
Font installation

These are installation instructions for the LH fonts package version 3.5(d-g).

The following sections are for teTeX, TeXLive, MikTeX and emTeX users;
however, it is simple to install LH fonts on any TeX system, as these
instructions are quite generic.

First of all, an important note. Please, REMOVE (i.e., backup) all old
LH fonts (all MF, PK, TFM and VF files) from your TEXMF tree, since
otherwise the name conflicts and unpredictable errors are guaranteed.
The fonts with names wn*.mf (e.g. which actually use LH
fonts also should be removed. However, the AMS Washington Cyrillic
fonts with names wncy*.mf (e.g. can happily coexist with
the LH fonts and should not be deleted.

After installing the fonts, you can test your setup with

  "tex testfont" or "latex nfssfont" or "tex fontchart"

specifying e.g. larm1000 as the font (testfont.tex is part of emTeX's
Metafont package). The directory `texmf/doc/fonts/lh/fonttest' of current
package includes textfox.tex which is the extension of testfont.tex (it inclues
\xtable command of table with decimal code numbers).

The LaTeX samples which could run standard and traditional font encodings
are in `texmf/doc/fonts/lh/samples' subdir. They could test the installation
of current package and of all fonts of chosen encoding.

teTeX, TeXLive, MikTeX:

teTeX: First, you can get the latest version of teTeX, --- it already
includes LH fonts properly installed (in particular, you should upgrade
from teTeX-0.4 to teTeX-1.0 or later).

If you have not cyrillic fonts package in your TeX system:
0) Check copied contents with manifest.txt
1) Unpack the LH fonts package. The directory tree follow the TeX
   directory structure for teTeX, TeXLive and MikTeX. Just copy all
   unzipped files into directories respectively.

NOTE. If you copied zip-files of both source package (lhfnt35* and
generated mf-files (lhfnt35* just follow step 1) and then 5)

2) If there were no lh-lcy, lh-ot2, lh-t2*, lh-x2, lh-xSlav subdirs
   in `texmf/fonts/source/lh' directory (i.e. you didn't copied
2a)go to the `texmf/source/fonts/lh/tex' directory;
2b)make sure that there are subdirectories with following names:
   any of them could be necessary during creation of METAFONT etc. files;
2c)run (plain) tex on 99allenc.tex to produce the base and miscellaneous
   (SliTeX, CM Bright, Concrete) font files for la, lb, lc, ld, rx, wn, and
   lh fonts for encodings T2A, T2B, T2C, T2D, X2, OT2, LCY, respectively.
   They will be created in appropriate lh-* subdirs.

   [If you won't need SliTeX, CM Bright or/and Concrete fonts, change flags
   \SliTeXtrue, \CMBrighttrue, or/and \Concretetrue flags to false 
   repectively in the file `texmf/source/fonts/lh/tex/setter.tex'.]

   [If your version of TeX does not support automatic (on the fly)
   generation of METAFONT files (for creation of TFM files), you may
   need to change the command \MakeFileHeadsfalse to \MakeFileHeadstrue
   in the file `texmf/source/fonts/lh/tex/setter.tex' first.]

2d)Copy all [non-empty] subdirs with created .mf files from
   `texmf/source/fonts/lh/tex/wrk' subdirectory into `texmf/fonts/source/lh'
   directory as a whole.

3) teTeX: Run mktexlsr (or texhash) to have all new files `registered'.
   Run Start>Programs>MikTeX>MikTeX Options>General>`Refresh Now' button.
   Run Start>Programs>TeXlive>Maintenance>`Rebuild ls-R filenames databases'.


[Instruction based on EmTeX95 release. With hope that it could be useful.]

1) Unpack the LH fonts package.
   Copying rules:
   subdirs from `zip:texmf/fonts/source/lh' (with mf-files)
    files from base, nont2, specific,lh-concrete subdirs
                      -> in the root of emtex/mfinput/lh-base
                         OR rename and move subdirs to emtex/mfinput/lh-<dir>
                         (with `lh-' prefix). ;
    all other subdirs (lh-<dir>) -> in the root of emtex/mfinput/lh-gen
                         OR move subdirs to emtex/mfinput/<lh-dir>
                         (with `lh-' prefix). ;
   subdir `zip:texmf/tex/latex/lhfonts'    -> emtex/texinput/lhfonts ;
   subdirs from `zip:texmf/doc/fonts/lh'   -> emtex/doc/lhfonts ;
   subdir `zip:texmf/source/fonts/lh/tex'  -> emtex/texinput/lhfonts/fntsrc ;
   subdir `zip:texmf/source/latex/lhfonts' -> emtex/texinput/lhfonts/texsrc .

2) If there are no lh-lcy, lh-ot2, lh-t2*, lh-x2, lh-xSlav subdirs
   in `zip:texmf/fonts/source/lh' directory:
2a)Go to the `zip:source/fonts/lh/tex' [emtex/texinput/lhfonts/fntsrc]
   [Follow instructions from 2b-2c in teTex... instructions]
   directory and run (plain) tex on 99allenc.tex to produce the base
   files for la, lb, lc, ld, rx, wn, and lh fonts for encodings
   T2A, T2B, T2C, T2D, X2, OT2, LCY, respectively. They will created in
   consequent lh-* subdirs. 

2b)Copy files from these subdirs to the root of `emtex/mfinput/lh-gen' 
   directory  OR move subdirs to emtex/mfinput/<lh-dir> (with `lh-' prefix).

3) Replace the file `emtex\mfjob\dvidrv.mfj' with
   to enable automatic .pk font creation for all standard lh encodings.
   [OR _append_ `zip:texmf/source/fonts/lh/dvidrvlh.mfj file at the head 
   of emtex's dvidrv.mfj.]

4) Change in setter.tex flag \MakeFileHeadsfalse to \MakeFileHeadstrue and
   run necessary ##**-<xx>.tex file where <xx> -- font in necessary encoding:
   01cm-lh.tex - LCY (DOS) encoding
   03cm-wn.tex - OT2 (AmS WNCYR) transliteration encoding
   04cm-vf.tex - 7-bit (N. Glonti) encoding
   11ex-rx.tex - X2 encoding
   12ex-la.tex - T2A encoding
   13ex-lb.tex - T2B encoding
   14ex-lc.tex - T2C encoding
   15ex-ld.tex - T2D encoding
   to create mfjob file(s).

5) Create the .tfm files you'll need, using the <xx>job.mfj files. This
   will *not* create PK files to save time.

6) To enable subdirectory searching, don't forget to have `!' or `!!'
   (whatever is appropriate for you) appended to the directory names in
   %MFINPUT% and %TEXINPUT% settings.

LaTeX installation

The subdir `texmf/source/latex/lh' includes minor additions (packages and
font definition files) to standard LaTeX cyrillic support (`latex/cyrillic' 

To install run following ins file(s):
lcyfonts.ins - LCY (DOS) encoding
ot2fonts.ins - OT2 (AmS WNCYR) transliteration encoding
t2ccfonts.ins - T2*/X2 encoding, additions for Concrete fonts 

There is also file nfssfox.dtx/ins - eXtension of nfssfont package
  (standard nfssfont.tex's set with additional \xtable command, which
  prints decimal letter codes). Install it and test font in the same way
  as with nfssfont.tex.

Checking of font and LaTeX installation

You may check installation of font and LaTeX installation in 
`texmf/doc/fonts/lh/samples' directory
lh-lcy.tex, lh-lcytext.tex - LCY (DOS) encoding
lh-ot2.tex, lh-ot2text.tex - OT2 (AmS WNCYR) transliteration encoding
lh-t2a.tex, lh-t2atext.tex - T2A encoding (change preamble to check other
                             T2*/X2 encodings and document encodings)

  Happy TeXing!

Please report errors to Olga Lapko, 