Geometry and  PsTricks
			 the pst-eucl package

DATE      September 2004


This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.

However, you MUST send me an Email with a small commentary!

Then you should consider making a donation:

    1. directly to the LaTeX3 team;
    2. and/or to me for the support of this package (choose one of the three)
	a. $1 or 1 euro (or more),
	b. some beautiful stamps (cancelled or not) of your country
           (for my children),
	c. a beautiful postcard with a beautiful stamp on it.

       my address:
			    Les Galini�res
		    07460 Saint Andr� de Cruzi�res


   for teTeX :

   If you want to just test it quickly, keep the files:, pst-eucl.tex and pst-eucl.sty

   in the directory where you work.

   For a good integration:

   copy to your local texmf directory :

	/usr/local/texmf.local/dvips/pstricks (for example)

   	pst-eucl.tex and pst-eucl.sty to a directory referenced
        by the TEXCONFIG shell global variable, or in the local texmf
	directory :


   run `texhash`

   if you don't have a local texmf directory, you can create it or ask
   the root to create it by modifying the file:


	remove the original for the first line:

% original texmf.cnf -- runtime path configuration file for kpathsea.

	uncomment the line for declaring the local directory and
        choose where to store it:

TEXMFLOCAL = /usr/local/texmf.local

	add this directory to the TEXMF directory list:


	normally it should work now!

	create the complete directory structure you want to use:

mkdir /usr/local/texmf.local
mkdir /usr/local/texmf.local/tex
mkdir /usr/local/texmf.local/tex/generic
mkdir /usr/local/texmf.local/tex/generic/pstricks
mkdir /usr/local/texmf.local/dvips
mkdir /usr/local/texmf.local/dvips/pstricks

   for Window$ : Ooops (I don't know)

	If you use fpTeX, it should be similar as teTeX, look for the
        texmf.local directory at the root of the texmf directory.

	anyway, the simplest is to keep these three files in the
        directory where you work!


    a ps and a dvi files are provided. In order to build them, just
    run LaTeX on euclide.tex (latex euclide). Depending of your TeX
    engine you may run out of memory...


    The directory Exemples contains all the exemples of the
    documentation. Each example is divided in two files:

	o <exemple>.tex which contains the pspicture declaration and an
          include to the second file,
	o <exemple>_in.tex which contains the exemple.

    In order to use them, you can merge both files and include
    them in a LaTeX file.