Take a GINO psuedo-code file (produced using the SAVDRA driver) and create
a sixel file in a format suitable for import into a LaTeX .LN3 file. The
default action is to produce an image the same size and scale as the saved
picture, using segment 0. The output filename is made from the supplied
file-spec, with a type of .SIX. See the GINO documentation for more
information on SAVDRA and picture segments, and the LaTeX user guides for
more information on LaTeX.


      GINOTOSIX  file-spec

To import the image into a LaTeX document, the \documentstyle option
"graphics" should be used, and the command 


inserted at the point where the image is wanted.  `width' and `height' 
MUST be specified explicitly as lengths, e.g.


This program was written by Sqn Ldr Jon Baggott (2 MESE). As he has left
the college, any problems should be directed towards Brian Hamilton Kelly

N.B. This command is NOT available by default; see Limitations below.  

2 Parameters


  Specifies the name of the SAVDRA file. The default file type is .PIC
  Wildcard characters are not allowed in the file specification.

2 Command_Qualifiers



  Specifies the size (in millimetres) of the sixel image. If the qualifier
  is not used, the default action is to copy the window size (or the paper
  size if windowing is not in effect) of the saved picture segment.

  WIDTH:n   specifies the width in mm of the sixel image.
            Defaults to the saved width.

  HEIGHT:n  specifies the height in mm of the sixel image.
            Defaults to the saved height.

  If only one option is specified, the parentheses may be omitted.

  NOTE:     if this qualifier is used in conjunction with the /SCALE
            qualifier, the action is first to scale, then window the
            image. If the /SCALE qualifier is not given, the image is
            scaled to fit the size specified. 


  /NOFORMFEED (default)

  Instructs GINOTOSIX to append a formfeed to the end of the sixel file.
  This allows the output file to be queued direct to a LN03 laser printer
  for previewing. A formfeed must NOT be included if the file is to be
  included in a LaTeX document. 



  Scale the stored image by a factor of x. The default scale factor is 1.0.

  NOTE:     if this qualifier is used in conjunction with the /SIZE
            qualifier, the action is to first scale, then window the
            image. If the /SIZE qualifier is not given, the stored size is
            scaled to produce the image size.



  Specifies the picture segment number in the SAVDRA file to use for
  producing the image. The default value is 0. is not specified, the
  maximum record length specified for the input file is used. 



  Controls where the sixel file is written. The specification of
  an output file is determined as follows:

      NODE      - if the node is not specified, the current node is

      DEVICE    - if the device is not specified, the current default
                  device is used. 

      DIRECTORY - if the directory is not specified, the current
                  default directory is used. 

      NAME      - if the file name is not specified or is an asterisk
                  wildcard, the name of the current input file is

      TYPE      - if the file type is not specified, or is an asterisk
                  wildcard, the type of the file is set to .SIX

      VERSION   - if the file version is not specified or is an
                  asterisk wildcard, a version number of 0 is used. If
                  a file with the same name and version number exists,
                  GINOTOSIX will issue a (FORTRAN!) error message. 

  NOTE:  Wildcard characters are not permitted in the directory

2 Limitations

GINOTOSIX only becomes available by defining it as a DCL command.
To do this, you MUST execute the DCL command


(just once) some time before issuing the GINOtosix command.  If you use 
this facility regularly, you may care to put the SET COMMAND in your 
LOGIN.COM file (somewhere after invoking @SYS$COM:LATEX).

GINOTOSIX was written in VAX FORTRAN and uses GINO routines. Some errors
are therefore trapped by FORTRAN or by GINO, rather than being handled

A scratch file is written and deleted in the default directory using the
name "GINOTOSIX.TMP". Write access to the current default directory is 
therefore required. 

2 Examples


GINOTOSIX will read the file FRED.PIC, and produce a file FRED.SIX from
segment 0. The size of the sixel image will be the same as the saved


GINOTOSIX will read FRED.GNO, and produce a half-size image in


GINOTOSIX will read segment 1 of FRED.PIC, and uniformly scale the image
to fit in a box 150mm wide and 100mm high. A formfeed will be appended to
the end of the output file (FRED.SIX).