@echo off : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- : MAKEPK Copyright (C) 1992,94 by Norman Walsh : : This file is free. You can do anything you like with it with one : exception: if you change this file, you MUST rename it! : : Requirements: 4DOS, ps2pk, afm2tfm, pfm2afm, pkbbox : : Usage: MAKEPK fontfn ptsize [pkfn] [-opts] : : Norman Walsh : <norm@ora.com> : : 12/09/1992: - Vers 0.5 :-------------------------------------------------------------------------- : See usage info below : : This batch file relies on the following directory structure: : : C:\PSFONTS\ Root of the PostScript fonts directory. : This is stored in the %[PSFONTS] env. variable : %[PSFONTS]\PFB Where .PFB files are kept : %[PSFONTS]\AFM Where .AFM files are kept : %[PSFONTS]\PFM Where .PFM files are kept (only required if the : AFM file does not exist) : %[PSFONTS]\TFM Where _all_ TFM files are kept for PS fonts : C:\BIN\PS2PK Where all the PS2PK utils are kept :-------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Make sure the parameters are ok... iff %# lt 1 then echo Usage: %0 fontfn ptsize [pkfn] [-opts] echo. echo MAKEPK rasterizes 'fontfn' at 'ptsize' and stores it in 'pkfn'. The echo default 'pkfn' is the name of the 'fontfn'. All fonts are stored in echo the %[psfonts]\@Rrdpi\ directory. If -opts are supplied, they are echo passed to PS2PK. quit 1 endiff : Setup local environment setlocal pushd %[psfonts] : Parse the command line set pfbfn=%@name[%1] set ptsz=%2 set pkfn=%@name[%3] shift 2 :toshift iff �%@substr[%1,0,1]� == �-� then set pkopts=%pkopts %1 else set pkfn=%@name[%1] endiff shift if %# gt 0 goto toshift : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- : Figure out the name of the appropriate PK directory. Create it if it : doesn't exist. Abort if a filename exists with that name... : : TeX seems to underestimate the font size by a very small amount. We : compensate (in the calculation of the directory) by adding the small : amount 0.0005 to the point size before truncating to integer... : set pkres=%@int[%@eval[(%@eval[%ptsz+0.0005] * 300) / 10]] set pkdir=%[pkres]dpi if isdir %pkdir goto okdir iff not exist %pkdir then md %pkdir goto okdir endiff echo MakePK: Cannot create directory: %pkdir quit 1 :okdir : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- : Setup the %PKFN if it wasn't set by a parameter if "%pkfn" == "" set pkfn=%@name[%pfbfn] : If the font and TFM alread exist, don't bother making them iff exist %[pkdir]\%[pkfn].pk .and. .\tfm\%@filesize[%[pkfn].tfm] gt 0 then popd quit 0 endiff : Check to see if an AFM file exists (and has a reasonable size)... iff %@filesize[.\afm\%[pfbfn].afm] gt 0 then set afmok=1 else set afmok=0 endiff : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- : Make sure we have everything we need...a PFB and an AFM or PFM... set ok=1 iff not exist .\pfb\%[pfbfn].pfb then echo Cannot find PFB file: .\pfb\%[pfbfn].pfb set ok=0 endiff iff not exist .\pfm\%[pfbfn].pfm .and. %afmok == 0 then echo Cannot find PFM file (.\pfm\%[pfbfn].pfm) and echo cannot find AFM file (.\afm\%[pfbfn].afm) set ok=0 endiff if "%ok" == "0" quit 1 set ok= : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- : If we didn't find an AFM file, make one... iff %afmok == 0 then echo PFMtoAFM... \bin\ps2pk\pfm2afm .\pfm\%[pfbfn].pfm .\afm\%[pfbfn].afm endiff : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- : Build the font... echo Rasterizing... ::: The lines marked *** MERGE *** should be joined onto the end of the ::: preceding line. They were broken only to fit within the margins of ::: this book. echo ps2pk -P10 -X%[pkres] -a.\afm\%[pfbfn].afm %pkopts *** MERGE *** .\pfb\%[pfbfn].pfb %[pkdir]\%[pkfn].pk ps2pk -V -P10 -X%[pkres] -a.\afm\%[pfbfn].afm %pkopts *** MERGE *** .\pfb\%[pfbfn].pfb %[pkdir]\%[pkfn].pk : If we didn't get a descent AFM then we built it with AFM2PFM. : Unfortunately, the bounding boxes are missing if we did that. : So add the bounding boxes with the UGLY HACKISH PKbbox program... iff %afmok == 0 then echo PKbbox to make bounding boxes... set tempafm=%@unique[.] c:\tex\util\pkbbox %pkdir\%pkfn.pk .\afm\%[pfbfn].afm > %tempafm move %tempafm .\afm\%[pfbfn].afm endiff : If there's no TFM, build it... iff not exist .\tfm\%[pkfn].tfm then echo AFMtoTFM... afm2tfm .\afm\%[pfbfn].afm .\tfm\%[pkfn].tfm endiff ::: If we didn't build a 10pt font, scale it appropriately ::iff not "%ptsz" == "10" then :: c:\tex\util\pkscale %[pkdir]\%[pkfn].pk .\tfm\%[pkfn].tfm /designsize:10 :: del %[pkdir]\%[pkfn].bak /q ::endiff : : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- : We're all done... popd endlocal quit 0