+ core + and graphics anchored in Writer as character.. (tdf#154827, tdf#154428) [Noel Grandin] + assume IFrame script/macro support isn't needed [Caolán McNamara] + backport writer sidebar "check SfxViewFrame::Current()" [Caolán McNamara] + bApres -> bAfter [Mike Kaganski] + basctl: fix crash in EditorWindow::Command [Xisco Fauli] + bump product version to [Christian Lohmaier] + bump product version to [Christian Lohmaier] + check if range is entirely merged (tdf#154803) [Andreas Heinisch] + compressing tool calculates compression rate wrong on large images (tdf#153190) [Noel Grandin] + crash inspecting uninserted XFieldMaster (tdf#152619) [Caolán McNamara] + crashtesting: xSource seen as empty reference [Caolán McNamara] + disable binary search on sorted cache for current releases (tdf#151958) [Eike Rathke] + do not forget to split the outermost section frame (tdf#154113) [Mike Kaganski] + do not reset IsFootnoteDone status in line layout (tdf#138124) [Mike Kaganski] + don't crash at least (tdf#137542) [Caolán McNamara] + don't crash on loading dubious fods (tdf#151560) [Caolán McNamara] + draw/Impress Standard toolbar missing many icons (tdf#154946) [Julien Nabet] + EMF+ Performance boost of the EmfPlusRecordTypeDrawBeziers (tdf#154789) [Bartosz Kosiorek] + fail gracefully on encountering a negative compression value (tdf#155005) [Caolán McNamara] + fileopen PPTX: Table with rotated text wrong (tdf#154501) [Noel Grandin] + fix assert/check (tdf#155011) [Mike Kaganski] + fix ucb: webdav-curl: carry over Class1 bit only if set (tdf#155004) [Michael Stahl] + formula: fix crash in FormulaDlg_Impl::UpdateSelection [Xisco Fauli] + hyphenation crashes with -Alte... (tdf#153958) [Caolán McNamara] + KEY_DECIMAL == GDK_KEY_KP_Decimal or GDK_KEY_KP_Separator (tdf#154623) [Caolán McNamara] + libxml2: upgrade to release 2.10.4 [Michael Stahl] + make double-click to expand rows the same as arrow expand (tdf#154912) [Caolán McNamara] + null-dereference READ (ofz#57592) [Caolán McNamara] + put floating frames under managed links control [Caolán McNamara] + revert "use OutputDevice clipping if its just a set of rectangles" (tdf#154957) [Caolán McNamara] + skip dispatch when presenter controller is not set (tdf#154546) [Patrick Luby] + sw: fix crash in OutHTML_SwFormatField() [Miklos Vajna] + sw: fix divide by 0 [Xisco Fauli] + sw: fix divide by 0 in SwFlyFrame::CalcRel [Xisco Fauli] + update credits [Christian Lohmaier] + update git submodules [Christian Lohmaier] + use a TriStateEnabled helper (tdf#153441) [Caolán McNamara] + use ScopedVclPtr (tdf#154016) [Mike Kaganski] + version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier] + dictionaries + version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier] + help + version, tag libreoffice- [Christian Lohmaier] + translations + update translations for 7.5.3 rc2 [Christian Lohmaier]