and $args >= 0) 
		# have your own custom header, backwards compatibility 
		my $out; 
		$out .= qq~@_ ~; 
		return $out; 
		my $out; 
		$out .= qq~<!DOCTYPE html> \n<html> \n~;  
		$out .= qq~<head> \n~; 
		return $out; 
# end start_html 

sub body_js_css 
	my $self = shift;
	my $key = "@_"; 
	my @keys; 
	if (@_) { @keys = @_; } 
	my $args = scalar (@keys); 
	my $out; 
	$out .= qq~<!--jquery-->
<script src="/jquery/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="/jquery/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="/jquery/ui/1.11.2.lightness/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

<!-- IE10 viewport hack for Surface/desktop Windows 8 bug -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/bootstrap/fixed-top/ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// for tabs 
\$(function() {
    var tabs = \$( "#tabs" ).tabs();
    tabs.find( ".ui-tabs-nav" ).sortable({
      axis: "x",
      stop: function() {
        tabs.tabs( "refresh" );
// dialog 
\$(function() {
    \$( "#dialog" ).dialog({
      autoOpen: false,
      show: {
        effect: "blind",
        duration: 1000
      hide: {
        effect: "explode",
        duration: 1000
    \$( "#opener" ).click(function() {
      \$( "#dialog" ).dialog( "open" );
//\$('#dialog').dialog(); // no need, is taken care by the animation dialog above.  enabling this will make the dialog appear on load instead of on click of a/the link
	if ( $args ) 
		if ( $args >= 0) 
			my $return;
			for (@keys ) 
				if ($_ =~ /.js$/)
					$return .= qq~<script type="text/javascript" src="$_"></script>\n~; 
				elsif ($_ =~ /.css$/)
					$return .= qq~<link href="$_" rel="stylesheet" style="text/css">\n~; 
					# do nothing
					#return qq~<!--213--> @keys\n~; 
			return qq~<!--216 jQ-->$return~; 	#
			return qq~<!--223 noArgs-->$out~; 
		return qq~<!--229 noParams-->$out~; 	# 

# start end_html 
sub end_html 
	my $self = shift;
	my @keys; 
	if (@_) { @keys = @_; } 
	my ($key, $key1) = @_;
	my $out; 
	$out .= qq~</html>\n\n~;
	if ($ARGV and $ARGV > 0 or scalar(@keys) > 0) 
		return qq~@_~;
		return $out; 
# end end_html

# start head title 02 
sub head_title
	my $self = shift;
	my $key = "@_"; 
	my @keys; 
	if (@_) { @keys = @_; } 
	my $out; 
	$out .= qq~~; 
	if ($ARGV and $ARGV > 0 or scalar(@keys) > 0) 
		if ($key) 
			return qq~<title>@_</title>\n~; 
			return qq~<title>Template</title>\n~; 
		return qq~<title>Package Html5</title>\n~; 	# this works but does not ask the user
# end head title 

# begin head meta 03
sub head_meta
	my $self = shift;
	my $key = "@_"; 
	my @keys; 
	if (@_) { @keys = @_; } 
	my $args = scalar @keys; 
	my $out; 
	$out .= qq~<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> 
<meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true"> 
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> 
	if ($args) 
		if ($args >= 0) 
			my $return;
			for (@keys ) 
				my ( $meta_name, $meta_cont) = split(/---/, $_, 2);
				$return .= qq~<meta name="$meta_name" content="$meta_cont">\n~; 
			return qq~$return<!--360-->~; 
			$out .= qq~<meta name="description" content="HTML5 by Business Impact Solutions -"/><!--364-->~; 
			# add default meta if user has not called one of his own
			return qq~$out~; 
		return qq~$out~; 	# this works but does not ask the user
# end head meta 03 

# begin body top nav bar
sub body_topnavbar
	my $self = shift;
	my $key = "@_"; 
	my @keys; 
	if (@_) { @keys = @_; } 
	my $out; 
	$out .= qq~<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/top-nav-bar.js"></script>
<!--top nav bar begin-->
<script type="text/javascript">
fixed_top_navbar('', '', 'Menu', '', '');
<!-- top nav bar end--> 
	if ($ARGV and $ARGV > 0 or scalar(@keys) > 0) 
		if ($key) 
			return qq~@_\n~; 
			return qq~$out\n~; 
		return qq~$out\n~; 	# this works but does not ask the user
# end body top nav bar

sub head_js_css
	my $self = shift;
	my $key = "@_"; 
	my @keys; 
	if (@_) { @keys = @_; } 
	my $args = scalar (@keys); 
	my $out; 
	$out .= qq~<!-- Bootstrap/jqueryUI -->

<link href="/jquery/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="/jquery/bootstrap/fixed-top/navbar-fixed-top.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/jquery/ui/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/jquery/ui/themes/smoothness/theme.css" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js for IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

	if ($args) 
		if ($args >= 0) 
			my $return;
			for (@keys ) 
				if ($_ =~ /.js$/)
					$return .= qq~<!--442--> \n<script type="text/javascript" src="$_"></script> \n~; 
				elsif ($_ =~ /.css$/)
					$return .= qq~<!--446--> \n<link href="$_" rel="stylesheet" style="text/css"> \n~; 
					# do nothing
					return qq~@keys<!--469-->\n~; 
			return qq~$return<!--473 jQ-->\n~; 
			return qq~$out\n~; 
		return qq~$out\n~; 	# this works but does not ask the user
# end head js css

# begin end head
sub end_head 
	my $self = shift;
	my $key = "@_"; 
	my @keys; 
	if (@_) { @keys = @_; } 
	my $out; 
	$out .= qq~</head>~; 
	if ($ARGV and $ARGV > 0 or scalar(@keys) > 0) 
		if (@_) 
			return qq~@_\n~; 
			return qq~$out\n~; 
		return qq~$out\n~; 	# this works but does not ask the user
# end end head 

# begin begin body 
sub begin_body 
	my $self = shift;
	my $key = "@_"; 
	my @keys;  
	if (@_) { @keys = @_; } 
	my $out; 
	$out .= qq~<body>~; 
	if ($ARGV and $ARGV > 0 or scalar(@keys) > 0) 
		if (@_) 
			return qq~@_\n~; 
			return qq~$out\n~; 
		return qq~$out\n~; 	# this works but does not ask the user
# end begin body

# sub content_via_file {} 

# content_via_file = body_accordian; 

# begin accordion or rather file content.  Need to change name of this method
sub body_accordion 

=head1 Usage

	my $h = Template->new();
	say $h->body_accordion( $h->open_file("C:/Users/user/public/app/open_file_example.txt", 'Type', 'Header') ); 


	my $self = shift;
	my $key = "@_"; 
	my @keys;  
	if (@_) { @keys = @_; } 
	my $out; 
	$out .= qq~<!--begin Content--> 
<div id="accordion617" class="accordion">
	<h3>Who is it for</h3>
	<div>For those who know/uderstand Perl/HTML/jQuery</div>
	<h3>What about a bigger number?</h3>
	<div>Sure.  Use the custom form to get the times table for a number greater than 30?</div>
	<h3>How about any number/range?</h3>
	<div>Yes, of course!  Once again, use the custom form bearing the heading "Or enter your own"</div>
	<h3>Can I customize it for own use?</h3>
	<div>In that case, you need to purchase the software and/or order a customization</div>

<!--end Content-->
	if ($ARGV and $ARGV > 0 or scalar(@keys) > 0) 
		if (@_) 
			return qq~@_\n~; 
			return qq~\n<!--525--> \n$out\n~; 
		return qq~\n$out\n~; 	#
# end accordion

sub body_article 
	my $self = shift;
	my $out;
	my %in;
	%in = 
		content => "",
		type => "article",
		header => "Content Header",
	if ( !defined $in{content} or $in{content} eq '' )
		return qq{
			No Content
		return qq{<article class="container"><h2>$in{header}</h2>

# begin begin body 
sub end_body 
	my $self = shift;
	my $key = "@_"; 
	my @keys;  
	if (@_) { @keys = @_; } 
	my $out; 
	$out .= qq~</body>~; 
	if ($ARGV and $ARGV > 0 or scalar(@keys) > 0) 
		if (@_) 
			return qq~@_\n~; 
			return qq~$out\n~; 
		return qq~$out\n~; 	# this works but does not ask the user
# end end body

# begin content folder to select form 
sub body_form 
	my $self = shift; 
	my $out; 
	my @keys;  
	if (@_) { @keys = @_; } 
	my ($vars, $vals) = ''; 
	for (@keys) 
		$vars = $_ if ($_ =~ /^vars/); 
		$vals = $_ if ($_ =~ /^vals/); 
	my @form_vars = split(/\;/, $vars); 
	my @form_vals = split(/\;/, $vals); 
	# get params for hidden fields if given 
	my @hidden; 
	if ($form_vars[4] and $form_vars[4] =~ /\,/) 
		 @hidden = split(/\,/, $_) if $_; 
		@hidden = ("No", "Vals"); 
	# if SELECT .... 
	my $select; 
	if ($form_vars[3] and $form_vars[3] =~ /^select/) 
		# get the params for the form 
		my ($sel_key, $sel_name, $sel_default, $folder_or_file) = split(/\,/, $form_vars[3], 4); 
		$select .= qq~<label for"$sel_name">$sel_default</label>
<div class="form-group"><!--begin select-->
<select name="$sel_name">
	<option selected value="$sel_default">$sel_default</option>
		#now open file/folder to fill "options" 
		if ( -f $folder_or_file ) 
			# open as file 
			#$select .= qq~none~; 
		elsif (-d $folder_or_file)
			# open as dir and add all files in it to "options" 
			opendir (D, "$folder_or_file") or print "$!";
			my @dir = readdir(D); 
			close D;
			for my $file (@dir)
				next unless $file =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9]/; 
				# comment if your want subfolders also listed 
				next unless -f "$folder_or_file/$file"; 
				# get rid of . and ..
				next if $file =~ /^(\.|\.\.)/; 
				# do not add hidden files to the options list
				next if $file =~ /^\./; 
				#$select .= '  ' x 8 . qq~<option value="$file">$file</option>\n~ if $file; 	# ' ' x 8 = 8 spaces 
				# get the size of th file 
				my $size = -s "$folder_or_file/$file"; 
				my $original = $size; 
					$size /= 1024; 
					$size /= 1024;
					$size = sprintf "%.2f", $size; 
				$select .= qq~\t<option value="$file">$file [$size mb]</option>\n~ if $file; 	# ' ' x 9 #= spaces

$select .= qq~</select>
</div><!--end select-->
		# no select
		$select .= qq~~; 
	$out .= qq~<form action="$form_vars[2]" method="$form_vars[1]">~;  
		# add hidden fields/values # from $form_vars[4] 
		for (@hidden)
			my ($name, $value) = split(/---/, $_, 2) if $_; 
			$out .= qq~<input type="hidden" name="$name" value="$value"/>\n~ if $_; 
		# add select 
		$out .= qq~$select~;  
	$out .= qq~\n<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Submit</button>\n</form>\n\n~; 
	return qq~$out~; 


sub defaults_begin
	my $self = shift; 
	my $out;
	$out .= sprintf header(),  
		return $out; 

sub defaults_end 
	my $self = shift; 
	my $out;
	$out .= sprintf body_js_css(),
	return $out;

# Begin Fri Mar 13 00:15:20 2015

my %HTML = (
	-defaultjquery => qq~<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/ui/1.11.2.lightness/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<!-- IE10 viewport hack for Surface/desktop Windows 8 bug -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/bootstrap/fixed-top/ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// for tabs 
\$(function() {
    var tabs = \$( "#tabs" ).tabs();
    tabs.find( ".ui-tabs-nav" ).sortable({
      axis: "x",
      stop: function() {
        tabs.tabs( "refresh" );
// dialog 
\$(function() {
    \$( "#dialog" ).dialog({
      autoOpen: false,
      show: {
        effect: "blind",
        duration: 1000
      hide: {
        effect: "explode",
        duration: 1000
    \$( "#opener" ).click(function() {
      \$( "#dialog" ).dialog( "open" );

sub html_bootstrap_css   
	return qq~<!-- Bootstrap/jqueryUI -->
<link href="/jquery/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="/jquery/bootstrap/fixed-top/navbar-fixed-top.css" rel="stylesheet">

sub html_jqueryui_css 
	return qq~<link href="/jquery/ui/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/jquery/ui/themes/smoothness/theme.css" rel="stylesheet"> 

sub html_shim_respond 
	return qq~<!-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js for IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


sub html_navbar 
	#my $self = shift; 
	my %i;
	%i = (
		-nbmenu 	=>	"", 
		-nbpage 	=> 	"",
		-nbpage1    =>  "",
		-nbmenu1    =>  "",
	return qq~<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/top-nav-bar.js"></script>
<!--top nav bar begin-->
<script type="text/javascript">
//fixed_top_navbar('$i{-nbpage1}', '', '$i{-nbmenu1}', '', '');
fixed_top_navbar('$_[0]', '', '$_[1]', '', '');
<!-- top nav bar end--> 


sub html_bootstrap_js  
	return qq~<!-- Bootstrap/jqueryUI -->
<link href="/jquery/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="/jquery/bootstrap/fixed-top/navbar-fixed-top.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/jquery/ui/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/jquery/ui/themes/smoothness/theme.css" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js for IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


sub html_js_css 

sub html_jquery 

sub html_humanejs_css
	return qq~<link rel='stylesheet' href='/jquery/humane-js/themes/bigbox.css'>
      <link rel='stylesheet' href='/jquery/humane-js/themes/boldlight.css'>
      <link rel='stylesheet' href='/jquery/humane-js/themes/jackedup.css'>
      <link rel='stylesheet' href='/jquery/humane-js/themes/libnotify.css'>
      <link rel='stylesheet' href='/jquery/humane-js/themes/original.css'>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/jquery/humane-js/themes/flatty.css'>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

sub html_bootstrap_bluimp 
	return qq~<!-- The Bootstrap Image Gallery lightbox, should be a child element of the document body -->
		<div id="blueimp-gallery" class="blueimp-gallery blueimp-gallery-controls" data-use-bootstrap-modal="false">
	    <!-- The container for the modal slides -->
	    <div class="slides"></div>
	    <!-- Controls for the borderless lightbox -->
	    <h3 class="title"></h3>
	    <a class="prev">‹</a>
	    <a class="next">›</a>
	    <a class="close">×</a>
	    <a class="play-pause"></a>
	    <ol class="indicator"></ol>
	    <!-- The modal dialog, which will be used to wrap the lightbox content -->
	    <div class="modal fade">
	        <div class="modal-dialog">
	            <div class="modal-content">
	                <div class="modal-header">
	                    <button type="button" class="close" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>
	                    <h4 class="modal-title"></h4>
	                <div class="modal-body next"></div>
	                <div class="modal-footer">
	                    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default pull-left prev">
	                        <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i>
	                    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary next">
	                        <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></i>
# end sub html_bootstrap_bluimp 

sub head 
	my $self = shift; 
	my $out; 
	my %in = (
		-type 	=> "Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\n\n", 
		-bootstrap 	=> html_bootstrap_css, 
		-jqueryui 	=> html_jqueryui_css, 
		-htmlshim	=> html_shim_respond, 
		-humanejs  => html_humanejs_css, 
		-title 		=> "Page Title", 
		-cssLinks => "", 
		-cssCode => "", 
		-mobilemeta => qq~<meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">~, 
		-charsetmeta => qq~<meta charset="utf-8">~, 
		-usermeta => "",
	for (keys %in) 
		#$out .= qq~$in{$_}\n~;  # disordered 

# css multiple links/files 
my $css; my @css; 
if ($in{-cssLinks} )
	if  ( $in{-cssLinks} =~ /\,/ ) 
		@css = split(/\,/, $in{-cssLinks});
		for (@css) 
			if ($_ =~ /\.css$/) 
				$css .= qq~<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="$_">\n~ ; 
				$css = ''; 
	$css = qq~~; 

	return qq~$in{-type}<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
~; 	# thats orderly 

# end head 

sub body 
	my $self = shift; 
	my $out; 
	my %in; 
	%in = (
		-h1		=> qq~$ENV{SERVER_NAME}~,
		-onload => qq~setTitle();~,  
		-nbhead 	=> qq~~,
		-nbpage => qq~~, 
		-nbmenu => qq~~, 
		-defaultjquery => qq~$HTML{-defaultjquery}~, 
		-humanejs => qq~<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/js/humane-js/humane.min.js">~, 
		-userjquery => qq~~, 
		-navbar => html_navbar( $in{-nbmenu}, $in{-nbpage}, "Obselete Thu Mar 26 10:03:47 2015") , 
		-content => qq~<div class="content">Content</div>~, 
		-footer => qq~All rights reserved &copy; $ENV{SERVER_NAME}~, 	
		-bootstrapbluimp => html_bootstrap_bluimp, 	
	return qq~<body onload="$in{-onload}">
<div id="main" class="container">
		<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery/utils/top-nav-bar.js"></script>
<!--top nav bar begin-->
<script type="text/javascript">
fixed_top_navbar('$in{-nbhead}', '$in{-nbpage}', '$in{-nbmenu}', '', '');


	<div class="content">$in{-content}</div>
	<div class="footer">$in{-footer}</div>


<script type="text/javascript">


# end body 


=head1 SUPPORT

Support via email only: <perl-cpan at>

=head1 AUTHOR

Copyright 2012 Anonymous.


sub create_accordion 
	my $out; 
	my $file = "@_"; 
	my @data; 
	if ($file and -e -f $file) 
		$out .= open_file("$file");
		$out .= qq~#55 Unable to open file $file~; 
	return $out; 
# end create accordion

sub open_file 
	my $self =shift;
	# OUTPUT FORMAT OPTIONS: table, accordion, menu, as is; where "as is" is the default
	my $file = "$_[0]"; 			# do not use @_ for a scalar: it puts all together and the file path was wrong.  # use $_[n] # use $_ if and only if there will be just one var passed to this sub
	my $output_format = "$_[1]"; 	
	my $output_header = "$_[2]"; 
	my $out; 
	my @data; 
	if (open(FILE, "$file") )
		#open(FILE, "$file") or $out .= qq~77 $!~; 
		@data = <FILE>; 
		$out .= qq~\n<!--begin file output-->\n<div class="file_output">\n~; 
		# Step 1 
		# set the header as per format  
		if ($output_format eq 'table') 
			$out .= qq~<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-condensed table-responsive">
					<tr><th colspan="2">$output_header</th></tr>
		elsif ($output_format eq 'accordion')
			$out .= qq~<h2>$output_header</h2>\n<div id="accordion2" class="accordion"><!--118-->\n~;
		elsif ($output_format eq 'menu') 
			$out .= qq~<ul class="menu" id="menu">\n<li><a href="/">$output_header</a>\n<ul>~;
		elsif ($output_format eq 'tabs')
			# special case for tabs since the data needs to be formatted a little differently 
			$out .= qq~<h2>$output_header</h2>\n<div id="tabs">\n<ul>\n~;
			my $sl = '0'; 
				foreach my $line (@data) 
					$sl++ if $line; 
					my ($h1, $div) = (''); 
					if ($line =~ /\|/) 		
						($h1, $div) = split(/\|/, $line, 2); 
					} 			# no (\|) # i.e., no enclosing with brackets.  was the culprit 
					elsif ($line =~ /\t+/) { 
						($h1, $div) = split(/\t+/, $line, 2); 
					elsif ($line =~ /\s+/) 
						($h1, $div) = split(/\s+/, $line, 2); 
					# Keep only those items that have '\s+==' in the beginning 
					# next unless ($h1 =~ /^#/ or $div =~ /^#/); 
					# $h1 =~ s!^#!!g;
					# $div =~ s!^#!!g; 
					next unless ($h1 =~ /^\s+==/ or $div =~ /^\s+==/); 
					$div =~ s~^\s+==~~g; 
					$h1 =~ s~^\s+==~~g; 
					$out .= qq~\t<li><a href="#tabs-$sl">$h1</a></li>\n~; 
			$out .= qq~</ul>\n~; 
		elsif ($output_format eq 'dialog')
			$out .= qq~<h2>Dialog: <a href="#opener" id="opener" title="Opens the Dialog">$output_header</a></h2>
<div id="dialog">\n~; 
			$out .= qq~\n<h2>$output_header</h2>\n~; 
		# End Step 1
		# now work on file 
		my $serial = '0'; 
		foreach my $line (@data) 
			chomp $line; 
			$serial++ if $line; 
			my ($h1, $div) = (''); 
			if ($line) 				# make sure no output if line is empty
				$line =~ s! RN !\r\n!g;
				# split the file's lines into usable data according to separator used.
				if ($line =~ /\|/) 		
					($h1, $div) = split(/\|/, $line, 2); 
				} 			# no (\|) # i.e., no enclosing with brackets.  was the culprit 
				elsif ($line =~ /\t+/) { 
					($h1, $div) = split(/\t+/, $line, 2); 
				elsif ($line =~ /\s+/) 
					($h1, $div) = split(/\s+/, $line, 2); 
				# end split the file's line according to match: 3 options: |, \t+, or \s+ 

			#$out .= qq~\t<h3>$h1</h3>\n\t<div>$div</div>\n~ if $line;  	# old way
			# Step 2 
			#Now set the content as per output format 
			if ($output_format eq 'table') 
				# Keep only those items that have a # in the beginning 
				next unless ($h1 =~ /^\s+#/ or $div =~ /^\s+#/); 
				$div =~ s!^\s+#!!g;
				$h1 =~ s!^\s+#!!g;
				$out .= qq~\t<tr><td>$h1</td><td>$div</td></tr>\n~; 
			elsif ($output_format eq 'accordion')
				# Keep only those items that have a # in the beginning 
				# next unless ($h1 =~ /^#/ or $div =~ /^#/); 
				# $div =~ s!^#!!g; 
				# $h1 =~ s!^#!!g; 
				next unless ($h1 =~ /^\s+--/ or $div =~ /^\s+--/); 
				$div =~ s~^\s+--~~g; 
				$h1 =~ s~^\s+--~~g; 
				# next unless ($h1 =~ /^*/ or $div =~ /^*/); 
				# $div =~ s~^*~~g; 
				# $h1 =~ s~^*~~g; 
				$out .= qq~\t<h3>$h1</h3>\n\t<div>$div</div>\n~ if $line; 
			elsif ($output_format eq 'menu') 
				# the first item will be used as link title and name
				# the second item will be used as the actual link  
				# no extensions added automatically by the script 
				# an id for each link/li is also provided in case, may be it is not needed 
				# Remove items with a # in the beginning; Sat Feb 21 18:48:19 2015
				next if ($h1 =~ /^#/ or $div =~ /^#/); 
				next unless ($h1 =~ /^\s+http/ or $div =~ /^\s+http/); 
				$out .= qq~\t<li id="li-$serial"><a id="a-$serial" href="$div" title="$h1">$h1</a></li>\n~;
			elsif ($output_format eq 'tabs') 
				# Keep only those items that have a # in the beginning 
				# next unless ($h1 =~ /^#/ or $div =~ /^#/); 
				# $div =~ s!^#!!g;
				# $h1 =~ s!^#!!g; 
				next unless ($h1 =~ /^\s+==/ or $div =~ /^\s+==/); 
				$div =~ s~^\s+==~~g; 
				$h1 =~ s~^\s+==~~g; 
				$out .= qq~\t<div id="tabs-$serial"><p>$div</p></div>\n~; 
			elsif ($output_format eq 'dialog')
				next unless ($h1 =~ /^\s+#/ or $div =~ /^\s+#/); 
				$div =~ s!^\s+#!!g;
				$h1 =~ s!^\s+#!!g;
				$out .= qq~<p>$h1</p>\n<p>$div</p>\n~; 
				$out .= qq~$h1 $div~; 	# or $line
		# add an extra item at the end of file output
		#$out .= qq~\t<h3>Powered by Business Impact Solutions</h3>\n\t<div>, - Business Impact Solutions</div>\n~; 
		# Step 3 
		# set the output ending as per format  
		if ($output_format eq 'table') 
			$out .= qq~\n</tbody>\n</table>\n\n~; 
		elsif ($output_format eq 'accordion')
			$out .= qq~\n<!--end accordion--></div>\n\n~;
		elsif ($output_format eq 'menu') 
			$out .= qq~</ul></ul>~;
		elsif ($output_format eq 'tabs')
			$out .= qq~</div><!--end tabs-->\n~; 
		elsif ($output_format eq 'dialog') 
			$out .= qq~</div><!--end dialog-->\n~; 
			$out .= qq~\n\n~; 
		# end file output wrapper
		$out .= qq~</div><!--end file output-->\n~; 
		close FILE; 
		return $out; 
		my $out;
		@data = <DATA>; 
		$out .= qq~\n<!--begin accord 112-->\n<div id="accordion1460" class="accordion">\n~; 
		foreach my $line (@data) 
			chomp $line; 
			my ($h1, $div) = (''); 
			($h1, $div) = split(/\t+/, $line, 2) if $line; 
			$out .= qq~\t<h3>$h1</h3>\n\t<div>$div</div>\n~ if $line; 
		$out .= qq~\t<h3>Powered by</h3>\n\t<div>Package HTML5</div>\n~; 
		$out .= qq~</div>\n<!--end accord-->\n~; 
		return $out; 
# end open_file

sub edit_file
	my $self = shift;
	my $out;
	my %in;
	%in = (
		file => "",
		error => "",
		action => "TemplateAdmin.cgi",
		serial => '', 
		output_type => '',
	if (-e -f "$in{file}")
		open(FILE, "$in{file}") or $in{error} = "unable to open $in{file}";
		my @file = <FILE>;
		close FILE;
		$out .= qq{
		<article class="container">
			<h3>Add New Item</h3>
				<a href="$in{action}?action=newItem" title="Add new item">Add New Item</a> 

			<h3>Edit Items</h3>
			<form action="$in{action}" method="post">
			<input type="hidden" name="action" value="write">
		for (@file)
			next if $_ =~ /^$/;
			$in{serial}++ if $_;
			my ( $type, $content ) = split(/\|/, $_, 2);
			$type =~ s!\s+$!!g;
			my $identifiers = substr "$content", 0, 4;	# has to be 4 to cover 'http.'  Also, assuming no spaces in the beginning (removed by write_file)
			# determine output type
			if ( $identifiers =~ /^\#/ ) { $in{output_type} = 'Table'; }
			elsif ( $identifiers =~ /^\-/ ) { $in{output_type} = 'Accordion'; }
			elsif ( $identifiers =~ /^\=/ ) { $in{output_type} = 'Tabs'; }
			elsif ( $identifiers =~ /^http/ ) { $in{output_type} = 'Menu'; }
			else { $in{output_type} = 'None'; }
			# remove all nonmeta characters for web page display 
			$identifiers =~ s!(\s+|[a-zA-z0-9])!!g;	# removes http also.
			$content =~ s!\<!&lt\;!g;
			$content =~ s!\>!&gt\;!g;
			$content =~ s! RN !\r\n!g; # &#13;&#10;
			$out .= qq`<div>
				<span class="serial">$in{serial} </span> 
				<span class="type">$type </span> 
				<span class="identifiers">$identifiers </span>
				<span class="output_type">Type:$in{output_type} </span>
				<textarea name="ta-$type" id="ta-$type" rows="5" cols="98%">$type , $content</textarea>
		$out .= qq{<input type='submit' value="Save"></form></article>};
		return $out;

sub write_file
	my $self = shift;
	my $out; 
	my %in;
	%in = 
		file => "",
		error => "",
		powershell => "C:/WINDOWS/system32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe ",
	my %vars;
	use CGI;
	my $q = new CGI;
	%vars = $q->Vars();
	my $action = $q->param('action');
	if ( $action eq 'write')

		if (-e -f "$in{file}")
			# First, get file content to backup to another file
			open(F, "$in{file}") or $in{error} .= "#1565 Unable to open file for reading. '$!' <br/>";
			my @f = <F>;
			# save original file content to backup file
			open(BAK, ">$in{file}.bak.txt") or $in{error} .= "#1570 Unable to create backup file '$in{file}.bak.txt' '$!' <br/>";
			for (@f)
				print BAK qq{$_};	
			close BAK;
			close F;
			# recreate file, thereby deleting original content 
			open(DEL, ">$in{file}") or $in{error} .= "#1579 Unable to recreate file '$in{file}' '$!' <br/>";
			print DEL "File ReCreated";
			close DEL;
			my %out;
			for (keys %vars)
				chomp $_; 
				chomp $vars{$_}; 
				next if $_ eq 'action';
				my ( $name, $value ) = split(/\,/, $vars{"$_"}, 2);
				$name =~ s!(\r\n+|\n+)! RN !g;
				$value =~ s!(\r\n+|\n+)! RN !g;
				$value =~ s!^\s+!!g;
				$out{"$name"} = "$value";
			# Insert/Add new content
			open(FILE, ">$in{file}") or $in{error} .= "#1582 Error writing to file '$in{file}' '$!' <br/>";			
			for (keys %out) 
				print FILE qq{$_\|$out{$_}\n};
			close FILE;
			if (-e -f "$in{file}.bak.txt" and -e -f "$in{file}")
				return "<div class='success'>Saved</div> <div class='error'>$in{error}</div>";
				return "<div>#1605 Error saving file '$in{file}'</div> <div class='error'>$in{error}</div>";
			return "File not found";
	elsif ( $action eq 'newItem' )
		return "$action";
		return '* ' x 50;
