ePiX -- THANKS ePiX is built on the work of many people (unfortunately, most of whom I am unaware). A few of the obvious ones are, in alphabetical order: Donald E. Knuth TeX, and so much more Conrad Kwok eepic Leslie Lamport LaTeX Tim Morgan tpic Piet van Oostrum eepic Sunil Podar the epic style Richard M. Stallman the GNU project Till Tantau pgf/tikz Herbert Voss PSTricks Timothy Van Zandt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Special thanks to: For: Jay Belanger The emacs mode Robin Blume-Kohout Design suggestions Svend Daugaard Pedersen Extended coordinate systems and plotting capability Julian Gilbey Getting ePiX to work with autoconf/automake Guido Gonzato Creating and maintaining the RPM Marcus Hanwell Data plotting and manipulation code Yvon Henel French translation of the manual Jean-Michel Sarlat http://melusine.eu.org/syracuse/epix/ Andrew Sterian Pyepix and its Windows package --- Ports contributors and maintainers: Crux: Youn\`es Hafri http://yhafri.club.fr/crux/index.html Debian: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/tex/epix1 Julian Gilbey FreeBSD: http://www.freshports.org/graphics/epix/ Tsuguru Kato Gentoo: http://packages.gentoo.org/search/?sstring=epix Markus Dittrich Danny van Dyk Christian Faulhammer Olivier Fisette Chris Gianelloni Michael Hanselmann Marcus Hanwell David Holm Peter Johanson Patrick Kursawe Tobias Scherbaum Markus Ullmann T2: http://www.t2-project.org/packages/epix.html Ren\'e Rebe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Many thanks to the following people, who have helped publicize ePiX or reported and/or patched bugs (in both code and documentation) <Anonymous> Maik Beckmann Jay Belanger Felipe Paulo Guazzi Bergo Karl Berry Robin Blume-Kohout Patrick Cousot Stephen Gibson Julian Gilbey Dov Grobgeld Bob Grover Jim Hefferon Yvon Henel Hartmut Henkel Herng-Jeng Jou Walter A. Kehowski Jacques L'helgoual Kevin McKormick Ross Moore Thorsten Riess Neel Smith Michael Somos Andrew Sterian Ryszard Tanas Kai Trukenmueller Torbjorn Vik Wenguang Wang Gabe Weaver Mariusz Wodzicki